ReLife Player Chapter 542

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Relife Player 542

[Chapter 147]

[The power to fabricate the truth (4)]

Samra Group.

Eunha did not remember much information about Samra Group.

Because in my previous life, I wasn’t part of a very influential business group.

The groups outside of the top 10 were busy keeping each other in check, so they weren’t in a position to raise their voices against the fairy government… .

Compared to what the teenage group did, it was just cuteness.

In the market relevant to the player.

In the device sector, Galaxy Group and Sirius Group showed strength.

In addition, Alice Group was strong in the potion sector and Youngone Group was strong in the insurance sector.

And Dangun Group, which had great influence in the player market, controlled personal connections and ground distribution.

Samra Group controlled the distribution of aviation and shipping, as well as the energy development sector.

However, Samra Group was lagging behind other groups that dominated the market.

Because the sky and sea were so dangerous, there were limits to the group’s growth.

Because the way to advance to the ground was virtually blocked by the Dangun Group.

Samra Group had no choice but to reign as the vanquished loser of the sky and sea.

Naturally, the Samra Group did not make much of an appearance at official events.

All Eunha remembers about Samra Group is that the person who will one day take office as the chairman of Samra Group is a woman from Odd Eye.

“—Haein, you… aren’t those words too harsh?” “Then why do you come late and make such a fuss? If you were late, you would just come in quietly and stay in your seat. Why are you attracting attention? Are you by any chance a servant?”

“Hey… Oh Hae-in! Do you really want to do this?”


In that sense.

Eunha was speechless when she saw Oh Hae-in, a direct line of Samra Group, suddenly stepping forward and threatening Hong Ye-hwa, a direct line of Dangun Ilbo.

You say something scary… .

Was it killing your personality before regression?

Oh Hae-in, who is openly fighting.

She seemed far from being cautious.

In her previous life, she had not left an impression on Eunha because she was overshadowed by other direct relatives, but at this moment, she was clearly impressed.

What a mess… .

And Eunha frowned.

Oh Hae-in, who behaved calmly in a situation where every word could be used as a sword, was a typical idiot.

He’s an idiot who can’t control his arrogance after becoming part of a teenage group.

At first I thought so.


“—What are you doing in front of Seohyun right now?” “what?”

“Unless you saw Seohyun as water, you wouldn’t have brought an unqualified person in front of you to start an argument, right?”


“Are you aware of who you are dealing with now? Oh, perhaps your mindset hasn’t changed from that of a kindergarten kid?”

“That’s not it! I have no intention of ignoring Seohyun….”

“Then remember clearly. We can no longer get along like we used to.” “…Ugh….”

Eunha soon changed her mind.

Oh Hae-in was angry on behalf of Han Seo-hyun.

Now I see that she has come forward to confront Hong Ye-hwa, as if to protect Han Seo-hyun.

In other words, Oh Hae-in was now completely taking Han Seo-hyun’s side.

“It’s been a while since Seohyun came out, so we shouldn’t ruin the atmosphere of the meeting like this.” “… about that… I’m really sorry….”

Hong Ye-hwa biting her lip tightly.

She lowers her head and shakes her shoulders.

However, Oh Hae-in only made noises and did not pay attention to the girl who had once enjoyed glory and was now in ruin.

“You are no longer the same person you used to be. Understand the situation and act well.”

“…….” “Now then, would you please take your partner, who has been staring at me from earlier, and go somewhere quiet?”

“…Okay, Seohyun, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do this. If you’re angry… I’ll apologize formally next time.” “…No, it’s okay. Call me later. Have a good time today.” “Yes, you too. Oh, congratulations on getting engaged.”

Not the Dangun of the past.

This is not the Samra of the past.

The situation has completely reversed.

Hong Ye-hwa apologized deeply to Han Seo-hyun in front of everyone.

She soon disappeared somewhere, taking the dissatisfied Ontaeyang with her.

Some people followed her.

Because there were so few people, it just looked even more shabby.

Dangun was in decline.

“It’s bad….”

Meanwhile, Oh Hae-in whistled, wondering what was so good about it.

She immediately turned around and spoke to Han Seohyun.

“Hello, Seohyun. It’s been a long time. I wanted to be the first to say hello, but there were a lot of people flocking to you, so I held back until now.” “Okay, hello. It’s been a while.” “…….”

It’s completely different from before.

Eunha immediately looked at Oh Hae-in, who was cheering her up in a friendly atmosphere.

I made eye contact with her.

Odd Eye smiles.


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“Looking up close, he’s really tall, right? Seohyun caught her fiancé very well. Oh, I’m the same age as Seohyun, so can I talk to her?” “…Yes, you do.”

“Let go of you too. If you’re two years apart, you’re still friends.”

“I will, then.”

Like Odd Eye observing the galaxy.

Eunha also observes Oh Hae-in.

Eventually she giggled.

“—You don’t have to be too guarded.”


“I’m not that bad of a person. The only reason I got angry at Yehwa a little while ago was because of a personal matter and because I was annoyed at him belittling you.” “…….”

“But it seemed like you didn’t have a good relationship with that guy earlier… If something like that happens next time, tell me. I’ll show you the lesson instead.”

“It’s okay, there’s no need to do that.”

“Don’t try to hit the wall so hard. I just want to be friendly with you. Come on, let’s shake hands.”

Oh Hae-in holds out her hand.

Eunha looked at the hand for a while and then shook her hand.

The corners of her mouth rise.

Then, he opens his mouth in a clear voice as if he wants others to hear.

“—On behalf of the Samra Group, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your engagement. And congratulations on your relationship with Hayang. I will come back to say hello later when I am with Hayang.”

“”””… … !!””””

Congratulations on saying the group’s name.

That meant there was goodwill at the group level.

It is also a group that occupies the last place in the top 10 business groups.

Oh Hae-in’s remarks were enough to make the people gathered in the hall roll their eyes.

“─Okay, thank you for congratulating me.”

“Okay then, Seohyun. I hope you have a good time today.”

“Ok, thanks.”

Han Seohyun gave a formal response.

Oh Haein hugged her once and bowed his head politely.

“”””… … !!””””

The audience was once again in shock.

Even if we are in the same teenage group.

Naturally, the status of Samra Group, which had just entered the ranks of low-ranking members, and Sirius Group, which was maintaining second place, was different.

However, the relationship between the two groups was by no means a hierarchical relationship like the relationship between military and god.

Nevertheless, the fact that Oh Hae-in bows his head and withdraws politely—.

─Are you saying you’ll wait on your own…? .

It meant that he had no intention of turning Sirius Group into an enemy.

At the same time, it seemed like he would be courteous to the Sirius Group as his superior.

What on earth are you thinking?

Even so, Oh Hae-in’s actions were unconventional.

Eunha looked at her returning to her seat with a complicated expression.

Right then─.

“—Oh Haein’s behavior is natural. There is no need to think about it in a complicated way.”

Next to me, Han Seohyun opened her mouth.

Eunha turned her gaze to her.

Her eyes were also following Oh Haein’s back.

“They call it a minor group, but it came under the name of a teenage group. In this country, a teenage group is a concept that exerts enormous power in people’s perception just by its name.”


“So, from the perspective of the Samra Group, which was newly added to the top 10 groups, there is no way that the Dangun Group, which is still sometimes called one of the top 10 groups by people, not themselves, will look good. The fact that Oh Hae-in embarrassed Hong Ye-hwa is an act of anger on our behalf. “There was a reason to put it out there, but it was just to make people realize that Samra stands above Dangun.”

“…I didn’t even think about that.”

“Dangun Group is the enemy of Samra Group. In the future, Samra Group will probably try to keep Dangun Group in check in order to erase Dangun Group from people’s memories.”

Han Seohyun’s explanation.

Eunha nodded.

Only then did I understand the situation.

If Samra Group plays a role in keeping Dangun Group in check… . I am thankful.

I knew that Dangun Group could not be revived.

Nevertheless, Eunha was still wary of Dangun Group, which still had influence in the player industry.

However, if Samra Group kept things in check, it could be said that worries were alleviated.

“But why did Oaein just bow his head to us?”

“It’s to look good.”

“Is that why you come out in such a low posture?”

“That has to be the case.”

Meanwhile, Eunha asked Han Seohyun about her unanswered questions.

Then she answered as if it was no big deal.

“Sirius secured the largest stake and acquired Dangun Market, which is the core of the player market. Alice also acquired Dangun Distribution.” “…….”

“However, when Dangun was shaken two years ago, other groups did not stay still. Galaxy acquired Dangun Steel, and they also acquired Dangun affiliates elsewhere or stepped up.” “so?”

“Samra Group acquired one of Dangun’s small affiliates, and was able to acquire a small stake in Dangun Market and Dangun Distribution. Even though Samra Group, which had been active only in the air and sea, has found a way to expand by land, it can be said that it has found a way to expand by land. Yes.” “…….”

“So, from Samra Group’s perspective, wouldn’t you try to look good to Sirius Group and Alice Group? Since we are the ones with the largest stake.” “…….”

“In that sense─.”

Han Seohyun turns her gaze.

I look up at the galaxy.

She continues.

“—Samra Group has no choice but to be friendly to you, who has me and Hayang. Do you understand now? Why Oh Hae-in tried to act so politely towards you.” “…Yes. There was a reason for that.”

“But don’t let your guard down.”

“why?” “Right now, Samra Group is trying to honor you for the future, but I don’t know if Samra Group, which will proudly become one of the top 10 groups in the future, will treat you the same way back then.” “…….”

“Samra Group will definitely take over distribution on earth one day. In a world where Dangun has fallen, the only powerhouse in the distribution world is Samra Group.”

Seohyun Han warns.

Eunha listened to her words and looked for Oh Haein again.


From far away.

Oh Haein was waving his hand.

“—That misunderstood girl is from my sister’s class. If you think she’s on your side, she’ll get in big trouble someday. Remember that.” “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Han Seohyun spoke softly.

Eunha nodded.

Before I knew it, I was done receiving congratulations from people outside of my teenage group.

Now all that was left was to say hello to the direct members of the teenage group.

“I can’t believe I have to say hello twice….”

“Are you very tired?”

“…No. It’s okay. Let’s go.”

Once I went around the banquet hall with Han Seohyun, and once I went around the banquet hall with Jeong Hayang.

This is truly inefficient.

Eunha sighed.

Then Jeong Ha, who had her arm intertwined with his, became worried about him.

Because I couldn’t live with her worries.

Eunha worked hard to gather her energy and looked for the person she wanted to meet next.

“Ah, there’s Gunwoong.” “But doesn’t Geonwoong know someone? Do I really need to say hello to him…?”

“Because what we know and what other people know are different. Gunwoong!”

We briefly exchanged greetings with the immediate staff representing the Galaxy Group.

Youngone Group and Luminous Group were the first to finish their greetings.

This was my first conversation with a member of the Fine Group.

At YH Group, Choi Ye-jin accepted the greeting on behalf of Choi Ye-jang, who decided to rest in the lounge.

When I greeted Han Seo-yeon, I felt like I was dying… .

On the other hand, ironically.

When Eunha was greeting Han Seohyun, she had to go say hello to Jeong Ha, and conversely, when she was greeting Jeong Ha, she had to go say hello to Han Seoyeon and Han Seohyun.

At that time, Eunha felt like death.

It was definitely something to see for the people who were there.

Samra’s side treated us very kindly… .

Meanwhile, when Eunha went to meet Ha-yang and Oh Hae-in.

Oh Hae-in treated the two with the utmost hospitality, just as Han Seo-hyun expected.

Anyway, there are two groups left now.

It was just KK and Donghae.

“—As I already said at the academy, congratulations on both of you dating.”

Kim Geon-woong, a direct descendant of KK Group.

Kim Geon-woong, who was chatting with people around him, warmly welcomed Eunha and Jeong Ha-yang.

“Grandfather, your feelings may be different, but… I have no intention of arguing with you. Let’s get along well in the future.”

“You owe me, remember?”

“…Yes, I remember.”

“Let’s get along.”


Gunwoong looked like he had chewed shit for a moment, but his face changed as if he had never done that before.

Eunha burst out laughing at the sight of him struggling with her.

The remaining group now was Donghae Group.

“—Ha… are you here again? I told you to come all at once to say hello. Why are you being so formal?”

“young master.”

“…Okay, you two get along well, okay?”

Jeong Geum-jeon, a direct descendant of Donghae Group.

He sat on the sofa in the corner of the banquet hall and spoke indifferently.

Then he lifted his chin, hummed, and snorted.

“But Jeong kid.” “Yes, why?”

“What on earth do you like about that little guy that you decided to date? No matter how much I think about it, I don’t understand your tastes. Little boy, what do you like about that guy….”

“This guy stopped talking—.”

Jeong Geum-jeon grumbles while pointing at Eunha.

Eunha was dumbfounded and tried to say something.

Right then─.

“—You look good! Oh my!” “”””… … .””””


“You’re so handsome. Another reason why I like Eunha is….” “”””… … .””””

Ha-yang Jeong interrupts Eun-ha’s words.

Shout out confidently as if to make people around you listen.

She chatters excitedly about her crush on Eunha.

Everyone heard that sound.

Jeong Geum-jeon opened his mouth, saying it was absurd.

Lastly, the galaxy─.

“─Hayang, please stop….”

I couldn’t raise my face because I was embarrassed.

If there is even a mouse hole, I want to hide.

Eunha said she lowered her head.

“─Eunha, do you have a moment?”

I’ve also finished greeting people.

The meeting is almost over.

I tried to relax and eat as much food as I could before.

At that time, Yoo Do-jun suddenly approached Eunha.

“Why? What’s going on?”

“It’s a bit awkward to talk here… Why don’t we go outside and talk?”

“…Okay, then.”

Yoo Do-jun’s face was serious.

After observing his expression, Eunha decided to have a conversation outside.

Fortunately, I was able to go up to the rooftop by going up one more floor.


“What’s going on?”

The night wind is lukewarm.

Eunha and Yoo Do-jun, who went out under the summer night sky, leaned on the railing and looked at the night view for a while.

“”… … .””

Myeongdong was bright at night.

The area outside of Seoul was completely dark.

“—I just received a call.”

I was absentmindedly looking around the outskirts of Seoul.

Yoo Do-jun finally opened his mouth.

Eunha listened to his words.

“According to what those who researched the Eternal New Testament found out….”

Gloomy and heavy.

Yoo Do-jun took a deep breath and talked about what he had discovered while researching the Eternal New Testament.

─In the end… , you have reached this far.

A story I heard once in my previous life.

Eunha was impressed by the fact that Yoo Do-jun revealed the darkness of the Eternal New Testament a year earlier than before his return.

However, the story he told was not something that could be overcome with admiration alone.

“—You mean this is it?”


Yoo Do-jun handed over a smartphone.

It was a photo of a research report he had obtained while researching the Eternal New Testament.

Eunha read the title of the report.

“─New Humanity Project….”

New Humanity Project.

It was a report on human experiments.

Even without flipping through a few more photos, Eunha was able to figure out what the Eternal New Testament was planning.

That’s why Yoo Do-jun has a serious face.

Still, you will do it.

The darkness in which the Youngone Group is deeply entangled.

If you make a mistake, Youngone Group will be uprooted.

It was something that could be done.

Nevertheless, Yoo Do-jun came to Eunha with ambition and to correct it.



Therefore, Eunha knew what Yoo Do-jun would say next.

He is no different from before his return.

I looked at Yoo Do-jun, who opened his mouth as if he had decided on something.

“—Let me ask you a favor. If you do it wrong… it’s a favor that could lead to your death.”


As if to give room.

Yoo Do-jun spits out.

But Eunha no longer wanted to listen to what he was saying.

“—Okay, okay. I’ll do you a favor.” “…what?” “I said I would do you a favor. What’s the problem?”

“No, hey… I thought about it carefully….”

“There’s nothing to think about.”


“I told you so.”

Yoo Do-jun stands blankly.

Yoo Do-jun waits for the next words.

Noh Eunha chuckled.

“—I will make you king.”

I owe a lot to Yoo Do-jun.

Now, it’s time to repay that debt.

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