Return of the Genius Player Chapter 264

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Episode 264 Record

Lee Chang-hyun. I remember talking to him before he went to the international exchange program. I saw the list of participants for the international exchange program selected by PER and I remembered that time.

‘Dude… … When I told you that seeing that personnel change reminded me of the bomber strategy you used in Part 3, you said you’d change my mind.’

Firstly, I enjoyed the guy’s cheekiness, and secondly, I was curious.

That tactic was actually Lee Geun-taek’s. It was a strategy that would only work in the third part, just as he said.

The idea itself was good. Attach the Mana Bomber to a few swords that Yoon Han-gyeol wields, have them approach the opponent, and detonate them.

But what about from an international perspective?

Yoon Han-gyeol’s Lee Gi-geom, Lee Yeon-ju’s location-finding ability, Han Ji-soo’s gravity ability, and even the Mana Bomber are all mobilized to use them, but their destructive power is only as powerful as a few Mana Bombers.

On the international stage, there was a high possibility that it would not work, as there were players who were raw meat.

It would have been easy to avoid or block.

Not only that? Just by hitting a Mana Bomber, the abilities of three players are mobilized. That was a huge penalty on the international stage, where it was better to embody and implement various tactics with as few people as possible.

It must have been like that… …

‘Is this your answer?’

To his surprise, Lee Geun-taek was watching Lee Chang-hyun reenact the bomber strategy he had used in Part 3 on the international stage.

Because it was made using mana, it mixed the weak physical power of the illusionary sword and the real sword and hid it by creating waves of the winning sword.

Lee Yeon-ju’s outstanding [Binding] ability strengthens the threat and drains the opponent’s soul.

A deadly blade hidden in the waves of the winning sword. It hid numerous winning swords mixed with the ‘Mana Bomber’.

And now, the moment when the opponent is cornered and the true power is revealed.

The moment when the somewhat weaker swords are blocked by the opponent’s strong defensive ability, stagnate, drift, and pile up.

Unlike in Part 3, Lee Yeon-ju’s [Binding] acts as a trigger, detonating one of the Leegi Sword’s mana bombers hidden inside.

What happens next? It’s obvious.

Numerous Igi Swords were piled up in front of the enemy’s defense barrier. Also, numerous Mana Bombers mixed in among them caused a chain explosion.

Yeah, like fireworks over the palace.

“Hehehe… … He said he would show me something interesting.”

It was certainly a spectacular sight, indeed a breathtaking sight.


The battle progressed so quickly that the odds were in your favor and your disadvantage were in your favor, so overall it was a chaotic battle.

That’s why I quickly explained it and moved on…

This time, it had to be a little different.

[Caster: Korean players!!! Finally, they’re getting it done! The Leegi Swords that were blocked by the opponent’s defensive ability exploded all at once! What the heck is going on!]

The caster’s roar echoed through the air, followed immediately by the commentator’s rapid-fire rap-like commentary.

[Commentator: It looks like a modified version of the [Bomber Strategy] used in the past PER! You can think of it as attaching a mana bomber to the Leegi Sword and detonating them all at once! By covering it appropriately, it was made difficult for the opponent to respond, and that was possible because… … ]

Of course, more than such detailed explanations, the excitement. The atmosphere. The flow was important, so it was buried under the roar of the caster.

[Caster: It’s like watching fireworks, just like the explosions! Korean team! It looks like Kang Jun-hyeok’s stomach is full after being in danger, but this is a really refreshing sight!]

The viewers’ reaction to seeing it was also explosive.

[Where did those guys who said “Push the water rocket” when Kang Jun-hyeok was cornered go? LOL]

N It explodes like a dog, like a mana bomber lol

n Water rocket push~ (space breakthrough)

Wow, but it’s really great. It was really exciting from the moment the swordsman Lee Gi-eo-geom appeared.

n Now when I go abroad, I say doyouno PER? lol

N You’ve really eaten up a lot of nationalism

[Japan looks pitiful lol]

N Seriously… … It’s totally different from when they gathered together and tried to eat Kang Jun-hyeok

n In my opinion, PER guys are evil. They’re evil hunters from hell.

n Lee Chang-hyun, Kim Do-jun… … and this time, Yoon Han-gyeol and Lee Yeon-joo. This lineup is truly evil.

ㄴ Japan was pretty cool too. Was it Manabit? It was just so cool how it could fly around and make shields.

But that kind of reaction only lasted for a while.

After the crazy chain of explosions ended and the dust cloud was revealed, another gasp of shock swept through the room.

There were mixed feelings.

Overwhelming cheers at the home stadium in Japan.

In the Korean chat room where the broadcast was being broadcast, emotions of shock surged.

As the dust cloud created by the explosion cleared, the Japanese players were revealed to have huddled together and surrounded themselves with numerous manabeats to block the attack.

Of course, the number of mana bombers and the scale of the explosion were not small.

Even though they strengthened their mana shields using [Mana Expansion] and Mana Beat, the Japanese players’ performance did not look completely normal.

There are parts that were not blocked properly, and parts where the clothes were burned.

There were places that were charred black and had hair singed by the explosion.

Was that why?

The chat room, which had initially been quiet due to shock, became noisy again as if a fire had been ignited.

[Ah haha, we can lose this game now. It’s acknowledgement that we made it like that.]

N Seriously ㅋㅋ When the dust settles, what kind of group of beggars do you see?

N Wow but they block that. They hit Japan too

N But seriously, I burst out laughing. That Japanese player’s head looks like it was fried or something lol

n Has there ever been such an ugly match in the history of international sports…?

N Come on! Wash up! Come on! Wash up! Hahahahahahahahahahaha


Even before the dust cloud from the explosion had settled, I knew that the Japanese players had not fallen to that blow earlier.

‘I guess the international stage is truly an international stage… … .’

Actually, this was somewhat expected.


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Although the explosions created by numerous mana bombers are powerful, they are directed in all directions.

In the first place, the firepower was concentrated in one area, so it was impossible to expect anything like it penetrating the shield.

With [Piercing Eyes], I saw a mana shield filled with an enormous amount of mana that my opponent had created.

I could hear my team members’ voices through the earphones.

“Changhyun. Do you still feel something?”

Yoon Han-gyeol’s voice was flustered, as if he thought it was over.

“So what’s Plan B?”

It seems like it didn’t work, so Lee Min-seok’s voice demands the next strategy.

“If you’re going to be bait on a big stage, you have to end it properly, junior.”

As the game began, the voice of Kang Jun-hyeok, who acted as bait as the lone striker, was heard.

… … In fact, it was a natural thing.

That was all I told my teammates before the game.

The overwhelming victory of the sword using Yoon Han-gyeol’s new ability. And Lee Yeon-ju’s ability to securely hold on to her opponents unlike before with [Binding] that tracks them.

With this, you can corner your opponent and at the climax, detonate the transported mana bomber to turn the tables.

That’s all we’ve talked about so far.

But, honestly, I feel a little sorry.

I wanted to be the star of this game.

It was also nice to show off and show off the growth of our team members.

Is being a hunter ultimately just an unavoidable servitor?

‘The final step of the bomber strategy (revised) is… … .’

I planned the strategy and brought all the kids. Shouldn’t I also take care of the flashiest part?

‘I’ll finish it.’

The silence felt like the fireworks had just ended. The palaces had collapsed here and there. And the Japanese players were still unseen due to the aftermath of the Mana Bomber explosion.

There he fired a signal flare to announce the final completion of the bomber strategy (改).

‘long time no see.’

The sniper rifle, which hasn’t been used much recently, has been transformed into a magical engineering weapon and fits comfortably in your hand.

No need for scopes or scopes.

There are [piercing eyes] that do not waver.

It was just a shoot.


A step that is no different from usual, but at first glance may seem somewhat shabby on the international stage.

Unlike Ethan’s laser beam, it only moves forward in a small, thin trajectory.

But now, everything is ready for that one step.

That single ether bullet shot forward, shooting down the [Mana Bombers] attached to the Igi Swords floating all over the sky.

Before I knew it, it was getting late, and it seemed like a space war was taking place against the dark sky.

The explosions of large and small mana bombers follow the trajectory of the bullet.

As this accumulated, surprisingly, the bullet, which had been nothing more than a thin solid line, gradually became larger.

‘Ether is a vessel that holds mana, and is also like a sponge that absorbs it. Ether bullets are also the secret to strength.’

It was the same principle as when, a while ago, a mana bomber was put in and fired to increase its destructive power.

The only difference this time was the number of mana bombers.

A single ether bullet fired from a sniper rifle from a distance.

One, two, the size of its power increases exponentially via the mana bomber attached to the flying sword.

Under the influence of [Legendary Sniper] and [Guided Shot], the trajectory slightly changes as if the bullet is seeking more power.

It grew bigger as it destroyed and destroyed more of the Mana Bombers of the winning sword.

Soon it grew like a snowball and became thicker than Ethan’s.

That nonsense is directed at the Japanese players, who are now seen crouching as the dust settles.

He declared the game over without giving anyone a chance to dodge.

What was as thin as a thread as it came out of the small muzzle had become something huge enough to cover the sky by the time it reached the ground.

As if the white light had erased its trajectory with an eraser, there was nothing left, including the Japanese players and the Igi Sword.

By far, it was the best I’ve ever shot.


[Kiya~ Jumo~ A bowl of patriotic soup please]

N What just happened? Hahahaha Did I see it right?

N Is that the first time this has come out? Hasn’t something like that ever been shot in a Korean game?

N yeah this is my first time. It’s just a legend.

N Ethan come out!

N What the heck Ethan lol I’m going crazy

ㄴ But isn’t it really worth a try?

It was only for a moment that Japan won admiration by blocking the bomber strategy using the Igiyogum.

Immediately following Lee Chang-hyun’s amazing shooting, the chat room was filled with comments full of patriotic sentiments.

Until now, I thought that such ridiculous abilities were mostly exclusive to foreign hunters.

Although there was a lot of preparation, if you look at the impact of just one step that Lee Chang-hyun showed, it is not inferior to the highlights of any hunter in the world.

And actually, most importantly.

What the viewers who were chatting in the chat window missed was the caster shouting loudly for them.

[Caster: The Korean team, led by Lee Chang-hyun! They show off an amazing performance and defeat the Japanese team, who have never won on this stage before!]

And that wasn’t the end of it.

[Caster: A perfect game of 7-0 against Japan, which is even receiving quite good reviews on the international stage!!]

What this game has created.

That was the first history of the Korean Hunters League.


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