Return of the Genius Player Chapter 194

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Episode 194: In the face of past failures

Before my return, I had one of the most outstanding careers in the Hunters League, and had quite a long career as a player.

But that doesn’t mean I remember all the players.

I can’t even remember their names or their play styles. They’re just players who pass by. To be honest, there were quite a few of those players.

Players I remember are those who beat me, were with me, or had special abilities.

In any case, these are just players who left a strong impression.

The reason I suddenly had this thought now was simple.

‘Joara… … When you were introduced as a judge, you clearly said that you won the Korean League twice and were runner-up three times.’

It’s only now that I think about it, but the name Joara was quite unfamiliar to me.

Well, it would be normal not to remember players who just passed by… … but wouldn’t you be able to remember the names of top level players?

But it still didn’t stick in my memory.

‘At the time I met him, he was nothing more or less than an ordinary first division player… …or was he retired?’

It’ll be one of two things.

With that thought in mind, Lee Chang-hyun looked back at the game before the start of the match, the game in which Jo A-ra participated when she won, and the game in which Jo A-ra is currently at SSA.

There it seemed, the reason why SSA was no longer winning.

‘You’ve changed… … .’

It was just a little bit, but as time went by, there was actually a regression. If it was just that much, it would be okay, but the problem was that other rookies and veteran players actually improved their skills, and the gap widened.

Of course, since the basic skills were very excellent, the gap narrowing was not a big problem, but for SSA, which mainly uses a one-top strategy, it was enough to be a major factor in the decline in performance.

‘Without change. Slowly growing older and declining… … being pushed to the back.’

That was Lee Chang-hyun’s impression after briefly observing SSA’s game.

I didn’t really like Joara, but I thought she wasn’t very pleasant.

That’s it.



My voice echoed through one of the earphones Ryu Jae-jun was wearing.

At that sound, Ryu Jae-jun quickly got out of his seat.

But was it because I heard the voice and moved in response?

When I turned my head, Joara was already running towards me with her sword in hand at a fast speed.

A powerful blow that seems unavoidable and unstoppable with mana shields or something.

The only fortunate thing was that thanks to Lee Geun-taek’s training, Ryu Jae-jun was accustomed to all kinds of situations.

Woohoo – – -.

In a situation where Ryu Jae-jun can neither dodge nor block, the best option is to counterattack.

But even with that [wave], Joara’s fierce momentum did not stop, and she thrust her sword in.

‘But… … The shock of Ryu Jae-jun’s [wave] was definitely conveyed.’

The tip of the sword shook.

Shaak -.

Fortunately, Joara’s sword slightly grazed Ryu Jaejun’s neck, and drops of blood flew into the air.

‘Fortunately, he avoided fatal injuries… … .’

“What? I don’t think the musician ever told me to approach him separately.”

“There must be a way to block mana. Whether it’s through ability or equipment. At around Part 1, there’s no such thing as ‘absolute’ anymore.”

“Phew… … Anyway, thanks to you, I survived.”

Ryu Jae-jun’s tension was conveyed to me as well.

‘It’s faster and stronger than expected. I guess that winning streak won’t go away.’

When I saw it on screen, I thought the form was pretty low. Is it because I tried to directly empathize with Ryu Jae-jun’s senses? Or, is it because it felt that way because it was Ryu Jae-jun’s body and not my own?

It was unknown.


‘If in the past, when Jo Ara won the Korean league, the form was the same, even if Ryu Jae-jun had reacted, the sword would have definitely pierced Ryu Jae-jun’s neck.’

It was definitely fast and strong. Although he resisted using [Wave], the ambush he took at this moment, targeting Ryu Jae-jun after fooling Lee Yeon-ju perfectly, was perfect.

‘……I knew it.’

“I was able to fend off an ambush, but this level of damage is nothing. There’s no need to be nervous, Ryu Jae-jun. This is Plan B.”

“……i get it.”


The time is before Joara reaches PER’s camp and ambushes Ryu Jaejun.

“Plan B?”

Ryu Jae-jun asked with a puzzled expression, as if asking what that was.

“Before the battle between the camps, I asked you what you would do if it got chaotic. Or what you would do if the ace attacked first. Come in with the guys who are currently participating in the game.”

Tiring -.

The voice settings on my earphones changed, and soon my mouth opened again.

“Plan B for that time. A is the two-top strategy with Lee Seong-tae and Yoon Han-gyeol as I mentioned before.”

With those words, the conversation about Plan B strategy for earphones began.

“First, the current situation. According to what I heard from Lee Yeon-ju, the SSA main force is united and one of their ace is heading this way. If things continue like this, their ace will attack us before we finish joining forces.”

“Then what happens?”

“Because it’s difficult to join forces due to the nature of [City of Decline], SSA’s ace will wage guerrilla warfare by cutting down each person one by one, inflicting heavy damage.”

Seriously, this was a tactic that was possible because it was this map.

“But… … Have you ever thought it was strange?”

“What? Isn’t it inevitable because of the nature of this map?”

“That’s true. That’s true, but.”

In fact, the essence of why this strategy works is simple. The characteristics of the map that make it difficult to join. And the existence of special neutral monsters that exist here.


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“If they go at them one by one and cut them down, that’s fine. They’re awesome and definitely powerful. But what if one of them doesn’t get hit and they manage to survive and hang on?”


“If we hold out just a little longer, support will come. But even if support comes, won’t the guy just run away?”

“So what is added is ‘biting and hanging on’.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

The ‘overwhelming one-top’ uses his superior capabilities to cut down his opponents and trample them with guerrilla warfare.

However, if the one-top player is skilled enough to withstand the opponent, and if that person can somehow hold off the guy,

Ace, who came in to kill, ended up surrounded by his opponents and fell into a trap.

In other words, it’s just hidden because of the nature of the map.

It originally meant high risk, high return.

“Oh… … Now that I think about it, that’s true. It might be possible with Lee Yeon-ju’s [Bondage].”

“Well, it would have worked for a normal player or a player in the second division. But it would be difficult for a player who is the team ace of the first division.”

“Then how are you going to hold on to it?”

“I have to use my head.”

And when he heard what I said later, Yoon Han-gyeol said as if he was shocked.

“Can I also post this later on in PER’s tactical analysis notes in the cafe?”

Will it work?


In Jo Ara’s eyes, Ryu Jae-jun, bleeding from his neck, seemed to be communicating something.

‘Are you taking orders?’

It seems like you’re talking to Lee Chang-hyun. Actually, I think that’s a good thing.

If there is a point where you can receive an order and do something, then Joara herself is still far away.

What if it’s right in front of your nose?

‘My sword is faster than that guy’s orders!’

“I guess you’re busy listening to a lot of things… … Unfortunately, I don’t have much time here.”

Even though it took a long time to join, it was better to hurry and kill as many guys as possible before leaving.

“Please give the rest of your feedback in the feedback room after you die. It won’t hurt, I’ll send it all at once.”

He raised his sword again and took the knight’s stance.

The smoothness of using the Air Dash as if it were your own leg muscles.

Just as the thrust was about to begin, so fast that it was difficult to avoid due to its smoothness.

Shararak -.

As if Lee Yeon-ju’s bonds had been activated, a black chain flowed out of the air.

“Lee Yeon-ju… … .”

Ryu Jae-jun sighs in relief for a moment.

“I already know that.”

Joara was already moving, and Lee Yeon-ju’s [Bondage] was just hovering in the air.

‘Ugh… It’s more annoying than I thought. That’s why I find abilities with no distance limit annoying.’

But it was still Joara’s turn.

Once Joara started, she didn’t stop and steadily approached Ryu Jaejun.

However, even though she had clearly escaped Lee Yeon-ju’s [bondage], she still felt like something was following Jo Ara.

‘What is it this time…?’

I judged that if I continued to stab him like that, there was a high possibility that I would be counterattacked the moment I stopped stabbing him. So I had no choice but to look back, even if only briefly.

And what was reflected in Joara’s pupils as she looked back was none other than a sword.

‘That’s… … Yoon Han-gyeol’s.’

I know that originally there weren’t that many of them, and they couldn’t fly this far.

Since I could have been fatally wounded if I left it alone, I had no choice but to charge up my mana and strike hard.


Fortunately, I was far away from Yoon Han-gyeol, so the force was weak and I could easily shake it off.

Of course, it was still annoying that there wasn’t just one sword.

Buck! Buck!

It’s something that can be shaken off by striking them all together…

“… … ?”


“Ugh… Ugh.”

‘That bastard Yoon Han-gyeol… … Did he put a mana bomber on the remaining sword?’

Because Joara’s fundamentals were excellent, she didn’t suffer much damage, but it was inevitable that she would be shocked.

But this will definitely be the end of the delay.

Anyway, the situation where the guys can’t join continues, and supporting them from afar with those kinds of tricks is just at that level.

It’s annoying. That’s the level of the line.

‘Most abilities weaken rapidly when they are away from their user anyway. No more bothering me!’

Taking a deep breath like that, Joara, who realized that according to the information, she could neither fly higher nor support, took the last step to show the guy in front of her.

“Anyway, whether it was when you were a judge or now during a practice match, you’re good at using tricks. But Lee Chang-hyun, you can’t win a match with tricks. No matter how tricky you are, in the Hunters League, the stronger side wins.”

I have nothing more to say.

Because Joara thought that her own strength would prove it.

Besides, if those guys’ abilities and teamwork were superior to her expectations and she judged them to be dangerous, she would just leave.

‘Well… …not even that right now.’

The moment I finally tried to use the air dash to stab him.

“Sleep tight!”

A man was seen running towards Joara, screaming madly and with a huge roar.

‘Are you crazy? How can you scream so loudly in this [City of Decline]?’

A development that Joara could not have predicted at all was unfolding in this stadium.


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