Return of the Genius Player Chapter 88

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088. Part 2 Players and Returners

As time passed, the Skeleton Knight’s attacks became more intense.

Now, as if they had become accustomed to my movements, they began to predict and attack.

‘Of course it’s still okay, but… … .’

As the frequency of using Air Anchor and Airbit increased and the amount of mana used increased, the allowed time was bound to decrease.

I had to think about it.

Even as the Skeleton Knight’s sword swept right over my head.

Even at the moment of doing an evasive maneuver by doing a somersault.

Because if you stop thinking, that moment is the end.

‘How have you ever dealt with enemies with such high defenses?’

The first thing that came to mind was the defeat of the ‘Tank Clone’ that I showed to Kim Do-jun, whom I met right after returning.

Break the weak point along the way. Dismiss.

Because there didn’t seem to be any particular defects in that guy’s bones.

A tough guy who breaks his own body?

That guy isn’t stupid enough to do that.

Resonance is created by matching the natural frequency?

How are we going to find out and mimic that frequency?

It felt like everything before my eyes was flashing white.

A myriad of thoughts passed through my mind in an instant.

Softening bones? You wouldn’t start with chemicals like that.

Create a drill using Magic Engineering Weapon Transformation and break it? No. The drill tip has to be harder than that guy.

How about making it hot and then quickly freezing it again? It’s a good idea, but there’s no way I can do it.

‘It would have been easier if that guy had real human bones… … .’

If that were the case, it might have been possible to attack the cartilage or the weak points between the bones and split them apart.

Most neutral monsters were living creatures, and those creatures had some sort of biological vulnerability.

But of course, the skeleton knight that moved while making that rattling sound had no cartilage.

… … ?

At that moment, I felt a strong sense of discomfort.

There is no cartilage or muscle.

But how does that guy move so naturally?

‘That was the right answer.’

Maybe it was because it had been so long since I had seen an undead monster that I couldn’t immediately think of it.

I wondered why I only found out about this obvious fact now.

Actually, it wasn’t that difficult of a problem.

Once you have decided on a course of action, there is nothing difficult.

It stopped using the air anchor to evade the attack and flew high enough to get close to the cave’s ceiling.

After that, he used a bullet equipped with a mana bomber to smash the ceiling of the cave.

Tata tata tang!

Since the [Piercing Eyes] illuminated a spot where it could be easily and plentifully destroyed, it didn’t take long for the ground to be filled with huge boulders.

The boulders instantly attached themselves to the spine of the skeleton knight, who was slow to move.

A square that is difficult to attack due to the characteristics of the human body’s range of motion.

Of course, there may be some defensive measures, so it would not be good to drag it out for too long.

‘The reason why a guy without cartilage or muscles can move like this… is probably because mana is holding this huge guy together.’

In other words, if you could interrupt that flow, it wouldn’t be difficult to break the spine and split it in two.

And that prediction was spot on.

I felt the passages of mana that replaced muscles and nerves. They were much thinner than bones, and there were countless strands of mana.

The dagger made with [Magic Engineering Weapon Conversion] glowed coldly.

It was time to cut this uselessly tough guy in two.

‘This won’t kill him completely, but I’ll think of a way to incapacitate him and then kill him slowly.’


“By the way, it’s hard to believe that it was only part 3 until recently, but its aerial maneuverability is incredible.”

“Right? I was surprised when I first saw him use the air anchor. He probably had never used it before, but he used it as if it were his own body.”

Kang Jun-hyeok and Lee Min-seok showered him with praise after seeing Lee Chang-hyun flying freely in the air.

‘There aren’t many people who use the air anchor that well… ‘

It was almost like a work of art, so even Kang Jun-hyuk couldn’t help but be surprised.

Of course, his other matches were pretty good as well, but his skills were even better when he was up against a skeleton knight who moved at an incredible speed despite having a body the size of a building.

“But it seems like they won’t be doing that anymore. I wondered how long it would last.”

“Well… … I don’t think he did that without meaning to. He’s smarter than I thought.”

As expected, Lee Chang-hyun suddenly stopped his evasive maneuver and flew up towards the ceiling.

The subsequent movements were gunfire aimed at collapsing the ceiling to some extent.

“Are you trying to break it down?”

“Um… … Well.”

Lee Min-seok and Kang Jun-hyuk weren’t the only ones who felt negative about the behavior.

“If that thing collapses like that, won’t it die too? I understand that you’re trying to do something by collapsing it, but… … .”

“Besides, even if you knock it down, that skeleton won’t die, right? It’s so strong, what would happen if a rock were to fall on it?”

It was all true.

But things went a little differently than others expected.

“Huh… …? I broke it like that, but it didn’t fall down?”


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“Aren’t you trying to completely collapse the cave?”

Although quite a few stones from the cave ceiling collapsed, the ceiling itself never collapsed.

Instead, the floor where the Skeleton Knight stands is filled with giant rocks.

“Binding your feet like that. In some ways, it’s a good idea, but considering the risk of it collapsing, it doesn’t seem like a very good idea. This time, it worked, though.”

“He used to do things like that a lot.”

Lee Min-seok laughed.

A situation where the entire cave could collapse if you’re not careful. A play where you take risks and walk a tightrope to achieve your desired goal in such a situation.

Lee Chang-hyun’s play didn’t stop there.

It dug into the boss’ spine, which was having difficulty moving due to the large boulders on the floor.

It was a possible choice, as it restricted the movements of the skeleton knight, who moved quickly and threateningly.

“Spine… … spine. The choice itself is good.”

“Because it’s the center of the body. But, I think you’ve already confirmed that it’s an unbreakable strength, but is there a separate part you’ve thought about?”

It didn’t take long to find out the answer.

Lee Chang-hyun transformed his weapon into a dagger using magical engineering weapon transformation, and then cut through the air between his spine.

“What are you doing?”

But that was only for a moment. As if it were a lie, the Skeleton Knight split up around the section that Lee Chang-hyun had chosen.

And only after a while did the two realize.

“Ah… … I see.”

“Since Skeleton Knights aren’t your typical monsters, it was something I never thought about.”

When killing a normal-sized Skeleton Knight, simply smash its head off. The same goes for other undead.

That is why it had to be a relativity that I had never thought of.

‘And this is the base.’

The basics of hunting. Observe your opponent, find out their weak points, and find out their weaknesses.

It’s impossible to remember the weaknesses and strategies of all neutral monsters.

Because at some point, there comes a time when you absolutely must observe it yourself and find out.

The skeleton knight, whose waist was cut in half, was not completely broken, but was effectively rendered incapacitated.

‘Then let’s see what that guy is doing in Part 2… … .’

The screen turned from Lee Chang-hyun to the second-team players.

“It’s a mess.”

“Yeah… … but that’s normal.”

Since the direction had been set to run away as much as possible from the beginning, the situation was a mess.

At first, you could avoid it in a cool way by using mana equipment, but mana is a consumable resource, so it was bound to run out.

He must have been dodging and blocking quite desperately, as his weapons and clothes were in tatters.

It was the same start and conditions. Both were difficult to catch due to lack of physical strength.

The results were completely opposite. One side had already caught everything and was wondering how to finish it, while the other side was being chased and was finally being finished.


Han Ji-hoo, who was watching this, ground his teeth. What an idiot. He couldn’t catch even one thing like that, so he just gave up and showed an ugly side.

It was worse than not going out.

“They said Chairman Lee Geun-taek chose it, but he’s kind of good at it.”

“He wasn’t supposed to be in the 3rd division to begin with. Well. Judging from the feel of it, he’s probably a new recruit with experience.”

As a result, it ended up only giving prominence to Lee Chang-hyun.


After the match, the results were tallied up on the screen after the two players had come out.

Random Time Attack Mode

[Lee Chang-hyun: 8 minutes 14 seconds]

[Kim Joo-han: Failure]

The atmosphere was different before the game and during the party.

“It’s pretty good. I honestly don’t know if it’s to the point where Kang Jun-hyeok would talk about it. Please take care of it.”

There are players who even approach you to shake hands first.

“You might know if you confront it directly.”

“Haha. You really are a fighting spirit. I don’t feel like sweating today. Oh, and you can talk about that later when Part 1 comes up. Haha.”

Well, I don’t think I’ve fully accepted it yet. But I can’t help it.

There are a lot of neutral monsters that come out in the 1st division or the international league that are much more awesome than those, so I guess I’ll just say “I don’t care about those things either.”

I guess it’s okay.

Instead, the real side had a completely funeral-like atmosphere.

“You shouted so loudly and then left, and now you’re acting like an eyesore, what is that?”

“I’m sorry… Ji-hoo.”


The atmosphere among the players in the second division was really bad, unlike the players in the first division.

Because it was no different from talking big and then getting blatantly beaten by a rookie.

It would have been okay if the results were just this level.

“Thanks to you, I didn’t get embarrassed.”

Kang Jun-hyeok, who was standing in front and watching, spoke to me in a friendly manner.

I guess I should have done well since they gave me so much praise at the awards ceremony.

But this guy, I get his intentions, but we just met for the first time today, so why is he acting so friendly?

“That’s right. I felt it from what you said at the awards ceremony earlier. You seemed to know each other. You seemed pretty close.”

Lee Min-seok said as if he found it strange.

“We’re just close friends, like siblings.”


I answered immediately.

At those words, Lee Min-seok laughed in disbelief.

“Okay, okay. Everything is good. But anyway, Changhyun, do you have a lot to worry about today?”

“The party is over now?”

Kang Jun-hyeok questioned Lee Min-seok’s words.

“Party? Haha. This is more of a party than a part 2.”

The second part that Lee Min-seok was talking about was The Hunter’s Day, a business session. Unlike the first part, which was mainly about parties, award ceremonies, and socializing, this was an event where the director, coaching staff, club owners, and sponsors were the main characters.

“Yes, that’s right.”

There were many areas that required support, such as increasing the number of team members, hiring additional coaches, and replacing team facilities.

That was also the main reason I attended this party.

And I thought that maybe this would be the most tiring time.


“There will be only slackers there, unlike the players. If you’re tired, don’t meet other people, and instead meet this person.”

Lee Min-seok handed over a business card.


‘Lehman… … .’

“Who is this?”

“Now that Chairman Lee Geun-taek has name value, wouldn’t it be better to do something big rather than fighting over something in a strange place?”

That was right.


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