Return of the Genius Player Chapter 140

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140. Mana Expansion

Lee Geun-taek. A first-generation hunter with a past known as the God of Fighting.

In fact, its fame is well-known, but its grandeur has long been forgotten by many. No, rather, it would be more correct to say that it is undervalued except for hunters.

The period when Lee Geun-taek was active. That is, the period when he was really exploring and developing the tower was mostly not revealed to the public.

So, it’s not strange that netizens are saying things like, “If you put all the current 1st division hunters there, they could do it all, right? LOL.”

‘Well… … Even so, it is true that I cannot display the power that I was famous for in the Hunter world before… … .’

Jo Yeon-hwa felt bitter once again. Although Lee Geun-taek won without much effort while several PER players rushed in, it was not as special as before.

On the one hand, I felt relieved that Lee Geun-taek was still healthy, seeing his upright appearance.

In the midst of all this, someone walked up next to me and muttered to himself.

“Oh, what’s going on? I see Chairman Lee Geun-taek here.”

When Jo Yeon-hwa turned her head, there was a completely unexpected person next to her: Kang Jun-hyeok.

“Hey, you were a first-team player too, right? I don’t remember your name.”

Kang Jun-hyeok said, whining.

‘Why of all people… … why is that guy here… … .’

Jo Yeon-hwa barely managed to suppress the expression that was naturally frowning.

“Before I arrived, did Chairman Lee Geun-taek show us anything special? He hasn’t been able to exert his power properly for the past few years.”

‘… … So that’s what Kang Jun-hyeok is interested in too.’

As expected, all hunters think the same way.

I left that thought aside and answered appropriately.

“Yes. Well, it’s nothing special at all… … But, this is a practice space borrowed from the 2nd PER. Like the rumors going around at the last party, I guess you and Lee Chang-hyun are special?”

“Ah… … Well, he’s an interesting little brother.”

Kang Jun-hyeok seemed a little embarrassed, as if he didn’t want to talk any more.

What, we seemed really close at the last party. But in reality, we’re not that close, are we?

Anyway, it wasn’t really that important.

“Chairman Lee Geun-taek is getting the attention of all the hunters. But for this match, wouldn’t it be more interesting to watch that player?”

“Lee Chang-hyun? I already know him to some extent… … Chairman Lee Geun-taek’s promising prospect. He handles guns, and he showed some interesting aspects in the second half. I’m not sure if he’ll be as destructive in the first half.”

“At least more than you think.”

The moment Jo Yeon-hwa said that, Lee Chang-hyun was suddenly meeting Lee Geun-taek.

It was time for the final fight of this practice game to begin.


“You’re only just getting here? It seemed like you were almost there, but then you suddenly stopped.”

“There was a bit of an accident on the way here.”

“Yeah, I see. So you’re not going to make excuses in advance about not being able to give your all?”

Lee Geun-taek laughed heartily, seeming in a good mood.

“Of course. Since you’re already here, I’ll try my best to bury you again. You’re getting older, so you should sit somewhere comfortable.”

“Haha. I guess he’s not in his right mind.”

I just thought he was an old man, but his provocation skills are no ordinary thing.

But, if I were to say something, wouldn’t it be me?

And actually, since I had already stockpiled my strength from the previous fight, I figured it wouldn’t be a big problem in the fight with Lee Geun-taek.

“When I meet you like this again, various thoughts come to mind. Did we meet like this again on the ‘Battlefield of the Gods’ map during an audition program before?”

“I guess you’re getting older and thinking about the past more. Or maybe you’ve just exhausted yourself from taking down a few of our team members?”

When I actually stood in front of Lee Geun-taek, my body was so tense that I didn’t even want to listen to his complaints.

Because there were still a lot of skills I hadn’t tried yet.

Also, if we combine them in new ways, we can create synergy.

Because there weren’t many opponents on the team that could fight with all their might.

“The ability to provoke is an art.”

“Thank you for the compliment.”

“A guy without a sack. That’s not a compliment. This time, there’s no gimmick like last time where I’ll help you. I guess you’re confident.”

“Well, things are different now than they were then.”

With those last words, a strong trembling of mana was transmitted from Lee Geun-taek.

“Okay, then let me give it a try.”

In fact, in the last audition program, the person Lee Geun-taek directly faced was not me, but the gimmick in the map. It was a giant of enormous size.

But this time, since Lee Geun-taek was looking only at me without any disturbance, the pressure was on a different level.

The size of the mana that gushed out, and those muscles that were trained incredibly well even though he had been retired from the front lines for a long time.

Because I thought I wouldn’t be able to deal with it easily, I used [Piercing Eyes] right away.

Suddenly, a trajectory appeared that pierced my body.

There was no hesitation because it was clear what had to be done at that moment.

‘It was a good thing I brought ‘Air Dash’ instead of ‘Mana Bomber’ like usual… ‘

Using an air dash for a split second, I escaped the trajectory I had detected with [Piercing Eyes].

And indeed, Lee Geun-taek’s huge spear flew at incredible speed into that exact orbit.

Rather than a window, yes, it was something closer to a gun.

Although the weapon used was a long-range weapon, the result was not a long-range weapon. A strike that shows the true nature of a hunter.

“Wow… … I threw it with a little more sincerity this time, but you dodged it well.”

Even Lee Geun-taek couldn’t have predicted that he would dodge so cleanly, so he stood out.

Certainly, if all I had brought this time was the airbeat and air anchor, it would have been a huge blow that would have only grazed me.

How long has it been since I’ve dodged a blow with a kick like this, and then a cold sweat broke out on my back?

‘There have been some tough matches so far… … but it’s not easy to face such a difficult opponent 1-on-1.’

Moreover, the opponent is Lee Geun-taek, a legend in the hunter world. Unlike the previous fights, this time it is a real 1-on-1 situation.


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‘Then let’s have fun.’

“Where is the young man who would be hit by a spear thrown by his grandfather?”

A light remark made in a way that is different from what is felt inside.

With those words, a full-scale battle began.

Hold the air anchor, which is your main weapon, in one hand, and scatter the air beats in all directions with the other hand.

‘If you don’t stand still, it’ll be a lot easier to avoid that window anyway.’

The important thing is not to avoid, but to attack.

Lee Geun-taek has at least a dozen spears that he can throw, so this side’s attack will be more important.

‘And I have a lot to show you.’

“Then this time we will go from this side.”

Tata tata tang! Bang!

He performed acrobatic turns in the air and fired his gun repeatedly toward Lee Geun-taek.

But, of course, most of the guns were blocked by Lee Geun-taek’s shield and had no effect.

“Do you still think you can hit me with a bullet like this?”

“Okay. Then this time, I’ll shoot you in the head!”

“A guy who says such obvious things and then shoots… … .”

Instead of complaining, Lee Geun-taek raised his shield and properly blocked the bullets.

But this bullet was completely different from before.


It was because I had raised a shield that was properly charged with mana and blocked it, and it was stronger than usual.

Of course, it wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it would be.

‘You declared that you would hit [the head], but is that why you blocked it with a shield?’

It felt like the destructive power was increasing.

How about this?

“Hey, sir. You block everything without any sense. There’s nothing I can do because you keep blocking. I guess I’ll have to snipe that [shield] and break it.”

“I don’t know what trick they used, but the destructive power seems to have increased a bit compared to before. But with that destructive power, what can my shield do… … It’s just for show, huh… … .”

Chairman Lee Geun-taek seemed fully prepared to accept it, as he did not turn it into an offensive attack despite saying such things.

‘Then I won’t decline.’


A single shot fired from the front.

If it were as usual, it would only be a deterrent that wouldn’t have much of an effect on the Hunter.

This time it was completely different.

[Full bloom – Talent blooming: A person who speaks and hits]

The useless skill I first acquired after opening the gates finally shined.


Just as a catcher catches a pitcher’s ball, he pushed Lee Geun-taek, who had been holding his shield to block it, far away with the shield.

The ground was several meters deep, and Lee Geun-taek’s two feet were dragged backwards, leaving a huge mark, and the condition of the shield was no different.

‘I can’t use that shield anymore.’

I managed to block it once, but it turned into something that was no different from a rag.

“Huh… … Heh heh.”

Even Lee Geun-taek couldn’t believe his eyes?

He was laughing, but it wasn’t just a simple laugh. It seemed like he was amazed by the unbelievable destructive power.

Honestly, I never expected it to become this powerful.

The shield that Lee Geun-taek was holding was no ordinary one, and it must have been much stronger with mana in it, but who would have thought he would push it to this extent?

“Is this the ability you have gained this time?”

“Well, that’s true.”

“Certainly… … Certainly surprising. Thanks to you.”

‘Thanks to…….’

“Thanks to you, I got the idea to have some real fun for once.”

This inspiration. Was there still something more?

But honestly, it wasn’t difficult.

‘There’s something here that hasn’t been taken out yet.’

[Ether], [The Talking and Hitting Man], [Guided Shot], [Commander of the Ideal Dream], [Perfect Body].

And [Piercing Eyes] and [Magical Engineering Weapon Conversion].

I tried writing about Kim Do-jun, Yoon Han-gyeol, and Lee Geun-taek one by one… …

‘I haven’t tried using them together to properly create synergy like in real life.’

First of all, it was a test drive fight to get used to it.

But, as long as the other person shows sincerity, it would be impolite for me to just fight.

While he was fiddling with the weapon like that, Lee Geun-taek opened his mouth.

“People often talk about things like ‘awakening’ to become a Hunter… … But, did you know that among the Hunters who have already gone through that ‘awakening’, there are those who gain enlightenment once more?”

“Are you talking about the second awakening?”

Second Awakening. This refers to a Hunter who has already awakened gaining one more ability, just like when they first awakened.

… … But, that’s not what Lee Geun-taek said.

“I’m not talking about something lukewarm like that. Among hunters who have reached the realm, this is secretly said to be used to build one’s own territory with mana.”

‘Building a realm with mana… … That’s completely… … .’

“Spread the mana within your body so that your abilities can be maximized in that area. It is also called ‘mana expansion.’”

‘It’s mana expansion… … .’

What I was thinking completely overlapped with Lee Geun-taek.

“You will see a precious sight. Look at it clearly with your own two eyes.”

The mana particles inside Lee Geun-taek’s body spread out thinly.

Then Lee Geun-taek threw the spears scattered in all directions.

About fifteen spears stuck into the ground, centered around Lee Geun-taek. And me, hanging from an air anchor in the air.

It was the beginning of a full-scale all-out war.


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