Return of the Genius Player Chapter 6

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006. The expected guy

Finding the next star to take charge of the future of the Hunters League… … sounds good, but

‘Is it true that the first round is a document screening?’

I didn’t know this because I had never even considered it before returning, except for the offer to be a judge.

I thought I would win by simply killing, capturing, and subduing like in a Hunter’s League match…

Besides, looking at the questions, there didn’t seem to be much that could be appealing.

First of all, in addition to writing your age, height, and physical status in your personal information, you can also write your affiliation.

Are only the guys from the Academy going to be so excited?

There’s nothing I can do about it, since they’re all proven guys even among amateurs…

[Question 1: Describe the occupation you worked in before becoming an Awakened Person and challenging the Hunter, and what you did to overcome adversity in that occupation.]

There was no age limit for this program, and it seemed to be a question because there were quite a few people who participated despite being somewhat older, but who were pursuing their dreams.

Of course, after returning, nothing much happened, and there was no way that there would be any adversity…

[Question 2: Describe an experience where you encountered conflict while working in a group and how you resolved it.]

Group activities? After returning, I stopped doing such activities at school, and before returning, I trained my team members to only listen to my orders.

Hmm… … I think this is doomed. I thought I would definitely win if I just participated, but I didn’t expect there to be a surprise like this… … .

But what can they do if they write like this? After all, Hunter’s League is not about talking, it’s about skill.

There will probably be some mistakes, so it will be okay if you make up for them there.

While I was thinking about that, I looked at the remaining three questions.

[Question 3: For question 3, please click “here”]

Here… … it’s processed in blue like a hyperlink, but I wonder what it is.

Is it normal to attach hyperlinks to document screening documents like this?

The moment I clicked on the hyperlink for question number 3 with that thought in mind, something surprising happened.

The skills of an Awakened are usually created based on the Awakened’s own experience or uniqueness.

‘Then what on earth do you normally do to acquire such abilities?’

The place I was now was no longer inside the room.

The moment I clicked on the link with the blue underline, the scenery changed to a completely white room.

It seemed to be an ability that could cause things like teleportation or hallucinations.

Fortunately, it wasn’t anything like a kidnapping or an attack.

“The third evaluation item is a kind of semi-realistic [Clone 3-minute Time Attack]. Prove your skills by catching clones that continuously appear for 3 minutes. In the case of weapons, the weapons that the user imagines will be implemented exactly as they are.”

A calm, mechanical voice inside the white room announced the rules.

In short, since we’re evaluating hunters, we need to look at things like skills and combat sense, but it seems there are too many applicants to make them do all that.

I guess God hasn’t completely abandoned me.

I thought of the twin pistols, a weapon I often used before my regression as [Magic Engineering Weapon Conversion].

Soon, the thought became reality, and a blue spark appeared on his hand, which soon took the shape of a pistol.

A pistol that uses mana as bullets, which was my signature weapon before my return, although it is rarely used.

‘It’s a weapon made from imagination, but does this apply skills to it too…?

I tried to drain mana with my hand to use the skill, but there was no change to the weapon.

I guess it’s a fantasy weapon, and not something that actually uses magic engineering.

As I was thinking that, a sound rang out from above my head again.

“Are you ready? Let’s start the evaluation. 5- 4-… … 1! Start!”

With the sound of a horn signaling the start, exciting music started playing, whose sense I don’t know, and clones were summoned from all directions.

Clone. A humanoid robot with no special features.

In short, it can be explained as a scarecrow that just rushes in.

Of course, unlike the tank clone, there is no special setting such as having exceptional defensive power.

‘Of course, even if that’s true, it won’t be easy to defeat them if they attack 10 at a time like they are doing now.’

Fortunately, the clone’s intelligence level was not set high.

Taking this into account, those who are probably a bit clever will probably hunt them down like they are hunting in a game.

Of course I didn’t intend to do that.

‘It may seem efficient at first glance, but… … this is what’s truly efficient.’


The mana bullet fired concisely at the clone passed right through the heart area, that is, the area where the clone’s integrated circuits were located.

The clone, which had a hole the size of a finger in the middle of its chest, stopped moving as soon as it was hit, and then disappeared without a trace.

Hitting the exact weak point with precision. That was the really effective way to do this test.

Even if you kill them all with a single blow, there are only ten of them left.

Once you’ve caught all of those entities, the clones will be summoned again and you’ll have to hunt them down again.

But Lee Chang-hyun did not go through any of those processes.

Bang tata tang tang!

The muzzles of the twin pistols fired continuously without cooling down, and they hit the clone’s pinpoints with precision.

All it took for an entity to be identified was a single point of the finger.

‘It’s easy.’

Stand still, slowly turn around, and use your piercing eyes to shoot your dual pistols.

This was one of the foundations that connected to Lee Chang-hyun’s existence before his return, the name [Legendary Sniper].

But unfortunately, it didn’t continue that easily.

As clones continued to appear and disappear as soon as they were created, the number of clones appearing at once increased exponentially.

Not only that, but the attack moves and movements were changing.

‘Are you adjusting the difficulty remotely?’

Or, for those who are already quite good at it, the difficulty level may have been adjusted to increase.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that things will change much.


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‘I am the same whether I walk or run in front of people.’


The judges had no choice but to be busy without rest starting this month.

First of all, even after screening out applicants with insufficient issue-related content, there were so many applicants that the screening committee had to filter out thousands of applicants.

“Mr. Suhyuk, don’t you think there was a problem with the design?”

“Surely, if you want to make an issue of it, you can make an issue of it.”

Joara was taking issue with the passing of one of the applicants currently being evaluated.

“This is not our intention.”

This was the third question designed to test the Awakened’s abilities or physical abilities, such as reflexes, ability to deal with unexpected situations, and ability to handle weapons.

But this applicant solved it in a way that had nothing to do with those abilities.

“Who wouldn’t be able to deal with a clone if you just hold a gun like that and shoot? That’s completely foul play. And this applicant… … .”

[Question 1: Describe the occupation you worked in before becoming an Awakened Person and challenging the Hunter, and what you did to overcome adversity in that occupation.]

[Applicant’s answer: Student. Life is so easy that I’ve never experienced anything that could be called adversity.]

[Question 2: Describe an experience where you encountered conflict while working in a group and how you resolved it.]

[Applicant’s answer: To avoid conflict, just leave all decisions to me.]

“It’s completely vague. And is this content normal?”

Certainly. Most people answered the questions faithfully, spending more than a page per question.

But this guy’s length is also lengthy, and even his content is extremely abnormal. His attitude and answers are almost as if he is mocking the judges.

I couldn’t send this guy up. After narrowing it down to 100 people in the first document screening, he would come to the program and be evaluated directly.

Look at the guy who uses tricks like this to get a high score 3 times and plays the role of a hunter carelessly appearing on TV.

Not only will the applicants receive bad reviews, but the judges who selected them will also be criticized.

“Ara is definitely right.”

“That’s right, Senior Minseok!”

“To begin with, guns aren’t weapons that hunters can use. Of course, you can’t even imagine using them in the League, and when hunting monsters… … .”

If you think about why the only weapons that could be considered long-range in the Hunter’s League are bows and crossbows, it’s a simple problem.

The moment the projectile leaves the Awakened’s body, the mana that was adjusting to make the weapon powerful is dispersed again.

Therefore, its destructive power is bound to be weak, and it cannot penetrate the bodies of Awakened beings or monsters that have been strengthened with mana.

‘Unless you load it with a fairly strong amount of mana, the mana loaded on the projectile will dissipate before it even reaches its destination.’

In that sense, a gun with a high rate of fire was a weapon that was difficult to load with mana individually or to load with a large amount of mana.

The gun is a “weapon exclusively used to massacre civilians” that is only effective against clones with weak durability.

It is a weapon that has never been used in the domestic Hunter’s League and is far from being a weapon to boast about in the first place.

In addition, at first glance, the third test seems to have been created with the intention of testing a hunter’s practical abilities, such as their individual skills, talents, physical abilities, and weapon skills.

Passing through a gun that is practically useless is a stroke of luck.

“But why am I more drawn to this applicant?”


“Ara-ssi. I think the same as Minseok-sunbae. In other words, you could interpret this as an applicant who clearly sees through the loopholes in the rules.”

As Jo Ara showed no sign of agreement, Jin Soo Hyuk’s speech became longer and longer.

“Whether it was luck or not, what’s important is that you’ve clearly achieved results by breaking through the loopholes in the rules. In fact, the means may not matter. After all, a hunter speaks through results.”

“Yeah… … Suhyuk is right. Since it’s not the final selection anyway, if you don’t like it, you can just eliminate him midway.”

In fact, there was no disagreement at the point where two out of three judges agreed.

“And I think maybe the applicant’s thoughts are a little different from ours.”

“What does that applicant think?”


It’s not certain, but it’s a very possible assumption.

The intent of Test 3 is clear and easy for applicants to understand.

‘This applicant may have done so because he thought he could use a gun in the Hunter’s League.’

Rather, it may be that the opponent is simply a clone, and thus has not been able to prove that the gun is a weapon that can be used in the Hunter world.

Of course, this may be a bit far-fetched.

Lee Min-seok imagined what would happen if, really, he had the skill to make guns usable in the Hunter’s League.

‘That’s ridiculous.’

I soon had no choice but to reject that idea.

It was like modern people shooting guns at primitive people using cold weapons. It was one-sided violence.

Of course, Lee Min-seok thought it would end as a one-sided wish.

It is not easy for a player to emerge who can change the paradigm of the Korean Hunters League, which has a certain amount of history.

“Still, I wish you could show me something.”

It felt like buying a lottery ticket, not knowing if it would be a dud or a winner.

“Then, is this applicant the last one? Don’t feel too bad either.”

“No, it’s not that I’m dissatisfied… … I just thought that if someone like this were chosen, the other applicants would feel disappointed. Well, I’ve forgotten all about it now. Let’s stop talking about that.”

Joara made a gesture that seemed to fill her mouth with jacquard and then organized her documents.


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