Return of the Genius Player Chapter 188

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Episode 188 One More Time

After guiding Lee Seong-tae to the training room, I returned to the waiting room where I could watch the people training again.

I could see Lee Seong-tae training on one wall made of glass.

“But Chang-Hyeon, even though we signed a contract, it’s not completely confirmed yet… … I wonder if it’s right for me to give feedback.”

It seemed like he was talking about [Lee Sang-dong’s Commander’s] abilities.

Well, if there is a reason why PER’s ability to develop players will continue to stand out in the future, it will be because of that ability.

The hunter industry is very sensitive about personal information.

There are many cases where the outcome of a match depends on the details of information about the ability. In such a situation, it seems that he felt burdened by giving feedback while also revealing the existence of the ability [Commander of the Ideal Dream].

‘It’s true that they definitely give a lot.’

Even Lee Geun-taek, who had personally experienced that ability, was unaware of the advanced information.

At best, I would think it’s an ability to confuse the opponent by showing them strong hallucinations or something during battle.

Without even considering the overwhelming value it has in fostering someone’s growth.

“However, there is no need to hide information about abilities to that extent. After all, hiding them is because when information about abilities becomes known, they are destroyed and their value decreases. This is not one of those cases. Besides… … .”


“It seems like he came today because he had something to say… … He couldn’t say it properly. Even if he was the coach of his own team, you should at least give him a reason to cut him off from the team.”

At these words, Lee Jong-gyu seemed to still not understand and seemed lost in thought.

But in order to have good players, you have to let them know that you have good cards, right?

After this training, I’m starting to wonder how Lee Seong-tae will react after receiving feedback. To be honest, I’m starting to look forward to it.

The fact that you have honed your skills means that you have a strong desire to improve.

If you showed that guy a clear possibility that he could improve, you could tell what kind of expression he would make.


‘Huh… What the heck? It’s not as bad as I thought.’

Lee Seong-tae, who had just entered the training room, was a little disappointed with the training, contrary to what he had expected.

For Lee Seong-tae, who had been touring around the first division teams and experienced many facilities, the training itself was nothing new.

At best, basic training against neutral monsters, 1-on-1 duels, and even survival training for 1-on-many situations.

That was personal training that could be done anywhere.

‘It’s not like there’s anything special about the boasts… … .’

It wasn’t to the extent of being a harsh criticism, but I thought it was too ordinary compared to what Lee Chang-hyun said.

However, there was something interesting during that training.

It was because the PER team members, who were having a hard time even while doing this kind of ordinary training, felt something awkward.

“Ah… … This is something I received feedback on last time, but it’s not easy to maintain that feeling. The moment I lose focus even slightly, my balance collapses.”

“Sure. It’s a lot easier to do it if you know the feeling… … but I don’t have the stamina to maintain it. When you maintain the feeling in that image, you can draw it more perfectly than ever… … but the moment that breaks, you become even more awkward than before.”

“So that’s why you emphasized physical training and stamina… … .”

Each of the PER team members was chatting about this and that, but no matter what they were talking about, it seemed like the PER team members were having a hard time compared to the training they were receiving.

‘Considering the level of the guys I met in the last game, shouldn’t I be able to do this easily? Is it really worth sweating that much?’

Lee Seong-tae’s sweat had already cooled down, just enough to make him feel good, but his PER teammates were drenched in sweat, making it hard to believe they had done the same training.

So much so that I started to think that maybe it wasn’t because these guys were good, but because my form had dropped since my sense for spearmanship wavered last time.

With those thoughts in mind, I was about to decide that this type of training was no longer worth doing.

The guy came in.

“How was the training?”

Lee Chang-hyun asked shamelessly. Looking at him, I felt like I could say it without any pangs of conscience.

You can get it anywhere, and it’s such an obvious training that it’s not fun. Is this all you have?

Just as I was about to say that.

“Isn’t it more special than you think? Well, that’s what training is all about. It’s about building up each day to show your strength. Just because you’re a team that has achieved special results doesn’t mean that the training is special or anything. Of course. That doesn’t mean that we didn’t prepare anything, but… … .”

The guy said, hitting the player.

A cliché repertoire. Sincere training is the shortcut. It was a cliché line that left me clicking my tongue in amazement.

But… …the guy’s words continued without stopping.

“But our team, the feedback process is a bit special… … something like that?”

The guy’s hand came in so naturally, poking through the gap.

Just like the last time we were sparring, the hand that dug in as if the weapon was changing was there, so I was a little flustered.

The place the guy’s hand touched was not anywhere threatening.

Just like a teacher teaching a young student, he placed his hand on top of his head, and white light poured out from the hand he placed on top of his head, and his eyes flickered.


I was embarrassed.

I thought it might be a mental attack or a special ability like brainwashing, but there was no change in the mana equipment in my pocket.

It wasn’t a harmful ability.

But that confusion only lasted for a moment. I felt something strange.

When I came to my senses, it felt like I was back in the training session just a moment ago.

Did we… rewind time?

No. That can’t be. I’ve never heard of such an ability in the world.

But what does it mean?

I’m sure you just finished training a little while ago. But this vivid feeling you’re feeling during this sparring training right now.

… … But, as expected, the sense of spearmanship that had been off since the fight with Lee Chang-hyun was still there. That subtle difference, that feeling that made it impossible to completely cut through the enemy. It remained at the tip of my fingers.


‘… … ? The sensations in my body clearly feel the same… … But why am I moving differently than I thought?’

Something felt off.

I felt as if I was moving, but as if I was just an observer. My body was moving ‘slightly’ differently than I wanted it to.

Was that why?


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The flow during the training was a little different.

The neutral monster that I couldn’t defeat in one go, my sparring partner. Just like it was supposed to be. I defeated it in one go.

‘That’s right… …! That was the feeling.’

It felt like my mind was becoming brighter. It felt like something was leading me to the right answer.

So much so that I thought that if I just swung the spear a little more with this feeling, I would definitely be able to regain that old form and feel.

But even in the midst of that joy, doubts did not go away.

‘What the hell is going on? Have I gone back in time? And why is my body acting like this on its own?’

That thought lasted only a moment.

As if the screen of an old TV had flashed once and then gone black. My vision went black.

“……at the time?”




“How does it feel to receive PER-style feedback for the first time?”

A sound that seemed to ring in my head. When I woke up to that sound, I was back in the moment when Lee Chang-hyun put his hand on my head.

“What the heck? This is… … .”

A dumbfounding situation.

Was it a vision? Or was it a miracle that I was regaining my senses? No… … No.

The most fundamental cause suspected to have triggered this incident is… … as expected, this guy who raised his hand above his head and made a flashing light.

It was Lee Chang-hyun.

“PER type… … feedback? What the heck is this? Something… … I feel like I’ve seen the past.”


Lee Chang-hyun chuckled at those words, as if he had never thought of it.

The one who continued the explanation was not Lee Chang-hyun, but a member of PER’s team.

“That was the image during training, right? That was what Chang-Hyeon showed with his ability. It was how you should have moved during training.”

“… … I think that’s what it was.”

Only after hearing that did all the scenes come together.

Training. And Lee Chang-hyun’s intrusion. A repetitive training scene where he raised his hand above his head and flashed it, then moved in an ideal movement different from what he actually did.

.… … And now, it seems like that feeling still remains in the tips of my fingers.


I couldn’t help but feel a great shock as if I had been hit in the head with a hammer.

Because it was an ability I had never seen or heard of before.

I couldn’t quite tell what kind of ability it was, but at least one thing was certain.

With that ability, I was able to feel with my senses and body the best performance I could do, and that gave me the perfect answer.

It wasn’t even something that could be simply seen, talked about, or enlightened.

Because it felt like the feeling from that time, the feeling of my fingertips swinging the spear, was still lingering in my whole body.

I felt a thrill.

How much have you practiced so far? To fill in the gap at one end, to improve your spearmanship. Tens of thousands of swings. Sparring. And there was training.

But if I could train with this ability and feel the sensation in my body every time I did it.

Those miserable days of the past would have been greatly reduced.

And that’s not all?

‘Inevitably, there will be an opportunity to look to a higher level.’

Even now, I was in a slump due to the subtle gap that had formed after the duel with Lee Chang-hyun. But I felt like it would be resolved.

In the midst of all this trembling, someone spoke again.

“So… … how was it? This training?”

Naturally, the person who participated in this training was Lee Chang-hyun.

“What an incredible ability… … Surely, if I do this, I can overcome my slump and reach the next level… … .”

The moment I was about to say that I might be able to look forward to the next level.

Lee Chang-hyun’s appearance was revealed at a glance.

Come to think of it, I had come to this vicious guy to break my contract.

I was just going to say that this training was definitely bad.

Because I just couldn’t say that.

If you break the contract, you will of course never receive feedback from here again.

That wasn’t all.

Now, since that training had just happened, the feeling of wielding the spear back then was still vivid in both my hands… …

Could it be because time passed while we were talking?

Because I felt like the feelings from that time were gradually fading away.

I thought that if I couldn’t accurately capture the feeling at that time, I couldn’t guarantee that I would be able to escape the slump.

‘… … .’

A situation where you can’t do anything.

In the midst of suffering, this is what Lee Seong-tae said.

“Hmm. Yeah, it’s definitely an absurd ability. So I’m still hesitant… … Can’t we try it one more time?”


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