Return of the Genius Player Chapter 206

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Episode 206: Twisted in many ways

After the game ended, it was quite noisy outside.

[What was that weird tentacle-like thing at the end that you cut down?]

N Wasn’t he a gun shooter? He can’t even handle a knife.

What’s even funnier is that the sword-flying kid’s attack doesn’t even stick.

n Don’t you know PER? PER is invincible and Lee Chang-hyun is a god.

N Yes, next is the listening team.

Was it impressive that he finally suppressed the trap prepared by the opponent with force?

Everyone was talking about that scene.

‘But if you look at the scene alone, this time, the coolest part was when Lee Gil-han withstood the enemy’s concentrated fire with his clone and opened the dimensional gate.’

In the Hunter’s League, it’s common to see something being cut up nicely with a knife.

But this strategy won’t be like that.

The ability called [Dimension Gate] itself is rare, but to cover up its weakness, it creates a ton of clones and rushes in?

Each team had their own unique signature tactic, but few were quite like this one.

If there is an MVP, it will probably be Lee Gil-han.

‘Come to think of it, if Lee Gil-han becomes MVP this time… … Is this the first time?’

Just now, you were talking about the dealer’s mood and all. I had a feeling that today might really be a special day for Lee Gil-han.

As expected, a staff member knocked on the door and came in looking for Lee Gil-han.

“Yes, me?”

Looking at Lee Gil-han’s absentmindedness, I don’t think today’s interview will go well.


When the staff first called my name, I couldn’t help but be flustered.

When I actually got into it, I thought it would be one of the best highlight scenes of the game.

Because Lee Chang-hyun’s subsequent appearance was more overwhelming.

‘I suppressed the huge trap prepared by the opponent with force and quelled it, and now I’m the MVP?’

Half incredulity. And half… …tension.

Because I’ve never done anything like an MVP interview before.

‘If I had known this would happen, I would have prepared an answer at least a little.’

The league I was in the longest was the 3rd division. That was also a winless league, so I never even thought about MVP there, and even after I came to Lee Chang-hyun’s team, the MVP was almost always given to the dealers.

A bit unexpectedly, when Lee Yeon-ju received the MVP award, I felt a bit envious at that time.

Of course, excluding the interview content.

‘At that time, did Lee Yeon-ju say that she would continue to try to bind and make him fall from a place that she couldn’t see?’

At that time, I think my face felt hot as I was watching from the waiting room.

I think I heard the story of kicking the blanket belatedly, either because I didn’t realize it at the time or because I didn’t realize it at the time.

I thought to myself that I should never make that mistake again, and I walked in the direction the staff member had called me.

Step, step… …

But as I got closer and closer to the outside of the hallway, an absurdly loud cheering started to ring out.

The crowd was incomparable to that of the 3rd or 2nd parts.

Back then, there were more empty seats in the stadium. Now, what are the empty seats? There were even people standing and watching.

There was a coexistence of excitement and extreme tension.

‘Ugh… … I’m shaking.’

That moment.

[Caster]: Hello!!

The sound was incredibly loud. It seemed like the stage was set up that way because it was so big and there were so many people.

The problem was that the caster suddenly appeared from behind and said such a greeting.


I was so surprised for a moment that I let out a strange sound without realizing it.

The reaction was immediate.

[Why is the reaction so high school girl-like? LOL]

N Seriously, I was surprised when I heard his voice. How can someone with that size have a voice like that? LOL

n Actually, the high school girl might be the main character. That big thing is actually like an AI doll that is being controlled.

No lol the sound is funny and the size is distracting but the way he shrinks is super cute

He’s a rookie that I’m seeing for the first time, so maybe it’s because his revealed appearance is different from his first impression or what he showed in the game.

Laughter also erupted from the audience.

‘Oh no… … This isn’t a good start.’

For one thing, I’ve never really heard anyone say that I’m feminine or timid or anything like that.

But, thinking that if I continue like this and do something wrong, I might end up leaving behind strange sayings like Lee Yeon-ju, my head felt cold.

‘Damn… … I have to concentrate.’

[Caster]: Player Lee Gil-han! This is your first time participating in the first division regular season. You received the MVP award right from the start. Let’s hear your thoughts.

Carefully, every word. Think thoroughly about your reaction and speak with meaning.

I steeled my resolve and opened my mouth.

[Lee Gil-han]: Um… … First of all, I feel really good because it’s my first MVP… … and… … I want to say thank you to PER coach and player Chang-Hyeon, who has helped me so much… … until now… …

‘Okay. There’s nothing problematic to say.’

Interviews might be easier than you think?

But that thought was fleeting.

There was something strange about the chat window that was popping up like hot cakes and the reactions from the audience.

[No, am I the only one who finds that rookie thing funny? Why does he sound so embarrassed when he says that?]

N Seriously, she seems like a high school girl. Why is she speaking so shyly? Lol


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n To Changhyun… I said thank you… … (omitted) kekekekekekeke

ㄴ That’s true too, but with that big body, why is it so funny that he’s shyly holding the mic with both hands? ㅋㅋ

N Seriously, it’s not easy…

‘What? This isn’t working either?’

I couldn’t help but feel momentarily flustered. I was more careful than usual, chose my words carefully, and spoke with a humble attitude.

Isn’t it? Is this a problem caused by being too careful than usual?

I felt like my head was in a mess.

[Caster]: Then let’s talk briefly about the match. In this tactic, the player who opened the portal through which a large number of people could move was Lee Gil-han.

It must have been extremely difficult and nerve-wracking. Was there anything you found difficult?

What was difficult?

Well, I can’t say that there isn’t any, but…

[Lee Gil-han]: None.

[Caster]: Yes?

[Lee Gil-han]: There isn’t any.

Ah. Isn’t that right? Isn’t this the right answer?

Whenever I tried to give a somewhat appropriate answer, I always felt like I got a slightly mixed reaction, so I gave an answer that I would normally give.

Suddenly, there was silence, and a cold sweat ran down my back like crazy.

We need to cover it now.

The difficult parts. Yes, the difficult parts.

[Lee Gil-han]: Well… … Just kidding. Um… … There really were a lot of things. It was really hard. Lee Chang-hyun, who absurdly put mana training into my new schedule because he suddenly discovered potential when he hadn’t even trained me in the first place, or Kim Do-jun, who would laugh and tease me when he saw me not handling it properly, or Lee Chang-hyun, who put me in a lonely and difficult position just to use me as bait, or whatever, that was why I was so close to a life-or-death crisis. In fact, when I opened the [Dimensional Gate], I wasn’t supposed to use my clone ability unless Chang-hyun gave me the order. Then I would have been the only one killed, and the fear I felt when I imagined that… … … …

[Caster]: Ah… … Yes. You really had a hard time.

The caster’s expression seemed quite complex and subtle.

Isn’t that right? Isn’t this the answer you want?

I had no idea how I should have answered.

Of course, regardless of that, the reactions of people watching this game were going crazy.

[Usually in situations like that, if I ask you if you had a hard time, you say, ‘I was able to overcome it because I had my teammates.’ If you say, ‘No,’ you say, ‘Because that’s what I used to do.’ But when I answer… … What is that crazy, long, genuinely sad post, lol]

No, honestly, when I first asked what was difficult, I saw the short answer of ‘nothing’ and thought ‘oh, that’s pretty cool’ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㄴ After asking that question a second time, he suddenly got so emotional that he started rapping and pouring out his frustrations to his teammates ㅋㅋㅋ

[If you watch this game, there’s no way you can say ‘no’ lol]

ㄴ In the first place, the opponents are all gathered and there are already 4 people gathered, so if you go in alone and say ‘there’s nothing difficult’, you’re crazy lol

N But it would have been nice if it had ended like that.

N That never happens, right?

ㄴ But since the training, I think he must have been really upset because he kept talking about even the smallest things that were upsetting him.


‘This isn’t what I thought… ‘

If you thought like that, would you have said thank you to Lee Chang-hyun in your first interview?

It wasn’t that hard, and I was rather made into the central figure of the team’s most important tactics.

It was better than harder because it allowed me to feel the excitement of the Hunter’s League.

In that sense, I was trying to say that there was nothing difficult.

‘I don’t know, just… … .’

Now, I thought, whatever happens, it will happen.

It was an interview that was already ruined.

[Caster]: By the way, in this match, you showed various possibilities through one of your special abilities, the ‘Clone’ ability.

How about going forward? Can we expect new tactics like today?

[Lee Gil-han]: Yes, that’s right. It’s been a tough ride to get here, so I’ll vent my frustrations and create a clone for the upcoming matches.

It’s a kind of media art. On one side, there’s a replica of Lee Chang-hyun who was forced to do the mana training he couldn’t do, and on the other side, there’s a replica of Kim Do-jun who was giggling while being teased, punching him in the stomach. Something like that…

This concept was caught wrong anyway.

If you can’t avoid it, maybe you have no choice but to enjoy it.

[The incarnation of crazy aftertasteㅋㅋㅋㅋ]

At this point, shouldn’t we call in Lee Chang-hyun and Kim Do-jun for the next interview and have them make a public apology and reflect on their actions?

He said he would recreate that situation with a clone and stuff it into a stuffed animal lol

He looks like a manly man, but he actually has it all inside him. That’s the type of person I’m most afraid of in life… … You guys should be careful too.

Yeah, it’ll work out somehow.


Meanwhile, there was chaos in the waiting room of PER, where they were watching Lee Gil-han’s interview.

Especially for me, who has been feeling a lot of pride in my player education and growth recently, I can’t help but feel embarrassed.

‘Was it that hard… … .’

Even though it was hard for Lee Gil-han, he seemed to have been proud and grateful every time he grew up…

Is this the tragedy of the informal speech-only Yaja Time?

And what was that last line… …

‘I beat Lee Chang-Hyeon who was working too hard by making him do mana training… … .’

Are you saying that we should take off our rank insignia and put them on again?

I’ve never thought about this before…

I felt a little dizzy.

I thought we were communicating well and growing together.

“Lee Chang-hyun~ That’s right. I told you to be gentle when I’m teasing the kids.”

Han Ji-soo came up to me and spoke to me, smiling broadly.

What do I want?

‘I feel guilty and miserable, thinking, ‘Is this why I taught and recruited these kids?’

At that moment, I had that thought.

Lee Seo-hyun suddenly spoke up.

“It’s true that my [Dimensional Gate] is imperfect, so the person in charge of that strategy is having a hard time… … It seems like Gilhan-ssi has had a hard time, so should we have a consolation party when he comes?”

Is that so? Is that right?

If you look at the interview, it was definitely an answer that made you think he had sharpened his knife.

I really don’t know.


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