Return of the Genius Player Chapter 43

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043. Magical Moment

“I give orders to this team. You must follow them completely.”

That was the first thing I said into the earphones.

Of course, as I said that, I didn’t think he would listen to the order so well or perfectly.

If the orders had been communicated well and it had been possible to plan out tactics more closely, would the team have ended up without a win?

We had to assume that the team situation was worse than we had imagined.

Moreover, this match was not one in which all the new team members participated, but only the five existing PER team members and me, Kim Do-jun, participated.

It is difficult to see the benefit of increased power due to new team members.

But there was another reason for deliberately encouraging this situation.

‘You have to realize that you can win.’

Up until now, they have probably been losing overwhelmingly, so they have lost confidence in winning.

The intention of this match was to show the existing team members, who were suffering from defeat, that there was a good chance of victory.

Of course, apart from that, ESP was openly making fun of our opponent team.

“Ah… … You said you’re the new owner?? or manager? Anyway, please take care of me.”

ESP’s coach Choi Han-gyu’s words were dry, and there was a slight sneer on his face. They were an absolutely weak team, and since we were the ones who asked them to play a practice game, his attitude seemed to be openly disregarding them to some extent.

Well, that could be because I’m a ridiculous character who is the owner, manager, and player of the team…

‘How rude.’

There was nothing I could do about things I didn’t like.

Of course, that doesn’t mean there’s anything more to say here.

It would be enough to show that through a game.

“Okay, let the game begin!”


The most important thing in the Hunters League 3rd division, which has few variables and is focused on team fights, is to basically form a formation and not collapse.

‘It’s easier said than done, but in real life, there’s not that much of a difference in level.’

Formation. Considering the enemy melee and ranged dealers, and the positions of our team’s dealers, we continuously adjust and supplement our own positions.

A position where we can respond immediately when our team’s vanguard starts a fight. And at the same time, a position where we can block our team’s dealers in the middle so they are not exposed to attacks.

Because such positions change from moment to moment depending on movement and the opponent’s attack characteristics.

In such a large-scale 7 vs. 7 battle, such careful positioning could be said to determine the direction of the battle.

‘Actually, the PER and ESP match formations I’ve seen before were completely ruined and collapsed all at once. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been a game that would have collapsed so easily.’

Because I knew the importance of that formation, I was giving meticulous orders one by one.

“I won. Stand at the front line like in the previous game, but never rush forward alone unless given a signal. Unless given a specific order, stay where you are even if a Mana Bomber flies.”

“……i get it.”

“Lee Yeon-ju, next to me. At least try to stand on the same line. Kim Do-jun, right in front of me. Check the opponents coming from there.”

“Can I just go out and beat the opponent so he doesn’t have to?”

Kim Do-jun asked questions, wondering if he had any doubts about the order… … .

I couldn’t help but chuckle at those words.

“You’ll know it when you see it.”

This map was “Imperial Bridge,” where formation battles were particularly important.

Because the fight took place on a huge bridge, it was difficult to give it many variables, and it was a map where the main focus was on the battle between formations.

‘There’s no way I wouldn’t be confident.’

It was my turn to show off my brain, which was called the commander of the battlefield, rather than my physical prowess.


ESP’s coach Choi Han-gyu silently watched the screen showing the game.

In fact, there are many factors in Hunter’s League that are more important than formation. Depending on the map, there are places where the individual skills of the players are overwhelmingly important, and places where there are many small-scale skirmishes and pure strength battles are important.

However, there was nothing better than fighting in formation to get the players in sync and boost their team spirit and motivation.

‘That’s why I chose this map.’

Moreover, since this formation is easy to learn and difficult to follow, Team PER will likely fall easily like last time. That was my analysis, and I actually thought it would happen.


“Coach. For a hastily assembled team, the formation is quite elaborate.”

“Hmm… … It’s more likely that it’s just a matter of appearance. How much time has passed since the last match? And since there’s almost no movement, the formation is maintained.”

In reality, it was just an appearance.

Since each location was adjusted according to Lee Chang-hyun’s order, it was bound to look plausible.

But the power was not simply that of a hastily assembled formation.

‘It’s heavy… … .’

“Did that guy, the manager and acting owner, do it?”

“Well… … we’ll have to wait and see.”

As expected, while the formations of PER and ESP were facing off, Lee Chang-hyun, a long-range dealer, was momentarily exposed. It was a momentary gap created when the teams moved around each other.

It was a moment that left ESP director Choi Han-gyu with no choice but to smile in satisfaction.

‘It seems he didn’t check his own position because he was commanding the other guys.’

The so-called tunnel vision. It was one of the things that happened to players who took on multiple roles. As humans, when you try to do too many things, you tend to miss something.

And director Choi Han-gyu’s thoughts were not his alone.

Team ESP lowered the multiple mana shields they had placed in the front to prepare for Lee Chang-hyun’s sniping attacks at the moment when his long-range dealer was momentarily exposed in the formation and charged.

It was a truly sharp stab.

‘Tsk tsk… I guess I can’t even save face.’

That quickly. It was the perfect situation for losing the team’s trust, especially since a key player in the team died first. But, well. Shouldn’t I pay for my arrogant interview with someone who wasn’t even my teammate?

It was around the time I was thinking that way.

“… … .”

Lee Chang-hyun, who seemed to have stuck out a bit, stepped on an airbeat on the floor that he may have thrown at some point and was bounced back to where his original teammates were.


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It was a split-second movement that could only be seen as intentional.

‘Was it a mistake… or an intentional move to draw me in…?’

While Team ESP was shifting to an aggressive stance to catch Lee Chang-hyun who was out of line with the opposing team, PER was solidifying the team’s formation once again.

Noticing the change, ESP’s captain shouted for them to return, but once the formation changed to an attack formation, it was difficult to return quickly.

While I was hesitating over the change in formation… …

Taang -.

Taking advantage of the moment when the mana shields that had been built up in layers were lowered, Lee Chang-hyun, who was receiving protection from his allies, was showered with gunfire.

‘This is crazy… … .’

Even if you imagine the worst, there is nothing worse than this.

Even if I was underestimating my opponent, I had no excuses.

It’s true that the bait was too attractive.

Once the camp collapsed and he was hit with gunfire, he quickly raised his mana shield in ESP, but the mana shield that wasn’t built in layers was meaningless to Lee Chang-hyun.

‘Mana Bomber… … .’

The guy was firing a mana bomber mixed with ether, firing bullets that were different from before. They were like missiles. It seemed that a simple mana shield alone would not be able to block this ridiculous attack.

That’s why the ESP members scattered to avoid Lee Chang-hyun’s bullets, and the formation was completely broken.

Still, perhaps he felt that he couldn’t lose like this to an opponent he had won 7-0 against. ESP’s captain shouted into his earphones with all his might and evil.

“Anyway, the guys’ individual skills can’t compare to our team’s. Let’s go all out!”

The formation collapsed, but it was a declaration of intent not to collapse like this. However… … .

‘Oh, no!’

Even Coach Choi Han-gyu, who was watching the game from outside, couldn’t help but realize that it was Lee Chang-hyun’s intention.

The formation of the guys was a sort of encirclement formation surrounding Lee Chang-hyun, a long-range dealer with devastating dealing ability. If they couldn’t catch Lee Chang-hyun, there was a very high possibility that they would break through the formation in front and be eliminated one by one by Lee Chang-hyun’s sniping.

And that prediction turned out to be exactly right.

While trying to capture the front line of PER led by Lee Chang-hyun, ESP’s team members were easily defeated by Lee Chang-hyun’s supporting fire.

Only then did ESP’s captain realize it and shout that they should target the inner long-range dealers first, but no matter how good ESP was as a team, it was impossible against PER, whose formation was not broken at all.

And that wasn’t all.

As if he had read the locations and attack routes of the ESP team members who were gritting their teeth and rushing in to target Lee Chang-hyun, Kim Do-jun, who was put in front, cut down only those who were trying to come in at very precise locations.


And soon after, ESP was completely wiped out. The game ended with PER’s entire team still alive.


Lee Gil-han’s heart was beating hotter than ever.


At first, I couldn’t understand what Lee Chang-hyun said at all. A long-range dealer and commander who ordered his team members to form a formation and not move, and then ran out alone.

For a moment, I thought the guy was crazy.

But what about it?

The result was that they managed to break down their opponent’s solid formation and draw them in.

Is that all?

The guy who came back into the formation was giving commands with chilling precision.

“Kim Do-jun, focus on the left side. If you hold your position and focus on that side, the timing for your attack will come out.”

An order that seemed to see the future in a situation where the opponent had not yet attacked. When Lee Chang-hyun told him to be careful on the left, the opponent attacked from the left, and when he told him to prepare a counter on the right, an attack followed on the right.

At first I couldn’t believe it, but after the second and third time, I couldn’t help but believe it.

‘I’m reading the opponent’s flow perfectly.’

I was reading the battlefield at a glance and conveying it to my teammates, from how I would react to how the opponent would react to how I would respond.

No matter how much stronger the opponent is than us, if we know what they are going to do, we can’t lose even if we want to.

And at some point, I found myself truly following that guy’s orders.

That’s understandable, because if you do as the guy says, you’ll get solid results.

How many times has it passed like that?

Lee Chang-hyun, who had reduced two people with his first sniping shot, continued to stab and defend against the guys who rushed at him, and before he knew it, there were only seven people left on the battlefield. Only the members of Team PER were left.

It was a comeback win against ESP, who had lost by an overwhelming score of 7 to 0.

‘What the heck is this… … .’

Even after the game was over, Lee Gil-han couldn’t believe his eyes and eventually he could only think this.

‘Magic… … This is magic.’

The five PER team members, excluding Lee Chang-hyun and Kim Do-jun, must have felt this moment.

That nothing Lee Chang-hyun said was empty words.


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