Return of the Genius Player Chapter 110

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110. Seeds of the Future

The most common misconception among non-Awakened people.

It was nothing other than the perception of the Hunter.

The most important thing is the “talent” that you simply acquire when you awaken.

But that wasn’t true at all.

‘Rather, it is right to think about the importance of talent only after other conditions have been met… … .’

It is usually very difficult to accurately identify one’s own talents and to get a feel for them.

In the process, many Awakened people give up on becoming Hunters.

For example, if you suddenly receive a tail transplant that you didn’t have before, how could you handle it naturally as if it were your original tail?

Even parts of the body that are visible to the eye are like that. Learning the senses of an invisible, unknown superpower was actually an absurd level of difficulty.

Despite the numerous tests and training methodologies developed to determine what type of superpower a person possesses, the difficulty of the test has not decreased.

So, no matter what your talent is, talent isn’t really the most important thing to becoming a hunter.

After your talent awakens, how high can you go as a hunter? It was the same kind of story.

Wouldn’t you have to become a hunter to be able to think about that?

In that sense, the most important thing in becoming a hunter.

That was who led the person who had just awakened.

‘There’s a reason Hunter Academies are popping up like mushrooms.’

There were a lot of guys who were like idiots, and there were a lot of places that put on shows in unscientific ways, like some kind of shamanistic religion.

And that direction continued even after I became a hunter.

‘Was I exactly that kind of case before my regression?’

Coaching and supervision provide direction that leads to wrong growth path for immediate results.

That’s why. It must have been fate that this kid, Lee Jeong-hoon, came to me.

Certainly for this child.

I thought maybe it was fate.

To me, who had to live a life filled with regrets because I met the wrong director and teacher, a child who almost walked the same path as me came.

Maybe it’s not just my life that changes after returning.


There was no light or drastic change like when a normal person awakens.

But. it was clearly visible.

In these [piercing eyes].

[Lee Jeong-hoon]


[A Thousand Talents: A(S+)]: You have a talent that can be developed and created through stimulation.

[Indomitable: B+ (A+)]: When hit with a fatal attack, you will not lose your breath all at once. It provides you with minimal movement capacity.

‘I never thought I’d gain skills all at once… … .’

I thought it was a pretty strong stimulus, but it turned out like this. It was a bit surprising.

Of course, this is “quite a strong stimulus” for a professional hunter like me, but for someone like me who is more like an ordinary person, it would be an incredibly strong stimulus.

I was fighting in front of the hunter I admired and liked, but I was defeated by an opponent who thought I was ridiculous and took me lightly, without even being able to raise a hand.

You must be upset.

And that wasn’t done with any special ability, but with very immature swordsmanship.

‘Choosing Lee Yeon-ju was a very good choice.’

That kind of emotional turmoil. And the desire to grow. And the feeling of not wanting to end it like this.

Those things must have been very intense.

‘It’s on a whole different level from the light-hearted games you play at Hunter Academy… … .’

It’s not really that strange that something like this happens.

“Ugh… … .”

Anyway, Lee Jeong-hoon, who had demonstrated his new ability, arose.

Even if Lee Yeon-ju had not been able to cut accurately, she was still agitated, as if she was certain that she would not be able to get up.

However, soon after, he was ready to fight again.

No matter how many new abilities were revealed, Lee Yeon-ju still had an overwhelming advantage.

Still, something was clearly different.

Lee Jeong-hoon, who had once been tattered by allowing an attack, stood up and turned his sword towards Lee Yeon-ju once again.

It was a level of tenacity that made it hard to believe that he was a young kid.

‘If it were a normal child… … it would be normal for them to just sit down and cry.’

If you fall while riding a bike or fall down stairs, you at least have to examine the injury and endure the pain.

But that child didn’t do that.

I know instinctively that if I continue like that, it will really be the end.

Note. For now, note that you have to look at the person in front of you.

‘You have the most essential qualities for a Part 1 Hunter’s Leaguer.’

Of course, it would be impossible to win against Lee Yeon-ju in that condition.

Once again the standoff broke down and fighting began.

The sword of Lee Yeon-ju, who had never used a sword before, and the sword of Lee Jeong-hoon, who did not know how to spare his body, met.

Even though Lee Yeon-ju is a professional hunter, she has never actually done anything other than run away from a face-to-face fight.

It was impossible to avoid getting hurt by Lee Jeong-hoon’s attacks, which ignored defense and attacked.

So, Lee Yeon-ju stabbed and stabbed again, but unlike before, she felt passionate at the sight of Lee Jeong-hoon fighting while somehow protecting his vital points.


Even though everyone probably knew that the kid would lose, Kim Do-jun just whistled once when he saw that.

He didn’t argue or complain about the bet.


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But that time didn’t last long.

The difference in power was clear, and naturally, Lee Yeon-ju won.

The match ended with Lee Jeong-hoon lying in a tattered state, looking like he had been torn to pieces.


After the match, in the practice room.

There were about five people sitting together, including PER’s team members.

After a fierce but calm game, the situation was a mess.

When I actually watched the game, I was impressed by the young boy’s tenacity, but Kim Do-jun was so upset that he lost the 50,000 won bet.

“Hey… … Here, 50,000 won. But, if I think about it, Changhyun just said that?? Without even explaining it to me, isn’t that invalid?”

“No, no.”

There was no way Yoon Han-gyeol would accept such sophistry. Kim Do-jun’s argument was resolutely cut off.

In the end, Kim Do-jun was handing 50,000 won in bills to Yoon Han-gyeol, and you could see his hands were shaking.

‘Oh my, I see. It’s not even your game, so why are you betting money on it? … And you’re even betting on a kid you’re meeting for the first time.’

Anyway, the more I look at that guy, the more I realize that he’s a guy who never gets bored.

But, surprisingly, seeing that the fans like it, I wonder if the player has talent in fan service?

Meanwhile, the actual parties involved were quite quiet.

“Ugh… … I thought I could win… … .”

Lee Jeong-hoon was shaking. Well, while watching the flashy Hunters League game, Lee Yeon-joo must have looked like she was doing nothing while watching our team’s game.

You might think that because I’m a woman, I have weak muscles.

“Tch… … On a sloppy topic… … .”

“… … ?”

Is this what Lee Yeon-ju said? It’s so different from Lee Yeon-ju’s usual image, so when I looked at her, she looked somewhere else and made a fuss.

‘… … .’

Well. Anyway.

“Kid. As you know, Yeonju isn’t in charge of combat. Do you understand what a professional hunter is now?”


It was an expression that said he would not admit defeat even if he died.

The competitive spirit is quite strong.

“Still. The performance itself in the game wasn’t bad. In fact, there were many good points.”


Lee Jeong-hoon’s eyes lit up.

“That… … The Hunter Academy seems to say that there’s a high possibility that supernatural powers haven’t manifested… … I… … .”

“Do you think I have any potential to become a Hunter? Do you think I have any abilities?”

I laughed because I understood the child’s anxious feelings.

“If you want to answer, yes. I think that will be enough. Do you remember earlier? When Yeonju stabbed you in the chest with a sword.”


“Didn’t you feel something at that time?”

Lee Jeong-hoon thought deeply about those words and then spoke as if he had no confidence.

“Honestly, I’m not sure… … After I got stabbed, I lost all my strength and thought, ‘I made a mistake.’ But then I gained some strength again.”

Perhaps that is the ability of [Indomitable: B+(A+)].

“That’s probably what your ability is. And not only that, there’s probably more to it.”

“There are more?”

“The limits of a Hunter are not clearly revealed or determined. If you work hard in the future, you will definitely be able to become a Hunter, right?”

Of course, this only applies to people with growth skills.

But as soon as he finished saying that, Lee Jeong-hoon suddenly burst into tears and burst into tears. I was a little flustered, but I also thought I knew why.

‘Perhaps he’s more honest about his feelings because he’s a child.’

“Will I be able to join PER later and work with my brother?”


Next season, this team will probably be in the first division, and if Lee Jeong-hoon becomes a hunter, he will start in the third division.

Then, it would take at least two years to play on the same team.

If you survive for two years and make it to the first division, you will definitely have those skills and have grown beyond comparison to where you are now.

“If you don’t give up, of course. I’m rooting for you to join our team. Be sure to become a top-tier player and join our team later.”

Lee Jeong-hoon blinked, and only then seemed to understand what was meant.

Hunter said that since he has to play in the lower leagues for at least one season to advance to the upper leagues, his PER will already be dominating the first division.

“… … .”

Now we have over 7 team members, but it’s still a small number.

To fight in the first division or the international league, more strategies and more talent are needed.

It’s okay now, but by then, even if you’re a starter, you won’t be able to play every game.


“… … ?”

Do you still have something to say? A thank you? Something like that?

“Well… … If you’re going to join this team later anyway… … Then, why don’t you join the 3rd division team for now and continue to come here every day to train together?”

“… … .”

Um… … Well… … I’m not saying that’s not right, but I was a little surprised because it was something I hadn’t thought of at all.

Should I consider this as presumptuous or reasonable? It was difficult.

‘That’s not wrong… … .’

Given the nature of his abilities, he would probably grow much faster if I were by his side, as I could probably take good care of him.

Not only can you see their abilities, but you can also properly lead them to [Full Bloom – Talent Blossoming: Commander of the Ideal Dream].

The worries didn’t last very long.

Because it was a deal with high expectations and no losses.

There was nothing bad about it from that guy’s perspective either.


By a completely unexpected coincidence, we ended up recruiting one more player to PER under the pretext of player development.

Maybe we’ll be able to play together a little after the first part.

I vaguely hope that he will be able to become a major pillar of the future team I hope for.


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