Return of the Genius Player Chapter 238

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Episode 238: Harvest Time

Playing in the Hunters League of Division 1 was quite tiring.

In reality, injuries don’t accumulate, but the mental damage from pain does.

Especially compared to other hunters who used powerful abilities and ended their fights with a single blow, Lee Jun-seo’s battles were often quite messy. This was especially true.

‘What a fucking ability. I wish I had the ability to just shoot beams like the other guys or slice things with a sword.’

Of course, Lee Jun-seo had a special ability that allowed him to stop mana and seal other people’s abilities, so his teammates and tacticians really liked him…

As an awakened person with no combat experience and only used a lot of fighting and swordsmanship, it was natural for Lee Jun-seo to feel nervous.

There are no flashy abilities that I have longed for while dreaming of becoming an Awakened Person.

Fighting there only disables your abilities, so you have to fight the enemy directly.

Because I was fighting without any ability, neither my opponent nor myself, the fight was prolonged and the pain lasted a long time, so my mental state was shaken.

Some analysts call him the most rare specialist among Korean talents, but in reality, he was someone who did not want his own talents. That was Lee Jun-seo.

‘Haa… … That’s why I told you not to call me unless it was a very special match. You’re just a weird team again… … .’

“Lee Jun-seo. This time, you’ve faced a team before. It’s called PER. You faced them in the second half, right?”

‘Ah… … So that’s what happened.’

Only then did Lee Jun-seo understand why he was called as the team’s joker card.

This was for the team, but also for myself.

‘Lee Chang-hyun… … .’

PER’s ace, who pulled himself up and then made a dramatic comeback with a gunshot while keeping distance.

Because of that, I suffered a humiliating defeat in the second part, and I couldn’t show my face for a while in the second part where I was supposed to carry.

I was already fully prepared to take revenge.

The problem and the opponent’s capabilities have been sufficiently studied by the analysis team.

After the maze map was confirmed, there were no other threatening opponents besides Lee Chang-hyun.

All that remains is quick action.

Lee Chang-hyun is Lee Chang-hyun, but it was time to regain the PER that had won against him.

The first prey that appeared to Lee Jun-seo, who was so determined, was…

‘Was it Kim Yu-hyeon from PER?’

I think it was said that it was a guy who boasted quite a strong ability if he installed a turret while staying in one place.

But is the ability strong? Is the ability highly dependent? That kind of thing was the perfect example of prey for Lee Jun-seo to prey on.

“Let’s go light hunting.”

Woof ㅡ.

After [Static Mana] stopped all the surrounding turrets, I moved forward, piercing them one by one with my sword and eliminating the remaining enemies.

Naturally, the guy thought he couldn’t stand it any longer and ran away, looking really funny.

‘What kind of team is this… … .’

Ha. Right. Now that I think about it, it was so absurd. But, back then, I was in the second division, and this time, I was in the first division, so it was different.

Since each and every one of them is of equal or greater level than the opposing team, there is absolutely no chance of losing.

They say that even a tiger will come if you call it, and while chasing after that kid named Kim Yu-hyeon, didn’t you meet your teammates?


“You were so scared that you didn’t want to go to the game, but you were running around like a kid excited about the snow.”

“No… … That’s not it.”

“No, really. Sigh. It seems like the other kids are all fighting too, but I don’t feel good about it. Let’s win quickly and then join up.”

Ahyeon, whom I met at the end of the road, looked a little tired.

‘Sigh… …What’s there to worry about?’

I thought it was too negative, but in the end it was right. I thought it would be time to end it, so I picked up the pace with Ahyeon.

“Besides, it’s a labyrinth, so this kid can’t go that fast! It’s so frustrating.

Especially when there are corners like that, it’s not even a problem to slow down.”

“Huh. That’s definitely true. It would be easy to just move it with something like an airbeat and break it.

Why don’t you just put that aside and move?”

“In a situation where the opponent has already been seen once, you should continue to maintain a fighting stance so that you don’t give them a chance to turn the tables. Think about those basic rules. No matter how tired you are, you won’t be looking for a shortcut.”

Well, actually, Lee Jun-seo was also completely relieved with Ah-hyun joining.

That giant mana equipment doll she had. If she had just that, she would be safe from the long-range attacks from Lee Chang-hyun that she had suffered last time.

In fact, even if only that were out there, the combination of Lee Jun-seo and Ah-hyun would have been practically invincible. They couldn’t help but be reliable.

“… … But how long do I have to chase after you? You picked up speed again, so I should have caught up by now. There weren’t any forks in the road either.”

“That’s right. Did you even mobilize Airbeat and Airdash?”

“No, even if we did that, with the current level of acceleration, we should have caught up by now… … .”

“… … Then what? There was no fork in the road, right? Then the only answer would be to go further.”

“… … … … Aren’t we just going around in the same place?”

Ahyeon said, looking at the floor.

It had clearly been flying for a long time, but there was a trace of the residue that Ahyeon had shaken off from her mana equipment when she started to accelerate explosively.


[Caster: No… … Player Kim Yu-hyeon. Player Lee Yeon-ju. A chase is going on where every second counts, but you’re just standing still without thinking about how to escape through an unfamiliar route. What’s going on!!]

[Commentator: In detail. If you enlarge the screen, you can see… … Kim Yu-Hyeon is doing something like this… … Um… … ]

At that moment, a huge change occurred that I knew what was happening without even having to explain it.

At the point where the path was supposed to be a fork in the road, an identical labyrinth wall suddenly appeared, blocking one path.

The next scene was Hwalongjeomjeong.

LTD’s Lee Jun-seo and Ah-hyeon did not distinguish between the two walls and thought it was a fork in the road, so they just passed through.

The commentator was dumbfounded at the sight and just opened his mouth.

Of course, the chat window wasn’t that quiet.

[ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ How to catch Korea’s top hunter as easily as eating cake]


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ㄴ I doubted my eyes just by seeing it pass by ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

N Did you see Kim Yoo Hyun’s reaction? I think I knew but it passed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

No, it’s just so funny lol

N Hing, even if you’re strong, it’s meaningless if you’re stupid, right? Haha

[Caster: Player Kim Yu-hyeon!! This is a very clever play. By blocking the path and deceiving, he leaves no room for pursuit!]

[Narrator: … … That’s not all. Take a look at this.]

The commentator’s subsequent commentary was even more shocking.

[Commentator: Right now, the two LTD players… … Where Ahyeon and Junseo Lee are. This fork in the road has been changed to something like it was originally blocked. If this happens… …

[Caster: So the connection to other places is gone!]

[Commentator: Yes, that’s right. In fact, that place is a circular structure, and Kim Yu-hyeon blocked the only exit. I don’t know if he did it knowingly, but if he didn’t notice it… … No, if he blocked the wall and didn’t know where the wall was… …

You will be doomed to wander forever.

[If you can’t fish, you can fish in a cage. LOL]

N LTD is now a PER meal lol

Wow, but did you calculate that it would turn out like that by recognizing that space in three dimensions while passing by?

N is still riding the mana equipment and going round and round infinitely ㅋㅋ

The next moment.

The camera showed Lee Yeon-ju and Kim Yu-hyeon running away after laughing at each other like mischievous children, as if they had pulled a bad prank.

It was an unexpected ending for a duo that was overwhelmingly strong, and a duo that was woefully lacking in force.


The team’s voices rang out from each other’s earphones, which had been silent for a while.

This was because small-scale skirmishes in which people were scattered and fought individually ended one after another.

“… … Okay. Okay.”

I heard Lee Yeon-ju and Kim Yu-hyeon say through the earphones that they would join.

Not only that, Yoon Han-gyeol also reported the news that he and Lee Seong-tae had reported victory.

In this situation, the ones who continued to remain silent were Ryu Jae-jun and Han Ji-soo… … It seemed like Kang Jun-hyeok, who was wearing a more indifferent expression than expected on the other side, knew their whereabouts.

“You won.”

Kang Jun-hyeok’s offensive stopped for a moment.

From those words, I could roughly understand what was happening.

I don’t know how the battle went.

You may not even know how to combine them to defeat your opponent.

However, at least in Kang Jun-hyeok’s opinion, it seemed certain that the result was a tie between PER and LTD, or even better.

‘… … We won.’

I felt strange.

Originally, I thought this match was worth a try, as I had to somehow defeat Kang Jun-hyeok and send reinforcements to my teammates to cover for him…

In reality, it seemed like there were more team members on our team who were looking for a way to join.

Long ago, as I entered the 3rd division, I thought that the seed I had sown while becoming the owner and manager of PER might have now grown into a full-fledged tree.

I knew well how strong LTD’s team members were.

Before the regression. Because they were my teammates from my first year in the first division.

Of course, this time Ryu Jae-jun wasn’t there…

Anyway, it was the teammates who had been with them since the 3rd division, or the teammates who joined in the middle, who won.

Why didn’t I know that it was already quite different from before the regression.

The fact that reaching the rank of Man-gae was already a process of climbing and achieving achievements, and that my other plan of nurturing the team was also already bearing fruit, growing, and changing.

‘The current wins and losses. The first win in the first division since my debut. Those things are certainly meaningful, but… … .’

Growing in the right direction.

I couldn’t help but confirm that it was more important.

‘I almost made a stupid mistake… … .’

Even if my teammates laugh at me, there’s nothing I can do about it. If I don’t say anything, no one will know.

If someone had known that I almost made the mistake of opening [Mankai] again, they would have scolded me and gotten really angry, right?

I let out a small laugh at myself for almost making such a stupid choice.

It was a foolish laugh.

There was no burden.

“Hey, our team members each did one. Let’s give it a try.”

Some of the PER players were on teams that had not won a single game in the 3rd division. Some were on teams that had stopped going up to the 1st division for fear of the pain.

I’m the one who helped all those guys become successful.

If I, as the captain, the manager, and the owner of the club, can’t do it.

It’s so ridiculous.


Meanwhile, for Kim Jun-seo, who was watching the game live from the stands, it was a thrilling experience.

“No, I’m in the third division. What is that bomber tactic? I’ve seen it before, where they attach a mana bomber to the winning sword and send it flying to bomb. I’m telling you, there’s no match as difficult as today.”

Kim Jun-seo, who became fascinated by the 3rd team he happened to play to kill time, uploaded highlights of PER games to Nuttube from time to time, and became a celebrity after gaining explosive popularity.

I have been watching PER with affection as much as I have gone through that process.

Today, I was definitely nervous, because I was so nervous that my heart was hurting.

“Oh my. But bro. They’re really good. What team can do that against LTD?”

“Hey! If we win this, there really isn’t a team we can’t beat in the first division. If we win this and finish without letting our guard down, it won’t be hard to take first place in the season!”

But the situation didn’t seem as easy as Kim Jun-seo shouted.

[Caster: Ah!! Player Kang Jun-hyeok, is this your first time using it in the regular league this season!]

Just now. The situation looked so good when PER’s team members started to move after they had won and given LTD a hard time.

But when Kang Jun-hyeok, one of the representative Korean players, moved, I thought that wasn’t the case.

[Caster: Kang!!!! Jun!!!! Hyuk!!!!!!!!]

The caster was not even able to commentate, but instead kept shouting out Kang Jun-hyeok’s name.

It’s not like it was difficult to understand, since there were some overwhelming scenes that we hadn’t seen before in this match.

When Kang Jun-hyeok used [Mana Unfolding] to spread [Sword Realm], the walls of the maze, which had not caused even a scratch no matter how many attacks from other players hit them, were cleanly split.

Even the scale of the collapsing three-dimensional maze was so enormous that it looked like a natural disaster.

Thud -. Kukukukukung -.

In one fatal blow, something falls apart.

A super-fast blow that can’t even be seen.

‘Looking at the continuous flying, it seems like Lee Chang-hyun is also trying to avoid it somehow… ‘

I couldn’t help but feel that it seemed like there was no way I could win.

Even if all 7 members of PER come, I thought that.

Even the sound of gunfire, which would normally be considered Lee Chang-hyun’s signature, was buried in the sound of the collapse and could not be heard at all.

Was it because the sight was so overwhelming?

Kim Jun-seo’s hands were shaking as he brought Oh Han-ul, who rarely goes to see things in person, to sell PER.

Even Oh Han-ul noticed this and went so far as to comfort Kim Jun-seo.

“Ah… … According to the video you sent me, Lee Chang-hyun, your gunplay was top-notch. If you had sniped from a distance since it was wide open, you would have won, right? The map is a bit like that today.”

“… … .”

Kim Jun-seo didn’t answer, so maybe he felt a sense of crisis.

Oh Han-ul began to strengthen the comfort.

“That’s right… … That’s right. Even though it was a coincidence starting from Part 3, there’s probably no fan who’s watched you for as long and shown as much affection as you. It’s not over yet, though. It’s okay to get angry if you lose.”

Kim Jun-seo’s expression still looked gloomy, but Oh Han-ul could still understand.

Because it felt like I was looking at myself as a former baseball fan of a certain team.

Yeah… … If you’ve been doing well up until now, but then at a crucial moment, the opposing team is overwhelmingly better and you lose, wouldn’t that be too heartbreaking?

As someone who knows the story of that team.

As someone who has shared the team’s history and story, and as someone who hopes for the team’s growth.

Because I couldn’t help but empathize.

Oh Han-ul understood Kim Jun-seo’s feelings and patted him on the back as he was suffering because the caster kept spewing negative words about PER.


“Uh. Tell me. Tell me. It’s okay. You can get angry. Because you’re a fan~”

“I pulled the sports toto pool for PER victory!!!”

I thought it was because I was a die-hard fan of Oldby and felt sorry for him because I could empathize with his emotions.

What? Sports Toto? Are you crazy?

As a die-hard sports fan, Oh Han-ul knows the sadness of a team you cheer for losing, and instead of patting Jun-seo Kim on the back, he hit his head with the hand he was trying to pat.


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