Return of the Genius Player Chapter 78

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078. Dead end

“You only have a mouth. Why are you talking so much?”

In response to those words, it was SMB’s counterpart who was rather indignant.

The funny thing was that the other person still didn’t attack first.

Only then did I realize.

Even though we don’t know what it is, one thing is clear: the opponent doesn’t want to attack first.

If I had known that, I would have just not gotten along with the other person’s wishes.

‘Besides, if the fight drags on, it might actually be better for our team… … .’

In fact, in Lee Chang-hyun’s case, he fired two SMB team members and went to support other team members.

I don’t know what will happen in the future, but considering Lee Chang-hyun’s power, the longer I hold out, the more likely it is that it will be advantageous.

That’s why I held my shield more firmly and continued to maintain a defensive posture that was frustrating.


At that sight, SMB’s counterpart was clicking his tongue in disbelief.

It seemed that he had sensed that I had no intention of fighting or attacking first.

“Anyway, they’re just a bunch of worthless, filthy bastards who only know how to crouch… … .”

That was the time.

The opponent, unable to bear it any longer, charged forward with his knuckles flashing so brightly that it was almost blinding.

‘That’s… … .’

As expected, it was a similar tactic to the one Kim Do-jun had used before.

No matter how strong the defensive posture was, I couldn’t look at that flashing thing head-on.

As expected, I had no choice but to wear sunglasses.

And the opponent’s offensive, which activated the invisible clock without fail at the same time as putting on the sunglasses, was added.

A fist with a heavy weight. The strong power in the knuckles seemed to shake the entire body holding the shield.


It’s bearable.

Wearing armor, crouching, raising a shield and unfolding a mana shield behind him, like a turtle in its shell.

Even though it was hit and the vibrations reached deep into its body, it did not break easily.

It seemed like I had a vague idea why my opponent had intentionally shown me a weakness.

If we attack first and expose a gap in their defense, we can win much more easily.

I thought it was a good idea to prepare a defensive posture carefully.

But let’s think about that for a moment.

Boom! Boom! Kwak bang!

The SMB guy was hiding and continuously attacking the weak points with his knuckles.

When I thought about it, it didn’t matter whether we took a defensive stance or not, we were being attacked unilaterally and that trend would continue in the future.

‘If only the guy had been visible, I could have seen the counterattack angle when I went on the offensive… … .’

If things continued this way, in the worst case scenario, we could continue to be attacked until our defenses collapse.

Time was running out, but a solution had to be found.

‘Kim Do-jun… … Invisible Cloak… … Transparent Tactics… … .’

Come to think of it, I think I’ve had conversations about this topic with my team members…

It was around the time when the 1st LTD used that tactic and it became a hot topic.

“Wow… … From the perspective of the LTD opponent, there’s no answer to that. Isn’t it possible for the opponent to do that during our match as well?”

“Well, that’s what it is. But since it was used so openly in LTD, the tactic’s tactical value is no longer so destructive.

“I guess it will come out more often in the future.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Like me? It has to have sharp swordsmanship. Something like that.”

Kim Do-jun said with a proud grin, but Lee Chang-hyun snickered as he watched from the side.

“It’s not like that… … The LTD game just now or the RIX game back then were meaningful because the opponents didn’t expect this kind of tactic.

Even if we can predict that this kind of tactic might be used, there are quite a few ways to counter it.”


“What do you think of the Hunters League? It’s arrogant to think that you can continue to thrive in the Hunters League to that extent.”

Lee Chang-hyun smiled lightly.

“First of all, there are restrictions on the maps where that tactic can be used, and even just thinking about it, there are several ways to deal with it… …”

Starting with those words, a variety of unexpected response methods came out of Lee Chang-hyun.

But unfortunately, none of them were immediately usable. Everything required a fair amount of preparation.

Instead, I clearly remember Lee Chang-hyun’s last words.

“Of course, there are so many methods, but in reality, most or all of the ones I mentioned are not applicable in real life without preparation, right?

But you know, there are actually simpler ways to improvise for things like this than you might think. For example, there are ways to deal with it even if you only have one area-of-effect skill like Lee Gil-han.”

“Is there something like that? What is it?”

Lee Chang-hyun answered with a sly smile.


Meanwhile, the broadcast screen was focusing on Yoon Han-gyeol for a long time.

[Commentator: This SMB team’s concept is clear! From the beginning, we brought the transparent tactics we used in the last PER with the goal of individual destruction!]

[Caster: Ah… … Player Yoon Han-gyeol. He can’t avoid a classic. It looks like it’ll be difficult because the hallway is narrow and you can’t see your opponent. I wonder what will happen… … ]

[Commentator: Ah… … This is hard. Player Yoon Han-gyeol! If you don’t find a solution, the game is over! Indeed… … … …!!!! Player Yoon Han-gyeol~~ This!!]

When Yoon Han-gyeol thought he was cornered by unfavorable terrain and an invisible opponent.

After blowing up the wall with a mana bomber, the situation changed completely.

The terrain expanded, and the opponents were revealed by the dust from the explosives.

[Wow… … You found this like that.]


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It seems like you found a way to destroy it in advance ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Wow, but isn’t he a genius? It doesn’t seem like he came early. Judging from the fact that he broke it in the middle.

N This is [PER]. Do you understand?

N 2nd division level lol

N SMB is going to be destroyed like a dog~

N Now, if I just show it, it won’t be a match, right? It’s a fucking cut, right?

And just like the actual chats that came up, Yoon Han-gyeol easily defeated his opponent.

[Commentator: Ah… … A reversal has occurred. At a time when it was predicted that all the PER players, except for Lee Chang-hyun, would have a hard time in 1-on-1 matches, this is a huge achievement!]

But the caster’s words were fleeting. As if to prove the urgent situation, the screen quickly changed.

[Caster: Ah! That’s right. But the battle isn’t just happening in one place right now!]

The next place that was revealed was the battlefield where Lee Gil-han was fighting.

No, it was ambiguous to even call it a fight. Because on screen, it looked like Lee Gil-han was getting beaten up.

‘Well… … It would have been okay if Yoon Han-gyeol had brought him, but Lee Gil-han was originally a last-place player in the third division.’

As Lee Geun-taek, I have also seen that child play. He is a truly poor player. Nothing more, nothing less.

Rather, I thought that it was commendable that he just held on well and didn’t rush in recklessly like he usually does.

Because compared to before, this will be much more helpful.

But the crouching posture in defense only lasted for a moment. Suddenly, Gilhan started to move.

‘You’re making a choice that’s disadvantageous to your defense… … .’

Lee Geun-taek clicked his tongue at the sight. If he had just stayed in one place and not moved, he could have lasted longer… … .

But that thought was fleeting. Lee Geun-taek could tell that Lee Gil-han had not moved his position for no reason.

You might think that the change in location isn’t really a big deal, but it ended up making a big difference.

‘With a wall behind you… … .’

A difference that may seem simple at first glance, to the point where it feels like it’s barely…

However, Lee Geun-taek couldn’t stop smiling happily.

‘I guess you’re teaching properly.’

That one, very simple and slight difference changes the course of battle.

Now, the opponent can’t attack from the wall you’re facing, so the directions you can attack from are limited.

And the fact that the direction in which you can attack is limited means that if you just time it right, you can predict the exact location of your opponent’s attack.

‘You raised him smartly.’

And the very next moment I thought that.

At the very moment when SMB’s player was about to attack, at the very moment when he could not avoid it, Lee Gil-han’s [Destructive Charge] struck.

A smile naturally appeared on Lee Geun-taek’s face.

It wasn’t just Lee Chang-hyun who grew up.

Team PER was growing.


Meanwhile, in some places the battle between PER and SMB team members had ended, while in others it had not even begun yet.


The spaceship that Lee Yeon-joo is currently in was like that.

It seemed like he was someone who could hear very well.

At first, I didn’t think much about it and just communicated with my teammates through earphones and walked around the map, but every time I did that, the other person’s location got dramatically closer to Yeonju Lee, perhaps because I heard them.

I felt like he had unusually good hearing.

It was clearly because the distance was such that I thought I wouldn’t be able to hear it…

In any case, given the circumstances, a kind of hide-and-seek game between Lee Yeon-ju and the other person continued.

Again. Again.

I covered my face with both hands, trying not to make a sound.

‘But this is only for a moment… … I guess… … In the end, I’ll have to distance myself… … .’

For now, fortunately, the other person seemed to pass by without noticing.

“… … Hey! I’m done too. Which way should I go? Is there anyone in danger right now?”

Kim Do-jun’s voice leaked out from the earphones.

‘… … !’

I looked up in confusion for a moment, and found myself locking eyes with the person who had returned after hearing the sound.

Lee Yeon-ju was so shocked that she screamed in her mind, but she was so shocked that she couldn’t even scream and ran down the spaceship corridor.


An opponent who becomes close to you in an instant.

The moment the location became right in front of Lee Yeon-ju’s nose, she instantly lowered her body as if sliding.


In an instant, her long hair, still floating in the air, was cut off by something sharp, unlike her body that had fallen down.

“It’s like a rat.”

A woman with a sharp voice appeared behind them, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.

A strong mana and force that can be felt from beyond.

It was an opponent I had no idea I could win against.

I wish I had been able to wander around freely before we met so I could have found some relics.

Even that was impossible because of the other person’s sensitive senses.

So there is only one choice: to run away.

The moment he finished thinking, he scattered the airbeats and quickly tried to distance himself.

“Where are you running away to?”

The other person with the creepy laugh was ahead in an instant.

‘Airdash… … .’

As expected, Airdash was much faster than Air Anchor or Airbeat over short distances.

‘I can’t ignore you… … .’

Moreover, unlike the previous Hunter Survival where you competed for survival, the map was a limited space called a spaceship.

A situation where there isn’t much space to escape to.

Still, the only option is to run away.

I had no choice but to somehow avoid the attacks and run away.

There was no easy hope in sight.

At some point, there was a dead end wall where Lee Yeon-ju could no longer escape.

“Now I’m done running away like a rat… … .”

The person across from me was smiling brightly.


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