Return of the Genius Player Chapter 248

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Episode 248 Trouble

The day the international exchange team departed.

On the way to the airport, I vividly remembered the scene I loved when Lee Yeon-ju was selected as an international exchange player.

‘Honestly, I expected it to some extent as I gained the ability… … but you like it that much.’

Although he’s been timid lately, he must have been really good. Well, he came all the way up from a team that was undefeated in the third division. And he was a member of the international exchange program representing Korea?

It would be no exaggeration to say that it was a human victory from the ground to the sky.

So, even though I expected it, I couldn’t help but like it.

But even for me, who knew those circumstances, it was a scene that left a lasting impression on me.

Normally a timid guy… …

‘Wow… Whoa… … Aaaah!’

The scene of her sobbing and making strange screams that were either an unknown language or an exclamation was truly a spectacle.

Kim Do-jun even thought the sight was so interesting that he was filming it with his cell phone.

If you focus on that kind of thing rather than taking it apart, then you’re living a completely interest-based life.

On the other hand, in Yoon Han-gyeol’s case, he seemed to have expected to be chosen, so he smiled brightly and answered only once, which was disappointing.

‘That’s why those guys are so talented… … .’

In the case of Ryu Jae-jun, who came in as a standby member for replacement, it seemed regrettable, but he seemed to understand to some extent, thinking that it was inevitable that he would be pushed aside by the two who had gained new abilities.

Of course, in the end, since it was also a training camp, all PER team members were together until the final battle.

The team has grown and will continue to grow, so it feels like it’s become completely crowded.

There were quite a few players who entered the first division, and it is still the same now.

Originally, they used to just ride large vehicles. Now, they ride limousine buses, don’t they?

It was a moment where I could feel anew that the team had grown.

And then, before we knew it, we arrived at the airport.

I could see where the international exchange team had gathered.

Unlike PER, who brought along other team members for training, the other teams only brought the players who were going to play.

And there were some unexpected, welcome faces among the international exchange team members.

“Wow… … The whole team is going?”

Lee Min-seok took some time off from his overseas league to participate in the international exchange competition.


The relationship that started during the Hunters Generation auditions continued here. I thought we would meet again later when we went to the international league or during a match.

Besides that, the members were awesome.

LTD’s Kang Jun-hyeok and Lee Ji-hoon, who overwhelmingly supports Kang Jun-hyeok. And Lee Jun-seo, who came as a replacement member.

SAA’s 1:1 specialist Jin Su-hyeok. And Lee Min-seok.

In Korea, a lineup that could be called an all-star was formed.

‘But looking at it this way, it seems like PER has taken a lot without any conscience… … .’

Me, Yoon Han-gyeol, Lee Yeon-ju, and Ryu Jae-jun as a standby member.

Because they took 4 people.

But, isn’t it okay since they are a team that is confidently running in first place in the regular season of the Korean Hunters League 1st Division?

“Everyone’s here. Then let’s go.”

Lee Geun-taek spoke to me in a solemn voice, unlike the way he usually spoke to me.

Anyway, it was a very Busan-like and rather chaotic first encounter with the international exchange team.

‘Make a team with these members… … .’

It seemed like the international exchange fair would be quite interesting.


On the plane, the other PER team members were naturally not part of the team, so they had to sit separately.

Even just sitting next to me, on one side was Lee Min-seok. On the other side was Kang Jun-hyeok. There were only players from other teams.

Of course, that made it more fun.

“Chang-Hyeon, this is your first time playing internationally. Is this your first time playing with players from other teams?”

“Well, I guess that’s what it is.”

“What’s with that ambiguous answer? Are you a bit confident?”

Lee Min-seok approached me teasingly.

Since Korea’s performance on the international stage is not good, it seems like he was trying to talk to us to ease our tension.

What’s the tension, how much time do you have?

“Well, I’m not confident. I’m confident.”

Lee Min-seok ended up laughing as if he was dumbfounded by those words.

By the way, I was more curious about this side.

“By the way, didn’t senior Lee Min-seok usually not participate in the Korean national team or anything like that? But he participated in this international exchange competition? It’s a bit surprising.”

From what I vaguely remember, I don’t think he had any particular plans to participate before his return. I wondered what had changed his choice.

But when I heard the answer, I couldn’t help but regret asking that question.

“Because I want to try it with you.”

I don’t know why, but it felt very burdensome to answer while staring clearly into both eyes.

Thank you for your serious answer, I was able to convey my message properly.

I thought this guy had a slightly perverted side to him too.

Maybe it was because I thought that since the audition program called The Hunter’s Generation, they had been waiting for the day when they could compete together.

He must have caught my dumbfounded expression, so he added an additional explanation.

“That’s true, but… … I didn’t think I’d get that good of results even if I joined in. But this time, it feels a little different, doesn’t it?”

“If you get results… …then what percentage of the results do you expect to win?”

I was genuinely curious. What would Lee Min-seok, who has the second-most understanding and experience with overseas leagues, think?

And the answer was quite surprising.


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“I don’t know yet because I haven’t checked the total… … Around 50%?”

“Senior Lee Min-seok… … .”

But it seemed like Kang Jun-hyuk was more surprised by those words than I was.

“It’s true that this team’s strength may be stronger than last time, but in order to have a 50% win rate, we need to win at least a third of the games against China and Japan… … .”

“That includes that.”

“Are you aware that Wei is included in this Chinese team?”

Lee Min-seok nodded.

I was surprised in a different way than Kang Jun-hyeok.

‘50%… … .’

When I opened [Full Bloom] before the return. It was the winning percentage I got when I went to the first international stage, the International Exchange Exhibition, with the members of LTD.

Of course, at that time, we didn’t have outstanding cards like Lee Min-seok and Kang Jun-hyeok.

Is it just a coincidence that the data I actually experienced in the past and Lee Min-seok’s predictions are roughly in line?

One thing was certain: there was an opportunity to do better now than then.

Lee Min-seok said 50%, but if I can be as active as I was when I opened [Man-gae] in the past.

If so, we will be able to achieve better results than before.


After arriving overseas, getting to the stadium and nearby facilities was a breeze.

The Hunters League was more popular in Japan than in Korea, and the game facilities, infrastructure, and accessibility were also much better.

‘There are also more stadiums.’

In addition, because the population itself is large, the market may also be larger.

Of course, the PER team members who came together were playing around somewhere else.


“This is seriously awesome.”

There was another surprise when I went to America.

The exterior is in the form of an overwhelmingly huge pavilion.

And the exterior of the stadium, with its stylish and authentic design that made it look like a tourist attraction, was truly spectacular.

Of course, the entire Korean team next to them was indifferent, but it was a bit embarrassing to see only the PER guys with their mouths open in admiration.

“Hey… … Hey. A fly is going to get in my mouth.”

I’ve been to the US too. And Korea is not that different, except that the design is a bit more modern. I’m getting a reaction like I came from some remote mountainous area.

In the meantime, there were people approaching from afar.


Surprisingly, it was a face I knew.


The Japanese ace long-range dealer who had previously worked with Korea was Takumi Minamino.

“What brings you here this time? You’re bringing along the promising prospect you were raising.”

“You’ve become much stronger than before, so you shouldn’t let your guard down.”

“Haha. I can’t wait. By the way, the Japanese team is also quite nervous this time. Have you heard the news?”

“What’s the news?”

It seemed like the Japanese and Korean teams were sneaking into the facility together.

I was concerned about what Takumi and Lee Min-seok said.

‘Is there anything different from before the regression?’

“I heard that China put a lot of effort into selecting its exchange teams this year.”

‘… … ‘.

This was information I had never heard before the regression.

China usually focuses on international leagues, and international exchange matches are often organized with a few ace players from the second and first teams participating…

This time it looked a little different.

“Weiya, what… … They always come out, but this time, Weimei, Haiyan, Zhenhua. They said they brought in all these great players from abroad.”

It wasn’t a name I knew all about, but it definitely had a different sense of weight.

Players in the Chinese league don’t often go to foreign leagues unless they really have a strong desire for skill and power, because the market is large and the fame and pay they can gain in their home country are high.

Bringing them in from abroad meant that they were the best of China, that is, ‘real talents.’

“Weihai Haiyan. Even with players like Zhenhua… … It’s going to be tough for Japan this time, isn’t it?”

“That’s right. Heh heh. That’s why I came here, thinking that if we have a common enemy, wouldn’t it be better to deal with it together? It would also be better if we do research together.”

‘Was that the reason?’

No matter how much Korea is currently considered an underdog or a weak team, when they play against a Chinese team, data about the game remains.

And if we analyze that data, it can be better, so let’s work together. It can give Korea another advantage. That seems to be the proposal.

‘And that advantage would usually be getting a practice match against a Japanese team… … something like that.’

To be honest, I didn’t find the proposal very appealing.

It is true that when going abroad for training, relatively weak teams have a hard time arranging practice matches.

Weak teams have nothing to give to strong teams, while strong teams have no advantage in leaking information and giving them a chance to grow.

But… … I don’t think ‘Korea’ is a weak team in this international exchange competition.

Of course, Lee Min-seok’s thoughts may be different…

As expected, Lee Min-seok answered.

“It’s a pretty good story… … .”

The conversation was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise coming from the side.

‘The timing is good.’

But suddenly, in this place where there were only players and officials, there was a loud noise. What happened? I looked towards the direction where the noise came from…

‘Our… … team?’

As we were walking around here and there, the PER team members who had fallen a little were raising their voices with the other players.

And the moment I realized that our team was involved, I ran over there and checked.

I was able to identify the opponent.

‘The Chinese team… … .’

The reason why you could tell it was a Chinese team was simple. Before the automatic translation came out, they were speaking in Chinese.

And behind the people raising their voices, I saw Wei looking somewhere else expressionlessly.

In front of him, Lee Jeong-hoon and a Chinese player were raising their voices.

“Did I say something wrong? I said that it was lowering the player’s status to come from a small country village and wander around like a tourist.”

That one word summed up the situation perfectly.

I was walking around a sports facility in another country, looking at all the interesting things, when a Chinese player passed by and laughed at me or scolded me.

Our team members must have reacted to that.

‘I heard that in China, face is important… … but I never thought that a non-Chinese player would point out that Hunter was losing face… … .’

It seems the category was broader than I thought.

Of course, it seemed that Lee Jeong-hoon wasn’t the only one being taken in by those words.

“Is that so? But I think we’re better than the Chinese who come to Korea as tourists and cause trouble.”

“Are you now daring to insult China and the Chinese?”

As the conversation progressed, heated discussions ensued.

Before I could intervene, Way sighed and intervened first to say something.

“Kid. It is true that Haiyan was at fault first, but it is also true that what you said insulted China and all Chinese people. Apologize.”

“First of all, that person was wrong, so why are you asking me to apologize? It’s funny.”

“You’re right. But what is reality? International politics. The economy. Everything else is governed by the logic of power. The world ultimately runs on the logic of power.”

That was an interesting statement. I had never talked to Way before the regression. Was he this kind of person?

“We have the power to demand an apology from you, but you just don’t have it.”

“The one who did something wrong should apologize. What does that mean…?”

“Haa… … It’s hard dealing with a kid. Do you still not understand what I’m saying? Let me put it simply. A country that has no place in the Hunters League. And I have no manners to show it to a guy I don’t even know if he’s a player from that country or not. If you have any objections, then challenge Haiyan to a duel, kid. If you have the strength to do so.”

‘Might makes right… …’

“But I also think that what that child said is right. Then what should I do? Should I ask that Haiyan guy to spar with me?”

I walked towards Lee Jeong-hoon with a smile on my face and said.

This is where things get interesting.


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