Return of the Genius Player Chapter 111

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111. How to overcome when you are afraid

After the little guy who had made PER’s weekend so lively left, team training began again.

The next match is against LTD in the 2nd division. It seems they came in 4th in the 2nd division last season.

‘But this season, our team and I have similar points… … .’

It was an opponent that could never let its guard down.

If my memory serves me right, there were some players in that LTD team who found the first half too tough and took a breather in the second half to get back into shape.

‘The Hunter’s League’s first division matches are incredibly stressful in and of themselves… ‘

For the purpose of mental management and to revive the senses. There was a tendency for the second part of LTD to be operated as a team for recovery and rehabilitation.

The reason is that I remembered it because it was the team that was active in Part 2 before the regression.

And as LTD is a top-tier team from Division 1, Division 2 also has a wide player pool and a wide variety of abilities.

There were quite a few abilities that you would normally see in animations or comics. They were like abilities from a battle between ability users.

For example, manipulating water and shooting it out.

It was an ability that provided really powerful convenience and freedom when on a team, but could be very troublesome as an enemy.

He was a peculiar guy who dyed his hair blue on purpose, thinking that it was his own concept…

I remember the face and the abilities, but I don’t remember much else. Like the name or the personality.

‘Did you meet that guy in Part 1, not Part 2?’

Before the regression, especially during parts 2 and 3, I didn’t interact much with my teammates, so maybe that’s why.

At that time, I thought that I would never meet these people since I would be called up next season anyway.

It definitely felt different than it does now.

‘Is this the difference between building my own team and simply aiming for my own growth…?’

I still don’t know which one is more correct.

Building my own team and growing together, or focusing only on my own growth. Which of the two is right? I will find out when I go further to the first division and then to the international league.

Yes, for now we need to focus on the next match against LTD.


“30 meters to the northeast… … down. I think… … they’re hiding there.”

Lee Yeon-ju quickly relayed this to her team members.

And soon after, Yoon Han-gyeol rushed in the direction Lee Yeon-ju had mentioned, and the results came out quickly.


“Did you think that an ambush would be possible with the team member’s location tracking ability?”

Several swords controlled by Yoon Han-gyeol fought against Kim Do-jun, eventually slaughtering him.

The match ended as is, but there was no separate feedback time as the LTD match was coming up the next day.

So, while everyone was chatting away and going back to their rooms… … there was someone left behind.

It was none other than Lee Yeon-ju.

His expression was stiff, indicating that he was troubled by something.

“Hmm… … I didn’t do anything special in this match, but Lee Yeon-ju’s team won. Is there anything that feels off?”

“Is there anything that doesn’t seem right?”

In this case, I should have gone and asked her first. Given Lee Yeon-ju’s personality, she would have suffered alone if she had. It seemed like she would never have spoken first.

And of course.

“Ah… … No. It’s nothing… … ”

If you just listen to her, you might think, “What? This is the usual Lee Yeon-joo.” and just pass it off… …

Since they are team members who need to continue to grow anyway, it would be right to lead them until the end.

“Well… … If it were me, I would have felt that there were parts that weren’t working well.”

Honestly, I don’t know what it is. How would I know, I’m not Lee Yeon-ju.

However, if you bring up the story and hear what they feel, I’m sure I can give them appropriate advice on it.

Ahem. Not now, but anyway, he’s a player who has won the International League.

“It’s better to talk about those things to someone else rather than worrying about them alone. That’s what the manager and coach are there for.”

If I think about it, it might be because I am both a coach and a player that I find it more difficult to give advice.

But at this point, even if it was Lee Yeon-ju, I couldn’t help but bring it up.

“… … Uh. I knew it.”

Of course, since I usually tell you everything, you probably think I know everything.

If you just open your mouth, you’ll start talking fluently.

“I keep thinking about that… … fight I had with that little kid.”

Oh. Are you talking about Lee Jeong-hoon?

It’s true that Lee Jeong-hoon did his best, but it’s not like Lee Yeon-joo did anything bad.

Lee Yeon-ju doesn’t need to fight with others in the first place, and she’s in a position where she shouldn’t.

“I was just a kid with no special… abilities… .”

Is that the story? That you couldn’t cleanly defeat a kid with no special abilities.

‘… … .’

Maybe. This is just purely my guess though.

The reason why Lee Yeon-ju is more concerned about not being able to win the match with that kid cleanly may be because of what happened with Jeong Hye-yeon a while ago.

Because I saw Jeong Hye-yeon being cut off without showing any significant performance.

‘Maybe he thinks that he might become like that too.’

Because this team is looking higher. Not just me, but the other team members too.

That’s why he doubts his own abilities and suffers.

Especially since he is not a combat agent with particularly notable performance.

Of course, the answer to this was simple.

You’re telling me that you’re not inferior to combatants at all, just that your role is different.

However, whether this is acceptable will vary from person to person.


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The best thing might be to allow that player’s utility to be revealed most dramatically.

“Are you afraid that people will think of you as a player who can’t beat a brat who just woke up?”

Lee Yeon-ju’s abilities are actually quite powerful even now.

As obvious as the benefits are, the drawbacks are also clear.

However, if Lee Yeon-ju tries to make up for her shortcomings, she will only become more ordinary, unremarkable, and featureless.

Rather, it would be right to help those benefits bloom.

“… … A little bit. Yeah.”

“Hmm… I guess so.”

How can Lee Yeon-ju, who is currently doing well in her own way, achieve ‘performance that is particularly noticeable’?

The worries continued.

It wasn’t something that could be thought of simply. First of all, it was completely impossible to show anything in terms of fighting power.

However, it was difficult to expect support outside of the set skills.

A more fundamental consideration was needed.

‘What would I have done if I had Lee Yeon-ju’s skills and abilities?’

Before returning, I thought about the other players I had met at the top.

If you think about it, not everyone at the top has outstanding abilities. In fact, there were some who had abilities that weren’t as good as Lee Yeon-ju’s.

But, clearly, they were all guys who could exude a strong presence with their own strengths.

‘What did those guys use to cut the top…’

Before the fresh return, images of top-class players came to mind one by one.

A player who, without any ability, became a master of various weapon techniques by overwhelmingly increasing the physical abilities of the Awakened and achieved Musou.

A brain-smart player who constantly creates enormous variables in the game by experimenting with all kinds of mana equipment and eventually developing his own mana equipment.

In addition, there were players who pushed their understanding of their mediocre abilities to the limit and used them in extraordinary ways to control the game.

It really struck me that there were so many different ways to do it.

‘But… Among these, the only thing that Lee Yeon-ju can use is… … .’

does not exist.

But… … what if we apply it a little and try to revive the parts of Lee Yeon-ju that can be saved?

“Then how about trying it like this?”

Pretty good. I think I may have figured out a good way.

Maybe if we win this game, Lee Yeon-ju will get the MVP award.

Of course, Lee Yeon-ju had some doubts about the strategy I suggested.

“That… is that okay?”

“There’s no way it won’t work out. It might get destroyed later, but that’s something to think about when the time comes.”

The countless combinations of players and maps that Hunter’s League creates. The combination of strategies is often the first strategy.

But that doesn’t mean you have to be afraid.

There is no need to be careful when stepping into the white snow that has fallen in the yard all night.


It was a well-known rumor among the players and leadership of Team LTD that the first division coach, Lee Jin-han, had wanted PER’s Lee Chang-hyun since the third division days.

And it seems like Director Lee Jin-han’s prediction was right, as he is leading the team up at a frightening pace.

‘That guy is in the second division this time… … .’

Since LTD had a 3rd team, a 2nd team, and a 1st team, information about PER was shared quite well.

So, that bad director of Part 3. I think it was Lee Hyung-geun. I also know that director got hit hard.

“So. What did the power analysis team say?”

“I’ve reviewed the reports you’ve provided so far, but I don’t think anything will change significantly.”

“That’s right… … .”

I also had pride in myself, so I didn’t want to lose to that team.

Because coach Lee Hyung-geun opened his mouth and lost to a team with PER or something, and then the LTD players got really beaten up by the leadership.

‘Considering that, it is true that their recent performance is not ordinary.’

Of course, I couldn’t give up on that.

“Then, for this match, should we include some of the players on standby in the first division?”

“Do whatever you can. If you lose this time, you and I will not be able to show our faces like we did to Lee Hyung-geun before.”

There are some excellent players on this LTD team right now who are regaining their form after coming down from extreme fatigue in the first division, so there is no excuse for that.

If you mobilize all the first division players and lose, there will be no room for excuses.

“And this time, we have to pay special attention to the combination. The upper leagues have provided support. We have to show it to them.”

As a player himself, he’s just… well… not a bad player.

That rookie named Yoo Hye-joo. If you match her synergy with the current player pool, you can come up with some really ridiculous strategies.

“But honestly… … This season, isn’t there a high chance that our team will beat PSG and take first place? So is there really a need to be so wary of that team?”

“It won’t work if you do it with that kind of mindset… … Those guys are vicious.”

On the day of the opening game, the second game between QED and PER was the height of brutality, where they hit each other and then held out on the base.

It’s pathetic. It’s cowardly. Those words might come out naturally, but that’s what a victory that leaves no room for error is like.

It’s only the fans who like fighting and creating cool scenes.

From the perspective of the players and coaches who prefer to win without any special incidents, this was not good at all.

‘Because the act of fighting itself is a huge variable.’

At least in the Hunters League, no matter how good your skills are, you often fall due to your opponent’s unexpected ability pool.

It would certainly be best to win without having to fight a fierce battle.

In order to trample on the PER that actually fights such battles, we also have to do something corresponding to it.

“Anyway. This time, do as I say.”

“Huh… … I understand. But no matter how much I think about it, I think that strategy should be used against PSG, not PER… … .”

As I glared, the coach’s words became more and more muffled.

It seems like he still doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.


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