Return of the Genius Player Chapter 100

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100. New abilities

After the media day, the first game of the Hunters League was scheduled.

It was exactly two weeks from now.

‘Two weeks… … .’

A period that is neither too long nor too short.

If you want to do well in Part 2, you will need to prepare thoroughly during these two weeks.

“Wow… … There are two teams that picked our team as the 2nd division champion?”

Team PER’s home. A voice was heard from the living room.

“No, Dojun. Look at the interview carefully. Our team voted for our team.”

“But doesn’t that mean another team voted for our team?”

“That’s true, but… … .”

From what I heard, it seemed like you were a little nervous about being in Part 2.

Well, honestly, I think it would be difficult to make it in the second division at the current level.

‘Especially those five, they got hit hard in the practice match against TAK.’

Well, actually, the team’s strength isn’t so bad that they have to worry.

Just by adding Kim Yu-hyeon and Ryu Jae-jun, the number and quality of tactics that can be used has increased exponentially.

And that’s not all.

In fact, the reason we lost the last match against TAK was because their tactics suited Adari too well, so it wasn’t a match that we could lose that easily.

‘Rather than dying all at once, if only one or two people had survived, we probably would have won.’

So the situation wasn’t as bad as the team members thought.

Rather, what’s more important is how you’re going to spend the next two weeks.

‘In times like these, a quick strike before the game starts is more important than you think.’

It was also a chance to test out the abilities of [Mankai – Talent Blossoming: Commander of the Ideal Dream] that had awakened last time.

Sharing what you imagine with others.

This was a good skill to raise the goal by directly showing my teammates my level and the play I think of.

I thought now was a good time to have practice matches with other teams and provide feedback to lead the team’s growth.

“During the Stove League period, there were no league games, so your body was aching, right?”

It seemed like they were each doing their own personal training, but seeing them lying around in the living room made me wonder if they were worth living for.

“There are now two weeks until the league opening. We have practice matches against the second division teams once a day for 14 days, so there won’t be anything to be idle about.”

“What? You’re playing every day for 14 days?”

The Hunters League matches are pretty tiring though… …

“Isn’t that why you’ve been resting until now? Rather than that. There’s a practice match scheduled for this afternoon, so get ready quickly. Let’s go to the joint training center.”

“Ah, I wanted to rest more… … .”

“You’ve rested enough, Kim Do-jun. Come to think of it, haven’t you been losing to me in sword practice lately? If you keep doing that, you’ll get kicked out.”

“What? Release?”

The team members burst into laughter at Kim Do-jun’s surprised appearance.

So I decided to spice up the joke a little bit.

“Ugh… … It’s a bit bitter, but that’s been a bit of a concern lately. Do we really need a melee dealer who can only flash around on the team… … Hmm.”

“Isn’t that too much?”

Kim Do-jun had a sad face.


Since a practice match was scheduled for that afternoon, all of PER’s members headed to the Hunter Union Training Center.

“Oh, by the way, I won’t be participating in the game today.”

“What?? What do I do if you leave?”

“Jaejun, take the main order. There are only 7 people left anyway, excluding me.”

“… … Um. Okay.”

The opposing team for this practice was not a team ranked very high in the second division.

HXG. A team ranked in the lower-middle tier of the second division.

‘I heard that this year’s Stove League went pretty well.’

Besides, since I was also involved, it was honestly uncertain whether I could win.

But since it was a practice match, there was something more important than winning.

It was about finding what was lacking and providing feedback on it.

That’s why I left it out on purpose, so that my weak points could be better exposed.


“Oh, you’re here.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Just across the street, I saw HXG’s team members and director.

“It’s my first time seeing you since Media Day… … I heard that Hunter Lee Geun-taek is the chosen successor. There have been many rumors about him. I’ll look forward to it.”

Expectation… … Expectation. Although he speaks quite politely, his tone is as if he is waiting to see how much of a fool you are.

‘Is this a fight even before the season starts?’

I didn’t think about it when I was a player. Coaches and managers. These people also live quite tiring lives.

Just show your skills.

“If you’re ready, let’s get started.”

“… … ? Director Lee Chang-hyun is not participating?”

“Ah. That’s what happened.”

At those words, the HXG director’s expression hardened slightly.

Perhaps he thought he looked down on me.

Anyway, as soon as we sat down in the upper seats, the game started.


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The map was [Great Sanctuary].

An interior filled with magnificent altars, decorations, and structures, just like the interior of a famous European cathedral.

But what was unusual was that it was so enormous that it was almost impossible to fathom.

So much so that people look like dots.

‘So it’s basically no different than fighting on a well-organized, open marble floor.’

With such an open map, it wasn’t an easy map for Kim Yu-Hyeon to be active on.

So, I thought that if Ryu Jae-jun didn’t plan his tactics well, he could easily lose.

‘Well, what’s the matter? I told Ryu Jae-jun in advance that he would be the one leading this time, so he must have thought about it.’

I watched the game for hours, concentrating and analyzing it, until it was over.

Perhaps because Ryu Jae-jun was the center, the game didn’t turn out as chaotic as expected.

Of course, there was quite a lot to give feedback on.

While I was sorting out how to tell the story.

“Haha… … I don’t know much about you as a player, but you still have a lot of shortcomings as a coach. I have my shortcomings, but I have quite a bit of experience as a coach, so feel free to come learn from me sometime.”

The director of HXG said with a kind face and left.

Although he spoke in a rather humble manner, his real intention was to disparage him by calling him a completely amateur director.

Even though he said he would teach me a trick, he actually said it to treat me as someone subordinate to him and someone who lacks skill.


It’s something I’ll have to prove my skills later in the league, but…

That doesn’t mean there was nothing to give feedback to team members.

“Hey! How can you be getting beaten up like that! Just… … .”

Anyway, it was true that we lost this practice match, regrettably or not.

All that remained was feedback.


After finishing the afternoon practice schedule and having a light dinner, a huge TV was on in Team PER’s living room.

What was being shown on TV was none other than today’s practice match.

“… … So, what I’m saying is that there were regrets from the early tactics.”

“There was a way to operate it that way.”

“Well, actually, if I go in with you, I’ll explain each and every tactic, but since I can’t join you, there will definitely be times when you need to make your own decisions.”

This practice match had some regrettable aspects in terms of team tactics. I was usually in charge, but since I was out, there was nothing I could do about it.

“So from now on, I’ll play half the practice matches with you and half without you. By the way, that’s the end of the feedback on team tactics. Now let’s look at individual feedback.”

Actually, this was more important feedback.

Since tactics are important anyway, in actual combat, I won’t be giving orders so much as I won’t be making many direct decisions.

“First of all, Kim Do-jun. It’s good that you discovered and used transparent tactics before. However, if you rely only on those tricks, it’s not a joke. Your swordsmanship skills are really at a standstill.”

The one-on-one scene between Kim Do-jun and his opponent during this practice match was shown on a large TV screen.

“Of course, it could be because I haven’t had a teacher to teach me swordsmanship separately until now. That’s why I’m going to invite a separate swordsmanship coach starting next week.

However, it is true that compared to how well you can use your body, your one-on-one skills are lacking. Especially when it comes to using airbeats and air anchors.”

In a fight between hunters, the most important thing is the strength of one’s abilities. The basic skill is how well one handles weapons. There are things like that, but the most important thing is…

‘How well do you handle mana equipment?’

People who treat mana equipment like their own limbs have techniques that allow them to acrobatically dodge attacks that would be unavoidable due to the structure of the human body.

Not only can you evade, but you can also do such unexpected things in attacks.

However, except for Kim Do-jun, no, Ryu Jae-jun, most of the PER team members were unable to escape from using mana equipment in a one-dimensional manner.

“But I guess I’m good at using air anchors… …?”

Kim Do-jun tilted his head and asked back.

As expected… … it wasn’t conveyed well in words. It was hard to convey it no matter what, because it was hard to grasp it by going over each part and using the elasticity of the air anchor to do a half-turn in the air.


“Come here.”


“Hurry up because I’m not doing anything.”

Kim Do-jun made a strange expression. What am I? Do you think I can hit you with a hammer just because you contradicted what I said?

The movement is slow.

“That’s true.”

So I walked towards Kim Do-jun and raised my hand.

“Why… why. Let’s just say it out loud.”

What are you talking about? This isn’t something that can be explained through words.

How can I put that feeling into words?

And the moment I was about to put my hand on Kim Do-jun’s head.


Kim Do-jun waved his arms above his head.

‘What on earth did you know how to do… … ‘

But of course, he easily dodged the arm and easily placed his hand on Kim Do-jun’s head.

And, shared the feeling, the image.

[Full Bloom – Talent Bloom: Commander of the Ideal Dream]: You can completely share what you are imagining with others.

It was a newly awakened ability of Mankai that was revealed when I won the last promotion battle.

Light emanated from the hand that touched Kim Do-jun.

What I am imaging is the battle that could have been done from Kim Do-jun’s perspective during the practice game.

Between the quick sword and the momentary flash of light that creates a gap, the sparkle of light that flashes when you step on the airbeat disappears from sight in an instant.

And a quick sword that changes direction in an instant using an air anchor placed in the air in advance and enters the opponent’s blind spot.

It is different from using mana equipment to primarily fly up and dodge an opponent’s attack or to move.

It was a use of a more advanced dimension, and at the same time, it was a better play that Kim Do-jun could have made.

It wasn’t just a one-time thing.

Again, differently. Once upward, once lowering the posture to under the opponent. Mana equipment and stance, various possible fighting styles, and techniques for one-on-one combat were included without filtering.

After showing off several different fighting styles and Kim Do-jun’s improved fighting style, my vision returned like a TV turning off and on again.

‘Did it go well…?’

I was looking at Kim Do-jun. He wasn’t coming to his senses easily.

Then, after a moment of being dazed, he opened his mouth.

“What was that just now…? What the hell was that?”


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