Return of the Genius Player Chapter 144

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144. Part 1 Preparation

It was some pretty important information about a player, but I had forgotten about it until now.

Actually, I half expected it when I heard that Kim Yu-Hyeon, a veteran of the second division, would not be promoted to the first division… …

‘It’s not like we can blame Kim Yu-hyeon.’

At first, I took it lightly, like playing a game in virtual reality. But at some point, the pain and the impact were not something that could be easily adapted to.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we can just leave Kim Yu-hyeon alone like that.

“First of all, remember the initial contract? It is my right as the manager to decide the player’s entry. And… … .”

Kim Yu-hyeon’s expression darkened in an instant.

Perhaps it was because he didn’t do well in the practice match against Lee Geun-taek.

“I have some good news too.”

“Good news?”

Fortunately, the ability that Kim Yu-Hyeon displayed this time was [Creating a Non-Violent Zone].

It seemed that both [Fortification] and [Creation of Non-violent Zone], which were newly created, were created at an artificial level for Kim Yu-hyeon, and only the skills he needed were created.

Until now, nothing has been clearly known about the abilities that arise when a person awakens, but I have occasionally thought that it may be an inherent desire that manifests as an ability.

‘Well… … Actually, if you look at other guys, most of them aren’t like that.’

It wasn’t something I, a non-scholar, could think deeply about.

“I think it’s the ability you gained from coming into contact with the ‘Closing Possibilities’ ability this time.”

“My ability? I didn’t feel anything new during this practice match… … .”

Hmm… … Certainly, besides Kim Yu-hyeon, most of the people who gained new abilities from PER were still not fully aware of their abilities.

Just as it usually takes a long time to get a feel for one’s abilities when first awakening, this case was similar.

‘Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s difficult.’

In this case, I already knew the ability.

“If you follow me to the practice room, you’ll know. I think I have a rough idea now.”

Kim Yu-hyeon was puzzled, wondering if it was strange that I knew of an ability he didn’t even know about.

But soon, he followed me to the practice room on the second floor.


“Part 1, the reason you held off on going up was because of the penalty for Part 1, right?”

1st Division penalty. Pain. That’s why players from the 1st Division went down to the 2nd Division PSG and rested like cowards, so such players were quite common.

“… … You knew.”

“He’s a second-division veteran and has good skills, so there’s no reason for him not to move up to the first division.”

“Haa… … I felt it during this practice match as well, but to be honest, maybe it’s because I’m weak, or maybe I can’t play properly once I get hit… … It’s something like that.”

Well, that was all expected.

The reason I brought this up was, of course, to teach you a new skill to overcome it: [Forming a Non-violent Zone].

‘Of course, this alone won’t solve everything… … but at least we can get Kim Yu-Hyeon involved in this match.’

“I actually have the ability to sense other people’s abilities.”

“Someone else’s ability?”

“Yes. It’s just something you can vaguely feel… … This time, by opening the ‘Closing Possibilities’, you will probably gain the ability to form a safe zone.”

[Piercing Eyes] was left out, and the story continued to focus on Kim Yu-Hyeon’s abilities.

“Safe… … zone?”

“Yeah. Safe zone. It’s the ability to create your own small, precious space. It probably wouldn’t be that hard to find the feel for it, right?

Even just the ability you’re using now, [Fortification]. What does it feel like when you use it?”

“Um… … That’s… … Yes. If you think about it as if you were creating your own castle in your imagination, pouring mana into the ground, and vibrating your entire body to spread the mana… … .”

‘It’s more specific than I thought.’

It must have been quite difficult to find the activation condition, but I felt like I finally found it.

And at the same time, I could get hints from there.

‘Since the triggers are similar abilities, there probably won’t be much difference in how they are controlled.’

[Fortification] is an ability that releases mana to create turrets and change the external environment to your advantage.

On the other hand, [Formation of a Non-violent Zone] is the ability to form a safe zone within a certain range.

The only difference was whether the mana spread outwards or stayed within a certain area and became strongly concentrated.

“Then, unlike [Fortification], this time I spread the mana, but I think of it as confining it within a certain radius.”

It was a method that I could teach because I had learned how to read the mana flow of various abilities with [Piercing Eyes] and how to implement them.

‘Normally, it takes a long time to get a new ability and still not know what to do… But this guy is lucky.’

just as expected.

“Huh… … Huh!”

It didn’t take long for Kim Yu-Hyeon to get used to the new sense, perhaps because he had a good sense of mana even before.

As he began to control his mana, mana began to gather around Kim Yu-Hyeon, forming a blue rectangular force field.


‘I thought he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth when he was first chosen. But he actually had a talent beyond my imagination.’

What if you could use [Fortification] to build turrets and terrain while also creating a [Non-violent Zone] around yourself?

I thought that his ability to defend a single area was unmatched.

‘Of course, it’s too early to say until we’ve tried various things.’

“How are you? Are you feeling okay? Can you keep it up?”

“yes yes.”

“Okay, then keep it that way.”

My heart pounded because it wasn’t exactly a common thing to help someone else experiment with their abilities.

In general, gaining a new ability is a very rare thing, and people tend not to show it to others unless they are on the same team or close friends.

Well, first of all, let’s go in and take a look.

A blue rectangular hexahedron-shaped force field formed around Kim Yu-hyeon. When I put my finger on it,


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Quick -.

It was possible to pass through without feeling anything.

‘Can anyone come in?’

“Couldn’t you have kept me out?”

“Um… … I think so.”

This part is a bit disappointing. It would have been much better if it could be filtered so that only those who can enter can do so selectively.

However, as with any other ability, there is no such thing as a perfect ability, even if there is a strong ability.

“Okay. Once.”

Wheeze -.

“Why, why are you doing that?”

Kim Yu-hyeon dodged the punch I threw, startled.

“Well, since we’ve created a [non-violent zone], we should experiment to see if it hurts when we hit someone inside.”

“That… that’s true, though.”

He really is a timid guy. While Kim Yu-hyeon was hesitating, I didn’t wait for him to do that and quickly threw my fist again.

This time, I sincerely hope you won’t be able to avoid it.


Yeah -. Yeah Yeah -.

The moment his fist was about to reach Kim Yu-hyeon, it stopped as if it was blocked by something.

‘It’s definitely amazing… … .’

Just in case, shooting a gun didn’t hit, and contact such as simply holding hands, rather than attacking, was also impossible.

“At this point, rather than ‘non-violence’… … I guess it’s just that there is no material interference with each other at all?”

The creation of a realm where material interference with each other is impossible… …

It was a fairly high-level ability.

“Then let me try a few more experiments.”

After that, we experimented with whether we could attack the [non-violent zone] from the outside, or whether we could attack the outside from the inside. Things like that.

All of those things were colorless, and no matter how powerful the attack was, it could not cause any damage.

‘Hmm… … In conclusion, it’s a very useful defensive ability. It’s not that there’s no way to destroy it, but it’ll be quite difficult to deal with. Above all… … .’

“If we have this, wouldn’t the first part of the promotion/relegation battle be okay?”

“That’s… … definitely… … .”

This is undoubtedly the ability that Kim Yu-Hyeon needs most right now.

“I never thought I would gain this ability. It’s all thanks to the director… … Until now… … I’ve only been able to play in the second division, but I never thought I would gain this ability… … .”

Kim Yu-hyeon’s expression was very bright, as if he was deeply moved.

‘I think he probably considered the annual salary quite a bit… … Well, if only this problem had been resolved, he would have continued playing in the first division.’

Now that this issue has been resolved, Kim Yu-Hyeon will likely be able to become a solid team member.

But… … at the same time, there was something I absolutely had to say.

“Yes. Certainly, now that you have this ability, you won’t have to go through something as painful as what happened to you in Part 1 again.”

“… … Yes. That’s right.”


It’s just a stopgap measure after all. Just because you have a great shield doesn’t mean you won’t get hurt.

Because our team’s fight will go beyond the first division and the international league, and will gradually enter an increasingly fierce and demanding battlefield.

“You won’t be able to maintain it from the beginning to the end due to the limitations of your mana. And there will come a time when you will have to get out of there on your own, depending on the situation.”

So, this ability that Kim Yu-hyeon acquired. [Formation of a non-violent zone] is a deferral.

“Don’t forget. In the end, you have to develop the strength to overcome the pain and fight.”

If Kim Yu-Hyeon doesn’t stop somewhere below Part 1. If he still has a bigger dream.

The most important advice I can give you is this.


The next day, practice continued in PER’s second floor practice room.

What was different from the previous day was that not only Kim Yu-hyeon, but also all the other PER team members were gathered.

An evening practice schedule to awaken new abilities in the individual, and a morning practice schedule to prepare for the pain of the new game that will be acquired in Part 1.

We were currently in the middle of morning practice.


“Ugh… … Ugh, ugh!!!”

Whether it was because he had touched on Han Ji-soo’s complex or because he was unable to see the attack clearly and dodge it properly, as usual.

“If you don’t dodge, you’ll keep getting hit.”

Of course, the club showed no mercy.

The most common mistake made by hunters from the 2nd league when they move up to the 1st league.

The strange thing was that when they were attacked, especially when a visible attack came straight at them, they would close their eyes.

It was something I would never do in parts 2 or 3, but the sudden pain I felt in part 1. It was because the feeling of being hit came back and the fear came back.

The solution to that is… …

‘I have no choice but to get hit a lot. It hurts so much that I feel like I should avoid it even if it kills me.’

If you keep getting hit, won’t you get used to the fact that you can’t close your eyes, and that you have to somehow maintain your composure, look straight ahead, and avoid it?

It was simple and foolish, but absolutely necessary.

“Kikki. You’re usually so arrogant, but now you’re acting cute.”

Kim Do-jun, who was watching from the side, secretly laughed at Han Ji-soo.

But I’m not specifically teaching Han Ji-soo. Maybe I didn’t take that into consideration.

If you keep drawing aggro, you will become the next target.


As if he was hitting Han Ji-soo’s head again…


“Ugh -.”

He hurled a bat at Kim Do-jun’s head.

It was a really loud noise, whether [the person who talks and hits] was activated or not.

Even though it was a time when he would have made a fuss and made excuses, seeing him get hit and fall down, that ‘snap’ sound might have been Kim Do-jun’s final scream.

“That’s what I said. I told everyone to stay on their toes.”

Sometimes I think Kim Do-jun is smart during a game, but sometimes I wonder if he’s being sarcastic or thoughtless.


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