Return of the Genius Player Chapter 240

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Episode 240: What, a sign

What is ability?

To me, [Piercing Eyes] basically seemed like an ability that existed as a skill in a game, but the public perception was very different.

‘Generally speaking, I would say that abilities are the way in which the Awakened handle mana in a strangely familiar way… … .’

That is, it is something that happens when the mana that is indiscriminately spread out inside or outside the body moves in the most familiar way that the body innately knows.

Could it be similar to the minor habits of movement that each individual has?

So, as things like that go, the abilities of the Awakened were basically similar.

There was a reason why there were so many abilities similar to ‘Swift’.

From this perspective, [Mana Unleashed] is a method of controlling the movement of external mana within a certain radius of the caster, and manifesting abilities according to one’s will…

It is only natural that the difference in effect between moving a small amount of mana with one’s body is enormous.

‘Then what should we call this?’

Instead of radiating mana outward and controlling it perfectly to shake the world powerfully.

This thing that delves into your inner self and delicately adjusts every single mana contained in your blood vessels and cells.

One thing is certain, it only uses less mana.

If it was harder than [Mana Unlock], it would have been harder, it wasn’t easy.

It would have been natural that the destructive power when successful would have been beyond imagination.


Is it the adrenaline rush? Reddened cheeks. Rough breathing.

… … What I saw afterwards was the unbelievable scenery I had created.

“What is this… …?”

Kang Jun-hyeok was smiling in vain, as if he was fed up with seeing himself stabbed by a knife.

Immediately after that, Kang Jun-hyeok collapsed.

The rigid flow of mana that had been scattered and controlled slowly dispersed for mana deployment.

But that didn’t mean the battlefield became quiet.


Could it be because the crack that Kang Jun-hyeok had already created by his tragic attack was so large?

Because the 3D maze started to collapse one after another.

He quickly hung on to the air anchor, but was it because he had used all his strength to defeat Kang Jun-hyeok?

I felt a strong sense of fatigue, as if my whole body was sinking into water and my body was sagging.

‘Have you pushed your body to its limits?’

But there is no doubt that it was a pleasant fatigue.

Because it felt like a definite reward.

Just now, after the battle with Kang Jun-hyeok, I could intuitively tell that [Man-gae] had been ranked up to A.


Meanwhile, the stands were momentarily silenced.

The final match of this game is a one-on-one duel between Lee Chang-hyun and Kang Jun-hyeok.

I thought Kang Jun-hyeok would show off his overwhelming strength with [Mana Unleashed], but in the blink of an eye, the fight was over.

[Caster: What is this…?]

Even the commentators were speechless for a while at the outcome of this battle, which seemed to have been overly abridged.

It seemed as if an attack had occurred, with some kind of afterimage of something incredible being visible. But in the end, all that was visible was the result.

Moreover, the result was shocking: Kang Jun-hyeok was stabbed from behind by Lee Chang-hyun and lost.

It couldn’t have been easily accepted.

So at that moment when everyone had question marks on their faces, what the broadcaster sent out was a replay.

[Caster: Ah… … Ah! That’s a great result. However, it was too fast to see exactly what kind of attacks and defenses occurred. Let’s take a slow look at the replay.]

The situation that was returned to the replay was simple. Even though the replay was done at a much slower speed, it was difficult to dare to guess how fast Lee Chang-hyun’s actions were, as the afterimage remained faintly.

What is even more shocking is… …

[Commentator: There was no offense or defense… … Lee Chang-hyun. It was an overwhelming and one-sided result.]

Yes. Was it a surprise attack? Or was it a speed that made it impossible to react?

Kang Jun-hyeok reacted slowly, as if in a still frame, to Lee Chang-hyun’s movements, and Lee Chang-hyun’s movements were as if he were in another dimension.

[Caster: How was this possible? Is this a new technology that Lee Chang-hyun has never shown before?]

[Commentator: I can’t help but see it that way. It’s an unbelievable achievement for a Korean hunter. It’s something I’ve never seen before, even in other foreign hunters or international leagues… … Player Lee Chang-hyun may be the moment that changes a moment in the history of the Korean Hunters League!]

[Dae Chang Hyun ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Using cheat-level abilities all by himself~]

ㄴ But how did he do that? Isn’t that a ridiculous ability? Now, whenever a strong guy appears, Lee Chang-hyun will show up from behind like Hong Gil-dong and take a beating. ㅋㅋㅋ

N I don’t know what it is, but it seems like it definitely needs to be studied… … Among the similar abilities, the only known one is [Speed], but that’s on a different track

N Yeah, none of that matters~ LTD got beat like a dog, right?

N Is this a generational shift or something… … I came to watch a Hunters League game after a long time and a team I’ve never heard of is beating LTD.

[I like it better lol. Is it possible for Korea to get a prize during the international exchange?]

Looking at the form, it looks like Lee Chang-hyun will go too ㅋㅋ

If you don’t let the international exchange members participate, public opinion will explode.

n Kang Jun-hyeok and Lee Chang-hyun? Wow… … My heart is pounding. Is it possible to win two games against foreign teams in an international exchange match?

N 2 wins is what? Stop getting excited. If you win once, it’s a jackpot. It certainly seems like the Korean league is developing.

Director Lee Jin-han of Part 1 LTD was blankly watching the reactions of the commentators and viewers in the waiting room.

‘I lost… … .’

Honestly, I was confident that I wouldn’t be surprised no matter what variables came up in this match.

That’s because I recognized PER as a strong team. But there were scenes that I hadn’t thought of.

It was a scene where Lee Chang-hyun defeated Kang Jun-hyeok one-on-one.

‘Even if we win, I thought it would be impossible without doing something in cooperation… … .’

But that didn’t make me angry or resentful. It was a strange feeling.


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Was it because I had been hearing and seeing the story directly since Part 3?

The unbelievable growth rate and the way it continues to develop without any limits.

Rather, I felt something close to admiration and awe as a human being to human being.

As a coach, my job was to develop players and watch their efforts and growth. So I was able to understand to some extent what Lee Chang-hyun was going through.

“Haa… … It was a technique that I had absolutely no prior knowledge of. Was it something that was kept hidden for the LTD battle until now? … … I’m ashamed in front of the director.”

The LTD analysis team leader who was watching the game from the side offered an apology.

But I still didn’t want to scold him.

Because Lee Jinhan knew.

“You’ve been hiding that all this time? That can’t be… … In my opinion… … .”

There were too many strange points to say that it was hidden. No matter how much PER it is, there were many close games in the first part, and it wouldn’t have been strange if it was used in those times.

Besides, even in this match, if you used that technique as soon as you saw Kang Jun-hyeok, wouldn’t it be normal to recover your stamina after defeating Kang Jun-hyeok, even if there was a bit of recoil, and then go help your teammates?

However, Lee Chang-hyun seemed reluctant to use that ability. After the battle continued, it seemed like he had chosen it reluctantly, as if he had no choice but to do so in a crisis.

So when I think about it based on all the information.

“That might be a skill you’ve known about but never been able to use. Or an ability you’ve always failed at.”

“That means you’ve never used a technique in a game before… … .”

Lee Jin-han continued talking without listening to the analysis team leader’s words to the end.

“Do you know what happens when a human being faces an extreme situation?”

“… … .”

“Either you kneel in extreme situations. Or you grow and transcend extreme situations.”

In Part 3, a promising player who was thought to have some tactical prowess had grown endlessly and had become a giant.

Part 3. Part 2. Part 1. It was a growth that knew no end.

It seems as if they have forgotten the worldly law that says that the higher the level, the more difficult it is to grow.

Now it was an international exchange event.

“… … Tell Junhyeok and the kids. They did well in this match. Some of the kids won’t be able to participate in the international exchange match. Don’t be too sad.”

Will this international exchange fair be able to blossom?

In Lee Jin-han’s heart, there was a subtle excitement not as the director of LTD, but as the leader of the Hunters League of Korea.


Meanwhile, surprisingly, there were more than one or two people watching this game.

“You came all the way to Japan for training, and during your break, you show off to your juniors and show them the games your juniors are playing. You really are a loser, Lee Min-seok.”

“No~ You know him too, Takumi? Don’t you remember when we fought 1-on-1 against the Korean national team in Korea before? That’s him. Chang-hyun. This Chang-hyun.”

Lee Min-seok smiled while looking at Minamino Takumi.

“You see this? This? You lost back then, but you’re much stronger now.”

Lee Min-seok spoke as he replayed the blow Lee Chang-hyun had just delivered that pierced LTD’s heart.

It was a very unusual battle, won against a user of [Mana Unleashed].

“… … Not only is he incredibly fast, he’s also incredibly accurate. It’s an ability that can’t be compared to something like [Speed]… … Haha. I’ve seen him since last time, but he’s still a fun kid.”

“Hey Takumi. How long are you going to sit there and rest? It’s time to start training again.”

“Don’t be like that, Daichi. Look at this guy. Even if you fought him, he’d probably win.”

Lee Min-seok and Takumi said, giggling.

Daichi, a famous Japanese melee dealer, had an indifferent expression on his face as if he was dumbfounded, but when he approached and watched the video, he couldn’t help but think seriously about it.

“This guy… … So which country’s hunter is he?”


In Europe, the interest of the owner of Moras Workshop, Mathias, was the Korean branch of Moras Workshop, which had recently seen a sudden explosive increase in sales.

While I was researching how to improve business performance, I found out that it had grown thanks to sponsorship of an interesting player, so I was watching the game… …

The game I happened to see was spectacular.

“What a ridiculous performance. Do you think so too? It seems similar to your abilities… … .”

“… … .”

Anna was not saying anything.

He just seemed quite surprised.

Was it because he thought that he was a person with abilities similar to his own, someone he had never met before?

She, who had been expressionless throughout the meeting, pursed her lips and said.

“Very… interesting.”


Meanwhile in the United States.

Lennon sent Ethan of Black Hawk, with whom he had developed a close relationship, an incredible highlight video of a promising prospect he had invested in.

[Lennon: Do you see this? Haven’t I told you before that I’m raising a world-class hunter? What do you think?]

I didn’t show it to Ethan until now because it wasn’t good enough to show him… … but today’s performance was definitely on a different level.

But unfortunately, what I got back was not the answer I wanted.

[Ethan: You saw it well. Are you doing something? As expected, I have a good eye for players.]

On the surface, he praised him as a decent and capable guy, but Lennon knew when he saw his answer.

That bastard just replied without watching the highlight video he sent.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to answer like that.

‘A guy who performed similarly to the Ana you hate so much came out and you reacted like that?’

No way. That rotten bastard.


As Lee Chang-hyun knocked down Kang Jun-hyeok and the three-dimensional maze collapsed, crazy cheers echoed through PER’s waiting room.

Some players who really wanted to participate in this match. And some who felt sorry for not being able to help. And some, including Lee Seong-tae, who had already been eliminated and was depressed.

While watching the replay of Lee Chang-hyun beating Kang Jun-hyeok, they put their arms around each other and cheered.

Before we knew it, the game was over.

Lee Chang-hyun was returning to the waiting room.


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