Return of the Genius Player Chapter 46

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046. Bombing

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“Tactics are not something to be spared. And it’s not a strategy that can be easily stopped just by showing it once.”

“That’s true, but… … .”

Yoon Han-gyeol looked a little disappointed. It seemed like he thought that since the opponent was an 8th-ranked team, he could easily win with basic skills.

‘But to win like that… … I guess it’s common to carry the game with my own efforts rather than the efforts of each individual team member.’

What was needed now was not my performance. After all, I already had a track record that was worth noting even after I got promoted to the third division.

The rest of the team members had to come into form. And the team members had a lot to worry about in order to make it a top-tier, or even world-class team.

‘Of course, that doesn’t mean I should put my growth on the back burner… … .’

“You know your role is the most important in this game, right?”

“I’ll concentrate.”

“Then, let’s go to the stadium.”

It seemed as if a hot cheer was ringing in my ears.

This is the first step towards playing in the official Hunters League, even if it is only the third division, after returning.

Since it was my first step, I wanted to leave a noticeable mark.

And actually, even though it was a 10th place team vs an 8th place team, quite a few people were looking forward to it.

[Wow… … You’re really the owner, coach, and player of a club? Isn’t that crazy?]

N [But since the game is out, I think it would be better to watch it and talk about it]

n [It’s obvious that it’s a parachute that rolled in from somewhere, but is there really a need to see it? It’s just disgusting]

N [Isn’t it a little promising? He’s from the Hunters – The Next Generation winners.]

N [There, amateurs fought among themselves, and here, it’s the 3rd part, but are you comparing them to the front?;;]

[Lee Chang-hyun, who said, “All 3 leagues are low level.” In fact, he made a remark that would erase his character during the interview, but if he loses, it’s a big deal.]

N [Really lol]

N [If you win, it’s awesome, if you lose, it’s a total waste, that’s it]

ㄴ [ But honestly, even though they say the 3rd division is low level, I don’t know about the top teams, but they probably won’t lose to the 8th place team ]

ㄴ [Ignoring the 8th place team? Remember that PER was undefeated in the 10th place last season]

N [ Oh my, that’s right ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ How on earth did you have the nerve to say something like that? ]

Unfortunately, most of the reactions were negative.

‘Well… … I guess it’s still a long way to go before I can say I’ve proven my skills.’

Even if you think back to the past before the regression, it was the same. Even if you won the first division, or even the world league, it was easy to belittle it as luck. Of course, as the number of wins increased, such words were often heard… … .

Even back then, if I showed a bad side even once, I would be re-evaluated every time.

“Let’s go. And let’s prove it.”

All I could do was do my best at every moment and win. I didn’t do anything like saving my losses.


In Hunter’s League, lower ranked teams have map selection.

Of course, in the case of the post-season or a tie, the maps are randomly assigned to ensure fairness, but generally, there are considerations in place to give the lower ranked team an advantage in winning.

‘And we also have the right to choose a map with a lower rank.’

It was said that the environment was very suitable for using the so-called ‘bomber combination’ from the first game.

This combination sounds unbeatable, but to make it work perfectly it would be nice to have some map advantages.

The map I chose was the ordinary City A map.

It was the most common map, and it was a city map with lots of high-rise buildings, just like what people imagine.

‘The point is that you can hide what tactics you’re going to use because it’s safe.’

The advantage didn’t stop there. The vastness of the map made it easier for our team to join, as we had Lee Yeon-ju, who had the ability to identify locations.

Not only that. In this complex and intricately intertwined city, it is very difficult to find someone if you decide to hide.

In other words, it meant that it was good for sending Yoon Han-gyeol’s sword remotely from an invisible place to detonate the bomb.

With that in mind, I looked at each of the advantages and identified the points I should focus on.

And soon, the respawn began.

“Lee Yeon-ju, Han Ji-soo, and Han Gyeol. If the three of them gather like that, we’ll use the tactic I mentioned earlier, so know that. The rest of you, if you can form a group like I said and defeat them individually, then let’s defeat them individually, and if that doesn’t work, let’s aim for survival.”



I could hear my teammate’s voice through the connected earphones.

“I’ll wait for you at the office on the left end of the 23rd floor of the Chilseong Electronics building at the east end.”

It was Lee Yeon-ju’s voice, who had found a place where she wouldn’t be caught first.

“And the relative positions are… … .

[244, 165, 266]

[152, 125, 25]

[24, 161, 66]

[5, 165, 53]

“You better be careful with these coordinates.”

‘As expected, the map being so wide is helpful… … .’

It was Lee Yeon-ju’s ability that allowed her to avoid even unexpected battles.

“It seems like the enemy is prioritizing joining us over exploring us in general, perhaps because they are conscious of our sniping.”


This was also expected. It seems that he looked into my game properly as he was ignored. It may be different in a higher league, but even in the third division, my sniping was a sufficiently threatening factor.

But if the other party prioritizes joining, we also have that much more time.

“I checked the opposing joining point. It’s at [145,255,5].”

The points chosen by Lee Yeon-ju were accurately mapped onto the holographic map.

Our team had already formed up around that point, except for three of the bomber combinations.


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“I bomb the first one, destroy the formation and the building, and then I snipe the guy who comes out. I charge in according to the formation as he avoids my sniping.”


“Are you ready to bomb?”

“Of course. Just say the word and you’ll get a big one right away.”

“Well then, shall we begin?”


Park Jun-young. He was a regular player playing for Team TGD.

‘I told you to be quite careful this time… … .’

Director Yoo Ki-han said that because he never let his guard down even when facing a young, parachuted opponent.

Of course I didn’t think so.

It seemed like a rookie with no strategy or anything would be necessary for such a small kid. It was a common trait of a kid who had just awakened and was beginning to think that he was going to do well.

Well, anyway, I was following the director’s tactics for now.

First, after joining up with your teammates, hide in a place with few sniping points and prepare for defense.

And when the enemy fails to break the camp and ends up fighting formation against formation, or engages in a small-scale skirmish, I want to step in.

It was an easy task.

[Destructive Step: B]: Releases a powerful wave that shakes the ground as you move.

If your opponent approaches without knowing anything, you can easily take them out by creating an opening with this skill and charging in all at once.

The source of this confidence was quite solid.

The reason why any team avoids TGD and large-scale close combat is because of Park Jun-young’s skill. Not only does it ruin the formation, but it also makes the ground move as if there was an earthquake, making the body lose its sense of balance.

That was the scary thing about that skill.

That’s why I thought that if we just pushed it to a formation-vs-formation fight, or even a small-scale skirmish, we would win easily as long as we didn’t give up the sniping points that he liked.

‘And actually, while all seven of them were gathered together, the guy didn’t succeed in sniping.’

At that point it was our victory.

I don’t know if the guy could have taken down one or two guys with his excellent shooting ability, but when we fought team vs team, I never thought of losing to an unapproved PER.

It was around the time I was thinking that way.

“Doesn’t it look like the ceiling of the building above is shaking?”

“The ceiling of the building? Is that guy shooting or something?”

I had already seen the record of the building being destroyed by a shot containing mana last time.

“Deploy upwards from the mana shield!”

Since I was indoors to prevent sniping, I could have predicted that they would collapse the building like last time. That’s why I had already thought about how to respond.

Kukukung… … .

And the building collapsed without a single mistake, as predicted.

“Don’t worry too much. That guy just used up most of his mana with that shot. He can’t fire another shot like that.”

“That would certainly be the case… … Even so, it is still quite powerful.”

“Focus. There’s a good chance they’ll show up soon. Or try to provoke them with your fire first. They’re going to attack soon.”

And even the predictions that followed were quite accurate.

… … If there was a problem, I couldn’t have imagined that the next attack would be a bombing attack, such as dropping a large number of mana bombers, rather than something like Lee Chang-hyun’s ether bullet ‘shooting’.

“Come on! It looks like Yoon Han-gyeol’s winning sword.”

“Are you trying to test the waters with a long-range fight first? You cheeky brats… … .”

But there was no need to respond immediately.

TGD’s defenses were solid, and their ranged attacks wouldn’t work on us. PER would have to get close to us to damage us.

‘The attack starts after those guys show up… …!’

Besides, Lee Chang-hyun, who might be preparing to snipe from somewhere, was also a hindrance. For now, the best thing to do was to just wait.

At the time I was thinking that way… … .

The Igi Sword, which was flying straight towards Team TGD, slowly turned upwards and aimed at the opponent from above.

“That’s a sword, so there’s no need to turn on the mana shield. Rather, it could be a decoy to create a sniping angle for Lee Chang-hyun. Respond to a weapon with a weapon!”

TGD ran out there and directly faced Yoon Han-gyeol’s sword flying towards him with a close range sword and struck him with his sword.

No, I tried to kick it out.

But that couldn’t be done.

The moment when the swords clashed to strike that sword.

The mana bomber attached to the sword fell and exploded.


“What… … . What is it! What’s going on?”

The shield would have been strong, and the sword controlled from a distance was not as strong as the sword wielded directly.

Nothing should have happened.

“The sword… the sword exploded…”

[TGD’s Kim Seo-hyun has passed away.]

“Ugh… … .”

I couldn’t understand what the hell was going on.

But as if to mock that situation, a second sword flew in.

I had a strong intuition that if I turned the mana shield to block it, I would be exposed to Lee Chang-hyun’s sniping, but I couldn’t guarantee that it wouldn’t explode this time either if I faced the sword directly.

A psychologically disadvantageous either-or choice.

Park Jun-young realized in an instant that neither blocking the sword with a mana shield nor not blocking it was the answer.

“Ranged dealer! Shoot down that sword!”

If it doesn’t work at close range, then at long range… … !

If the sword exploded, it would have been enough to shoot it down while it was away from the camp.



Something unbelievable happened right before my eyes.

As the TGD’s ranged dealers fired a defensive shot, the flying swords avoided all ranged attacks as if they were living creatures.

For TGD, who didn’t know that Yoon Han-gyeol was directly controlling it, it was a shameful thing.

I watched it flying towards me with my own two eyes, but there was nothing I could do… In the end, destruction was a foregone conclusion.


“Let’s go to mobile warfare! Everyone, get out of here with Airbeat! Watch out for snipers!”

Everyone was out of their places with a quick maneuver.

But then, the three swords that had been waiting outside the building and the swords that were thought to have been dodged each rose to the surface and began flying towards the TGD members who were performing evasive maneuvers.

“This is crazy… … .”


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