Return of the Genius Player Chapter 256

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Episode 256: The main game begins

It didn’t take long for the game, which had been somewhat disguised as a hunter survival game, to end.

As the clash between the Vietnamese and Korean main players came to an end, a chain reaction occurred and the situation tilted significantly.

Inevitably, the match will tilt heavily towards the Korean team and end quickly.

Immediately after the game, the funny thing was that, except for a few, there were unexpected guests in the waiting room.

‘Chairman Lee Geun-taek… …?’

“Hehehe. Player Kang Jun-hyeok. Was the match fun? The way you swept everything away with your sword reminded me of my old days. Haha.”

Looking at the Vietnamese players’ general manager sweating profusely and watching from the side, and Lee Geun-taek sitting proudly.

A small smile naturally formed on my face at the sight of her unusual appearance.

‘Until now, I thought LTD was always the one who was killing me and causing trouble in international matches… … .’

I had a strange feeling when this day came.

It wasn’t because I was good at it that it turned out that way, but because my junior, Lee Chang-hyun, showed his mysterious side and made it so.

As I watched Lee Chang-hyun passing by, my thoughts grew even more.

‘I always thought that the reason PER was unusual was because of that guy… … .’

Because this match made it even more certain.

‘It was perfect.’

Kang Jun-hyeok’s technical ideal, or tactical direction, was one step more advanced than what he had dreamed of so far, and he felt that it was penetrating the shortest path to victory.

From identifying each individual’s skills and weaknesses to design and execution, we carry out the project without any gaps. We successfully complete projects without taking risks.

Aside from his overwhelming skills and abilities, you wondered what kind of steel that guy’s heart was made of.

And, is it because Lee Chang-hyun firmly and definitely held the center?

Unlike my previous international matches, I felt more at ease, and I could feel that this was the best scene I had ever seen where I had used my abilities.

‘No, rather, could it be that I have not been able to fully utilize [the Realm of the Sword] until now?’

I even thought that maybe that guy knew how to use his power better than Kang Jun-hyeok himself.

But it didn’t feel so bad.

Until now, I have been blocked by some invisible wall. Or held in chains.

Unlike in the past when I was tied down by something I didn’t even know the cause of… … I felt like I had definitely taken a step forward.

If you say that the match with Lee Chang-hyun was not enjoyable.

‘That would be a lie.’

There was still quite a bit of time left on the schedule for the international exchange event.

Kang Jun-hyeok was a little nervous about every moment of the international exchange, about the danger and tension that was to come.


Even though the Vietnamese team had some very strange plans and ruined the practice match, there was no greater friction or conflict than expected.

After the game, I went out to the waiting room and Lee Chang-hyun tried to come out.

It was because Lee Geun-taek stopped him.

At first glance, it was an incomprehensible act, so many stories could not help but leak out from the Korean players who had just arrived at the team dormitory.

“They are doing dirty things like that, calling us names. Shouldn’t we have protested at least something? Why is Chairman Lee Geun-taek like that?”

It was a question that one person asked, but it was actually something that most players were curious about as well.

But even after thinking about it, the answer didn’t come easily. So we were just having meaningless small talk…

Kim Do-jun opened his mouth.

“There’s something that everyone overlooks… … Everyone knows that Chairman Lee Geun-taek is a first-generation hunter.”

“Yeah. Right?”

Perhaps it was because he was secretly curious about the story that suddenly started with a sense of weight. The noisy accommodation became quiet.

“So… … I owe my life to the Vietnamese player inside the tower.”

“Oh oh…….”

Is that something you thought was possible?

Although it was a long and tedious process, it received a pretty good response.

“But, because that player saved him, Chairman Lee Geun-taek wanted to repay him. The Vietnamese player said, ‘You don’t have to repay me. But, if you ever see a Vietnamese player in danger or make a mistake, you’ll help him.’ But the person who said that was a total beauty… … .”

Everyone was having quite a bit of fun listening to Kim Do-jun’s nonsense, but he didn’t continue talking any further.


Taaak -!

Because the clear sound of a hammer striking Kim Do-jun’s head rang out.

Could it be that Chairman Lee Geun-taek couldn’t stand to be slapped by Kim Do-jun who kept nagging him?

When I heard the sound, it was quite loud and I thought it would hurt a lot.

“Ahhh… … .”

“What do you mean, a Vietnamese beauty saved your life? She even took away things that you guys couldn’t accept.”

‘You ripped it off?’

Only then did the Korean players realize why the match had ended so smoothly.

‘There was nothing to calculate and settle in the first place?’

Lee Geun-taek watched the game together and calculated what needed to be calculated. He must have received what he needed to receive from this unreasonable game.

“Okay. Here’s the schedule and information for the practice matches that I brought to you guys, who no one cares about, like a sack of barley borrowed from world-class players.”

The information contained in the bundle of documents that Lee Geun-taek handed over was quite substantial.

‘All data and information including the practice matches of the Vietnam team’s international exchange match. In the analysis report file… … .’

To be honest, I thought I could have gotten it up to that point. I didn’t really think much about it because it was exactly the same information I thought I would get. Jin-guk was right next.

‘You’ll provide that information for three years?’

What… … On our side, we can receive a huge amount of international war data that we lack and have nowhere else to get it. It’s really great though.

From the other person’s perspective, there was no irrationality more irrational than this.

Just because I messed up one practice match, you want me to give you this, which is basically confidential information, for three years?

Of course, I will hide the abilities and tactics of the Vietnamese players to some extent, but… … As expected, the valuable information was the vast amount of data about the opponents that the Vietnamese players would face in practice matches or regular international matches.


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This was tantamount to stealing something that was impossible to buy even with a huge amount of money.

“Is it okay to tear it apart like this?”

“I tried my best. I was about to take flight. I couldn’t possibly fall to the opponent’s absurd and unexpected strategy, right?”

Lee Geun-taek’s sly smile was not very trustworthy.

That was certainly true.

The biggest variable in international matches. Variables caused by unfamiliar tactics, players, and abilities. The only way to reduce these variables is to use connections with various other teams or to prepare in advance through rumors.

“And above all. As the head coach of the Korean team, shouldn’t I do this much?”

At those words, Kang Jun-hyeok, Lee Min-seok, and the faces of the other players, except for a few others, turned blank.

Well, there’s no other reason for someone as busy as the Hunter’s Association President to take the time to come here.

But one thing is certain. He is a stronger ally than anyone else.

Ability, status, honor. Even career and years of experience.

Couldn’t the best breathing and combination that can cover everything be born at this international exchange event?

“Then, let’s gather the information that the Japanese team agreed to exchange with each other… and the information that the Vietnamese team brings and try to piece it together. The power analyst will analyze it and write a report. Let’s focus on that.”

One thing is for sure. This international exchange match will likely be the most special match for the Korean Hunters League fans who have been waiting with little anticipation.


A well-equipped practice facility. A Hunter’s status that was superior to anyone else’s. And an environment where powerful practice opponents were plentiful.

Time passed by so quickly.

While working together to match up, studying different player combinations, analyzing the opponent’s abilities and preparing to counter them.

Before we knew it, the first match of the international exchange tournament, against Thailand, was just around the corner.

‘Looking at the practice matches and data with Vietnam and Japan so far, Thailand is not a team that we have to be very wary of… … .’

In addition to last year, this was a team that unfortunately lost to the Korean team in the international exchange match last year.

‘I think you said that you successfully blocked Kang Jun-hyeok in Thailand but unfortunately lost.’

Even though Kang Jun-hyeok was not an easy opponent, seeing that he was able to blockade them effectively and win every time, it was clear that the international stage was truly an international stage.

“So, in this match against Thailand, I’m going to try to make sure that the sword area that was countered last time isn’t destroyed.”

This was followed by a presentation by a tactical analyst.

But… … Since it was the first game, was it because I felt it would be a shame to go in a hurry?

I raised my hand and said,

“How about going like this instead?”

Kang Jun-hyeok was indignant at what I said next, but after listening to what I continued to say, he must have thought it was persuasive.

Eventually, he nodded, a strange expression on his face.

Yes, in the end, the game is something that the players must win, but it is also a show for the audience.

‘If it’s a match we can win, we should do it as coolly as possible.’

The intention was to turn up the heat on the game, leaving the onlookers breathless.


On the day of the game, the stadium was noticeably crowded, unlike when Hunters League games are usually played in Korea.

When I went out into the hallway for a moment, I saw staff members preparing by carrying around cameras, microphones, and other equipment.

Occasionally, you could see foreign players being interviewed in the hallways.

‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such scenery… ‘

In fact, this was a familiar and affectionate scene, just like the Korean Hunters League.

And in this kind of atmosphere, of course there had to be reporters from our country.

As expected, while I was walking around on purpose, there was a reporter who recognized me.

“Uh… …Are you Lee Chang-hyun?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“We are reporter Oh Ji-won, who writes articles for NEVER Sports. Can we request a brief interview?”

That’s how the impromptu interview started.

Since it is a landscape and appearance that I like quite a bit, I started the interview thinking that he would give an interesting answer.

It starts with simple questions about how things have been since the regular season, whether the food and facilities are okay, etc.

The questions started right after that.

[Reporter Oh Ji-won: How do you feel about playing with other players so far? Did you get along well?]

[Lee Chang-hyun: Well, there’s the famous player Lee Min-seok. There’s also player Kang Jun-hyeok, and there’s also Chairman Lee Geun-taek who takes care of us. Overall, it’s not bad.]

[Reporter Oh Ji-won: Is there no such thing as who is the best among them?]

[Lee Chang-hyun: I win everything.]

[Reporter Oh Ji-won: Oh… … That’s a great confidence, but Korea’s international performance hasn’t been that good so far. Have your practice results been good against overseas teams?]

[Lee Chang-hyun: Practice results… … Practice results.]

Actually, I don’t usually talk specifically about my practice results in interviews.

While I was at it, I thought something a little provocative might be good too.

[Lee Chang-hyun: I have already defeated multiple opponents in a practice match by myself, and in a practice match against a major team like Vietnam. Is it okay if I just say this much?]

Anyway, it was the Vietnam team that was at fault for the game, so I thought this would be okay.


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