Return of the Genius Player Chapter 18

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018. Who is teaching whom?

“Then, let’s put Yoon Han-gyeol in the close-range position… … But overall, it fits in quite well. There aren’t many mediocre ones.”

“After all, they’re not complete amateurs, but at least semi-pros. I guess they know their positions well and practice.”

Lee Min-seok said.

“Huh? But why did you put this here?”

“Are you Lee Chang-hyun?”

“I thought you would naturally put him in the long-range dealer position, wasn’t that a mistake?”

Jo Ara responded with a stern expression to Lee Min-seok’s tilted head.

“He handles a variety of weapons anyway… … Above all, it’s a team game, but his ego is too strong. To the point of being conceited… … That’s why I intentionally put him in a melee position. His mentor is Lee Sung-jin, a hunter.”

“So right now, you’re saying that you’re going to have an amateur-level rookie fight with a first-division professional hunter to break his spirit?”

Lee Min-seok sighed with a dumbfounded expression.

“No… … You have to decide if it’s the position that suits you best, and if you decide that way… … .”

“It’s something that has already been brought up. And since this program also has the meaning of ‘education’ anyway, I hope you think about it positively.”

Jo Ara recalled Lee Chang-hyun during the document screening and interview.

‘A rookie who doesn’t know his ceiling is high and is always arrogant… … needs to be broken at least once.’

This was Joara’s honest feelings.


There are countless mana tools, including air anchors and air beats. It would not be an exaggeration to say that being able to handle them like limbs is what separates a hunter from an amateur.

However, it was not easy as it was one of the factors that divided the players’ levels.

‘There are dozens of types of mana equipment, but it’s impossible to utilize them all well… ‘

Also, depending on the match and the opponent, the mana equipment required would also vary. That’s why there were almost infinite battle possibilities, and depending on how you handled the mana equipment, there were often cases where you could be overturned even when you were absolutely inferior in status and skill.

Of course, considering that each type of mana equipment requires proficiency, mana equipment is truly a blue ocean and a path of hardship for hunters with little talent.

“Hey! Are you guys who are supposedly the best rookies in the Korean hunter world doing this? Get up right now. A guy who can’t handle Air Anchor and Air Beat, let alone other mana equipment, isn’t even qualified to be a Hunter!”

Lee Seong-jin knew this fact even better, so he had no choice but to push the applicants hard. If he taught them softly here, it was obvious that the future would become even more difficult.

“The 3rd division is literally a graveyard for rookies. It’s the perfect league to trample on guys like you who can’t even handle an air anchor or air beat properly. Hey. You snail over there. Why don’t you wake up right now?”

That’s why Lee Seong-jin scolded him even more and taught him more strictly.

‘Oh my… … It’s so noisy… … What’s so noisy? There’s no such thing as noise pollution.’

Of course, to Lee Chang-hyun, it just sounded like a loud shout.

For Lee Chang-hyun, who returned, the use of the air anchor was not much of an obstacle. Rather, he felt that he was able to move more flexibly as it had become more difficult.

So, Lee Chang-hyun was currently observing his surroundings rather than practicing on his own.

In particular, the only friend in close proximity. Kim Do-jun.


The other kids weren’t much different, but they still had no clue.

The air anchor was important in terms of where to fix it, the length of the mana rope, and how to move the center of gravity of the body. The flexibility and strength to be able to take the desired pose in the air. All of that was important.

However, it is bound to be difficult for someone who has just learned it. No, it is bound to be difficult for someone who was released to try it.

“Hey, Kim Do-jun! Don’t do that and come here.”

“… … Why. Aren’t you practicing? I was going to test this later… … ”

“I’ll take care of it myself. Are you okay with that?”

Kim Do-jun looked as if he had lost his soul. No matter what he did, things didn’t work out, and with the violence of facts added on, he couldn’t help but lose his soul.

“So… is there any way?”

“First, think about the length of the mana rope. I mean, you have to keep firing the mana at a constant intensity. If you don’t do that now, the length of the mana rope will keep changing, and you won’t be able to maintain your posture and collapse. And the center of gravity. Since there’s no ground under your feet, you have to use your body’s core as your center of gravity.”

As if demonstrating, Lee Chang-hyun fixed the air anchor in the air and flew like a rope action, did a spin in the air, and landed.

“Like this. If you focus on the core, it’s easy to perform falling techniques or change postures anywhere. Always pay attention to the intensity of the mana injection. First, make sure the intensity of the injection is consistent.”

Kim Do-jun has taken flight again.

This time, unlike before, it was quite stable. The air anchor that was launched into the air was fixed exactly as if it was fixed, and it steadily lifted and moved Kim Do-jun.

“Oh… … Oh! Did you see it? Did you see it? Just~ learn it right away~ That’s talent. Do you understand?”

At first, I thought I had told you for nothing, but seeing that you liked it made me realize that there must have been a time like that for Lee Chang-hyun too, so I felt a little embarrassed.

At that moment, Kim Do-jun made a few more attempts and Lee Chang-hyun was watching them.

“Hey there! Why are you sitting so comfortably? Are you here for a picnic?”

Lee Seong-jin approached and shouted.

“Anyway, it’s a shame that these guys who can’t even handle something properly ended up like this.”

Lee Seong-jin’s voice was quite loud, so everyone’s attention was focused on him.

“Applicant. What is your name?”

“Lee Chang-hyun.”

‘Are you trying to establish discipline? The timing just wasn’t very good. Well, it doesn’t really matter though.’

As for Lee Chang-hyun, he could understand that Lee Seong-jin was trying to establish discipline, but he couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed that he was the target.

Maybe that’s why I reacted a bit bluntly.

Lee Seong-jin seemed even more agitated when Lee Chang-hyun simply said his name without using formal language, and spoke even louder.

“Yes, applicant Lee Chang-hyun. I guess applicant Lee Chang-hyun stayed still because he was confident, right?”

It was also a polite expression that I had never used before.

“Well, I guess that’s what it is.”

But this time, I had no intention of backing down.

I was also curious about what they would test, and considering their careers before returning, they would still be juniors. Isn’t it the senior’s job to educate juniors?

Lee Seong-jin’s forehead wrinkled at Lee Chang-hyun’s answer.

It seemed like he was quite angry.

“I guess I gave you too much time, so I’ll start the test now. Everyone, get ready.”

At Lee Seong-jin’s words, the number of eyes glaring at Lee Chang-hyun increased. It was as if their time to practice had disappeared.

“You just need to take off the anchor from the air anchor that’s set 100 meters up in the sky. Okay. Let’s get started. Oh, by the way, if a guy who says he knows how to do it but sits comfortably and rests falls without even getting close, I don’t think he’s qualified to be a hunter.”


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It was such an obvious trick. They must have used this test as an excuse to get me eliminated from [Hunters, The next generation].

But if you want to take something away, you have to put something of equal value at stake. It didn’t suit my nature to just back down.

If you dare to give me, the best player before the regression, an elimination mission, then shouldn’t you repay me in some way in the opposite case?

“Okay, but what if I take the anchor away?”

“Okay, if that’s the case, you can do whatever you want in my class. As long as you come anchor.”

Lee Seong-jin smiled meaningfully.



Lee Seong-jin thought so.

The anchor that was installed was a whopping 100 meters high. It was a height that even an intermediate user who was handling an air anchor for the first time, or rather, who had quite a bit of experience, could not reach.

To fly 100 meters, it would have to be a height where dozens of air anchors, each measuring a few meters, would have to be connected together.

Not only that, humans are animals that are born with their feet on the ground, so the very thought of flying high into the sky was terrifying.

Even the ones that are being handled quite successfully now are not at all the kind of ones that can glide or fly through the air. Those that are handling it well are just like Tarzan, using the air anchor as a pendulum to fly quickly.

In order to fly 100 meters, it was necessary to break completely common sense and existing concepts.

‘Then that’s right.’

And Lee Seong-jin’s prediction was not far off the mark. There were many guys who installed air anchors in the air right after they started, but there were hardly any guys who broke through a wall that was 10 meters, let alone several dozen meters.

But there’s one guy.

‘Hoo… … .’

There was also a guy who caught my eye.

Although it wasn’t an effective way to use the air anchor to go up, it was a possible method since it didn’t matter as long as we could get the anchor 100 meters above.

‘Flying on a sword… … Is it telekinesis? No, is it something higher than that… … .’

Yoon Han-gyeol placed airbeats here and there and made his sword fly quickly, using them all as stepping stones to glide through the air.

‘It’s a shame that there’s no use of an air anchor, but that guy might be able to climb 100 meters… … .’

Since there were no restrictions on the use of abilities, Lee Seong-jin had nothing to say. On the other hand, I had that thought. Applicant Lee Chang-hyun… … He seemed quite confident earlier, so I wondered if he had some kind of ability.

As expected, while I was watching Yoon Han-gyeol, I heard an exclamation of “Ohhhh… ” from the other side. It was where Lee Chang-hyun had been.

‘No… … This is… … .’

Lee Chang-hyun was flying.

The expression “walking through the air” was truly fitting.

‘How could that be… … .’

Using one or two air anchors makes perfect sense. Kim Do-jun, who was next to Lee Chang-hyun, also did it. However, it was something that could not possibly be considered a first-time experience.

After Lee Chang-hyun made a big jump into the sky using the airbeat, he dropped slightly from the high point and installed the air anchor, and then he used gravity in reverse to draw a circle and powerfully rose back into the sky. After rising ten meters in one go, he was flying around here and there using the air anchor, falling and rising repeatedly like Spider-Man.

‘Doesn’t that guy have any fear of falling?’

Hunters are also people, so if they receive a big shock, they will definitely die. Even though this is a virtual reality space, their senses are adjusted exactly the same.

But what the heck is that guy? Isn’t he flying around as if the sky is his playground?

Lee Seong-jin couldn’t even close his mouth.

And in a few minutes, Lee Chang-hyun was higher than anyone else, 100 meters above the ground, looking down on everyone.

He was holding the air anchor that Lee Seong-jin had set up.


‘Falling… … .’

It was a fearless move, as if someone was about to jump off an apartment building.

As if he didn’t feel anything when he fell. No, as if he enjoyed it.

No matter how I looked at it, I didn’t see any fear.

Any inexperience in using the equipment was already far behind.

He seemed more skilled than anyone else and seemed to know how to enjoy it.

Just like a long-time hunter soars through the skies, enjoying the freedom of his whole body.

He had a happy expression like a child.

And the last of the last.

Lee Chang-hyun installed an air anchor in the sky just before falling.

And then, due to the falling speed, it circled the air anchor a few times and landed perfectly.

“It’s cool.”


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