Return of the Genius Player Chapter 41

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041. Bombshell statement

The most important thing when forming a team in the Hunter Club is none other than “compatibility of superpowers.”

How to combine superpowers to create destructive synergy. That was the most important. Next, of course, was status. If the status is overwhelming, you gain the power to destroy even destructive skills with force, like Lee Geun-taek.

But… … This team had no such superpower compatibility at all. The status was at the lowest level, and the superpower compatibility was also subtle… … I got a rough idea of ​​how it was put together.

‘It must have been gathered mainly from cheap players who are expected to debut soon.’

Of course, there were quite a few team members who had impressive superpowers like Lee Gil-han.

[Lee Yeon-ju]


[Location Specific: B-]: Accurately determines the location of nearby opponents.

[Rapid Fire: C+]: Rapid fire.

[Physical Ability]

[Strength: 5.6]

[Reaction speed: 5.6]

[Flexibility: 5.6]

[Stamina: 5.3]

[Mana amount: 7.6]

‘Well… it’s subtle.’

Location-specific ability itself is a good superpower, but if you can’t land a powerful blow to that location, it’s meaningless. And that’s not all. Even though you have a high mana, you can only specify locations more and in more detail, and you don’t have any other superpowers.

Only then did I understand Coach Lee Jong-gyu’s mind a little. What kind of battle was he fighting with these players?

Of course, it wasn’t like there was no hope at all.

Team members that I decided to call in the future. The team members that I can call are guys with pretty good abilities. First of all, Yoon Han-gyeol, who can do one person’s job no matter where he is placed, and Han Ji-soo, who can do wide-area gravity attacks. Kim Do-jun, who is good at one-on-one battles.

The question was how to combine these with the original team members to create the best strategic synergy of superpowers. That was it.

‘No… … Maybe there is an answer.’

The last of the last. Let’s see Lee Yeon-ju’s skills, which are nothing special when done alone. Something flashed and a strategy came to mind.

‘Maybe… … we might be able to sweep the 3rd division without any additional recruits.’


A meeting with Lee Geun-taek. It was a place where he inherited actual authority over the club owner.

“How is it, after looking around the team. Is it useful?”

There was no easy answer to Lee Geun-taek’s words.

This inspiration never said anything like that when he made the bet, knowing what kind of condition the team was in… … .

Of course, it was partly my fault for not looking into it in detail, but I couldn’t help feeling annoyed.

“Ah, it’s filled with only really useful players. Is this really Chairman Lee Geun-taek’s eye for detail?”

Lee Geun-taek started laughing openly, perhaps because he found the sarcasm he put in so much fun.

Of course. He made a huge bet and all he wanted was the management rights to a piece of a failed team. How ridiculous that must have been for Lee Geun-taek.

‘Of course, I’m confident that I can continue to take advantage of the fact that I’m on my team… … .’

There was no doubt that the mountain of tasks was beyond my reach.

“Hmm… … First of all, it seems like you were trying to recruit some team members. I never imagined you would raise funds from the Seoul branch of Moras Workshop. Your abilities must be exceptional.”

“Since we are a team that has been given the opportunity, we have to survive somehow.”

“So. Have you thought about what kind of team you’ll make?”

What kind of team? What kind of team… … I guess that means considering a team with a pool of superpowers that can use what kind of combinations and tactics.

Even if you ask me that, I don’t have many options. The team has no money. No players. No facilities to lure players.

But when someone asks if you have a vision, you can never say no. If you live in this world without a vision, it’s no different from being lost in the vast ocean without a compass.

“If you ask me if I have thought about it… … I guess there are two things.”

“I’m quite knowledgeable in tactics, so I can give you some advice. What do you think?”

“One thing you must have thought about is the one-man carry combination.”

It was a combination that I would naturally consider. I was the most successful player before the regression, so why wouldn’t I consider it? Now that I’ve reached Man-gae’s rank, and have achieved something that could be called an ‘achievement’, it was a suitable tactic for me to grow further.

“That’s so obvious… … You know that this is a place where you can easily get stuck if you keep going in the same pattern, right?”

“Of course I know. That’s why the other combinations are important. The second combination is… … It’s still just a concept, but let’s call it the ‘bomber combination’?”

“… … .”

Lee Geun-taek couldn’t hide his surprise because it was a combination he had never heard of before.

If it’s long-range sniping, it’s sniping, if it’s throwing a mana bomber, it’s throwing, there’s nothing that can be called an airplane, so what’s the bomber combination?

However, he only expressed his doubts and did not ask any further questions. It seems that Chairman Lee Geun-taek, whose joy in life was watching over future generations, wanted to leave it for the next pleasure.

“Hmm… … I don’t know what it is, but it’s good. More importantly, this main topic is important today.”

Lee Geun-taek spoke and handed over a stack of documents.

It was a document that transferred the actual club owner’s authority to Lee Chang-hyun.

After looking through it, I found that there wasn’t much content, so it was okay to just organize the documents and put them away.

After that, I was about to get up because I had nothing else to do, but Lee Geun-taek’s words stopped me.

“Oh, right. The last PER game was the last, and tomorrow is the Hunters League 3rd Division Media Day. Since you are effectively the club owner’s proxy, you will attend in that capacity, right?”

“… … .”

It was an event I never expected.

It may be a bit delayed for the fact that he is the club owner’s proxy to become widely known.

‘Well, I guess it’s fine. It was something I had to do anyway.’


The season was over. For PER, the match against ESP was the last, so there were no more matches left.

But there was an event more important than that game left… … .

It was the Hunters League Media Day, an annual event held at the end of the season.

It was a place where all the teams were interviewed comprehensively about their performances so far and what they would do in the future. And I was there as a player and as a proxy for the club owner, along with other players and coach Lee Jong-gyu.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere of our team at the media day was not normal.


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‘I am Lee Chang-hyun, who has been acting as the club owner since yesterday. I will work hard while also being active as a player, so please take good care of me.’

When I revealed that I was now the acting owner of the team, the atmosphere in the team became not only eerie but also strange.

Coach Lee Jong-gyu, who seemed to be saying that someone younger than me was more than a teammate and was now the club owner? And Lee Gil-han, who was as surprised as he was when he lost the last time. And Lee Yeon-joo, who was gloomy and didn’t say much. Aside from them, no one was surprised when I said that I would be both the coach and the club owner.

‘Well, he’s not just a team member, he’s basically saying he’ll eat up the whole team… … I can’t help but be surprised.’

But the positive thing is that no one acted rebelliously.

It seemed like the 3-on-1 beating we had last time was a good way to establish discipline.

Besides Lee Jong-gyu, there weren’t many employees who could be called front-line staff.

The small size seemed to be a great advantage in taking control of the team like this.

Anyway, the media day was going on, and surprisingly, there were no questions about PER.

Maybe it’s the sadness of an unpopular team.

‘I wonder if it’s just unpopular… … It would be natural, since the results also ended in a draw.’

“Yes, then here’s the next question. LTD finished first this season. They caught everyone’s attention by showing excellent teamwork and crushing other teams. I’m worried that players might be transferred to the second division next season. What do you think?”

“Ah… … Of course, I understand that you may have such concerns. However, I promise that we will bring back excellent players as those players leave. This time in particular, we will bring in many who can be called super rookies, so please look forward to it.”

‘Super Rookie… Who was the guy who could be called a Super Rookie right now?’

Maybe it was because I wasn’t interested in other people, but I couldn’t really remember. But… … Strangely, that director looked familiar… … .


Upon closer inspection, I could tell who he was. He was the director who had been the head of the 1st LTD team and who had caused friction with me before returning, and was now the director of the 3rd LTD team. It was Lee Hyeong-geun.

I never imagined that I would see this bad relationship again here.

‘I almost didn’t recognize you because you’ve grown so much younger since you regressed.’

Before returning, if I hadn’t fallen for his tricks and opened up my whole life, I might have lived a different life. Of course, my current life is good too… … but I couldn’t help but feel angry inside.

Of course, media day went on regardless of my anger.

“Yes! It was a hot topic that there was a new player being raised in this LHR. Player Yoon Han-gyeol. Will we be able to see him in the 3rd division next season?”

“Uh… … That. I don’t think I can give you a definite answer. Well, we are actively pursuing it, but we don’t know what will happen in the transfer market. For now, I’ll say this.”

The LHR director was sighing.

‘Ah… … Was that team originally the team that Han-gyeol was supposed to go to?’

Well, that was fine anyway.

And after waiting a little longer, the question was finally passed on to PER. Lee Chang-hyun.

“I… … First of all, PER has some surprising news. The club owner, Lee Hyung-geun Hunter, has been replaced by Lee Chang-hyun, who will be in charge of direct management as the club’s acting owner… … .”

“Yes. Hello. I am Lee Chang-hyun, who will be acting as PER’s acting owner for the time being.”

“Can we see this as a major change to the team…?”

The caster was dumbfounded and couldn’t properly continue asking questions when he saw the younger club owner, Lee Chang-hyun, who was also the manager.

“Of course. Although our team PER has not won a game this season, I would like to tell you that we are about to see a drastic change.”

“It’s a drastic change… … Then, could you tell us a little bit about what you’re preparing?”

“First of all, the roster change is obvious… … and the same goes for me coming in as both a coach and a player. In addition, there are many tactical changes, new sponsorship acquisitions, and other things happening at the same time.”

If you just look at the content, it was full of very unconventional content, but was it because they were the last-place team? Or was it because they half-joked about a young player becoming the owner and manager of the team?

The response was completely lukewarm.

“I see. I understand that you are facing many changes. So next… … .”

“Oh. I have a little more to say. Is that okay?”

I didn’t intend to end Media Day like this.

Of course. This is my first media day interview since returning, so I can’t end it without making an impact like this.

“Yes… … I understand. Please say something.”

“I watched quite a few 3rd division matches… … but honestly, there weren’t any teams that were that good… … .”

“… … .”

The other directors glared at him, causing a heated reaction.

Well, what can I do if I see it? Did I say something wrong? That means it’s in the third division.

“So everyone should be a little nervous. We’re going to win. Oh. Coach LTD in particular should be even more nervous. The first place team would be particularly embarrassed if they got beat by the last place team.”


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