Return of the Genius Player Chapter 38

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038. As you wish

Moras Workshop.

A world-renowned high-end Hunter weapon shop, and provider of comprehensive Hunter analysis.

And now I was at the Seoul branch of this Moras Workshop to get my gear fitted.

But Kim Do-jun came as an unexpected uninvited guest.

“But why are you here again?”

“I’ll be playing in the third division soon, so I need to get some custom weapons.”

“Good idea, junior.”

It wasn’t just Kim Do-jun. Lee Min-seok was also there as a leader in the production of the winner’s weapon.

“But judge, is there a big difference between using a dedicated custom weapon and the basic weapon that is given?”

“A judge? Now that the competition is over, feel free to call me Minseok hyung. By the way, that’s a big difference… … Yes, it’s bound to be a big difference.”

“Hyung Minseok, your Chiljido is a custom weapon. What do you think of it?”

“It’s not just the Chiljido… … In general, custom weapons have a ‘personality’ feel to them. They also represent combat styles… … Right. Should we go into Moras’ workshop first and then continue talking?”

As they came out of the station, a huge, futuristic rectangular building stood in front of Lee Chang-hyun and his group.

‘long time no see…….’

For Lee Chang-hyun, it was a place where he made quite a lot of auxiliary equipment during his life before returning, so it was a place where his past memories were vivid.

“Hello. Are you Hunter Lee Min-seok who made the reservation?”

As we stood at the entrance, a guide greeted us as if he knew us. It was a natural result, since Lee Min-seok is so famous in Korea.

“Yes. Then can I come in right away?”

“You can enter the B-3 area workshop.”

The Moras Workshop branches were numbered A to D. The workshop areas were divided according to grade.

‘And the weapon quality was also in alphabetical order… … .’

In the past, I personally received top-quality weapons customized for me without any issues, and B-grade ones weren’t bad.

Entering the B-3 area workshop, the sight that appeared was more reminiscent of a research lab than something like a medieval weapons workshop.

People in white coats and others busily tapping away at their computers. And through the glass, machines were moving busily, attaching and detaching things with sparks flying.


“Dojun and Changhyun, is this your first time at a workshop?”

“Yes… … This is my first time seeing it in person, so I’m nervous. How much do these weapons cost? Is it more expensive if I customize them?”

“Haha, let’s talk about that a little slower. I’ll explain more important things first.”

After saying that, Lee Min-seok skillfully explained the process of making weapons and how to find the right weapon, as if he was escorting a lady.

“Weapon production is mostly prototype. So before adding personality, you set something close to the original. For example, my ‘Chiljido’ is like this. An ordinary sword is the original, right?”

Lee Min-seok took out an ordinary sword from the wall where all kinds of weapons were hanging.

“And, for custom weapons, you add additional options here based on your abilities, fighting style, etc. In my case, I added a 6-pronged blade to the existing sword. I roughly drew it like this and added the first rough draft.”

As he said that, Lee Min-seok roughly drew his own map, as if he were an elementary school student.

After that, I wrote a small explanation on the side.

So that it has seven blades in total. The ends of the blades should be curved so that the wound can be opened when pulled out after stabbing. And so on… … .

I gave the paper with that written on it to the workshop staff, and a few minutes later… … .

“Wow… … This is what comes out of this picture.”

“Of course, what I draw is roughly what I feel, and they interpret it and give it to me. More important than that is now, knowing what the ‘weapon you want’ or ‘the weapon that suits you’ is, and how you want to handle the weapon. Have you ever thought about it?”

Kim Do-jun thought about it carefully and then answered that he had.

Well, I can just use what I wrote before I returned. I was curious about what Kim Do-jun would draw.

Kim Do-jun chose a long, sharp weapon that looked like it would be used in fencing, a stabbing weapon among the weapons hanging next to him, and attached a short note to it.

I read it and it asked me to enchant [Mana – Acceleration] so that I could accelerate instantly, and there was… … ?

‘A glowing effect when accelerating?’

What is this? For a moment, my brain stopped. I looked at Kim Do-jun, wondering if it was the kind of madness I was thinking of, but he just smiled when he saw my face.

‘… … .’

Maybe he only cares about how flashy the weapon is rather than whether it’s suitable for me.

As I was looking at Kim Do-jun, who had created such a weapon, in vain, Lee Min-seok spoke up.

“Haha, it’s definitely important to have a cool-looking performance. There are quite a few players like that in the upper leagues. Does Chang-Hyeon have a special weapon in mind?”

“Um… … I.”

In the first place, since there were no players in Korea who used guns, even if it was called Moras Workshop, there was no original gun.

‘Since I was going to use it by making it with magical engineering weapon conversion anyway, the weapon prototype didn’t matter… … .’

Rather, what was important was the volume and quality of the weapons.

You can create the weapon you want using Magic Engineering Weapon Transformation, but its volume is the same as that of the prepared weapon.

So what I found was not the original weapon, but pure raw ore. It was a long, rectangular, hexagonal mana stone stick.

“Is it okay if I use this as I please?”

“Because it’s a winner’s privilege. I guess so.”

Lee Min-seok smiled gently. It seemed like he was curious about what I would choose.

After lifting the evenly long hexahedral mana stone, I injected mana into it.

[Magic Engineering Weapon Conversion (A)]

As the skill was activated, the weapon was gradually reduced as if it was being transformed.

The result was a neatly carved, black gun.

‘It came out just as well as what I wrote before the regression.’

It didn’t take long for me to implement the weapon, but it didn’t take long for it to become a topic of conversation.

It was a truly spectacular sight, as the simple ingot-shaped ore was instantly transformed into a weapon, and any employee at the weapons workshop could not help but be amazed.

“It’s so disappointing that they made a weapon so easily.”




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The reactions were varied. It was a reaction I had experienced before my regression, but it was a strange feeling that others were envious of my abilities.

A slightly ticklish feeling.

But this time the reaction didn’t end there.

The door connected to the A-area research lab opened and a large number of researchers came running in, led by one senior researcher.


All over the world. Wherever there is a Hunter’s League, there is a branch of Moras Workshop. Inevitably, there is competition in such Moras Workshop, and that competition leads to two major things.

‘Who makes better quality weapons?’ and ‘who uses those weapons?’

From the head office’s perspective, it was a natural competition, and since it was the standard for fierce competition among branches for ranking, they could not help but be sensitive.

Since the branch could share manpower and technology with the head office depending on how well it was recognized, it was bound to be sensitive.


‘It’s true that the Korean branch Moras Workshop’s performance isn’t that good.’

There were times when it was doing well during the 1st generation Hunter era, but because many 1st generation Hunters died while conquering the top, it became a marginal league in the Hunters League.

It was natural for the hunters to fall behind, as their level of attack and defense had also dropped.

Speaking of the Korean branch, it was clear that it was in a state of crisis.

‘There hasn’t been a single player that can be called a star player recently, and we’ve been completely dead in the international league. Because of that, we haven’t been able to promote our Korean branch’s weapons… ‘

Far from being a weapon for promotion, it was criticized for being a weapon that was just right for the players’ level.

At that point, Lee Chang-hyun appeared.

A unique skill holder who can easily transform and create weapons at will.

As soon as I saw it on TV, I felt it right away.

‘If only I had this… If only I had this, maybe something would be possible.’

With that in mind, Park Hyeon-a, the head of the Seoul branch of Moras Workshop, was going down from Area A to Area B where Lee Chang-hyeon was.

And at that moment, Lee Chang-hyun was actually turning a high-purity pure mana stone ingot into his own weapon, a gun. I couldn’t help but drool.

It was like Park Hyun-ah had the ‘potential for a new weapon’ that she didn’t have herself. Furthermore, just by winning this program, it seems like she has potential, but what if such a player shows off their weapons even more in the league? That would be the icing on the cake.

That is, from Park Hyun-ah’s perspective, there was a sense of urgency to somehow involve her.

“Player Lee Chang-hyun… … you said that?”

“Yes, that’s right. Whatever it is.”

“This weapon now… … So, are you satisfied with the weapon from Area B?”

“I heard that the weapon provided by the organizer is of this grade… … Is there another way?”

As for Lee Chang-hyun, it was something he couldn’t help but feel, so he continued the conversation.

‘Is it by any chance a sponsorship? Something like that?’

Lee Chang-hyun thought about it, and in fact, Park Hyun-ah was thinking about something quite similar.

“If it’s not a weapon but a simple mana stone ingot, our Seoul Moras Workshop branch has something quite special.”

“Oh… … But aren’t those things quite expensive? I can’t afford to pay for them right now… … .”

“Would you like to take a look first?”

Lee Chang-hyun nodded in agreement when he saw Lee Min-seok and Kim Do-jun.


The place Park Hyun-ah led was quite surprising. It was a warehouse with luxurious security devices that seemed to say that something special was stored there, not just past Area B and Area A…

“Did you know? Moras Workshop once in a while gives the best-grade mana stone ingot to the branch workshop that has achieved outstanding results.”

Park Hyun-ah proudly spoke as she approached the central hall.

The highest grade mana stone ingot that was placed there was emitting a soft blue light.


As for Lee Chang-hyun, it was a mana stone of such high purity that it was not much different from the material of the weapon he used before his return.

“I’d like to stake this ingot and make a suggestion to Mr. Chang-Hyeon.”


“If you think about it simply, you can call it sponsorship, a kind of symbiosis. I will give Lee Chang-hyun a kind of ‘indefinite lease’ so that he can use this ingot as his own weapon. In return.”


“Instead, you can make a weapon with this ingot and use it. It would be even better if you become famous by using this weapon. And sometimes, I offer to cooperate in making a weapon with that ability using a mana stone ingot. It’s simple and nothing special, right?”

Park Hyun-ah presented the best conditions she could from the beginning.

Of course, this was actually a condition that benefited Park Hyun-ah more than Lee Chang-hyun.

‘I don’t know about this little guy, but… … .’

It was worth it. If they could make weapons out of those ingots, they would hear that Korean workshops had improved their technology to the point where they could freely reforge top-grade mana stone ingots.

That’s not all? If that happens, it won’t be hard to get those top-grade mana ingots again… … Also, if you have Lee Chang-hyun make other weapons with those mana ingots, you’ll be able to make a series of those difficult-to-refin A+ grade mana ingot weapons.

If that happens, it is highly likely that the Seoul branch of Moras Workshop will become a world-class workshop.

But surprisingly, Lee Chang-hyun realized that he was the one in charge… … .

It hit the nail on the head with the plan.

“The conditions are pretty good. But… … I guess it’s okay to spread the ‘fact’ that I actually made the weapon?”

It was nonsense. From Park Hyun-ah’s perspective, it was because Moras Workshop’s technological development capabilities were recognized and it was able to continue to grow if it didn’t spread.

“Ah… … I forgot to tell you. That condition comes with a confidentiality clause.”

But once Lee Chang-hyun noticed, he dug in sharply.

“If you include a confidentiality clause, the compensation seems a bit… …stingy. I wonder if I should just show off my skills at the Moras Workshop headquarters… … .”

Park Hyun-ah bit her lips.

If she had shown her abilities to the head office, it was obvious that the head office would take Lee Chang-hyun away even if it meant offering more compensation. So it was obvious that Park Hyun-ah’s plan would fall through.

… … I thought I gave you good terms.

Park Hyun-ah eventually declared complete defeat.

“What are your desired conditions?”


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