Return of the Genius Player Chapter 191

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Behind the scenes of episode 191

Filming… …filming.

Hunter’s League is a serious sport, so naturally it places a lot of importance on visible elements.

Of course, in the case of the first regular season, there is an opening video with all the players belonging to that league, and in addition to that, there are things like the finals opening and concept photos for each team.

Among them, the one we are taking today will probably be the latter, closer to a team concept photo.

‘Usually, the one who takes the picture at this time is the team’s ace. So, the key players take the picture.’

I couldn’t help but laugh as I thought about my teammates who kept bickering while playing rock-paper-scissors.

As filming was about to begin, we were preparing our clothes and props, and Lee Yeon-ju asked us a question.

Could it be because I saw you smiling?

“Are you nervous… or not?”

“I’m nervous… … ”

In Lee Yeon-ju’s case, it was clear that she was so tense that anyone who saw her would think she was nervous.

Even for Lee Yeon-ju, who has become more confident and less shy these days, taking photos to show to others must have been a completely new experience.

Because it wasn’t in parts 3 or 2.

“I usually go out in front of a lot of people during games, and this isn’t much different from that. If you dress up and come but get nervous about things like that, the photos won’t turn out well.”

As I said that, I patted him on the shoulder to encourage him, but he looked so surprised that I thought he looked like a wild cat.

Ryu Jae-jun, who saw that sight, added a word.

“You don’t have to be so nervous just taking a picture.”

A serious atmosphere where there would be absolutely no joking around as usual.

This side didn’t seem particularly nervous.

‘When you see things like this, you can clearly see that each person’s personality is revealed through their individual position.’

Usually, long-range dealers or supporters in the back line mix their hands directly. There is no need to fight at close range while looking into the opponent’s eyes.

Maybe that’s why, when I occasionally see players who are a little shy or something like that, they are mostly players in the back positions.

On the other hand, look at Ryu Jae-jun.

Maybe it’s because it’s a daily occurrence for the two of us to enter the enemy camp in a 2 vs. 7 match, but it’s usually the case that we don’t even blink in most situations.

At that moment, while we were having a brief conversation and thinking about various things.

Was everything ready? We heard a voice as we were finishing preparing our clothes and accessories.

“We’re ready to shoot. PER players, please come up!”

This shoot is our team’s.


As I said, this photoshoot is a quick one. It’s more like a concept shot that can be easily shown first when introducing a team somewhere.

So, as the captain and de facto identity of the team, I have to emphasize a little bit.

By the way… …

“The background is a city concept?”

This was my first time experiencing something like this, so I thought it was refreshing.

Especially taking pictures with your back to the night background, a slightly atmospheric night view.

This was a completely new experience.

Most of the photos I took before returning seemed to have been taken from a high place looking down.

This time, it seemed like they were filming from the bottom of the building rather than from above.

“Ah… … Yes, that’s right. PER is a new team that was promoted from the 3rd division to the 1st division. It’s like going up one step at a time from the bottom to the top.”

He explained it quite enthusiastically, probably expecting this question to come up.

‘Climb up from the bottom to the top one step at a time… … ‘

I always took pictures from above looking down, and I thought that this wasn’t a bad idea.

“By the way, there seem to be a lot of interesting props. There’s a city concept, but it seems to have a bit of a SF feel to it. This prop in particular… … The pattern and such give it the feel of a relic. It’s not an actual item, is it?”

Meanwhile, what Ryu Jae-jun was interested in during filming was the props.

Because in this city concept shoot, there were a lot of unique props placed on the side.

From glow-in-the-dark drones to supply crates that look like they came straight out of a near-future sci-fi war, to neon sign costume straps for some inexplicable reason.

“Haha… … It’s not an actual item, but you have a keen eye. There. The box that emits yellow light is a replica of an actual relic’s design.

After all, what makes PER famous is its space defense strategy. It’s also about things like bomber strategies, and Lee Chang-hyun’s unique weapons. Aren’t things like guns a huge part of his identity?”


“So, I decided that the team concept would be a bit science and technology, a weapon of civilization, or something with a sense of civilization or city.”

Oh… … I had never thought about that perspective, but I find it quite interesting.

But that small talk was short-lived. Before we knew it, the props had been organized and arranged, and the real photo-taking began.


“Okay, relax. Everyone, look at the camera. Three, two, one.”


Keep repeating that phrase, and change the pose in detail. Let’s change the composition a bit. How about this concept?

It’s a repetition of words.

Since filming usually went on like this for quite some time, I couldn’t help but yawn occasionally, even though it was rude.

Well, I couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed by this kind of thing.

Aren’t we players, not models?

But even in such a boring shoot, there were some really fun things today… …

Since I am so familiar with photography, I have a rough idea of ​​the composition, nuance, and atmosphere that the photographer wants.

And Ryu Jae-jun, who is always serious and doesn’t get nervous at all when filming, strikes poses and composes the shot like a skilled actor.

In the meantime, Lee Yeon-ju is stiffly staring at the camera from the middle, with her hands clasped together politely, as if she is in a place she should not be.

‘It’s too flashy.’

I couldn’t help but laugh when I looked at the photos taken.

Jaejun Ryu and I each struck poses that suited our abilities and concepts and looked at the camera with strict, serious expressions, but Yeonju Lee clasped her hands together and was awkwardly polite, which was so funny.


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Of course, the expression was serious and solemn… …

If Jaejun Ryu and I have a solemn and solemn air about us glaring at each other on the battlefield, Yeonju Lee has a seriousness similar to that of a person at a meeting and looking nervous in front of the parents of the other party.

The pose and the expression were subtly innocent. I couldn’t help but laugh while watching it.

“Come on… … Player. You’re too stiff. Just relax a little. Just relax. One more time. Three, two, one. Click.”

But, perhaps it was because the pose was wrong from the beginning. As the photographer continued to take longer and longer to capture the scene he wanted, I thought I should say something.

So, at the moment when he was about to say something to Lee Yeon-ju, Ryu Jae-jun opened his mouth first, perhaps because he felt frustrated seeing Lee Yeon-ju like that.

“As I said earlier, you don’t have to be too conscious of the fact that it’s a photo. It’s no different from playing a game.”

“But… … I’ve hardly ever taken pictures before, so I’ve never thought about how to pose… … or anything like that… …”

Lee Yeon-ju also noticed that the filming was taking longer because of her own sense, so her voice seemed to be crawling on the floor.

In the past, it was similar to when I first met Lee Yeon-ju in Part 3. It seemed like taking pictures was quite difficult.

So, at that moment, I, who has a lot of experience, was thinking that I should just decide on the poses and concepts myself.

Surprisingly, Ryu Jae-jun added more.

‘Yeah. I guess it’s not really necessary for me to step forward. Judging from the way Ryu Jae-jun posed and composed today, it seems like he’s been thinking a lot about what to do when he takes a photo. He’s usually serious and studies theory diligently, so he might be a better person to take the photo than me.’

With that in mind, I listened to Ryu Jae-jun’s words… …

“Don’t think about taking a picture. Yes, over there. Lee Seong-tae is watching over there.”

“Lee Seong-tae… … ?”

“Isn’t that guy your first junior in the first division?”

“Um… … Hmm. Right?”

“What do you think a senior should show to a junior like that?”

“Um… I don’t know.”

“No. No! You already know the answer. Just like how you usually call them senior… … That’s right. A junior moves forward while looking at their senior’s back. And a senior is like the sky to a junior, so he looks at them kindly, but at the same time, he looks down on them arrogantly, showing his strong side. That’s right. Like that.”

‘Junior… …? Are you going forward while looking at your senior’s back?’

As I listened quietly, Lee Seong-tae was saying a lot of things that were shocking.

But, assuming that Lee Yeon-ju came up from the 3rd division and didn’t know that seniority is determined by experience in the 1st division rather than the order of joining the team…

‘There’s no way Ryu Jae-jun wouldn’t know… … ?’

In fact, Lee Seong-tae is my senior, but since he is a newbie to the team, he tries to get along with Lee Yeon-ju appropriately.

But that’s how you say it?

I’ve always been serious and trustworthy about everything, but what on earth are you trying to instill in Lee Yeon-ju?

What was even funnier was Lee Yeon-ju’s reaction to it.

“Oh… is that so?”

When Lee Yeon-ju heard that, she narrowed her eyes like a conglomerate owner evaluating a new employee, raised her head sharply, and then slowly lowered it.

Then, he held his waist with one arm, stood cross-legged in an arrogant manner, and looked down at the other person with a slightly arrogant, yet confident, look.

Surprisingly, the effect was amazing.

A deep gaze that seems slightly soaked in excellence, as if one were the owner of a new unicorn startup.

Confidence. And a bold ambition that makes you feel like you can trust and follow it.

These were all connected in harmony, so this pose looked like a real model.

Of course, it bothered me that the end of that gaze was not on the camera but on Lee Seong-tae.

‘I’ll have to tell you that next time… … ‘

Actually, the photographer’s response was very good.

“Oh… … Very good. Please strike a pose again, and the musician stays where he is… … Three, two, one, click.”

As expected of a person with a strong sense of professionalism, the shutter was fired again so as not to miss the best moment.

But wasn’t that just a little bit lacking?

“Um… … There’s just something a little bit missing… … Ah! Staff. That thing over there. Ah. Very good.”

A huge fan was placed next to Yeonju Lee in one corner of the filming set.

It doesn’t go well with the cold city. I adjusted the wind with a huge retro fan to make Yeonju’s pink dyed hair flutter.

“Ah. Good. Very good. Like this, three, two, one. Click.”

The first filming of Part 1 of PER, which was somewhat eventful, has ended.


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