Return of the Genius Player Chapter 224

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Episode 224 Overwhelming

“Yoon Han-gyeol… … .”

Lee Chang-hyun found me in a pack of lynxes targeting him and asked me.

I was momentarily flustered, but I still had to go out shamelessly.

‘Today is really the only day we can win.’

Because today’s Lee Chang-hyun was different from usual.

Even when Yoon Han-gyeol saw it, the guy wearing the mask was definitely not easy, and Chang-hyeon fought with only a sword and no skills. However, it was clear that Chang-hyeon was definitely less fierce than usual.

‘Chang-Hyeon is doing it moderately… … No way. Is it because he hasn’t used his sword much recently? No. It was sharp even when he didn’t use it much. Then it must be a condition issue… … .’

Considering his usual fierce attack on weaknesses, it was a performance that made me feel like he was a different person.

The level was high, but not enough to make me think it wasn’t Lee Chang-hyun.

‘Of course, if you think about the swordsmanship and sword techniques, it’s Chang-Hyeon’s style.’

And that was a definite opportunity for Yoon Han-gyeol.

[Hunters the Next Generation] We first met on the audition program, and until now.

Lee Chang-hyun, an opponent who has never been defeated or defeated.

As a coach, captain, and player, this is perhaps the only opportunity to take down the man I respect.

Even though they cursed me as a lethal person, I thought that if I didn’t do it now, I might never get another chance. With the feeling that my face was covered in iron plates, I joined the group of ranked match lynxes that were biting Chang-Hyeon.

“Are you here to ask me for a one-on-one too?”

Even Lee Chang-hyun blinked his eyes wide, as if he hadn’t expected it.

“Yes. Even though I’m a member of Team PER, can’t I also try my hand at the ranked match as a ranker?”

The pack of lynxes next to me also seemed to be reassured when I told them that I was joining them, and they supported me.

“Why? Are you scared of taking on teammates whose strengths and weaknesses you know so well? This is not living up to your reputation as a captain. Hahaha.”

I wanted to give a shout-out to those guys who were flocking to Chang-Hyeon like beasts, trying to take advantage of his fame, but I had to hold back for now. After all, Chang-Hyeon Lee wasn’t the type of person who would be defeated by those guys anyway.

What mattered was me.

To improve my condition today and beat Lee Chang-hyun. That opportunity was right in front of me.

‘By the way… … Now that you know I’m involved, you won’t be taking on all of these guys by yourself, right? It seems like we’ll end up having multiple 1-on-1s… … If we want to get an advantage, it’s probably going to be last turn, right?’

At the moment I was thinking about it.

I heard something unexpected.

“Hey. Even Yoon Han-gyeol? It seems like there’s a lot of things piling up on me, but okay. It doesn’t matter. Just come up and attack me all at once.”

No, even if it’s Chang-Hyeon, this is it.

Are you crazy?

My opponents are guys with a ranked score of 4000, including me.

Besides, I guess you weren’t feeling too well today… …

Rather, I could only look at Lee Chang-hyun with a puzzled expression.

Of course, what I could see was the same confident look as usual.


Meanwhile, people in the ranked match waiting room were watching this scene with excitement.

Isn’t it said that the most fun thing is watching a fight?

“Those guys… … Are they really requesting a 1-on-1 with Chang-Hyeon?”

After Kim Do-jun returned from his fight with Lee Chang-hyun, Lee Yeon-ju asked him.

“I think so. Chang-Hyeon is the most promising rookie in the Korean Hunters League these days, and there’s a lot to be gained if we just beat him once, right?”

Kim Do-jun, who had sneaked out, answered.

‘Whew… … It’s horrible to think that I was in that position.’

After the play between Lee Chang-hyun and Kim Do-jun disguised as Lee Chang-hyun ended.

It was fortunate that Lee Chang-hyun took off his mask and appeared in his true form.

“But why are they all rushing in like that… … .”

Lee Yeon-ju seemed to not like the fact that so many people were surrounding Chang-hyeon and talking, so she tried to go towards Lee Chang-hyeon, but Kim Do-jun stopped her.

“Just wait a minute.”

“… … .”

And, as expected, something interesting happened, just as Kim Do-jun had expected.

“Come up all at once and attack.”

It was because Lee Chang-hyun thought that each and every one of them was not worth dealing with that he blurted out such a bombshell statement.

Even Jin Su-hyeok, who is currently ranked first, would find it difficult to make such a statement.

Lee Yeon-ju was surprised to hear this, so she shook off Kim Do-jun and tried to go towards Lee Chang-hyun, but stopped after hearing Kim Do-jun’s continued words.

“It’s already spilled milk. More importantly, aren’t you curious as to why Changhyun did that?”

Because he’s not the type of guy who would take the initiative and start a fight he has no chance of winning.


There is little to be gained from an easy fight.

But if you fight hard, you can win big and grow.

There is little or nothing to be gained from an easy fight.

If I were to beat those guys who pick a fight one-on-one, that would be the same.

Although I don’t play ranked matches publicly, my name has become known thanks to my performance in the Hunter’s League 1st Division.

I don’t get anything out of taking them down. I just get re-verified and confirmed.

So, in order to knock down those who rush in, you have to show them an overwhelming appearance. So that they can’t rush in without being jealous. And, so that you can show them that you are stronger than what has been proven so far.

[Special Rule, Ranked Battleground will be opened.]

[Lee Chang-hyun vs. Yoon Han-gyeol, Oh Jeong-hwan, Ha Jin-seo, Ahn Seong-jun]

Also, it was not as if this had never happened before.

Before the return, I achieved an unprecedented 1st place in ranked matches and achievements in the Hunter’s League. How could such things not have happened?

From multiplayer battles that arise from these types of disputes to multiplayer battles with top rankers held as events.


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If it was already experience, it would have been enough.

The only difference is that back then [Full Bloom] was open, and now it isn’t.

“Come at it.”

Of course, there were some things that weren’t there then, but there are some that are there now.

Other talent blooming abilities obtained by keeping [Full Bloom] open for a long time and leaving possibilities open.

“Rush? You still don’t know which one is running behind?”

As soon as the game started, Ahn Sung-jun started shouting loudly.

Was it because I thought there was no way I could lose since there were so many people?

He shouted with great pride.

There was definitely that aspect to it. Even if you were an Awakened One, your mana was limited and the number of enemies you could face was not that many.

With an overwhelming blow, you can kill your opponent quickly and at low cost using little mana. Unless you have an overwhelming amount of mana naturally, numerical superiority is absolute.

But having a large number does not necessarily mean that there are only advantages.

Shuri ri ri rik -.


A weapon with the same blade as Yoon Han-gyeol’s Leegi Sword and Oh Jeong-hwan’s Boomerang. Chakram flew.

As expected from top-tier ranked players, both paths were steep. But after changing directions a few times to avoid them, something interesting happened.

Chae Ae-Aeng – !

The chakrams and the Igi swords that were flying around threateningly collided with each other.

“Ah. What are you doing!”

“That’s what I’m going to say?”

Unlike the Hunters League, where players usually move based on linked actions, those who are strong in ranked matches basically move based on individual actions.

Of course, each person’s ability is in harmony with the other’s, and they move in sync with each other. There is no such thing as a joint tactic to corner the opponent.

There, the clash between the Igi Sword and the Chakram was just the beginning.

Except for Yoon Han-gyeol who used the Leegi sword and Oh Jeong-hwan who used the Chakram, Ha Jin-seo and Ahn Seong-jun are experts in close combat.

Among them, Ahn Sung-jun, who has the ability to [gigantize] similar to Lennon, would have no way to come in and support in this fight.

Even if there are four people, it doesn’t mean that the strength is quadrupled.

No, rather, it meant that each other’s attacks could be a hindrance to the other.

It’s simple then.

All you have to do is use your opponent’s strength to your advantage like you did just now, and then drive in a wedge when they have an opening.

For example, like this.

The moment multiple round chakrams flew towards me like crazy, I avoided them by lying down my upper body as if doing limbo.

And then, in order to avoid Ha Jinseo’s sharp sword that was immediately aimed at that unstable state, he didn’t stop at laying down his upper body but continued tumbling.

The flexibility of the body with [Perfect Body] and the ability to read the opponent’s attack trajectory with [Piercing Eyes].

It was one of my greatest strengths, even though it wasn’t always apparent.

If you step on the airbeat at the same time as the tumbling and fly into the air, things are now simple.

“Recently, many people have been mistaken because they think that all the opponents are good at something.”

Why don’t hunters use guns? It’s simple.

It is difficult to store mana, and even if you were to make it and shoot it, its destructive power is far lower than that of melee or thrown weapons.

So, it is not used because it has the disadvantage of being easily blocked by mana shields.

That’s also why I often got blocked by the opponent’s defense because I didn’t open [Full Bloom] after returning.

That was also the reason why he shot while avoiding the enemy’s defenses through aerial 3D maneuvers.

But now?

There are many ways to enhance the destructive power through [Full Bloom – Talent Bloom].

This means that there is no way to block it unless you install a mana protector in advance.

“The leftovers are all originally cut in one shot.”

If you think about it, it was natural.

Before the Hunters, the Awakened, and these things came into being, what was the most powerful weapon in modern warfare?

Sword? Bow? No. It’s just a gun.

If there were no fraudulent abilities like Jin Su-hyeok’s ability to tie you up and suck out your mana, or Kang Jun-hyeok’s mana expansion that cuts down everything within a certain range.

The rest are just sandbags.

The twin pistols that had naturally transformed from swords fired at the opponent who was momentarily staggering as they were entangled in each other’s attacks.

‘I guess it’s because I’ve been acting like a clown too much lately… … .’

Or maybe, the clumsiness of Kim Do-jun, who pretended to be me and played a ranked match with me while wearing a mask, was transmitted even beyond the screen.

Actually, the reason was good no matter what.

Because I just have to give back as much as I looked down on you.

‘If it was before the regression, I wouldn’t have even imagined picking a fight.’

I let out a soft sigh, thinking, “It certainly doesn’t seem that absolute yet.”

“Shoot the heads of Oh Jung-hwan and Ha Jin-seo. Shoot the hearts of Ahn Sung-jun and Yoon Han-gyeol.”

As a warning about the location where it will be hit, [Full Bloom – Talent Blossom] will be activated and the destructive power will be doubled.

Tata tata tang!

The cost of poorly coordinated attacks and tangled paths was high.

If you can’t stop the bullets, you should dodge them. Even if you engage in a maneuvering battle with the air anchor and air beat, if you get entangled in each other’s attacks, you’ll be no different from a target board.


I heard the sound of the opponents falling.

It feels refreshing and empty at the same time, and makes me wonder if I was just sealing my abilities and weapons and playing ranked matches for nothing.

‘If I had done it right, the only opponents that would have been difficult would have been Kang Jun-hyeok and Jin Su-hyeok… … But still, like I thought earlier, the more difficult the fight, the more you can gain from it.’

But surprisingly, he managed to hit all the spots with one shot, but the match was not over.

As expected, one of the people who had been watching me here the longest, Yoon Han-gyeol, was still alive.

I tried to draw it.

You’ve been watching my attacks, my destructive power, and my growth up until now. So you probably have one or two countermeasures.

I felt like you had thought about it properly.

But after thinking about it for a while, something seemed strange.

‘It was clearly a direct hit to the chest, and the bullet wasn’t deflected by the sword… … .’

Yoon Han-gyeol was smiling faintly.


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