Return of the Genius Player Chapter 210

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Episode 210: Unexpected Flow

PER. It was definitely a team with a strong momentum. You could tell just by looking at their recent matches and the fact that some analysts predicted that PER would be superior.

‘But the best thing about Hunter’s League is that you have to try it to find out the long and short of it.’

Park Joo-han smiled faintly.

This game will be the game that will announce NGU’s new ace.

That’s what I was thinking. I went into the game confidently, without any trepidation in the waiting room.


[Caster]: The match ends like this!! Contrary to what I thought would be a fierce battle, it ended more blandly than I expected. Why do you think that happened?

[Commentator]: I think it was largely due to Lee Chang-hyun overwhelming his opponent in the match between aces. The outcome of that fight broke the balance of the team-to-team match.

However, it was too momentary and, due to the nature of the map, it was too disappointing that we were moved to a subspace and could not see the battle.

I think Hunter’s League also needs to improve in this area.

‘… … .’

What the heck. After making the pledge, it seems like not much time has passed since we entered the game.

‘Can it be this miserable?’

Park Joo-han was dumbfounded. It was a match he thought he had a good chance of winning.

No, there was something more important than that.

‘That bastard Lee Chang-hyun… … That’s him, right? The one I met in the ranked match… … .’

Due to the nature of the map, I vividly remembered the time when a subspace suddenly opened up and a 1-on-1 battle between just the two of us took place.

‘Huh…? Tsk. Why did the subspace suddenly open? I won’t be able to receive support from my teammates.’

At that time, I thought about it like that and decided to hold out for now. Even if I had accumulated data on Lee Chang-hyun in parts 2 and 3, it would have been nonsense.

But then, the guy suddenly said something like a pig’s mouth.

“You know, the Hunters League. Their technology is less advanced than you might think?”

“… … ?”

“For example, in this map, the subspace created by the dimensional storm cannot be transmitted outside the stadium due to the characteristics of the 1st league, where the terrain characteristics are reproduced as they are.”

Was there such an issue? But it was good anyway. That was an issue that only the viewers cared about, and it was an issue that didn’t concern the players.

‘He’s a guy who knows a lot of stuff.’

But, I guess that wasn’t the case for him.

“There’s something I’ve been trying out lately… … I’ve never used it in a real fight, and I don’t want to try it out. I feel a bit lucky that I’ve had this opportunity.”

I just talk to myself a lot. It was good for me as I was trying to kill time.


As the guy moved, I could finally understand what those strange words were saying.

Suddenly, a guy stops talking and approaches with crazy anomalies, using airbeats and air anchors. When he hits the head with his knee without a weapon.

The movements and appearance of the guy wearing a mask and beating his opponents with his bare body without a weapon completely overlapped when I was playing ranked matches last time.

Only then did I realize.

‘This… this kid. I beat him up in the ranked match last time… tsk… … .’

The consciousness ended there.

I thought the guy in the mask was Lee Chang-hyun.

Who would have thought that the most specialized and useful weapon among the Hunters, the Gun, would commit such an act?

The first thing I felt was bewilderment. And shock. And anger that came from being treated as a mere test subject.

‘I can’t just let it go like this.’

Park Joo-han decided to get revenge on that annoying guy.

Of course the game is over, but in a way the guy probably didn’t want.


Part 1 wasn’t just about interviews with the winners. Although it wasn’t broadcast, there were a lot of reporters waiting in the interview room, and it was common for them to interview the losers as well, just to write about them.

Usually, they ask about what the loser is analyzed as, their determination for the next match, etc.

This time it’ll be a little different.

I’ll probably ask about the time when Lee Chang-hyun and I went in, caught in the dimensional storm and unable to be broadcast.

‘And then the guy’s identity is completely revealed.’

Wearing a mask means that there must be a reason why you don’t want to be found out… … But what if someone finds out at an unexpected time? That would be the last thing Lee Chang-hyun wants.

Because the game is over.

Absolutely not, it wasn’t because I got hit with abusive language in a ranked match.

Making the enemy look like X is strategically correct in the grand scheme of things.

“Player Park Joo-han! So you’re saying that’s true? The masked martial artist who’s been getting a lot of attention in [ranked matches] recently is player Lee Chang-hyun?”

“Yes, that’s right. The 1-on-1 that wasn’t shown on today’s broadcast was the same. [Ranked Match], the guy wearing a mask and doing concept stuff, that’s definitely him. To be honest, as a fellow player, he seemed like a kid who would do concept stuff, so I thought Lee Chang-hyun was a little immature.”

Haha… …

Things will never go the way you want them to, Lee Chang-hyun.

I didn’t expect much, but I thought I had come up with a bigger story than I thought.

The reporter who was doing the interview tapped away at his laptop with a happy face and left.


Meanwhile, the waiting room of PER is in a good mood as usual after winning without any major difficulties.

“This time, it ended without me even having time to use [Dimensional Gate]. Maybe our team is stronger than we thought?”

“Our team is strong. As I said in the commentary, it’s largely because we won the fight between the aces. Don’t be complacent and keep working hard, Kim Do-jun.”

As expected, the team vs. team battle was fought with the [Dimension Gate] strategy. And since I won the ace battle, I thought the team would sail smoothly.

‘The flow isn’t bad, is it?’

Even though Kim Do-jun is spouting out such nonsense, he is actually preparing for something.

Above all, there was quite a bit of profit in this match.

‘I feel like my senses are definitely getting sharper as I continue to practice in real matches without using weapons in ranked matches.’

It is enough to be effective in actual combat in Part 1.


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I liked it quite a bit because the test stage was sufficient and the opponent was not too weak.

Of course, it was possible to test it because the map followed suit.

“Is Lee Chang-hyun here? Please interview today’s MVP.”

But I didn’t know until then.

This is my first time hiding something like this, so I should have been a little more thorough when hiding it.

The fact that we don’t know how the aftermath will come back.


Standing on stage for an interview is something I am used to, but from the beginning, I felt something strange. The stage was strangely busy, and it felt like they were changing the script, a little different from usual?

But I didn’t notice it until then.

But, in the middle of the interview, the question about that problem came up.

[Caster]: Ah~ So there was a behind-the-scenes story like that. I’m really looking forward to PER’s future moves. Oh, by the way, there’s something that’s become a hot topic in this match. It’s an interview with Park Joo-han, who had an ace match with Lee Chang-hyun.

‘Park Joo-han’s interview?’

Suddenly, I wondered if that guy had told me that he had beaten me to the ground without using the weapon I usually used. But I thought he wouldn’t necessarily say that.

It was a shame to get robbed by a hunter who didn’t even use a weapon, and it wasn’t something to brag about.

Besides, it’s not wise to talk about another team’s tactics in an interview that the other team can see when you know them yourself.

As long as you don’t hold any ill will toward me.

[Caster]: Recently, in [Ranked Matches], there was a hot potato about the identity of the masked martial artist hunter. Park Joo-han revealed that his identity was Lee Chang-hyun!

In fact, when we were fighting 1-on-1 while caught in a dimensional storm, Lee Chang-hyun showed off such martial arts skills.

Park Joo-han said in an interview that he was confident because he had experienced it himself in [ranked matches].

‘… … .’

I couldn’t help but be dumbfounded for a moment. Park Joo-han? I don’t even remember who he was. Did he play [ranked matches] with me?

I don’t remember very well.

How many opponents do you encounter while playing dozens of rounds? Who would remember them all?


‘I never thought I’d test it in a real match against someone I’d defeated in [Ranked Matches]… … .’

It was a mistake. Then it would be right to point out that it was definitely the same person. It wouldn’t be strange for them to harbor ill feelings toward me because they lost to me in a ranked match.

… … But it was absurd to admit it like that.

You’re revealing your identity before you’ve even achieved your desired score, your strategic goal, or even teased your teammates?

If that was the case, I wouldn’t have worn a mask from the beginning, and I would have gone up while using all my weapons and abilities to the fullest and slaughtering everyone.

There’s no way I can admit it, because everything I’ve done so far has gone down the drain.

[Lee Chang-hyun]: … … Me? Of course, I mixed in a bit of martial arts this time, but it’s true that I mix in a bit of martial arts in 1-on-1s that can’t be covered with guns… … It seems like Park Joo-han made a mistake.

Besides, as those of you who have watched our PER matches know… … I am the only one in the Hunters League who uses a gun, aside from Ethan. Is there really a need to throw away a gun, which is a versatile and good weapon, and… … beat up people with fists?

I could feel the casters and the audience watching with excitement.

Of course, it doesn’t feel like the suspicion has completely disappeared yet…

Then there’s nothing we can do.

[Lee Chang-hyun]: I also saw that masked hunter in the ranked match. This is my honest impression. Tools make people stronger. In fact, I guarantee that if I fight that hunter, I will win 100 out of 100.

It’s not for nothing that the martial arts world was destroyed by the hunters.

But the fact that he insists on knocking me down with his fists seems to mean that he wants to say something like, “I’m better than you even without a weapon.”

To be honest… …I think it’s barbaric and uncivilized.

I accidentally did some really outrageous self-dissing.

This is really heartbreaking.

I didn’t make that choice because I wanted to say something like that.

[Caster]: Haha! You seem to have shown a lot of confidence, but if that’s the case, then we can look forward to the future ranked matches between Lee Chang-hyun and the mysterious martial artist hunter.

[Lee Chang-hyun]: You don’t have to expect anything. Have you ever seen someone who uses a gun lose to someone who just punches?

A burst of laughter broke out in the audience.

[Lee Chang-hyun]: It’s a bit pathetic that people lose ranked matches to guys like that.

But at this point, I thought, you probably wouldn’t suspect that I’m the person behind the mask.

Of course, the comments were amazing.

[‘Lee Chang-hyun’: I will shut out street thugs who use their fists with a gun]

All ranked hunters with 3000 points or less are crying like dogsㅋㅋㅋ

N But what Lee Chang-hyun said is right. How do you compare someone who just charges with their fists and someone who fights artistically with crazy, flashy techniques?

N Certainly. From Lee Chang-hyun’s perspective, it’s pathetic.

[Hunter Park Joo-han doesn’t have very good eyesight either. He’s confused about that.]

N Seriously, what the hell is this gun-wielding hunter punching?

ㄴ If we give in a hundred times and wear a mask, it’s because they want to hide their strategy, but why would Lee Chang-hyun, who knows how to use guns and other weapons, do that?

N Park Joo Han’s mysterious sobbingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Fact: Lee Chang-hyun is just good at everything, but when he mixes in close combat with shooting, people mistake him for a martial artist and shoot him in vain.

[But honestly, as someone who enjoys ranked matches, that guy is also romantic and kind of awesome, lol]

ㄴ If I fight Lee Chang-hyun, my heart will pound lol

N What lol Didn’t you watch the interview? Just cut it with one shot for elegance.

ㄴ To begin with, the score isn’t top-tier yet.

n Didn’t you look at the win rate? If you look at it, it’s already at the same level as the top level.

Reading the comments, several thoughts came to mind.

‘This… … might be a bigger problem than I thought?’


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