Return of the Genius Player Chapter 3

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003. You can’t do it?

How to break down something solid and strong.

The simplest way is force. More force is obviously the simplest and best way to break down a defense.

And before regression, it was actually a method I used often.

But who doesn’t know the easy way? There are bound to be situations where you lack strength for whatever reason.

Like the situation I’m in now.

‘With my current abilities, even if I use a good weapon, it will only end up putting a scratch on my armor.’

So what should we do? It’s simple. We have to attack the weakness.

In humans, the head, heart, or joints.

However, it is not advisable to aim for the head and heart of a tank.

Because it is a place where the armor focuses its defense.

Therefore, the best place to aim is the folding joint, that is, the moving part, the joint part.

As if carefully opening a double or triple layer safe, he dismantles the shoulder drive armour by poking a slit in it and simultaneously slashes upward.

The following movement was a diagonal slash from the disarmed upper left shoulder to the neck.

The weapon was sucked in like water through the invisible cracks and seams of the armor.

‘As if the weapon was going back to where it was supposed to be.’

And with this, the tank clone’s defenses become virtually the same as those of a bare body.

Squeak –

One movement. Just one movement.

A tank clone falls to the ground, completely split in two from left shoulder to neck.

I think my body needs a lot more time to adjust than I thought.

‘It’s moving just as I thought… … .’

I was worried because there were differences in physical conditions such as height, muscle strength, and status, but I don’t feel any disparity. I guess it’s because it’s my body, even though it’s from the past.

It may be because the skill is working properly, more than anything else.

[Piercing Eyes (B): Pierces the essence of the target.]

A kind of cheat key skill that can also be used to detect the target’s weaknesses.

I was worried that the grade was low and I wouldn’t be able to see the exact pinpoint, but it’s still sharp.

Of course, since I had raised it to S+ rank before returning, I could exploit all the weaknesses I saw, but the gap wasn’t that big yet.

If I had known it would be this clean, I would have at least turned on the recording.

“Oh, what’s wrong? It looks like the defense is set to the minimum. If you think about it, that’s true… … But with the default tank clone settings, even if you don’t have a unique weapon, the damage won’t be dealt properly.”

“… … .”

What? Are you thinking that it doesn’t make sense and distorting your thoughts?

“Still, it’s good to have a clean form. Kendo? Oh. Since it’s a spear, is it something like spearmanship? I guess you’ve been exercising a bit? I should practice as a tank clone before team practice later.”

“Okay, then.”

There’s no need to explain it in detail. It’s obvious to the average person that if something is easy to do, it’s easy.

It doesn’t look very good to have to explain it.

“Then I’ll go warm up first since I have team practice soon. Work hard at practice, and if you’re going to take the entrance exam later, be sure to tell me. I’ll make sure to tell the coach that there’s a promising kid at our school.”

At this point, it seems like an obsession. Are you being ostracized by the team?

Well, it’s none of my business.


Hunters, including those in the Hunter’s League, don’t use long-range weapons like guns very often.

Unless you have a special skill that can assist with ranged attacks, regular long-range weapons are better than those.

Like using the mana in your body or using superhuman strength to slay monsters.

Even if the most powerful anti-personnel weapon in the modern era is a gun, it only works on ordinary people.

It often didn’t work on Awakened beings who had superhuman defense, mobility, and defensive means, and it was difficult to inflict fatal damage on monsters.

That’s why, rather than waiting with a relatively weak gun from afar, the Awakened Hunter often kills them directly with his own force. That’s why Hunters are usually good at handling spears and swords at an average level.

Of course, there were also ranged dealers who used long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows.

Anyway, the sword that Lee Chang-hyun had shown earlier was quite sharp, even to Kim Do-jun, who was close to being a professional hunter among the Korean Awakened.

‘Even though the defense is set to the lowest possible level… … ‘

In fact, before I saw that knife, the words telling me to take the academy entrance exam were empty words.

The Seoul City Hunters are one of the top teams in Korea, even though they are an academy team.

But looking at that bet, I think he might actually make it onto the team.

‘It’s not a bad thing to have a new youngest member of the Academy team who goes to the same school.’

While Kim Do-jun was imagining such things, he summoned the mithril sword, the weapon his parents had given him to celebrate his enlistment.

And then, recalling the memory from when he was with Lee Chang-hyun earlier, he ran towards the tank clone.

‘I think it was something like this… … .’

It must have been a form of holding a spear and cutting diagonally from the shoulder to the neck.

Kim Do-jun recreated the kick Lee Chang-hyun had shown earlier.


A loud tin-clanging sound echoed as the mithril dagger made of a special alloy collided with the tank clone’s armor.

At the same time, the impact of the Mithril dagger being swung down with all its might was transmitted to my hand in a chilling manner.

“Ahh… … What is this? Was there an error in the defense settings?”

With that thought in mind, I looked at the settings screen again, but the defense was clearly set to the lowest level.

I’m sure he would have done as Lee Chang-hyun showed me…

I tried again a few times, but all I could hear was the sound of a tin can being hit.

Something was definitely wrong.

‘I think I set something up wrong… … Next time I see it, I’ll have to ask how you set it up.’

Of course, that’s that, and now I’ve started hitting the tank clone for the purpose of warming up before practice.


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But the warm-up didn’t last long.

“Hey, Kim Do-jun! The seniors are here, so why don’t you greet them briskly?”

It was Han Ji-soo, who was two years my senior on the academy team. Well, actually, we entered the team at the same time, so we’re not academy seniors, but he’s older anyway.

Even though they are a prestigious Seoul city football team, their actions are completely gangster-like.

For Kim Do-jun, who grew up in a relatively wealthy family and a fairly good school district, it was quite awkward.

If you want to get through it without fighting, it would be better to just give in.

“Oh, senior. Hello.”


When I stopped practicing and bowed 90 degrees to him, he seemed satisfied and answered me.

“But why are you hitting the tank clone again?”

There’s a smirk on his face as if he’s doing something stupid.

“I… I’m just going to practice and relax for a bit.”

“Where’s the kid who practices cutting while having a tank clone while practicing body stretching? Are you proving that he’s stupid?”

“Ah… … That’s my friend… … .”

While Kim Do-jun was speaking, Han Ji-soo cut him off and struck him.

“Is your friend Lee Min-seok? Or is he Director Choi?”

Lee Min-seok is currently the only Korean hunter who is a top-ranked hunter in the world and is active in the Hunters League. Coach Choi was the coach of the Korean Hunters League national team.

“No matter how you set the defense, the tank clone won’t be damaged. Put on a show, put on a show. It’s so noisy… … Can’t you see that the other seniors are coming too? Anyway, I have to teach you from start to finish.”


When Kim Do-jun apologized, his senior just ignored him and removed the tank clone as a setting.

And then I made a big mess by eating the snacks I bought and giggling in the empty seats with the guys I came with.

Kim Do-jun couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh in his heart.


After Kim Do-jun left the comprehensive hunter training facility, I slowly started playing the game.

So, I summoned the things you’ll actually face in the Hunter’s League.

Depending on the field, various monsters appeared, and AI hunters who practiced on behalf of opposing players continued to appear as holograms, and I fought against them.

‘It’s a lot less than I thought… … .’

Unlike the tank clones that I thought were okay because I could easily defeat them when I was with Kim Do-jun earlier, they are too weak. Unlike the tank clones whose actual defense is close to zero if their armor is disabled, their weapons won’t even hit monsters with their basic bodies and hardware itself.

Even if you attack the vulnerable spot with piercing eyes, it is the same.

‘Of course, it’s also because I’m still a B-class with piercing eyes and lack the ability to see weaknesses… … .’

This means that the ability to see the exact weaknesses is still lacking.

The difference between S+ rank and B rank was that big.

What’s worse is that it’s not the only problem there.

[Physical Ability]

[Strength: 5]

[Reaction speed: 6]

[Flexibility: 6.6]

[Stamina: 5]

[Regeneration: 5]

My current physical ability is actually a little better than that of an average person who is good at exercising.

Even if you hit the pinpoint accurately and give 150% damage with 100% power, it’s not easy to give a big blow because the power is weak to begin with.

‘Of course, if there’s a fatal gap like a tank clone, you can just squeeze through it, but otherwise… … .’

No matter how much you avoid and hit all of the monster’s attacks, there may still be a situation where you lose.

First and foremost, the most urgent thing is to build up a strong attack. To be able to deal damage with certainty. That is the top priority.

Of course, if you wait, your body will gradually grow back to its previous level, but even taking that into account, other measures are needed.

‘Before the return, [Full Bloom] was opened… … ‘

Since I have benefited greatly from [Full Bloom] not only in my skills but also in my overall physical abilities, I need to train my body more this time.

Even if skills are important to the Awakened, in the end, it is the body that uses them, and they must be supported by physical ability.

‘Let’s fully invest in the Hunter’s League Rookie Discovery Program.’

With that in mind, I started the physical ability improvement program that was provided as a default setting.

A comprehensive hunter training facility is basically possible because it provides all the training facilities necessary for hunters.

From creating a kind of sandbag, like a tank clone, or a virtual sparring partner, to increasing stamina.

[Physical Ability Enhancement Program: Strength (Prologue and User Analysis) is implemented.]

At first glance, you might think of it as a basic strength training machine like those used at the gym, but it was a little different. Not only was the system tailored to the individual, but it was also a special piece of equipment that was highly optimized.

‘Considering the price of this training equipment, it’s ridiculous to use it for such simple strength training… … .’

[Step 1 is implemented.]

Several white cylindrical targets appear and stand.

When you attack this target, the total amount of power hit will appear as a number above, like a scout.

It’s similar to applying force to a punching machine and getting points.

‘It’s different in that you hit with weapons and skills, not with your fists… … .’

When you hit in so many different ways, how do you get the highest score?

What aspects of the human body balance need to be improved to become stronger? All of that is also shown in the analysis table.

Step 2 is here where the cylinder starts to move like in real combat, and step 3 is where it starts to dodge or block in the form of monsters and people.

After that, the manual for [Physical Ability Improvement Program: Strength] will be determined by artificial intelligence based on the user analysis analyzed by the program.

[Physical Ability Improvement Program: Strength (Analysis)]

– The user’s impact point is slightly higher compared to the key. To apply optimal force, the impact point needs to be lowered.

– The poses for transmitting power are optimized, but muscle growth is not keeping up, so it is not being converted into appropriate destructive power. Strength training is needed.

– The development of lower body and upper body muscles is uneven. Lower body exercises are recommended.

Below the analysis, a list of recommended training programs is laid out.

There are quite a few strength building programs that don’t necessarily need to be done here, and one quite interesting one is a tailored program for resetting your hitting points.

‘Anyway, I have to work on my lower body whether I’m awake or asleep… … .’

It is very difficult to raise the level without opening [Full Bloom].

Before I returned, I didn’t do any exercise or anything like that.


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