ReLife Player Chapter 184

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Relife Player 184

[Chapter 061]

[Thunderbolt and Silence]

A state of emergency has occurred in Seoul.

Cocoon, which was deployed transparently in the sky over the Gangbuk area, was shaken violently enough to be seen by the citizens.

Cracks appeared in the cocoon 43 minutes after the impact.

The monsters broke Cocoon’s barrier without fear of dispersal of the mana that constitutes their existence.

[─It is disseminated by the Information Bureau of the Mana Management Organization. At 9:51 a.m. on November 16, 7, the existence of a group of monsters was confirmed in the sky above Jongno-gu, Seoul.

As of now, all players located in Jongno-gu, please follow the instructions and subdue the group of monsters.

The average rank of the confirmed group of monsters is the 7th rank—.]

Fortunately, Cocoon had magic added to automatically repair small cracks.

There were only about 20 monsters that invaded the Cocoon.

There was no secondary invasion of monsters.

However, he could not disrespect the leader of the monsters.


A monster that wields wings bent like hooks at the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.

A monster with a mane like a lion and a tail reminiscent of a scorpion.

Finally, a figure that seemed to mix the appearance of an old man and a beast was emitting red eyes.


Third tier Manticore.

A monster with the power of disaster and disaster just by its existence muttered a sound corresponding to infrasound in its mouth.

Even if he was lowered by one hierarchy under the influence of Cocoon, if he sent a guy with a 4th hierarchy to the city center, an unspeakable mess could happen.

I had to kill him before that.

“…Impossible. What to do with that guy in the helicopter!”

The helicopter carrying Shinra Clan members was gliding directly above the Manticore.

The guy who was ruthlessly navigating through the blue lightning clouds didn’t seem to care about the helicopter.

“We can’t subdue the Manticore here. Even if he rampages, we have to lure him to a place where civilians are not harmed.”

Yang Hee-jung, the navigator who sat next to the helicopter c*ckpit, comforted the clan members who were trembling with anxiety.

Inside the helicopter, where the range of motion was limited, there was no way he could do anything about it.

In addition, Manticore possessed the ability to manipulate lightning freely.

Air battles were at a disadvantage against the Manticore.

“—Player Heejeong Yang, please tell me where the damage won’t be affected in this area.”

It was a time when Shinra Clan members looked down on the Manticore and were anxious.

Unlike them, the man sitting in the back seat of the helicopter opened his mouth in a calm tone.

The man, who had a kind and gentlemanly personality and an appearance as smooth as a sculpture, was holding his sword without showing any emotional agitation.

Twelve Seats <Thunder Emperor> Lee Do-jin.

He was one of only three dealers in the Twelve.

“Let’s check it now! Currently…, the area where damage can be minimized…, is the playground of Doan Elementary School!” “Are you in the direction the Manticore is headed?”

“In a little while, the Manticore will pass over Doan Elementary School!”

Lee Do-jin unbuckled his seat belt and stood up.

Holding a sword that reached from the floor to his waist with one hand, he walked out to the control stick.

“Player Yang Hee-jeong, please contact Doan Elementary School. We will drop monsters on the playground from now on, so evacuate everyone.”

“Yes! I understand! Contact me right now…, wait a minute, Mr. Lee Do-jin…, drop…?” “No time for explanation. Pilot, please drive the chopper right over the manticore.”

“…Yes? That’s impossible! The current airflow isn’t stable, and blue jets are generated around it…”

“I will do something about lightning. Please lower the altitude as much as possible.”

The pilot swallowed.

The worry didn’t last long.

The pilot holding the control stick began to lower the altitude little by little.

In the meantime, Yang Hee-jeong, who received the instructions, contacted the clan members on the ground through telepathy.

“Mr. Lee Do-jin, Tempest Clan contacted me! Player Su-jin Yoo said that he would secure a sniping range within 15 minutes!”

Heejeong Yang shouted.

The faces of the clan members brightened.

Even if the Manticore was demoted to the 4th tier, there was anxiety about subjugating it with the minimum number of people.

I couldn’t help but feel relieved that another Twelve would assist me from a distance.

There was one more piece of good news.

The pilot turned up the radio transmitted to the helicopter loudly.

A woman’s voice could be heard intermittently between the intermittent signals while the manticore was thickly covering the surroundings, interfering with communication.

[—W… Is… print… Memory… . again… one… I tell you. This is the Presis memory. now… design… Heading to school. expected too… Time is about 12 minutes. again… horse-… … … .]

The third zodiac is heading to Doan Elementary School.

Lee Do-jin, who heard the radio, instructed the pilot to go down a little more with his finger.

The pilot with a bad grip on this pulled the control stick.

The aircraft shook as the blue current entered the glowing clouds.

Even so, even if the helicopter was shaken by the air current, it did not happen to be hit by the blue jet.

Because Lee Do-jin, who owns the gift of <Thunderfire>, sent all the current that touches the helicopter.

“Player Heejeong Yang. Calculate how much time is left to reach Doan Elementary School.” “You have 3 minutes left!” “yes.”

3 minutes.

Thinking about how little time was left, he drew his sword from the scabbard.

A sentence was engraved on the blade of the blade, which was revealed only when mana was injected.


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A device requested from the best maestro and crestor in Korea.


The sword, made with materials obtained in Uijeongbu last year, embraced the owner’s mana and was wrapped in dazzling light.

“Open the door, please.”

The clan members looked at him in puzzlement as he threw the scabbard into the back seat.

I want you to open the door out of nowhere

No matter how skillful he was with lightning, it was impossible to defeat that monster in this situation.

Nevertheless, Lee Do-jin, holding the mistletoe, spoke again without changing his eyes.

“Please open it.”

2 minutes.

A feeling of pressure, as if I had to listen.

Feeling the weight of his words, Hunter swallowed and opened the door.

In an instant, a strong wind blew into the helicopter.

People in the seats screamed shrilly.

Holding the head of the seat with one hand and holding the mistletoe with the other, Lee Do-jin looked down at his feet as if he was about to jump off at any moment.

The Manticore was roaring in the rushing lightning.


1 min.

He lifted the mistletoe up to his face and manifested mana in his body.

The gift of <Thunderfire> converts the mana expressed outside the body into an electric current that does not succumb to the lightning flashing through the clouds.

Made it up.

“…Player Dojin Lee! What are you trying to do now!”

30 seconds.

He didn’t pay attention to the cries of his clan members and injected mana into his blade.

Calmly, he recited an incantation to materialize the magic.

“I can’t go any lower than this!”

20 seconds.

The pilot shouted as the helicopter hovered in the unstable air current.

Enough already.

Mistletoe already had enough energy.

The dazzling blue light of the blade sent sparks towards the monster below.

“I’ll go first and wait for you.”

“Yes? What!?”

10 seconds.

Lee Do-jin jumped from the helicopter without hesitation without even wearing a parachute.

He glared at Manticore’s back and gave strength to his sword.


5 seconds.

The mistletoe released the mana from the blade all at once.

At the same time, he also explosively released the mana he had been suppressing in his body.


3 seconds.

2 seconds.

Landing on Manticore’s back, Dojin Lee stabbed the mistletoe.

cerebral fracture

1 sec.

The lightning that devours the world came together and fell.

“Everyone don’t be afraid and calmly wait in class. You must never go outside.”

The children in Class 3 of the 5th grade were trembling with anxiety.

It had to be.

Just a little while ago, there was a broadcast telling people not to go out to the playground because monsters were going to fall from the sky.

It is no wonder that the children in class went into a panic after hearing the broadcast.

Im Do-hun, who stopped class, looked out the window while reading the children.

“Captain, can we stay here? Shouldn’t we run away?”

“…you don’t have to.”

The weather was exceptionally cloudy today.

Lightning flashed from time to time in the clouds on the other side.

Eun-ha, who was only looking out the window while listening to class, shook her head.

There was no need to evacuate.

The fact that the Mana Management Organization notified it meant that preparations had already been completed.

“The players will arrive in a little while. Don’t worry too much.”

Maybe it’s a good opportunity.

Eun-ha looked back at her friends gathered at the table. No one was as frightened as the children in her class.

Among them, he turned his gaze to Minji and Eunhyuk.

“Kim Min-ji and Choi Eun-hyuk, take this opportunity to watch how the players fight.”

The two take an entrance exam to the Players Secondary Academy next year.

For the two of them who decided to become players, it would be a learning experience to see how the players deal with the monsters that appear.


“Since you say… well, I will.”

The two nodded.

Serna also followed them to the window to see if they were interested.

“Hayang-ah. Can’t you feel anything?”

“It’s very… it feels scary.”

“Where?” “In the sky.”

Hayang did not leave his side.

She has an excellent sense of receiving information through mana, and she shrank from the energy she felt in the dark clouds.

Eunha also gradually recognized the presence of touching the sensor net and hardened her face.

He wasn’t a good guy.

Although it hadn’t revealed itself yet, it was a monster belonging to a high rank, judging from how much energy it could detect.

Where are the players?

The mana management organization must have taken some action.

However, even after time passed, the figure of the player could not be seen.


“Don’t stand there, sit here.”


I was restless at the approaching energy of Hayang.

Eunha hid her embarrassing feelings.

There was no need to reveal it.

It’s because if you have a spare time, you can drag it.

Feigning composure, he tapped on the empty seat next to him.

White, whose expression changed quickly, came and sat down next to him.

I didn’t say to hold your hand.

That’s how anxious Hayang was.

Eun-ha, who pretended not to know, held her hand and turned her head at the presence of a person who had come very close.


distance that can now be discerned with the naked eye.

A roar like that of a wild beast echoed.

Then, the lightning that dyed the world white divided into dozens of strands and fell violently.

The children covered their ears and screamed.

“let’s go.”


“In case you don’t know, prepare the protection magic at any time.”

Eun-ha, who did not let go of Ha-yang’s hand, got up from her seat to check the shape that had fallen on the playground while the white beam of light was slowly diminishing.

All the children sat down as they looked directly at the lightning that colored the outside of the window white.

I passed them and approached where my friends were.

“Eunha… isn’t it dangerous?”

Serena asked as she looked at the monster that was limping and trying to stand up.

Even though it was hit by lightning, the monster was still alive, exuding vicious aura.

“…no, that’s fine.”

He is a third tier disaster disaster class monster, Manticore.

But for some reason, the mana that made up the guy’s body was unstable.

The guy couldn’t control the mana leaking out of his body.

What’s more, the guy who fell after being hit by dozens of lightning bolts was not in a state where he could move properly.

“Are you okay? Are you sure you’re okay? She looks like she’s hurt a lot now, but the players haven’t even come yet!”

“Why can’t there be no players.”

Eunha pointed at the manticore with her chin at Minji’s voice.

It wasn’t just the Manticore that fell from the sky.

It was not easy to detect because the mana that made up the guy’s body was scattered around, but there was one person who walked out of the place where the lightning fell.

The man who came out of the rising smoke, shaking like a haze, had electric current wrapped around his body.


The man struck the sword in a straight line.

The sound of the sky ripping directly hit the manticore, which stood up from its seat.

I didn’t expect to see you here… .

Eun-ha was deeply moved when she saw a player who reigned like a king against a monster who handled lightning freely.

I didn’t even have to go out.


<Brain Emperor> Lee Do-jin.

Because he was one of the three players who later became the strongest player in Korea.

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