Return of the Genius Player Chapter 104

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104. Preemptive strike

Space defense strategy.

It’s a word that often came out in the past when there was something called an RTS game.

‘I’ve never played these games before… … .’

In any case, the gist of the space defense strategy is simple.

It’s about building a defensive line using team members with superpowers that are advantageous for defense, and forcing the advantage of those defenders onto the opponent.

To do that, you need two things.

The ability to construct strong defensive positions.

And the more time you waste, the more you can put your opponent at a disadvantage, or the more you can attack them from a defensive position.

The current PER has both, or rather, more of both.

‘Kim Yu-Hyeon, who can create turrets and even change the terrain. And a trio of bomber strategies that can strike precision strikes on enemies from afar.’

That’s not all. PER’s team has been strengthened since then.

Add bombers to space defense, and a specialist specializing in one-on-one combat.

There’s Ryu Jae-jun and me.

‘Only Jaejun Ryu and I will act as a special force and attack the opposing team, while the rest of the team will support with bomber tactics in the formed defensive formation.’

That was the completed strategy of PER that is being used now.

Well, to be honest, it’s a weakness. I mean, there are a few holes here and there, but…

That one strength, honestly, I thought was really strong.

And actually now. We have completed the defensive formation without any interruption.

“Let’s go as I said before. Everyone except Ryu Jae-jun and me will be deploying a defensive strategy here.”


“If you’re bored with the safety formation, don’t miss the timing by sitting on the dirt floor like before, and respond while properly observing the opponent’s movements.”

“Ugh… … .”

Kim Do-jun and Lee Gil-han avoided eye contact with puzzled expressions.

“i get it.”

Anyway, even though they have tactical characteristics, they are guys who lack tension.

“Let’s go, Jaejun.”


Now it was really time to get my eyes on the Hunters League of Part 2.


Meanwhile, outside the stadium, from the commentator’s perspective, it seemed like a rather questionable choice.

[Caster]: It seemed like PER had chosen to join… …! What happened! Everyone gathered together, and out of the five, only Lee Chang-hyun and Ryu Jae-jun headed towards the other side!

[Commentator]: I’m starting to wonder what they’re thinking. If they decided to split up and attack, then five players would have had to head towards the other team… … !

Even for Han Ji-hoo, who had just finished the match and was watching the match in the players’ waiting room after taking a shower, this was an action that was incomprehensible.

‘I did some research on him because he’s said to be Chairman Lee Geun-taek’s successor… … but I heard he doesn’t have any abilities that would be useful in such situations.’

I thought I had to wait a bit to find out what their plan was.

That fact made me feel unnecessarily offended.

‘What’s so great about a guy who only knows how to use his brain like that that everyone is focusing on him so much?’

The essence of the Hunter’s League has always been fighting. Hitting, breaking, and destroying the opponent. I also get hit, or avoid it. It’s a bloody fight. It’s a struggle.

I’m saying that it’s not like you can use your brain to quickly and cleverly hit the back of the opponent’s head.

I was thinking like that.

[Caster]: What the heck! PER!! With only two people, we’re rushing towards QED, where the entire opposing team has gathered!


What the hell is this?

Are those things on the caster’s head not eyes but eye holes? There’s nothing wrong with that.

Who would dare to make such a reckless charge that even PSG, whose individual skills have reached their limit in the second division, wouldn’t do…?

‘… … !’

To my surprise, I looked up at the screen and saw that what he said was true.

Until just now, I thought Lee Chang-hyun was only thinking of avoiding fights and cleverly trapping his opponents.

The two of them personally stepped forward and dug into the arms of the opposing camp, QED.

[Caster]: Are there any special countermeasures or tactics? What do you think?

[Narrator]: Well… … Looking at it now, it doesn’t seem like a very wise choice. Whatever the reason, it seems like they underestimated their opponent.

Ahh… …! While I’m talking, Ryu Jae-jun! He’s going in first!!

Amidst the screams of the commentator, a rookie from PER, probably named Ryu Jae-jun, flew into the sky on an air anchor.

The landing point is none other than the center of QED’s camp.


Kiiiiiing -_-.

A wave of something swept across the area at incredible speed, accompanied by an ear-piercing sound, like fingernails scraping against a chalkboard.


Is it a skill that doesn’t require much preparation time, or is it something that you prepare for in advance?


Considering the scope and effect of the ability, it happened very quickly.

Even those with excellent reflexes who had deployed mana shields received the same shock regardless.

‘That’s definitely an outstanding ability… … However, Hunters are Awakened. If it were a normal person, that might lead to death or fainting, but Hunters might be shaken to that extent, but it wouldn’t lead to fatal damage.’

But then.

[Commentator]: That’s an amazing ability. Even before the QED counterattack, he defeated 7 players! And in the meantime, Lee Chang-hyun!!

[Caster]: Lee Chang Hyun!!!!!

The guy that Chairman Lee Geun-taek had chosen. Lee Chang-hyun entered the room right at the moment the QED guys were being hit and fired his dual pistols.


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Tata tata tata tata tang!!

I was pulling the trigger so hard that I could feel the limits of a pistol shooter.

The chat window and the commentator are all calling out to Lee Chang-hyun.

But when I looked at it objectively, I thought that although it was excellent, it wasn’t the best.

‘Well… I’ll admit that it’s a pretty excellent tactic. I didn’t know there was such an outrageous method.’

The ‘gun’ has a projectile speed that is on a different level from other weapons. And the ‘wave’ can create a gap in the opponent over a wide area with quick casting.

But if it had been me and not Lee Chang-hyun in that position… …

‘That guy who opened up a mana shield and all, I must have cut them all down with a sword.’

And that would be at least three people.

Even on the screen now, it looked like more than two people were seriously injured. Even though it was the optimal timing for a surprise attack using my outstanding ability, the damage wasn’t as great as I thought.

At least from Han Ji-hoo’s perspective.

Actually, I felt that the ending was quite sloppy.

[Caster]: This is Lee Chang-Hyeon, who is continuing his great play while continuing to respond with counter-fire in the air… … but the opponent is QED. As time passes and he recovers to some extent, he begins to counterattack!

Some of them suffered near-fatal injuries, and a few others were seriously injured…

‘Now they’ll have to fend off a number of abilities that are several times their own.’

It’s not much different from a suicide bombing. And it’s just throwing an ace and exchanging it with a few members of the opposing team.


[Caster]: Uh… … But what is that?

[Narrator]: Ah… … By any chance! That’s! A Mana Bomber! Swords with Mana Bombers attached are flying towards QED!

In the center of the QED camp, all eyes were focused, and the mana shield was directed towards the Lee Chang-hyun and Ryu Jae-jun combo.

Behind them, swords with mana bombers dropped their bombs without making a sound.


The sound of the ‘wave’ exploding, the sound of the muzzles of the twin pistols firing, and even the sound of the mana bomber exploding.

The damage from the series of unexpected events had already accumulated for QED at some point.

Amid the chaos, a mana bomber exploded, sending up a strong cloud of dust.

[Caster]: How is the situation… … .

After a brief moment of waiting for the dust cloud to clear.

The outcome of the incident became clear and the situation was resolved.

‘… … .’

What was shown on the screen was a huge crater on the floor created by the explosion.

… … and ‘some’ QED team members who somehow survived the explosion of that mana bomber.

… … That was the end.

[Caster]: Team PER… … succeeds in completely turning the opposing team upside down while showing a completely unexpected side!

The cheers from the audience could be heard all the way to the waiting room.

[Commentator]: It appears that Lee Chang-hyun and Ryu Jae-jun have completely left, leaving the five surviving QED players behind!

‘Did you take into account the fact that if you use your abilities spammily, you’ll quickly run out of mana and be counterattacked by QED? … .’

In the end, the 7 vs 2 intrusion that everyone said was reckless and foolish.

The end of that intrusion was the exact opposite of what everyone expected.


Meanwhile, PER’s camp had all the team members except Ryu Jae-jun and Lee Chang-hyun.

Aside from the trio swinging swords, pointing positions and directions, and dropping bombs, there wasn’t much to do.

Maybe that was why. Kim Do-jun was lying inside the defensive formation that Kim Yu-hyeon had created with his ability, scratching his stomach.

“Hey, the game has started but there’s nothing to do. Did I become a hunter for this? I feel so guilty and miserable~”

He was yawning and talking about anything, giving off the impression of a complete idiot.

“Well, it’s my first time experiencing something like this, so I’m a little nervous. I remember when I was young, I was a soccer goalkeeper and never got to kick the ball.”

That leisurely time was short-lived.

Kwa – Bam.

“It went as planned. I’ll be there soon.”

Straight. Straight. Straight.

Lee Chang-hyun’s voice came through the earphones. The voice was mixed with the sound of an explosion, as if the Leegi Sword sent earlier had arrived.

It seems that the plan I mentioned before was successful.

“Ahem. Now it’s time for us to get active.”

Kim Do-jun, who had been lying down, got up and said.

“What about active combat? Those turrets will do the work for you rather than you fighting directly.”

Yoon Han-gyeol said, pointing to the installed turret.

“Ugh… … .”

Well, that was definitely true.

Now, what was left was probably a defensive battle by PER, who had already created a defensive camp, rather than an all-out war where the two sides would clash directly.

“Hey, but do you really have to do it like this? You didn’t do it this well in Part 3 either.

“They’re probably completely devastated by now, but if we just go out and fight them head-on, they’ll win?”

“That’s true, but… … um”

Yoon Han-gyeol hesitated, perhaps thinking that Kim Do-jun’s words were somewhat persuasive.

“Do you remember anything you learned at the Academy? No, you don’t have to go that far.”

Then, Han Ji-soo, who usually didn’t say much, opened her mouth.

His expression seemed a little stuffy.

“If there is a fight that is 100% winnable, would anyone lower their chances of winning by putting in effort?

Do you understand? In this place, hearing things like ‘filthy’ and ‘dirty’ is considered high praise.”

That was definitely true.

The future direction of the game is clear… … It will progress in a way that such stories will emerge.

After Lee Chang-hyun and Ryu Jae-jun rushed in and shook up the opponent with a combination of bomber tactics.

A perfect way to end that game.


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