Return of the Genius Player Chapter 134

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134. Three-way meeting

What are the things that are evaluated more highly as you advance to the upper leagues, the first division, and the international league?

Superpowers? That’s right. Mana manipulation? That’s right.

But by far the most important thing was the flexibility and ability to deal with any situation.

Even the last PER match against PSG was a match that clearly demonstrated that.

Although PSG had a higher overall team weight class, the victory was ultimately won by PER, who destroyed the opponent as usual without much influence even in the ‘chaos’ state.

The upcoming games. The first division or the international leagues are more severe, but their importance has not decreased in the future.

Lennon himself was one of those who knew its importance deeply.

The time when I was directly attacking the tower.

Even the skilled hunters who could fly and crawl, and the supernatural hunters who could shake the earth and make the sky cry, were all just prey in the ‘Palace of Dreams’.

‘I didn’t want to believe it… … .’

At first, Lennon was amazed by the match between PSG and PER, but at the same time downplayed the performance.

I just shot the defenseless enemy with my gun. I thought that if the doppelgangers had barged in, I probably wouldn’t have been able to fight back.

But at the same time, I wanted to confirm it.

In reality, if the doppelgangers barged in, Lee Chang-hyun wouldn’t be able to endure it.

You can move, but you will still be defeated by the influence of ‘Chaos’.

This was Lennon’s unique trauma, a memory of defeat etched deep into his bones.

An incident in the dreamy palace that has been buried as a thing of the past.

Everyone said that it was an inevitable accident, and Lennon agreed with it and lived his life turning his head away from it.

‘I thought it was inevitable… … I thought it was something that had to happen due to the limitations of humans who were affected by it… … .’

That wasn’t it.

Lennon knew this moment by feeling it and witnessing it.

It’s not that ‘there was nothing I could do’, but that ‘I was helpless’.

Even in the midst of the ‘chaos’ that made it difficult for anyone to move properly, the guy was moving as if he was no different from usual, or rather, even more energetically than usual.

It was painful.

During the first expedition, he lost many comrades at the ‘Palace of Dreams’.

Then I tried to avoid that place, but maybe it was because of the tower’s whims.

I had to face that place again and repeat the second tragedy.

Only much later was an expedition route developed that completely escaped the ‘Palace of Dreams’ and the incident was slowly forgotten.

‘If I had failed on my first expedition and studied somehow… … .’

So now, if only I had figured out how to win, which is what that guy is doing.

Could it be that she didn’t die?

The guilt that had been hanging my head came back to me.

Everybody, it’s not Lennon’s fault. All the hunters who climb the tower do so at the risk of their own death.

Even though he said that, Lennon couldn’t forgive himself at that moment.

It seemed as if I could see the faces of the people I had conquered together with over the years.

As he was shaking in agony and looking down at the floor, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

“… … .”

Could it be because of the lighting in the ‘Palace of Dreams’? Lee Chang-hyun was reaching out his hand to Lennon with his back to a strong purple halo.

It seemed like the memories of that time, when I had survived alone as ‘Kyunghwa’ among the doppelgangers and was eventually rescued, were overlapping.

‘I think he was a Korean hunter back then too… … .’

I guess that’s fine.

The guy who defeated all his doppelgangers. And Lennon himself who couldn’t control his body.

Everything was confirmed. There was no reason to continue this match.


“Lehman, that person… … ?”

After the showdown, Lennon was nowhere to be seen in the waiting room.

“… … I think I need some time alone to think.”

‘I wonder if he was surprised because he was running wild in the chaos.’

To say that alone would be enough, it seems like something was overwhelming… … Is there a story behind it?

In any case, although this match was held at Lehmann’s arbitrary request, I did gain something from it.

[Full Bloom – Talent Bloom: Complete Body]: Masters the handling of one’s own body. Has no difficulty in visualizing or embodying movements.

Was it because he barely overcame the sense of ‘chaos’ in the last match against PSG and succeeded in performing an acrobatic move?

At some point, it was a good opportunity for [Mankai] to test out the new abilities he had gained in response to it.

‘I never thought I’d be able to move my body exactly the way I wanted in that situation… … .’

Not only that, even if a person imagines something, it takes a lot of practice to easily perform that action.

But after gaining that ability, I was able to do movements that I tried for the first time, even movements that I only knew in theory, with much ease.

“Hey, but seriously, how did you do it? You just brushed it off last time too. This time it’s even worse than last time.”

Han Ji-soo couldn’t hold back her curiosity this time, so she asked directly.

The other PER team members were also curious about that, their eyes sparkling and their attention focused on it.

‘I have no intention of talking about [full bloom]… … .’

A good and appropriate answer would be to tell us how you moved in the last game.

Of course, that would have been impossible without the experience before the regression. It’s not like it wouldn’t be possible if there was a little bit of packaging.

“As you may have noticed, the chaos gimmick doesn’t mean that you can’t move at all. It’s just that something is messed up, so instead of moving your arms, you’re moving your legs instead.”

“We all know that.”

The team members responded as if to say, “What can we do with that?”

The nuance was that there seemed to be some special secret, so don’t hide it and answer.

“Huh? Then once you know that, it’s over.”


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PER’s team members looked at me as if asking what the hell I was talking about.

“If you figure out where and what is moving instead of where, wouldn’t you be able to move while taking that into consideration?”


Han Ji-soo was so shocked by what she heard that she tried to say something, but Yoon Han-gyeol took her words away.

“It makes no sense from our perspective… … Do you remember before? You saw the video of Takumi and Chang-Hyeon winning.”

A match that even took advantage of the incredible anomaly of knowing the location of all the wormholes.

Only then did Han Ji-soo seem to agree a little, and she became absorbed in thought.

‘It’s fortunate that they are still beginners and easy to fool.’

However, if Lennon were to ask the same question, it would probably not be possible to completely hide it.

For someone who had been using his body for a long time, it was completely unconvincing that his body could not move as he wanted, let alone move to the point where he could deal with several doppelgangers while switching weapons, let alone for a moment when he concentrated his mind.

Just as I was thinking that, Lennon came out of the waiting room and looked at me, as if he had made up his mind.

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“… … Let’s do that.”

So the two of them went into the director’s office alone, but Lehmann barged in and the three of them started talking.


“First of all, I’m sorry for coming here in the middle of the night and causing this all of a sudden. I just saw the game earlier and I just wanted to check it out for myself, so… … .”

Surprisingly, he seemed to be aware that it was rude behavior.

But you must have seen it in the game, so how can you confirm it…?

“If it’s just a quick movement or a very simple movement, it’s possible even in a ‘chaos’ situation. That’s why I thought you won the PSG game, but your doppelganger wouldn’t win.”

Oh. So you wanted to check that?

“And as a result, you did it perfectly. I felt a sense of emptiness and bitterness at the same time… … So how did you do it?”

“Are you talking about defeating the doppelgangers in the chaos earlier?”

Lennon stared at me intently at those words, but I never opened my mouth.

“Our team will look to the first division of the Korean Hunters League and then the international league. Then we will also compete with the United States.”

Lehmann laughed at that.

“If you are asked about the exact details of your abilities during an interview and end up being vague, how can you possibly reveal your secrets to a competing team?”

Lennon, on the other hand, sighed, as if he didn’t know how to respond.

Well, I don’t think there was ever a moment when he thought of his team and this team as competitors.

But what I said wasn’t wrong at all. The abilities of each Hunter were important enough that they were sometimes shared with their teammates, but even those were kept hidden.

It was generally an unspoken rule not to ask unless you were entrusting your back to a colleague, as it would be rude.

But then, a series of groundbreaking statements followed.

“Hmm… … That’s not wrong at all. So does that mean I can ask you if you become a teammate of the US Division 1 team I’m on?”

I don’t know of any Korean players currently playing in the American league, so why are you making this offer?

I was momentarily taken aback, but it seemed I wasn’t the only one.


This was because Lehmann opened his eyes wide and glared at Lennon.

There was something powerful about it that was hard to believe that he was not an Awakened person, but a normal person.

But interestingly enough, Lennon continued to say what he wanted to say, unconcerned by Lehmann’s appearance.

“Whatever you want, the American League can guarantee you more. Wealth, fame, power. Whatever it is. America is that country.”

I know, because the US is now one of the biggest leagues in the world, along with China, dominating the Hunters League.

“That’s just how business is. It’s not about loyalty, but about self-interest. You don’t have to feel sorry for Lehman, and you don’t have to worry about what he thinks.”

This guy. Lehman is right in front of you, and he’s saying things like that in front of you.

It seems that the power of hunters is strong in America.

“You may not know this, but… … the Hunters League is more than just a sport.

International League. You can tell just by looking at its existence. Although the tower is no longer a threat to humanity, there are still unknown areas in the tower.

… … There are still some parts of the ‘top’ that are still being developed.

The United States also provides significant support to the Hunters League in terms of training to develop such hunters.

“Don’t look narrowly, look at the wider world.”

… … That is certainly all correct.

Knowing how valuable this offer was, Lehmann was frowning, unlike his usual expression.

It’s something I said when I couldn’t stand it any longer and opened my mouth.

“You know how much I’ve invested in this team, trusting you, don’t you?”

His face was pale and he looked anxious.

But even though Lehmann didn’t say that, my heart hadn’t changed from the beginning.

“I’m glad you think highly of me, but I’m not here just for the money or fame.”

‘My team. I chose this path because it was a team where I could choose the players, devise strategies, and develop the team in a direction that I could only develop.’

In addition, although Lennon’s team was famous, it did not actually make it to the international league that often because the American league was so tough.

“But if you say so, I think it would be rude to not show enough sincerity.”

I moved my hand towards Lennon’s head.

“What is this… … .”

And when his hand touched the head, a bright light spread out with the effect of [Commander of the Ideal Dream].


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