Return of the Genius Player Chapter 21

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021. The Prey and the Hunter

“So… …what are your plans?”

Kim Jin-seung asked, leaning close to her.

Perhaps out of curiosity, Han Ji-soo also came along.

“Then, did you pick the two of you without a plan? First, you have to listen to what I say and follow it. Just don’t listen.”

Then I whispered my plan quietly so that the other teams wouldn’t hear.

After hearing the whole plan, Han Ji-soo rolled her eyes and didn’t say anything, and Kim Jin-seung…

“Are you crazy?”

Oh, really, I’m from the future, but I still have a lot of distrust in strategy.


“Then, let’s start the 3v3v4 Mini Hunters League game! The map is an aerial street battle. If you touch the ground, you’re out, and if you become incapacitated, you’re out. Among those who drop out of this mission, there will be someone who drops out of the program, so good luck.”

After Joara’s words, each person began to be sent to a random location.

“Heed my words! If you mess up, you’ll just get the points back, so just mess up.”

Oh my… … I wonder if I chose this tactic for nothing.

But there is no other tactic better than this one to ensure a sure victory.

Anyway, after saying those words, I was also moved to a random location.

‘It’s been a really long time… … .’

In the regular 7v7 Hunters League matches, a few people would gather to start, but in the Mini Hunters League, which is closer to a survival game, this happened because players would always respawn in a random area.

At that time, the time when you had to be the most careful was right after respawning.

It would be nice if your teammates were nearby so you could join up right away, but you had to be careful because you might run into enemies right away.

That’s why I held my breath and looked at the location where I respawned.

‘A high-rise building located at about 7 o’clock in the central area… … and it seems like I’m the only one in this building… … .’

A piercing look revealed no other signs of life.

For now, you can take a breath. It doesn’t matter if you make a sound.

“Where is everyone?”

I asked Kim Jin-seung and Han Ji-su through the team-specific earphones they were wearing.

“I’m at 5 o’clock on the map.”

“It’s between the center and the end, at 3 o’clock from the center.”

“Then, let’s go as planned. Put off the meeting until later and meet at the center. If possible, avoid being caught. If you meet the opponent, don’t engage them and try to avoid them.”

“i get it.”

After that, silence continued again.

As I looked through my piercing eyes first, as expected, there was no one else in the building’s hallways or even the passage leading to the rooftop.

Judging from the fact that the sound coming from the earphones was quiet, it seemed like there hadn’t been a fight yet.

The first step of this strategy is to first draw attention to this quiet deadlock, so it’s a good start.

First, I arrived at the rooftop outside after changing my weapon to a gun using [Magic Engineering Weapon Conversion].

As expected, there was no one there.

Since the map is quite large, it would be difficult to accidentally encounter each other in a 3v3v4 situation, that is, a situation with 10 people.

‘That’s why we draw out the enemy directly.’

With that thought in mind, I crossed the strange suspension bridge built for movement between high-rise buildings.

That was when.


An arrow flew from the right side of my vision. It seemed that a ranged dealer had already taken up position.

“What is it, Lee Chang-hyun? Is this an attack?”

“No, it doesn’t matter.”

I ignored the panicked words coming from my earphones and ran towards the bridge.

‘It doesn’t matter anyway since the opponent hasn’t joined the team yet.’

Anyway, I was confident that I could avoid the long-range dealer’s attacks unless there was a close-range dealer or supporter who could narrow the angle at which they could hit.

Moreover, because of the distance, it seemed like it would be difficult to hit it. Perhaps because of his lack of experience, he was unable to distinguish between what he could hit and what he could not hit, so he shot it at that distance.

‘Phew… … Still, that’s not a good sign.’

That’s why I kept running towards the center.

My goal is a strategy that does not prioritize ‘joining’. This is because it will be most effective when the opponents are still confused and have not yet established their strategy.

Finally, I looked at the electronic map in my hand and saw that the three dots were smoothly moving toward the center. This meant that we had successfully avoided combat until we reached the center where our team was scheduled to meet.

However, the point did not reach the center completely and stopped at one point.

Only Lee Chang-hyun reached the central high-rise building.

It was a part where they chose a strategy that aimed for ‘surprise’ by gathering but not joining.

“Arrived at sniping point.”

“I don’t think I’ll get caught like this either.”

Both of them seemed to be hiding in a suitable place.

“Can you see outside? Where am I?”

“You won’t be able to see it from there, but it’ll be visible from here.”

“me too.”

“Then let’s begin.”

It was time to start hunting.


In this mini Hunters League program that starts off like a survival game, there are two main strategies. Prioritize joining up and aim for the positive effects of teamwork, or rely on individual skills and defeat each other, or split up and act appropriately depending on the situation.

Usually, the tactic was to prioritize joining. Of course, there were other needs depending on the team situation and the flow of the game.

Among them, the third option that Lee Chang-hyun chose was ‘joining without being caught’.

“Then let’s begin.”


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After saying those words, Lee Chang-hyun switched his earphones to listening mode. It seemed too noisy. Then, he fired the gun loaded with ether toward the sky.

Bang tata tata tata!!

Because the sound was fired from the tallest building in the center, it spread throughout the map.

The gunshots didn’t stop with one or two shots, but continued and erratically, as if they were telling us to follow them. It was as if we were in an actual combat situation.

And as one magazine filled with ether was about to be emptied… …the bite came.

He was the first enemy I had actually met in the game, drawn in by the noise.

“… What are you doing alone, senior?”

The name was… Jin Han.

He was the guy who came last time and was making a lot of noise. I think he was trying to get involved in the fight, but when I actually got there and saw him shooting a gun by himself, he seemed flustered.

For a moment, he took a battle stance, raising his sword with great momentum.

“Is it only you, senior? Haha… … Should I call this luck… … Anyway, senior. Please take good care of me. You’re my first opponent. Oh, I have to tell you this… … ”

“I heard everything because you kept making so much noise without turning off your earphones. You don’t need to explain the situation. You’re just wasting time. If you can, then do it. I’m on my way now, so don’t push yourself too hard!”

Yoon Han-gyeol’s voice could be heard through the earphones Jin Han was wearing.

‘If time goes by like this, it’ll be 2:1… … No, more reinforcements may come, so is it going to be worse than that?’

Meanwhile, Jin Han said with a sinister smile.

“Senior, why did you leave all your teammates and come here alone… … I heard that you got first place in the close-range position mobility test, but what I’m saying is that I’m more confident in a 1-on-1… … Senior, you may not know this, but we even organized a study group to research how to deal with mana guns… … .”

Hesitating and hesitating. They didn’t fight but talked a lot.

It would have been good for Lee Chang-hyun if time had passed, but after all, this was ‘acting’… … It wasn’t good to give him time to think about too many random things.

“Why do you think I left all my teammates behind?”

“Well, if there was, they would have attacked me a long time ago… … Anyway, I know there’s no such thing, so that’s fine. I’m sorry to you, senior, but I’ll listen to the story about my fight with senior Yoon Han-gyeol after we’re done… … .”

I was just blurting out things I didn’t even want to know about. I was wondering if there was any way I could turn off that speaker.

But before I could finish that thought, the guy bared his teeth.

“Put the pressure down!”


A straight blow delivered with a shout.

‘Ugh… As expected, I’m far behind in terms of strength status… … .’

Once we compared the sums, we got a perfect estimate.

I guess I was assigned to the wrong position this time, so I was assigned to a melee position, but I was originally assigned to a long-range position… … I’m still not fully trained, so I’m far behind in terms of status. I could definitely feel that I was at a disadvantage when it came to direct confrontations.

‘Ha… … This feeling is refreshing.’

It certainly wasn’t a common occurrence before the return when it was in full bloom.

But the time before the regression didn’t go anywhere.

Besides, there was a tactic planned in advance.

The choice was definitely decided.

‘I’ll just pull back for now to kill some time.’

“Where are you going!”

The performance shown in the maneuverability test handling the air anchor and air beat was also revealed in this game without any filter.

The solid side of the gun that had been blocking the sword stretched its arm backwards and fired the air anchor at the same time as it was pushed back, and Lee Chang-hyun flew backwards riding the mana rope connected to the air anchor like a pendulum.

“… … .”

But did Lee Chang-hyun take Jin Han lightly?

Jin Han also jumped up with a big leap using an airbeat and chased Lee Chang-hyun in the air.

“Don’t miss it! Do you know how much I practiced flying in the air from close range with my seniors? Come face to face with the results of my training, stained with blood and tears. Don’t avoid me and confront me fairly. You’re only a man, senior, so it’s not good to act like a coward. There’s a line in a certain comic book, right? It’s like, ‘Don’t live lying down, stand up and die!’ Don’t you give a shit, senior! I’m a sword that will fight to the death with you until the day you die!”

Anyway, even in the air, that guy’s mouth never rested.

However, no matter what he said, I just listened to it with one ear and let it go out the other, so I didn’t do anything that would ruin the existing plan.

Besides, aerial acrobatics was Lee Chang-hyun’s domain.

As much as I trained my lower body by emphasizing mobility, one of the things I was most confident in before returning was using the air anchor and air beat. But at the same time, I didn’t keep running away.

Lee Chang-hyun continues to install air anchors in the air and moves forward like Spider-Man, while Jin Han follows him by flying while laying down air beats.

One time, Lee Chang-hyun continued to hold onto the air anchor’s mana rope and made a large circle in the air, aiming after Jin Han, who was flying towards Lee Chang-hyun.


‘It’s no use.’

It was a sensible play, but Jin Han-do, a top-tier player, was not so easily fooled by improvised tactics.

As Jin Han was a promising prospect with considerable talent, the moment he was about to point a gun at him, he quickly cut him off with a sword.

‘There is little room for restraint with guns.’

It was something that was already decided the moment we got close.

The hunter’s speed is incomparable to that of a normal person, so once you’re attached, a weapon in a close-range position is bound to be much more advantageous. In addition, I don’t know about Jin Han, but unlike in the survival game, the current Ether, which is not a hidden piece, is not that powerful. At that time, the Ether was a hidden piece on the map and had tremendous power hidden inside.

‘Besides, since I don’t have enough mana, I won’t be able to kill it with this total power anyway.’

But that chase and being chased doesn’t last long.

I just can’t go on like this any longer.

“Senior! Here you go!”

At some point, Yoon Han-gyeol arrived at the building behind Lee Chang-hyun, who was continuing to run away with the air anchor.

“Knock it down with all your might.”

“… … ”

And, looking at Yoon Han-gyeol saying that, Lee Chang-hyun whispered softly into his earphone microphone and laughed.

“Kim Jin-seung, Han Ji-soo. Get ready.”

Now it was time for the prey to become the hunter.


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