ReLife Player Chapter 510

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Relife Player 510

[Chapter 139]

[Phoenix’s Egg (4)]

For a moment, I wondered what had happened.

The tongue came in.

I only remember the feel of it.

“—Are you out of your mind?”


“What did you do to me?”

Eunha came to her senses late.

At that time, Han Seohyun had already taken his hand and the two of them had just left the player market.

Unlike when he faced Kang Hyeon-cheol in the Player Market.

People on the street did not pay attention to the two people.

He squeezed her hand and made her stop.

This sister is really… .

Do you have thoughts or not?

Han Seohyun kissed.

In front of many people, especially players who are very soft-spoken.

Han Seo-hyun, a direct descendant of Sirius Group, created a scandal that lowered her own value.

Even though she got out of trouble thanks to creating a scandal, it didn’t pay off.

It was too much.

But she actually─.

“—I kissed you?”

After looking ahead for a while.

She said this long after Eunha had finished asking her question.

The way he looked back and spoke was so shameless.

It’s like they’re asking what they did wrong.

what? Am I weird?

Why is this sister so shameless?

Eunha was dumbfounded.

He stuck out his tongue.

Her attitude was so calm that I thought she was making a fuss for no reason.

I groaned inside, but no.

“…Why did you kiss me?” “Because it was the most efficient way to get out of that situation.”


“Thank you, didn’t you get out safely?”

Seohyun Han asks with a smile.


It was indeed efficient.

And it was so unconventional.

Eunha closed her mouth for a moment after hearing those words from her.

Then, as if she had gained momentum─.

“—Isn’t it strange for fiancés to kiss each other? We were able to get out of that situation safely, and we spread the fact that we were engaged to the people around us, so wasn’t it cheap with just one kiss?”

“…What is it? Why am I embarrassed and why is my sister okay? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?”

“It’s a strange thing to be ashamed of. Kissing… what’s the big deal?”


“Looking at things like this, you’re still young, right?” “Huh, really….”

Now she’s making fun of herself.

Eunha was so shocked that she laughed.

She doesn’t seem to think anything of it.

On the other hand, I didn’t like the situation in which I reacted sensitively.

At the same time, it was annoying that she didn’t seem to treat her body with respect.

“It was like that when my sister got engaged to that guy….”

So I had no choice but to ask.

And he got angry and started talking and then flinched.

Han Seohyun was glaring coldly.

“—Do you think I did that?”

“…I’m sorry. I was so angry.” “It’s not that I don’t understand that you misunderstand. But next time you say something like that…, you know?”


“I apologize for kissing you without saying anything, but I really had no other choice at the time.”


Was there really no other way?

Eunha calmly looked at her, letting go of her angry feelings.

No matter how much I think about it─.

─Don’t you like me?

Then why did you stick your tongue in?

That question never left me.

But I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.


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Last time, I asked him if he liked me.

What did she say then?

‘Maybe you like me?’

‘You know that’s excessive self-consciousness, right?’

If you ask her again now, she will make fun of herself without even blinking.

So Eunha decided to say it back with that meaning in mind.

“—I told you this before.”

“What?” “I have no intention of marrying my sister. I feel sorry for her, but just getting engaged means I have achieved my goal.”

Eunha recalled her promise.

Han Seohyun’s eyes open wide.

But that too for just a moment.

Han Seohyun, who quickly wrinkled the corners of her eyes, opened her mouth.

“—That goes for me as well. Why are you doing this because you think I might ask you to marry me?” “…….”

“I probably won’t be clinging to you, so don’t worry about that.”

“…is it true?” “Then you shouldn’t have feelings for me later.” “Do you think I will?” “Then why are you so embarrassed about kissing me?” “…….”

“And it seems like you’ve been staring at my lips since a while ago… Maybe it’s because of my mood, right?”

Seohyun Han giggles softly.

Eunha didn’t say anything.

And yet, there was something displeasing about it.

Eunha made a sullen face.

Why do I feel like I’m caught up in this sister’s pace?

Strangely, it feels like I’m losing.

He thought it wasn’t like him and decided to go on the offensive.

I was determined to stop seeing Han Seohyun embarrassed.

“Anyway, kissing is also a means?”

“Yes. Shouldn’t we do whatever it takes to get what we want? We had an arranged marriage anyway.” “I guess that’s right. So, from now on, I’m just going to kiss you strategically?” “…Like that.”

“Really? Then I have to kiss you now too.” “why?”

“What did the people at the market think when they saw me? They must have made fun of me and called me a shy guy. So this time, I have to kiss them first to show them that it wasn’t like that.” “…That makes sense. Then where do you plan on doing it?”

“Where are you going? I have to do it here.” “…On the main street?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Why are you hesitating now?”

I got caught.

Eunha smiled triumphantly.

When he saw Seohyun Han confused, he took a step forward.

Place your hand on her cheek.

She froze.

“And sister. You don’t know how to kiss, do you?”

“…what?” “Just inserting your tongue is not enough.” “What… what are you trying to do?” “Why don’t you experience it yourself?” “…….” “Close your eyes.”

Han Seohyun’s eyes are shaking.

Now I see that my neck is bright red.

He pressed himself close to her.

Only then did she close her eyes tightly, as if she had sensed something.

I need to blow some chestnuts on my forehead.

It’s a punishment for making fun of yourself.

Eunha pretended to kiss her and planned to hit her on the forehead.

Right then.

“─Um…, guys? I’m sorry the two of you are in a private relationship, but can you have a conversation with me?”

“Hey! You should finish what you’re doing!”

“”… … .””

Before I knew it, Hye-rim Park was nearby.

Eunha loosened her hold on Han Seohyun when she saw her suddenly appear without any trace.

… When did you follow me?

Even the crazy squid followed.

Eunha crumpled her face.

I thought about running away again, but…

“—Hey, Eunha. Would you please give me a moment to look at my face? I’ll make sure that person doesn’t make a fuss.” “…….”

“It’s not like I’m asking for the phantom beast’s egg. I already convinced you of that. It’s just… ugh, that person said he wanted to talk to you….”

Park Hye-rim asks for an explanation.

Twelve Places <Virgin> Park Hye-rim.

At the same time, a player of Regulus Clan.

He was the teacher and senior of his older sister Noh Eun-ah.

“…all right.”

She asked him to do so, so in the end, he had no choice.

It’s a market so let’s eat


That person spoke brightly.

As a member of the Twelve, he has no respect.

Park Hye-rim, who asked someone else to do the work for a while, felt sorry for the person sitting next to her and just wanted to sigh.

“Hye-rim, add more dadaegi. That way it’s delicious.”

“I will eat it myself.”

A sundae soup restaurant located near COEX.

After being guided by that person, she came in and slowly ate the sundae soup placed in front of her.

It was frustrating but delicious.

Soon she quietly raised her head and looked at the two people sitting across from her.

“The sundae is hot, so if you eat it now, it will burn the roof of your mouth. Put it in a separate bowl… No, I’ll do it for you.” “Okay, thanks. Do you want some pepper?”

“If you give it to me, I’ll eat it.”



Did you say they were engaged?

Noh Eun-ha and Han Seo-hyun.

The relationship between the two seemed friendly.

She looked happily at Eunha, who was taking the sundae out of Han Seohyun’s bowl of sundae soup, and Seohyun, who was feeding him green peppers.

What Euna said was correct.

It wasn’t an arranged marriage like people said.

They seem to get along well.

Noh Eun-ha, younger sister of Noh Eun-ah from <The Seed>.

Noh Eunha, whom Park Hye-rim remembered, was a child who was determined to protect her older sister more than ten years ago.

A child who seemed to get goosebumps just by getting close to him.

However, the child has grown taller now and is taking good care of his fiancé.

Within her, the image of Eunha changed positively.

On the other hand─.

“—Kya, as expected, the soup at this place is the best.” “…….”

How has this person remained the same for over ten years?

She couldn’t help but criticize him for eating so greedily.

I felt strangely bad.

I could say that the reason for my bad mood was actually not a big deal.

It was the same restaurant that he and Kang Hyeon-cheol knew.

Eunha’s pride was hurt.

I should never come here again.

If you come here to eat sundae soup, that guy might stop by.

Still, it was satisfying to see Han Seohyun enjoy the sundae soup.

Eunha glanced at her as she carefully ate the soup.

The mouth was very small.

“—Ah, it was a good meal.”

Around that time.

As soon as the sundae soup came out, Kang Hyeon-cheol, who had been eating the rice without letting it cool down, put down his spoon.

It was as if the gift of <Yeomhwa> was protecting the palate.

Anyway, Eunha moved her spoon to eat.

“Hey, Eunha. So….”


So that’s it.

Since when on earth did he start talking to me in a friendly way?

Eunha couldn’t understand.

Of course, I was getting sundae soup for free.

Meanwhile, the way Kang Hyeon-cheol, who had been eating without saying anything until now, brought up the topic was absurd.

Until now, player Park Hye-rim has been talking to me, but what is he talking about?

Let’s eat sundae.

I decided to just ignore it.

Eunha ate without even looking at him.

Anyway, Kang Hyeon-cheol said while picking his teeth with a toothpick.

“Ever since I saw that egg at the auction, I felt like I had to have it… but what can I do? I can’t take away what you bought.”

“Just try taking it from me. Then I’ll really tell Seoyoung unnie. No, taking things from a child is something an adult would do, right?”

“So you said you wouldn’t do it?”

Kang Hyeon-cheol and Park Hye-rim arguing.

It was a sight that Eunha had seen several times in her previous life.

So I looked at Han Seohyun.

Eat well.

It was worth bringing him in.

Shall we tease them by asking them to eat sundae soup and kiss later?

Han Seohyun cooks rice.

Eunha placed radish radish slices on top that were cut into pieces that were easy to eat.

She was momentarily surprised and responded with a smile.

Meanwhile, the conversation between the two people sitting across from me had ended.

“—I won’t take the egg, so let’s have a fight with me instead!”

“I don’t like it.”

“why not!?”

Kang Hyeon-cheol suggested cheerfully.

The tone of voice was as if he was asking us to go somewhere to have fun, and it was a voice that seemed to be overlooked.

But Eunha was perplexed.

There was nothing to be embarrassed about.

I had gotten sick of Kang Hyeon-cheol’s sparring suggestions in my previous life.

However, Kang Hyeon-cheol had no idea that he would reject the offer.

Eunha’s answer was simple.

“I’m not even a player, so how can I spar with Blaze Clanlord? Moreover, with someone who is as powerful as the Twelve.”

“Hey, I have brains too. I’m not asking for a fight right now.”

“Then when is it?” “hmm….”

Eunha asked in an annoyed tone.

After receiving the question, Kang Hyeon-cheol seemed lost in thought for a moment.

Immediately, he sat down on the chair and stumbled backwards—.

“—It probably won’t be possible this year, but I think I’ll go to the Academy and give a lecture next year?”

“So?” “You will also have turned 19 by then, so wouldn’t you have grown up to some extent compared to now?” “Maybe so.” “Let’s go and have a game then. As a senior, I’ll teach you a lesson.”

“Yes, I refuse.” “Why? Why?”

Kang Hyeon-cheol looks like he can’t refuse his offer.

Eunha calmly recalled her memories.

Now that I think about it, I think it was next year.

The crazy squid came to the cultural festival and gave a lecture… .

There was nothing really wrong with the lectures, such as the emphasis on perseverance.

Eunha smiled bitterly inwardly.

At that time, I remembered attending a lecture with Lee Yu-jeong and returning midway in disappointment.

Anyway, Eunha refused.

“What is the reason?”

“Because there is no benefit to me. Why should I use my strength to spar with him?” “…This is my first time being treated like this.” “That’s too bad.” “What do you want? My brother has a lot of money.” “A person like that can’t even pay 6 billion?” “Hey! Whose name is 6 billion!?”

“Anyway, I don’t need the money.”


Han Seohyun finished eating.

Eunha slowly thought about getting up from her seat.

I didn’t want to be involved with Kang Hyeon-cheol anymore.

There was no reason to spar with no benefit.


“─Then, if you can’t make money, how about this?”

“…What is it?”

Kang Hyeon-cheol caught him.

Eunha looked at Kang Hyeon-cheol, who seemed to have had a bright idea.

He smiled triumphantly.

It looked exactly like squid legs wriggling in a disgusting way.

But what he said was completely different from what he said.

“─How about issuing a statement of support from Blaze Clan?” “…yes?” “I will issue a statement of support.”


“The news is spreading around here that you will be creating your own party when you graduate from the academy.”

“So?” “But since the rumor is so widespread that the protruding stone is correct, there must be people around you who don’t like you making a party, right?” “…….”

“So, if you create a party, Blaze Clan will issue a statement of support to the industry. Oh, a statement congratulating the launch? Is that correct?”

This is ridiculous.

Eunha opened her mouth.

How can Kang Hyeon-cheol think like that?

This guy is really crazy… .

I really want to fight, so I turn my head.

When Eunha saw Park Hye-rim next to her with a surprised expression on her face, she became convinced that Kang Hyeon-cheol had found the answer on his own.

Anyway, it’s a statement of support… .

A statement of support from an S-class clan.

There certainly wasn’t enough background to be useful.

If the party you will make one day suffers some kind of misfortune, if it is a misfortune caused by someone’s conspiracy.

At that time, BlazeClan will point its sword at them.

Therefore, there is no way that someone would attack their party without going crazy.

hmm… .

It’s not a bad suggestion.

Eunha was worried.

Still, my heart was not strongly moved.

This is a statement of support from an S-class clan. Does this mean that only Blaze Clan can accept it?

At the end of the story, when he tried to refuse─.

“—I will take responsibility and ask Regulus to issue a statement of support. If not, I will provide artifacts or jurisdiction that I can use.” “Hey? Why are you suddenly dragging me in? Huh?”


Hyuncheol Kang added a suggestion.

The added proposal was fascinating.

There are not one, but two supporting statements.

It could be said that it was not a bad offer for Eunha.

There’s no way you wouldn’t receive a statement of support from Regulus Clan… .

If anything happens, all you have to do is take away Blaze Clan’s property… .

It’s not bad.

At this level, it was worth mixing up the swords.

At that moment, Han Seo-hyun, who turned her head and made eye contact, also had eyes that told her to accept the offer.

“─Okay. Be sure to keep your promise.”

“Ah! I don’t keep my promise!”

“And since I’m an academy student, can you please take a look?” “What? How?”

“…Not using artifacts? And since it’s only a sparring match, don’t use dangerous magic?” “That’s about it, well….”

“Instead, I use artifacts.”

“Hmm… Okay, I get it.”

Thus, Eunha signed an unequal treaty with Kang Hyeon-cheol.

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