Return of the Genius Player Chapter 34

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034. Norimsu

‘To be honest, it’s absolutely disadvantageous… … .’

If there was a breakthrough, it could be said that there was one. The battlefield was none other than the ‘Battlefield of the Gods’.

Battlefield of the gods.

A tower dungeon where a battle took place in a civilization of giants, and suddenly everything turned to stone for an unknown reason.

‘The funny thing is that even though they were trapped in the stone, those giants continued to live.’

In fact, it was the most talked about part during the tower raid in the distant past.

Because during the siege, all the stones actually broke and things that were thought to be statues began to move like people.

Although Lee Chang-hyun was not a person who directly experienced the incident, the Hunter’s League final series often took place inside the actual ‘top’, so this was not his first experience on this map.

‘Of course, as of now, that map has never been used as a stage for the finals… … .’

Because Lee Chang-hyun had a history of regression.

So there was something to remember.

That’s right, the way to wake up those giants. It was ‘liberation’.


“Awaken the statues of the gods in the battlefield of the gods?”

From Kim Do-jun and Yoon Han-gyeol’s perspective, it was the sound of a bell being knocked on while they were sleeping. Shin Sang? Wasn’t it just an object element of the map? They must have thought the same thing.

“Do you see… something? Like in the survival game?”

Perhaps it was because Yoon Han-gyeol was a guy with a lot of potential. He understood what I was saying perfectly.

Since I wasn’t going to reveal that I had regressed anyway, I guess it would be right to just follow the guy’s lead.

“I feel it… … .”

When I said that I felt like he was playfully serious, Kim Do-jun and Yoon Han-gyeol also became serious. Well, in reality, they are just like any other career hunters.


“There is a way to awaken the gods… … .”

“Isn’t that too uncertain? If it’s just a feeling… … .”

“Do you think so? It’s probably a skill. Right, Changhyun?”

“Uh… … maybe… … .”

It was very comfortable to see Yoon Han-gyeol diligently writing the novel for me with shining eyes.

“So what is the method?”

“Crack. If you break the crack in the statue exactly, the statue will collapse like an egg and the giant inside will awaken.”


“So? The giant that comes out from inside helps the hunters?”

Yoon Han-gyeol tilted his head and asked.

As expected, he’s a guy with good instincts. It seems like he wasn’t ranked high for nothing before his regression.

“No, the giants that came out from inside have been frozen in stone for so long that they might lose their senses and attack everything they see.”

“… … Are you sure? It’s too uncertain… … And Chairman Lee Geun-taek is a neutral monster. I know what you’re thinking, but even if you wake him up, won’t you attack Chairman Lee Geun-taek?”

Yoon Han-gyeol asked skeptically. After all, there was no way to wake her up, and there were too many unknowns about the outcome.

“Well, probably not. If my guess is correct… … .”

The giant in the statue was not originally prepared for the game. It was not something that could be called a neutral monster.

“Changhyun-ah, and besides… … Even if what you say is true, it’s a problem. Even if we wake up, it’s over if we get hurt, right?”

“That’s why I have mana equipment.”

Lee Chang-hyun stopped by the repair shop with Kim Do-jun and took out the mana equipment that he had prepared in advance.

“Oh right!”


Kukukukukung… …

The fighting figures scattered across the battlefield were moving.

When Lee Geun-taek looked at the statue behind him in an unexpected situation, he saw that the bullet was lodged exactly in the crack of the statue that had been cracked due to old age.

‘You weren’t aiming for me from the beginning… … You were aiming for me, you were bluffing. I thought you were aiming for a crack… … .’

Lee Geun-taek was still skeptical, but he couldn’t help but be shocked.

No. No. He was the guy who saw through the fact that Lee Geun-taek was the owner of PER.

Then maybe I should have even taken into account the possibility of waking up the gods.

‘But… … Even if I knew I could wake him up, I would have only found out after entering this map… … He came as if he was prepared and woke up the statue. How on earth… … .’

Lee Geun-taek’s mind was becoming more and more complicated.

Even so, it was a situation that could not be understood with just the existence of a skill that gave one excellent observation skills.

Of course, the situation outside did not wait for Lee Geun-taek’s mind to become more complicated. The giant that had broken the stone and woke up began to cause a ruckus.

The new statue that was awakened this time was a statue holding a giant axe.

The next thing Lee Geun-taek saw was a giant axe being swung at him.

Kukukukung… … !

It was an axe that appeared to be dozens of times the size of a human.

‘I can stop it… … .’

It was quite difficult for Lee Geun-taek, but it wasn’t impossible. Even though he had a debuff that lowered his status, he was already a first-generation hunter who had been through the chaos.

But that wasn’t the point.

The fact that Lee Chang-hyun and his group, who had been shooting and fighting with swords just a moment ago, were nowhere to be seen. That was bound to be concerning.

‘It cannot be seen as simply being hidden… … .’

It was the same even if the situation was such that it was difficult to sense the slightest movement of the giant.

The guys obviously disappeared from sight as if they had been hit in one go.

At that moment, something passed through Lee Geun-taek’s head.

‘Invisible Clock… …!’

Among the special series of mana equipment, it was a cloak that allowed you to hide like a chameleon for a certain period of time. Not only was it not very versatile, but it was also easy to find if you had enough time to examine it closely. It was not a very commonly used equipment.


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However, at a time like now when a huge statue is moving and it is difficult to focus on the details, it cannot help but appear as if it has disappeared.

And maybe that’s why that thought was right.

As if to prove that Lee Geun-taek’s thoughts were correct, the sound of a gunshot was heard from close range.

And the timing was exquisite, right when Lee Geun-taek was blocking the giant’s axe with his shield. In other words, it was a time when he could neither dodge nor block it.

‘Got it… …!’

Lee Chang-hyun must have thought like this.

But the next scene was something no one expected.


Rather, Chairman Lee Geun-taek burst into laughter the moment the bullets flew.

Immediately after, an unknown strong shock wave radiated out from Chairman Lee Geun-taek, causing bullets to ricochet.

“It’s been a while since I’ve driven an old man like this… It’s surprising.”

This is an opponent that Lee Chang-hyun can never win against. It is a difficult situation to win against even if all of his teammates come. And the map is one that the opponent knows better.

But Lee Chang-hyun didn’t give up.

It broke the mold that we had to fight in greater numbers.

He came by an unexpected route, at an unexpected time, and took unexpected actions.

Although it is the power of skill, it has been revealed that it can awaken the divine being.

He pretended to attack Lee Geun-taek, woke up the spirit, and aimed for Lee Geun-taek’s rear.

They secured their own safety from the indiscriminate attacks by using the ‘Invisible Cloak’.

‘Yeah… … It’s your victory.’

Excellent. Very excellent. It seemed to directly contradict the Hunters League’s current state of affairs, where players are pushed forward with only superpowers and stats rather than strategy and tactics even when advancing to higher leagues.

As the person dealing with him, Lee Geun-taek couldn’t help but be very happy.

“But… … Don’t you think it’s still too early to actually beat Nobu?”

Even though the guy showed a passing grade, Lee Geun-taek still hasn’t given up.

Instead, he laughed and shouted loudly.

“Good! Now we’re on equal footing. Now go and attack Nobu properly!”


Meanwhile, before the statue was awakened, the reaction from the judges’ table, where the match was being broadcast, was also heated.

“Player Lee Chang-hyun… … ! He rushes at Chairman Lee Geun-taek without any particular strategy. He tried sniping, but it didn’t work… … .”

“Is there any variable here that could allow Lee Chang-hyun to win?”

“Hmm… … No matter how much I look, I can’t think of anything. There’s no mana equipment here that could turn the tide… … If there is anything, it would be a map variable… … .”

Lee Min-seok paused for a moment and then continued speaking.

“Yes, since the map is called ‘Battlefield of the Gods’, we might be able to ‘liberate’ the statues.”

“But the method is not well known, and even if they were liberated, it would be at a disadvantage for Lee Chang-hyun to survive the indiscriminate attacks… … .”

“It is exactly as you pointed out. That is why we need to watch it a little longer… … .”

Lee Min-seok looked at the screen coldly.

‘Of course, it seems to me that I have no chance of winning… … .’

There was no way that guy would have gone in like that without thinking. Now that I look at it, the bullets were all deflected and blocked by the shield and Chairman Lee Geun-taek’s evasive maneuvers… … .

[Wow, the first generation hunters are different after all… … Is that the gun that was used to take down one enemy at a time in the elimination game?]

N [At that time, I couldn’t react to the gun because of the dust and the sound of the building collapsing lol]

N [Even considering that, is it true that the difference is so huge?]

ㄴ [If you keep shooting like this, you probably won’t take any damage lol]

N [ It’s almost like shooting a gun at a tank, okay? ]

The reactions online were not much different.

Even if you look at it, it seems like there is no answer to this situation.

That was when. Lee Chang-hyun was shooting. And Lee Geun-taek was defending.

After that, the huge stone statue fell away and started to move.

[?????? What just happened? Am I the only one who saw that move?]

n [It looks like a rock is breaking? What is that? ㅋㅋ This is the first time I’ve seen something like that]

ㄴ [ In the first place, isn’t it extremely rare for this map to appear in a match? So it may be the first time you’ve seen something like a special gimmick. ]

N [Hey, is that going for the back of Chairman Lee Geun-taek’s head? Hahahahahahahahaha]

N [Ahh… … This is ‘Lee Jae-yi’s’ method.]

With a catastrophic reaction, an anomaly occurred.

While Lee Geun-taek was blocking or avoiding the ether bullets, Lee Chang-hyun was precisely targeting the cracks in the body.


It was a completely unexpected scenario for Lee Min-seok.

Could it be that it was unexpected?

Beyond that, it was clearly something that could be called a “shock.”

Jo Ara must have realized that he was so shocked that he couldn’t speak properly, so she snatched the microphone and continued speaking.

“Ahh… …! Player Lee Chang-hyun! I thought he was going to shoot, but it seems he saw through the gimmick of reviving his body. The bullet that avoided Chairman Lee Geun-taek ended up hitting his body instead, which ended up being poisonous! What on earth is going to happen to the game?”

Jo Ara handed the mic back to the slightly more genuine Lee Min-seok.

‘Yeah… … This is no time to be surprised.’

Lee Min-seok took a deep breath and continued speaking.

“First of all, I can tell you that it is a gimmick that officially exists in the ‘Battlefield of the Gods.’ You can ‘liberate’ the gods by destroying certain cracks, and the ‘liberated’ gods will attack indiscriminately.”

“Indiscriminate… …! If such strong gods attack indiscriminately, wouldn’t it be disadvantageous for Lee Chang-hyun?”

“That’s certainly true, but… … .”

As he thought about that and looked back at the screen, saying something in agreement, Lee Min-seok was unable to continue speaking.

‘Invisible Clock… …!’

Lee Chang-hyun and his group strategically brought along special, rarely-used mana equipment and were ‘hiding’.

And then, the moment Lee Geun-taek blocks the axe that Shin Sang is swinging at


The sound of gunfire rang out, cutting through the battlefield coolly.

[Wow lol, the strategy was just thrown out. Is this how you make a three-way battle?]

N [Isn’t that just mean?]

N [Don’t you know the difference between mean and strategy and tactics? If you don’t know, just shut up.]

N [The battle scene is just so confusing lol]

N [The three-way battle is so much fun, huh?]

And as such an interesting composition was created, the chat window was also heating up.


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