Return of the Genius Player Chapter 73

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073. A small moment of growth

For Lee Yeon-ju, Hunter Survival was not as smooth as she thought.

“Uh… … I thought… … I could… … .”

I couldn’t help but sigh at the ‘Hunter Survival’ that lasted all day.

I thought to myself, “There are some team members who are doing well, but what about me?”

The feeling of helplessness that others can do it but I can’t.

And I felt hopeless that it wouldn’t get any better.

The only skills he has are location measurement and long-distance binding.

‘Honestly, if I hadn’t come to this team, I would have disappeared without a trace in the third division. I might have been holding myself back… … .’

This time, it was the same. Chang-Hyeon said that if you just get used to ‘Hunter Survival’, you’ll have a pretty good chance of winning the promotion match.

Now, even the middle rankings felt far away.


[55 people/53rd place: Lee Yeon-ju [Part 3, PER]]

As I looked at the rankings before my eyes, my thoughts became even more negative.

In fact, the team’s success so far was all thanks to Chang-Hyeon…

When I was so depressed and bowing my head in the waiting room,

“I’m sleepy?”

I was startled by Chang-Hyeon’s words that I suddenly heard.

“Ah… … No… … . But why… … .”

“Why, why? They’re already finished. Now it’s Yeonju’s turn.”

At the place where Lee Chang-hyun gestured, PER team members who had finished one-on-one training with Lee Chang-hyun were already sitting.

Everyone seemed to be chatting away innocently, just like usual.

Well, those kids’ superpowers are pretty useful, and their fighting abilities aren’t bad either, so they’re probably different from me…

“What’s wrong? Are you really sleepy?”

“Ah… … No. Let’s go.”

A little bit of anxiety about whether I can be a useful person on the team.

And the guilt of having a superpower that is objectively of dubious use.

Leaving those burdens behind, I followed Lee Chang-hyun.

The place we arrived at was a custom room where we could adjust the practice facilities as we pleased.

But contrary to expectations, practice didn’t start right away. Lee Chang-hyun just stared at me as if he had something to say.

Then, out of the blue, Lee Chang-hyun opened his mouth.

It was as if he had become serious, and he suddenly became formal.

“When you play a game, do you know what the most important thing you should not do is?”

“Well… … . Mistake?”

Today’s Hunter Survival was full of mistakes.

He failed to get the relic first, stumbled in the fight with his opponent, and was easily killed while running away.

And Lee Chang-hyun would have been watching it all silently.

So… … Lee Chang-hyun will think like that.

I bowed my head in shame at my own shame.

But Lee Chang-hyun shook his head at those words.

“It’s not the mistakes, it’s the fear of making mistakes. Because if you’re afraid, you won’t try. What you really have to be afraid of is not trying anything. Even when you think it’s really over.”

“… … .”

“If you fail to secure the relics, you will have to destroy the relics you do not have, and prevent their use. If you stumble and fall in a fight with your opponent, you will have to grab the ankle in front of you and break it.”

Lee Chang-hyun was looking straight at me with his straight eyes, unlike usual.

As if it didn’t matter whether you could do anything or not.

As if they were just telling us to fight. As if that were enough.

But that serious atmosphere was short-lived. Lee Chang-hyun smiled wickedly and said.

“Oh, of course you can’t make mistakes. So you just have to keep trying until you don’t make any mistakes.”

“… … ?”


Gasp… … Gasp… … ..

Not even a few minutes into my one-on-one lesson with Lee Chang-hyun, I was breathing heavily.

It was a training that pushed me to the limit, to the point where I couldn’t even think.

The training method was simple. In a place with various maps and relics, Lee Yeon-ju would safely reach a randomly selected meeting point.

Lee Chang-hyun was the one who prevented it.

One time, I checked that Lee Chang-hyun was far away and ran quickly to the meeting point.

But a bullet flew in from somewhere and pierced my body, and the game was over.

“One, when an enemy is detected from a distance, or when the opposing team has a ranged dealer, always move while being aware of a sniping spot, or move along a path that is impossible to sniper.”

Lee Chang-hyun left after giving advice to the fallen Lee Yeon-ju. The next game started right away.

In that game, Lee Yeon-ju remembered Lee Chang-hyun’s words.

‘That’s right… … Since Chang-Hyeon uses a gun, he’s conscious of long-range dealers… … .’

But this time, was the respawn location not good?

It felt like Lee Chang-hyun was patrolling around the meeting place first to prevent anyone from entering there.

It was fortunate that I was able to figure out the location.

The junction point was quite large, so you could just get inside the place while you were as far away as possible.

When he thought like that and started running while being conscious of the sniping point to enter, Lee Chang-hyun approached Lee Yeon-ju much faster than expected, using the air anchor and air beat, as if flying through the sky.

“Two, close range dealers have better approach methods as they go up the leagues. Don’t let your guard down just because they’re far away.

And when an opponent stronger than you is blatantly guarding your target, you should prioritize finding countermeasures, such as finding relics elsewhere, rather than directly targeting the target.”


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… … And so the practice continued. Every time I died, I received some advice, and I tried to remember that advice as much as possible.

Sometimes as a sniper, sometimes as a close-range dealer, sometimes as an assassin… … Since I was attacking in various ways rather than just one, there were more than one or two things to consider.

I didn’t feel like I was getting used to it at all.

That’s understandable. After all, by the end of the practice, we never reached our goal.

However, Lee Chang-hyun tilted his head and spoke to Lee Yeon-ju.

“Is this enough? Let’s do Hunter Survival again.”

Honestly, Lee Yeon-ju became depressed because she thought that even if she did it again, the result would be similar to before.

But at the same time, I remembered what Lee Chang-hyun had said before the 1-on-1 practice.

If you stumble and fall in a fight, the saying goes, grab the ankle in front of you and break it.

‘Honestly, I don’t know… … but… … .’

Still, I thought, just one more time.

Hunter Survival has begun again. As expected, the map is completely unfamiliar.

It was a strangely atmospheric area with a bridge connected to a cliff and a strangely shaped shrine, with snow falling heavily.

First, start in a place where there are no people. Then, as soon as you respawn and touch the ground… …

[Location Specific: B-]

Since it is a location tracking ability based on mana, I started looking for the relic first, following Lee Chang-hyun’s words that it would also apply to relics imbued with mana.

Naturally, it didn’t take long to find the relic.

Because I could feel the relic’s mana from not too far away.

‘But… … There definitely seemed to be someone around there just a few minutes ago… … .’

During my one-on-one lesson with Lee Chang-hyun, I remembered the time I was assassinated.

At that time, I clearly told you how to deal with an opponent who hides his presence.

There are guys who will lie in wait near the relics to kill you, so always think about whether there are people around before you get the relic.

After much thought, I shook my head.

Of course, we had to find a more reliable and safer way to obtain the relic.

As expected, one of the people who had just approached the relic disappeared, and another suddenly appeared.

‘As expected, it was an ambush… … .’

And in the meantime, I went to a place where no one else was. I was able to obtain an artifact.

[Longinus’ Spear: Any target stabbed by the spear will die instantly]

Fortunately, it was an offensive relic. I was lucky.

‘If it’s this… … .’

I thought maybe this time I would rank a little higher.

But even though I had those thoughts, I never approached the other person first.

Just hide in the snow and wait for your opponent to come while pinpointing their location in the increasingly narrow map.

“Melee dealers are basically agile and really fast. Of course, they won’t win in a head-on fight. If they don’t have a relic, they’ll run away without revealing their location, and if they do… … ”

It seemed like Lee Chang-hyun’s words were playing in my head.

‘If there is one, wait for the opponent and kill them in one go after [Binding: A+] at the perfect timing.’

Hidden in the snow, I counted the numbers. One. Two.

And he activated his superpower while perfectly considering the speed and direction of his opponent’s movement. [Binding: A+].

“Huh… …? What, what is it?”

Outside the window, I heard the opponent panicking. After hearing that sound, I immediately moved to attack the opponent.

But the moment I left the scene, I regretted it. Thinking back, there were quite a few times when I faked it by acting like he was tied up during my 1-on-1s with Lee Chang-hyun.

That was because I had a feeling that it might be a trap.

But fortunately, the opponent was not Lee Chang-hyun.

The opponent was tied up tightly with a quick skill in a perfectly expected location.

At that moment, I was able to realize.

‘It’s much easier than practicing with Changhyun… ‘

Is this the result of training?

I felt inferior because I thought that I could only beat my opponent this way, but on the other hand, I realized that I had grown.

A small smile appeared on his face.

There was no hesitation. I stabbed my opponent with my spear.

At the same time, exhale and inhale the breath you have been holding.


It feels like the blood is flowing quickly throughout my body.

A heart pounding like crazy. Cheeks flushed red.

The scent of warm yet cool air.

For a split second, I had a feeling that this moment would be one I would never forget for the rest of my life.

That was my first kill, even though my team was on a winning streak so far.


Time passed by so quickly that I didn’t even have time to blink.

For over a week, PER’s team members were being roasted by Lee Chang-hyun, dying, realizing something, and when they weren’t, they continued to play ‘Hunter Survival’.

There was even talk among team members about whether it was okay to neglect Hunters League practice like this.

But what made even such talk die down was the overwhelming rise in the PER team members’ ‘Hunter Survival’ rankings.

‘I knew Changhyun was great, but… … I didn’t know it would be to this extent.’

[48 people / 8th place: Lee Yeon-ju [Part 3, PER]]

Yoon Han-gyeol thought that even if the other team members didn’t know, Lee Yeon-ju would never make it into the top 10, but now there are quite a few instances where she even breaks through that barrier.

Of course, my Hunter Survival Rank isn’t that high yet, but it was a drastic growth on a different level from a week ago when I was counting from behind much faster.

Moreover, growth was not just Lee Yeon-ju’s.

During the 1-on-1 training with Lee Chang-hyun, was it because Lee Chang-hyun assumed various weapons, positions, situations, and maps and attacked using magic engineering weapon transformation?

For PER’s team members, there weren’t many situations that felt completely new or unexpected, no matter what happened.

Of course, if you look at the details, there were new things happening every time, but I always had an idea of ​​how to respond to them in the big picture.

It was as if Lee Chang-hyun had planted a manual book in the heads of his team members.

Looking at the PER team members’ Hunter Survival average ranking chart that Yoon Han-gyeol was looking at in front of him, it became even more clear.

‘Yeah, this is our team. This is our team captain.’

A smile appeared on Yoon Han-gyeol’s face.

But on the other hand, I had doubts.

‘But how does Chang-Hyeon know so many countermeasures…? It’s very different from the previous 3 games… The strategy and the game itself… Anyway, I’ve heard that our captain is really smart.’

Compared to the coaches and managers he had met so far, including at Hunter Seoul City Academy, his know-how and understanding were on a different level, and Yoon Han-gyeol thought that he had made the right decision to join this team.


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