ReLife Player Chapter 521

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Relife Player 521

[Chapter 143]

[Unexplored area]


Something fell on my face.


I came to my senses.

My whole body ached.

As soon as Ontaeyang tried to get up, he frowned at the shock that struck his whole body.

“Where is this…?”

A cave made of blue asbestos.

Even though there was no corner for light to enter, the surrounding area was strangely bright.

And there was no one around.

People and monsters too.

On Taeyang faced an unfamiliar world and remembered why he was here.

“Now that I think about it, back then I….”

Overcoming the pain.

Ontaeyang stood up with difficulty and blurted out his words.

The memories became increasingly clearer.

“Yes… that’s right. I was captured by monsters…”

He was leading the party members to attack the 4th basement floor of the Academy Dungeon.

Ontaeyang, who fell behind compared to the other parties, quite by chance discovered a path leading down from the 4th basement level.

At that time, he intuitively realized that it was a shortcut.

And when I reached the 5th floor underground through that path.

“Those guys….”

Really unlucky.

Ontaeyang’s party encountered monsters in the form of bees.

On Taeyang remembered that time and gritted his teeth.

“This is not the time. We have to hurry and save the other kids.”

Due to Jo Ara having difficulty moving.

The party was captured by the guys.

Ontaeyang also fell victim to their paralyzing poison and was transported somewhere along with the party members.

Then, all of a sudden, I felt a surge of strength and was able to move my body.

Ontaeyang was able to escape from the monsters using an unknown force.

And while running away from them, On Taeyang lost his foot and fell off a cliff.

That was my last memory.

“Where am I?”

I felt like I was very lucky.

Because I stayed alive even after falling off a cliff.

The problem is that you don’t know where you fell.

First of all, Ontaeyang decided to just walk.

“It looks like there are no monsters….”

I passed through a narrow road.

I walked blindly and soon an open space appeared.

What he found there—.


It’s a person.

No, it is the remains of a person.

Only when Ontaeyang got closer did he realize that the person leaning against the wall was already dead.

“What the hell is this….”

A man wearing an academy uniform.

The man’s body looked fine, as if he had just died.

No, it wasn’t fine.

It has been hacked to pieces.

And there was a small hole in the chest area.

Ontaeyang bent his knees to meet the man’s eye level.

The name tag caught my eye.

The whole sun chanted the name.

“─Hong Jin-woo…? Who is it?”

I don’t feel good.

The moment I confirmed the existence of Geumbong.

From then on, Eunha broke through the dungeon by whipping the party members with all her might.

And immediately after reaching the 5th floor underground, he received Jin Seona’s telepathy.

It’s not a fuss.

The dungeon was very well thought out.

Was he grinding his bones?

Along the way, I met Jin Seo-na in person and heard detailed circumstances.


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Eunha was finally able to understand what was happening in the dungeon.

And when I heard that Miss Jeong was organizing a rescue team to rescue the captured students—.


Eunha immediately jumped.

Whether Ariel is asking you to come with her from behind or not.

Even if Kaede Hoshimiya ends up not being able to keep up with his speed.

Eunha ran recklessly, cutting down any monsters she could see.

And so I found Miss Jeong─.

─Look at those?

Even though I deployed protection magic.

Eunha was upset when she found Jeongha surrounded by the guys.

She is definitely Pip

I felt like I was being beaten.

In the end, emotions took precedence.

Eunha followed her heart and recklessly used Platinum Cross.

Anyway, this is how we were able to save Ms. Jeongha.

“Eunha!” “Are you hurt anywhere?”

Monsters no longer appear.

Eunha released the mana wrapped around her sword body and looked back at Jeong Hayang who was behind her.

She was happy to see her holding a bird as bright as a flame.

Soon she lifted the protective spell and fell into his arms.

“Are you really not hurt anywhere?” “Yes, we’re all safe. But… you heard that from Seona on the way, right?”

“I heard everything. People were kidnapped by those guys.”

“So we have to hurry up and go rescue them! If we wait for the players from above to come help us, we’ll be late.”

“I know.”

Hayang Jeong speaks in rapid fire.

He looked majestic just a moment ago.

A feeling of urgency appears on the face.

Although he was under a lot of pressure, he was probably trying to suppress it so as not to show it to other students.

Well done, well done.

It looked great even to me.

Eunha patted her on the back to calm her down.

At first I thought it was dangerous.

Her judgment was correct.

So Eunha wanted to praise her judgment skills.

Above all─.

─You were waiting for me to come. cute.

It felt oddly good that she was relying on him.

That’s really lovely.

It was then that she seemed to have calmed down to some extent and cautiously opened her mouth.

“And so…” “Yes, tell me.”

“Farewell and Minho… were also captured.” “…what?”

“Byeol was captured by monsters, and Minho went to save him but disappeared… I think he was captured along with him.”

“Huh, really….”

Yoon Lee-byeol and Mok Min-ho.

Two people were captured by monsters.

Eunha stuck out her tongue after hearing a story that Jin Seo-na had never heard before.

She seemed to have decided that she would hear it directly from Jeong Hayang.

Even so, what he had to do didn’t change.

“I have to go rescue him right now.”

“Yes, I think it has to be like that. Eunha, that’s why….”


“…You can do it, right?”

We can’t delay time like this.

Eunha decided to go rescue the students who were captured by monsters.

At that time, Jeong Ha grabbed his collar and asked.

“You don’t trust me?”


Jeong Ha-yang’s anxious eyes.

Eunha chuckled.

Then, were you influenced by his attitude?

Soon she also relaxed her frozen face and shook her head.

“─No. I trust you. If I don’t trust you, Eunha, who will I trust?”

“Don’t worry too much. I will take care of everything. Just trust me.” “…huh.”

Jeongha is quite short.

Eunha patted her head and raised her head to the students who were looking at her.

“”””… … .””””

The students’ eyes are hot.

The students who volunteered to join the rescue team to save their friends were all thrilled that Eunha had come.

Also, he goes forward─.

“—Who wants to go with me to save the kids?”

“”””Oh!! The only person who can do something like this is Eunha!””””

They told me what they wanted.

The students clenched their fists.

According to Jeong Ha-yang’s information.

Considering that monsters appeared in the well behind the main hall, it is said that there must be a huge space in the well for them to live in.

In other words, it was speculation that there was a 6th floor underground.

Because the dungeon has changed, this place has also changed quite a bit.

It wouldn’t be that strange if 6 underground floors were created as a result of the dungeon’s transformation.

Eunha approached the well.

When I stuck my head into the well, all I could see was endless darkness.

When the detection net was spread out, a weak amount of mana was detected.

But I wasn’t sure if there really was a new layer beneath the well.

I have no choice but to go down and see for myself.

“—Then I’ll organize a party to come down with me.”

First, Eunha decided to reorganize the rescue team into two groups.

One group must stay here and guard the well.

Logging-type monsters did not exist only on the 5th underground floor.

As there were various paths connecting each floor, they were moving around on any floor.

So, we had to assume the possibility of being attacked from behind by those guys.

“Hayang, you stay here. I want you to stay and keep the monsters from approaching the well.”

“…Can’t I go with you too?”

“No, it’s dangerous. Just stay here.”

“…Don’t be overprotective. I have strength too.”

“I’m not being overprotective. It’s because you’re the only one who can command the remaining people.” “If that’s the case… yes, okay.”

Eunha decided to leave behind Jeongha.

On the other hand, I felt very uncomfortable leaving her alone as she was weak in close combat.

So he decided to add the names of his friends who could handle melee combat.

“Choi Eun-hyuk, Kang Si-hyung, and Kim Min-ji. You, too, stay here.”

“Huh? Captain, me too?”

“Oh, you too.”

I guess I didn’t know I would be called.

Eunhyuk Choi opened his eyes wide.

He asked Eunha, pointing at himself with his finger.

Eunha answered briefly.

Then Eunhyuk Choi made a disapproving expression.

“I’ll go down too and save the kids….”


“…Yes… I’ll do my best, Captain.”

Take care of the white ones.

Eunha just opened her mouth.

Eunhyuk, who was trying to persuade Eunha, quickly changed his mind.

I had a gut feeling that if I went against it for no reason, something bad would happen.

Meanwhile, Minji Kim next to her clicked her tongue as if the two were pathetic.

“Fool, you’re going with me.”

“Oh! That’s right! I have to put it in!”

“Ariel um….”

“Me! Me! I can be really good! I’ll be disappointed if you leave without me! Hurry up and take Ariel, who can even beatbox with telepathy!”

“You really… ha…, yeah. You just stay next to me.”

“Huh? Really? Then from now on I’ll stick to Noh Eun-ha like a gum ticket?”


We don’t know what will happen in the world beyond the well.

The more contacts you had, the better.

Eunha added Jinparang and Ariel to her party.

It was decided to leave a minimum number of telepathists in Ha-yang Jeong’s party.

“The next person to go with me is….”

A mission to enter the monster’s lair and rescue the students.

The galaxy gathered a party mainly of people skilled in combat.

Now it was time to select supporters.

Of course, a supporter with skills that will satisfy the galaxy—.

“—I’m going.”


There is only one Cha Eunwoo.

When he thought that and tried to call her name.

Cha Eun-woo, who was among the students, suddenly raised his hand.

“Let me go. You’ll need someone to treat the captives. I’ll take that role. I can do a good job.”


Cha Eun-woo’s attitude was stubborn.

Eunha hesitated to answer.

Although I was initially thinking of adding her to the party.

Were his eyes that cruel?

Cha Eun-woo’s eyes are fierce.

A face that looks like it’s full of poison.

This was not the Cha Eunwoo he usually knew.

Eunha wondered if it would be okay to take Cha Eun-woo away like this.

After thinking and thinking again—.

“—Don’t leave my side, either.” “Yes, thank you. I will make sure not to disturb you, Eunha.”

Seeing the desperation in Cha Eun-woo’s eyes.

Eunha added her to the party.

Thus, the student party centered around Noh Eun-ha, Bae Su-bin, Jin Parang, Ariel, Cha Eun-woo, Hoshimiya Kaede, and Bong Gu-rae was completed.

“…But Eunha. Actually, this is something I wanted to ask you earlier.” “Yeah. What is it?”

“Is that the bird above your head from a moment ago the one that came from that egg?”

“Oh, right. I forgot to introduce myself. Hey, say hello.”

After organizing the party.

Eunha stood in front of the well with the party members entering the unexploited zone.

Also, the remaining students gathered to see them off to protect the well.

Jeong Ha, who represented them, asked cautiously.

In fact, it was a question that all students wanted to ask.

“Beep beep beep beep pup ppp!”

“The name is Buldak!”

“”””… … .””””

Let’s have Eunha say hello.

A baby bird perched above Eunha’s head chirped.

Ariel peeked out from behind Eunha Noh and told her the name of the baby bird.

The students made awkward expressions.

Jeong Ha-yang also looked embarrassed.

“Boo, Buldak…?”

“Beep beep beep!”

“It’s called Fire Chicken because it looks red like fire!”

Buldak was so satisfied that he couldn’t say that he didn’t like the name.

Eunha couldn’t answer.

Actually, Ariel answered.

“Uh…, um…. It’s a name that sounds like you’d like fried noodles, right?”

Hwansu says he likes himself, so what can he do?

Jeong Ha looked embarrassed.

She said, scratching her cheek.

Then he stretched out his hand to Eunha.

“Do you want to come here?” “Beep beep beep!”

Did you know the meaning of the hand gestures?

Buldak flies to Jeong Hayang.

Ha-yang Jeong, who caught the bird with both hands, checked the water up close.

“I think I can find out by checking the player library… but it doesn’t seem like it’s using a common monster as a base, does it?”

“Beep beep?”


“Yeah… Ah, I think I saw a monster similar to Buldak before. What was it? It seems like the hierarchy was pretty high….”

It seems that Jeongha sensed something from Buldak.

Eunha giggled softly.

I remember how surprised Jeong Ha would be after finding out the identity of the bird she was holding.

“I’ll tell you when I get back. You might be surprised.”

“Is it that much?”

“Sure. I’m preparing to be surprised.”

“Yes, I will. Anyway, should I come back without getting hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry.”


“Yes, really.”

“No. I don’t believe this.” “What if I don’t believe you?” “Hey.” “beep?”

Having a conversation with Eunha.

Hayang Jeong spoke to Buldak, who had been sitting quietly in her arms.

Buldak tilted his head.

“Please take care of my boyfriend. Can you take care of him and make sure he doesn’t get hurt by overdoing it?” “Huh….”

Miss Jeong asks a favor to the baby bird.

Eunha burst out laughing at the sight of her appearing to be doing a skit.

Jeong Hayang soon followed him and laughed.

“Bah bah bah!”

Buldak escaped from her arms.

The bird, which was circling above the two people’s heads, soon settled on Eunha’s head and laid on its bottom.

“Then I’m leaving?”

“Oh, and Eunha.”

“Why again?”

“Remember what I said earlier?”

Eunha took on the role of the vanguard to be the first to enter the unexplored zone.

When he was about to go into the well.

Miss Jeong called him.

“Our role is to rescue the captured kids, not to take down the boss who will be there.” “…….” “You know, right?”

Just a little while ago.

There was a story she only told him.

It was said that there was a high possibility that the one who reigned over them was a tier 4 monster.

Will it lower the morale of students for no reason?

A story that Miss Jeong did not tell other students.

Fourth tier monster.

Assuming it was influenced by the dungeon, it is a disaster-level monster that is estimated to be at least 4th tier overrank.

Eunha recalled the story she mentioned.

“Don’t worry. Do you really think I’d be confused about something like that?”

<Yemma> Not even Kang Hyeon-cheol.

How many people would do something crazy like catch a fourth-tier monster on their own?

Also, unless you are an idiot, who would try to fight the boss with a party made up of students?

That will never happen.

Noh Eunha boasted.

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