Return of the Genius Player Chapter 14

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014. What is needed for a long-distance dealer?

In the waiting room after the broadcast ended, only silence filled the room.

The funny thing was that they started to notice each other.

In the document review, there was virtually no chance of encountering each other, and in the survival game, there were only a limited number of encounters.

However, since the broadcast mainly focused on the performance of promising-looking applicants, it was inevitable that attention would be focused on them.

Among them, Lee Chang-hyun in particular felt the stinging gaze.

‘It’s not even a top league, and they said they buried everything in a match between promising players.’

There were also guys who expressed their discomfort without any filter.

“A guy who brags about finding a hidden piece without knowing it.”

Of course, it wasn’t said out loud, but it wasn’t to the point where it couldn’t be heard. That’s how it was.

On the one hand, Yoon Han-gyeol, who graduated from the Seoul City Academy and walked the path of absolute power, was an object of envy.

While this invisible, implicit war of nerves was going on, a guide arrived in the waiting room where we were gathered.

Afterwards, he was immediately guided to a nearby joint training center.

“Until the Hunters League program is terminated, applicants will be housed at the Hunters League Union Training Center. Since it is a place, all types of training that you want are basically supported, and while you are there, you will also be provided with special personal lessons and consulting, etc. for free.”

It was a great opportunity for Lee Chang-hyun, who still lacked the ability and needed to quickly improve his growth.

“Well then, I hope all of you applicants grow.”

In front of the applicants was the ‘Hunter’s League Union Training Center’, a huge site spread out like a college campus, filled with buildings such as a dome-shaped training ground and a huge office complex.


Hunters League Union Training Center. This was a state-of-the-art, front-line facility used not only by Hunters who belong to the Hunters League, but also by government-employed Hunters and front-line Hunters who manage the Tower.

‘Of course, before I returned, it was a place I would come and go as easily as eating… … .’

This will be the first time for Kim Do-jun, not Lee Chang-hyun, to use it since he is still an academy student.

“When have you been here before? How do you know the facilities so well?”

“I know what training I need, so I just look at the map and know. But why do you keep following me? You need to train yourself, too. Am I your mother? Follow me.”

“I don’t even know the facilities properly, so how can I train properly? I’ll just follow you around and do the same training.”

Well… … that wasn’t wrong.

After arriving at the training center, the first place I headed was the comprehensive physical training room.

‘I thought it would be called a gym, but it only has stupid exercise equipment… … .’

Since this place was a facility for ‘hunters’, there weren’t only simple things there.

There were some things that simply trained your body and muscles like a gym, but there were also machines that trained mana control, machines that promoted increasing mana, and machines that allowed you to experience a state of weightlessness.

There was every training device that could train the “hunter’s body” and increase “basic abilities,” which could be called basic physical strength.

Although there were so many different and flashy machines, the machine that Lee Chang-hyun chose was ironically the simplest and most easily seen lower body training machine.

‘The most important thing right now is the lower body.’

Of course, this wasn’t all there was to do. I also needed to get used to the talents that were increasing one by one thanks to the skill “Bloom”, and I also needed to increase my mana.

But there was nothing that couldn’t be done about the skill-related or mana-related aspects right away.

They wouldn’t be easily trained to grow, and it would be useless to just show off your skills when your basics aren’t solid anyway. In other words, right now, it was time to adjust your basic parameters to a similar level as the others, rather than focusing on versatility.

‘It was the same when I fought with Yoon Han-gyeol before.’

Even though there was a hidden piece called “Ether” that gave him an overwhelming advantage, he was unable to easily gain the upper hand. This was naturally due to the difference in pure fundamentals rather than the difference in combat experience. In other words, the difference in basic abilities was large.

If Lee Chang-hyun had had a little more mobility due to his high stamina and strength, it would have been a fight where the general restraint using ether would have been possible.

On the other hand, Kim Do-jun, who did not understand such thinking, had his mouth sticking out as if he was dissatisfied.

“Why did you come all the way here to train only your lower body?”

“What do you think my position is?”

Kim Do-jun will have no choice but to take his time. After all, there has never been a hunter in our country who uses a gun.

“Um… … ranged dealer?”

That’s the usual answer.

“Okay. What do you think a long-range dealer needs most?”

“Strong dealing ability?”

“And what else?”

“If a ranged dealer just deals damage, what else do you need?”

Phew… … Considering the level of students at Seoul City Academy, which is considered a top academy in Korea, Korea can only be a marginal country in the Hunters League at this time… … Even if the Korean Hunter community focused all their efforts on conquering the top ranks and all the top hunters died, it was still a severe punishment.

“The next thing a ranged dealer needs is mobility.”

A look of bewilderment appeared on Kim Do-jun’s face. Of course, mobility? Why such a ridiculous mobility? He must be thinking something like that.

This was a feature that was not prominent in lower-tier teams or in lower-tier leagues. In higher-tier leagues, melee dealers often threatened ranged dealers by taking advantage of their quick mobility. So the most important thing was for ranged dealers to constantly change positions while attacking from range.

“As you can see from the survival game, Yoon Han-gyeol and the higher the melee dealers, the more ways they can threaten ranged dealers, whether it’s through mobility or the ability to attack from a distance. That’s why ranged dealers are forced to have at least a similar level of mobility or more.”

Kim Do-jun still had a puzzled expression on his face. After all, even if you know something in your head, it doesn’t mean much unless you experience it firsthand. Meanwhile, the answer came from an unexpected place.

“That’s an interesting perspective.”

None other than an old man with white hair was doing lower body training right next to Kim Do-jun.

“But contrary to what you said, looking at the Korean Hunters League, there are hardly any tactics targeting long-range dealers… … What do you think about that?”

That was certainly true. But it was more likely that my tactics were wrong than that there was no need for that in Korea.

“That’s how it was until now. But when playing against teams like ECG from England and ALD from France, that’s already become the norm. In other words, it’s a forced play depending on the opposing ADC. At that point, there’s enough reason for me to train my lower body.”

Of course, even if I said this to him, there was a high chance that he wouldn’t be able to properly empathize. He must not be an ordinary old man, considering that he was in this facility.

“So you’re a great ranged dealer, and you’re confident that you can make plays that make the enemy’s melee dealers chase after you? Hahaha. You’re a cheeky guy. It’s really funny. But I’m saying this out of concern, but pride is one of the biggest causes of self-destruction. I’ll wait and see, boy.”

What on earth are you waiting for… … Anyway, the old man with white hair left after saying what he wanted to say.

It was a strangely unsettling ending.


‘A long-range dealer… … A long-range dealer.’

Lee Geun-taek, a white-haired old man who had finished his lower body workout routine as usual and was a first-generation hunter and president of the Hunter Association, was thinking about what had just been said.

“Mr. Chairman. Do you have any concerns?”

It was definitely an unusual behavior. It wasn’t the confident, decisive, and quick-thinking Lee Geun-taek that he was in everything he did.


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“Hey, let me ask you something. What do you think is the most important thing for a hunter who deals long-range damage?”

“Um… … For me, I think the presence or absence of auxiliary skills and the strength of the firepower would be the most important.”

“Hey, tsk tsk… … .”

On the one hand, he sympathized, but on the other hand, since it wasn’t the answer he wanted, Lee Geun-taek couldn’t help but click his tongue.

I couldn’t help but feel disappointed that even Director Lee Seo-jun, who has quite a long career as a hunter by Korean standards, gave such an answer.

This was evident on his facial expression, and Director Lee Seo-jun even appeared to be somewhat restless.

“Well… … Then what about the accuracy of the shot… … A long-range dealer may have many virtues, but no matter how strong the firepower is, if you can’t hit, it’s over… … As expected, the hit rate… … .”

“Okay. Okay. That’s enough.”

Lee Geun-taek recalled the past.

As a first-generation hunter, this isn’t a fake battlefield like the “Hunter’s League”, but a real battlefield where blood is splattered and people die. The sense of despair of having to attack an unknown being. And the vastness of the place where you can’t see where it ends.

At the time of the attack, there were times when it came as a huge fear that could not be resisted.

Even now, when I close my eyes, I can still see the overwhelming violence I encountered at the top.

At that time, I remembered a conversation about when Top appeared in Korea and the world-class Korean hunters were dying.

“Hyunjun, why are you always working out your lower body whenever I see you? Don’t you also do mana training?”

“Oh, brother. The most important thing for a long-range dealer is not anything else, but lower body.”

“Lower body, what the hell is lower body?”

At that time, there was a reason why Lee Geun-taek could not exactly sympathize.

“The Aggs on that tower also know that close combat is weak, so they target ranged dealers first. That means they have to change positions every time they shoot.”

“Just because of that?”

“If your location is revealed, it’s as good as dead for a ranged dealer. I’m not sure about you, hyung, since you’re a melee dealer… … .”

That was the reason why I still don’t exactly agree.

Why is it that the location is a bit revealed? Do you have to keep changing the location every time you shoot? Why do you have to do that?

But as time went by, I couldn’t help but gradually confirm that what he said was right.

Among the long-range dealer hunters who were dying one by one, Kim Hyun-jun was able to survive the monsters’ attacks steadily thanks to his excellent mobility.

It was a bonus that the constant flanking attack from different directions was much more effective.

This is also a story that could clearly be applied to the Hunter’s League.

‘Of course, this is not currently applicable in the Korean Hunters League, which has become a marginal league since all the excellent hunters are dead… … .’

The higher the Hunters League, the more this saying applies.

A boy who has not even made it to the top of the Korean Hunters League is watching the world league instead of the Korean league.

Lee Geun-taek couldn’t help but feel irony.

On the one hand, Lee Geun-taek began to wonder if it was simply the boy’s recklessness or if it was confidence that came from his own abilities.


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