Return of the Genius Player Chapter 58

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058. Clash

[Did you just see the Igi-geom flying in the air blow up with one gesture? LOL]

N What the heck is that? Are you a person with superpowers? I thought I was watching a movie CG.

N So they’re all hunters, but are they normal people? Of course they’re all superpowered.

N Honestly, it’s a bit of a mess. I don’t know what kind of ability it is, but isn’t it some sort of telekinesis? There’s a “romance” to telekinesis…

N Lee Chang-hyun PER suckers are starting to ride the tightrope~ “The real strong team LTD” is getting real education~

[Did you see Lee Chang-hyun go in himself even though he couldn’t stand it anymore even though it was his own team? PER is destroyed like a dog~]

No, no~ There’s no one in the 3rd league who can face Lee Chang-hyun~

n It ends when the sniper loses his temper and charges because he doesn’t like the melee dealers? Seriously, isn’t this a basic tactic?

ㄴ That’s true. But it’s not like the situation is right for sniping either…

N By the way Ryu Jaejun?? Who is that new guy on the roster? He’s seriously a super rookie

It looks like LTD spent some money on the 3rd league as well. I think we’ll see him in the 2nd or 1st league soon after he gains some experience. I’m really looking forward to it.

Internet netizens and commentators were reacting explosively, like a flood bursting.

This was because LTD showed a counterattack against PER’s new tactics, which had emerged as a new loser by showing an overwhelming and fresh appearance in the third part.

With just one gesture, a powerful wave of mana occurs, and the flying mana bombers explode all at once!

This was something that even PER coach Lee Jong-gyu couldn’t help but be surprised by.

To be honest, Lee Jong-gyu wasn’t that great in terms of tactics in the Hunters League.

That was because he had already realized that the ‘bomber combination’ that Lee Chang-hyun had created was difficult to deal with and powerful.

But, that was broken with a single gesture from LTD.

Lee Jong-gyu thought that Lee Chang-hyun must have been quite embarrassed as well.

And at the same time, thoughts of defeat began to creep into my mind.

If we lose this game, it will only be our second loss… but I thought it would be a big blow to the guys who were on a roll, especially Lee Chang-hyun.

As a coach, Lee Jong-gyu often saw players get excited in situations like this and ruin the season.

‘Even though they are hunters and superpowered people with great strength, they are still mentally no different from children… … .’

Lee Jong-gyu secretly decided that he had to step forward and calm the PER team members so that they would not get upset or depressed if they lost, and so that they could calmly prepare for the next game.

Even if we lose the game now, I thought that if we stay calm and take one step at a time, it will be okay.

But let’s think about that for a moment.

Lee Chang-hyun, who had recently been playing the role of a sniper and long-range dealer, was rushing into the middle of enemy lines.

In Lee Jong-gyu’s opinion, it was absolutely not a wise move. It was not something that had been agreed upon in advance at all.

‘Could it be… … that you got excited for a moment because your strategy was blocked?’

Although he did think that he might make poor decisions because he was mentally immature, Lee Jong-gyu couldn’t help but stamp his feet while watching the game, not expecting things to happen this quickly.

But that too was only for a moment.

Lee Chang-hyun, who had thought he would be defeated and easily defeated by entering the enemy lines, began to show surprising behavior.


Even before the return, and even now, I have always been in the position of making judgments. Who should I deploy to the battlefield where fierce fighting is taking place? Who should accompany those personnel to create synergy.

Who should not go there, and who should guard the rear of the charging personnel.

He was a person who kept all the blueprints in his head and drew out the pictures.

So, it would be a lie to say that I didn’t take this situation into consideration.

To be exact, I saw Ryu Jae-jun when I didn’t even have time to say anything to Coach Lee Jong-gyu.

From that moment on, Lee Chang-hyun was able to picture this scene in his head.

Ryu Jae-jun was one of the partners at LTD before Lee Chang-hyun returned.

How that guy could counter the bomber combination and what would happen when he charged afterward were all within the expected range.

That’s why I was able to blurt it out without much emotion.


I snipe from outside for a moment. As expected, I felt that if I didn’t want to lose the game like this, the only way left was to go inside and sweep it myself.

When I used [Piercing Eyes], the insides were projected and visible one by one.

There were only a few PER team members left, and they were rushing towards Ryu Jae-jun. It was Yoon Han-gyeol and Han Ji-soo.

… … If I lost those two, there was a high chance that this game wouldn’t be easy even for me. So I had no choice but to jump right in.

As soon as they enter the room, Han Ji-soo and Yoon Han-gyeol are blown away by Ryu Jae-jun’s [Wave].

That probably won’t kill you, but it’ll take some time to process the blow.

I had to buy time. It would be better to get rid of it if possible.

In the front, there are Ryu Jae-jun and two LTD team members on either side.

From what I remember before returning, Ryu Jae-jun is quite a cautious person. If I can defeat the two who rush at me before the cautious guy makes a move himself, I can free myself from the joint attack.


On one side, a melee dealer approached with a loud voice. A typical melee dealer type with a sword and shield.

The status that can be seen beyond the guy is by no means low. And the skills also look quite useful.


‘There have been countless instances like this even before the regression.’

I thought back to the past.

What was my first debut match? At that time, I was a stopgap, and I entered a match that was generally expected to be lost. I was replacing the starting player, and the opponent was stronger than me. In terms of status. And in terms of skill.

The team members already didn’t have high expectations of beating the opposing team, so they were only thinking about a moderate game where they would hear people say that they fought well even though they lost.

I wanted to win.

So, back then, just like now, I tried to walk a tightrope on the border between life and death.

‘Well, compared to the past when tightrope walking was much more dangerous and precarious than usual, it’s more like play now.’

[Piercing Eyes] detected the supporter’s [Area Binding] that was unfolding secretly from one side and sent a warning, and at the same time, the melee dealers took up an attack stance.

The guy suddenly lunged at me with all his might, but I didn’t need to use my strength to dodge.

Instead, in a split second, it perfectly calculates the movement path and scatters airbeats into the air.

My body, standing on the scattered airbeats, automatically rebounded from the airbeats and moved at a fast speed like a pinball.


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And the moment I caught up with the melee dealer who was rushing towards me in an instant.

Bang! Ta-tang!

The twin pistols held in both hands fired.

First, 1 kill.

It seemed as if he hadn’t even thought about shooting a gun while stepping on the airbeat that made him jump at an incredibly fast speed. The expression on the face of the eliminated melee dealer was filled with shock.

But my body didn’t stop moving like that, it reached the airbeats that had been scattered in advance and started flying, changing direction sharply.

When solving a difficult problem, start with easy and small problems. When dealing with a strong group of opponents, start with opponents that can be quickly subdued.

Remembering the principle of one-on-many combat that I had engraved in my mind from long ago, I focused on the supporter who was trying to use [Area Binding] rather than Ryu Jae-jun, even though Ryu Jae-jun was in the path.

The sound of twin pistols firing again.

Bang! Ta-bang!

At the same time as the fire was being breathed, a bullet flying at high speed and aiming for the blind spot of the mana shield pierced through LTD’s supporter.

Then, he did a somersault and came back safely, landing on the ground. It all happened in a split second, like flowing water.


‘Are we finally on the same level?’

Yoon Han-gyeol and Han Ji-soo were also standing up, perhaps having recovered from Ryu Jae-jun’s wave attack. If you include the LTD team members outside, the situation was 3 vs. 3.

“Can you move?”

“Thanks to you. You saved my life by giving me time.”

Yoon Han-gyeol shook his head and answered, and Han Ji-soo simply nodded, frowning as if she was dissatisfied with something.

“There are two guys left outside. Can you handle it?”

“I have to. What about you?”

Yoon Han-gyeol asked, but there was no need for an answer. I didn’t look back at him, but just nodded.

As previously agreed, the three dispersed again.


Outside, the analysis desk was busy relaying what had just happened.

[Caster]: No, Lee Chang-hyun, you said that going into the opposing team’s territory is no different from scoring an own goal, but once you get into the fight, you show an overwhelming performance! What do you think, commentator?

[Commentator]: I didn’t expect that at all.

Although Lee Chang-hyun has often shown incredible strength in scrimmages, practice matches, and even in [Hunters – The Next Generation], he has never been a player who has shown such strong strength in a direct confrontation like this.

He mainly fought with mysterious tactics or sniping abilities using powerful shots, but if you watch the video just now, it definitely looks like he has quite a bit of potential in other abilities as well.

[Caster]: But the opponents are also quite strong. They simultaneously knocked out Han Ji-soo and Yoon Han-gyeol, who are considered to have quite good performances in the 3rd division. Ryu Jae-jun also seems to have strong stamina. What do you think about the match between Lee Chang-hyun and Ryu Jae-jun?

[Commentator]: Hmm… … This is a difficult question. Just because Lee Chang-hyun took out two LTD players just now, it doesn’t mean he has a huge advantage in the 1-on-1.

The reason is that, with the LTD players gone, Ryu Jae-jun’s superpowers can be easily displayed.

Even if Lee Chang-hyun’s attack is made with his quick mobility, if Ryu Jae-jun can read the timing of his attack, it is possible that he can push it away with his powerful wave skill. In other words, I think the fight between the two will be a psychological battle.

‘Psychological warfare… psychological warfare.’

Lee Geun-taek, who was quietly watching the match in the Hunter Association’s president’s office, rested his chin on his hand and became lost in thought.

He thought that people who were strong in psychological warfare were ultimately those with a lot of experience.

Because you can only win the psychological war if you don’t rush, watch the situation until the end, and make the most cool-headed judgment.

In that respect, it can be said with certainty that Ryu Jae-jun is outstanding.

It was only for a short while, but it was natural since Chairman Lee Geun-taek personally raised it with his own hands.

Meanwhile, what about Lee Chang-hyun?

Chairman Lee Geun-taek’s fight in [Hunters – The Next Generation].

Although he was just an amateur hunter, he showed flashy tactics and unbelievable tenacity.

… … like a veteran Hunters League player.

So when we compared them, the interesting conclusion we came to was this.

Although Ryu Jae-jun has more practical experience, for some reason Lee Chang-hyun will show some unexpected stamina.

Well, you never know until it actually happens.

And at that moment,

[Commentator]: Ah… … Players Lee Chang-hyun and Ryu Jae-jun, who were in a standoff! They are clashing now!

The two guys clashed directly.


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