ReLife Player Chapter 135

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Relife Player 135

[Chapter 051]

[Reasonable price for the position]

It was June. It was when the days started to warm up.

Perhaps that is why the number of people gathering in Gwanghwamun to hold a rally is gradually decreasing.

Placards that could be seen anywhere on the roadside, saying, “The world where the vested interests can do anything is wrong,” became part of the road people walked through.

Of course, the reason why criticism and public opinion about the dawn group started to stabilize is not because of the heat.

As soon as he took office as the second president of the Dawn Group, Lee Jeong-in bowed his head in an apology to the public and confessed that he would not spare compensation for those who were sacrificed, and would live with the sins committed by his brother deeply in his heart.

In addition, he revealed his will to abandon the tradition as a dawn group and start anew under the name of Luminous.

Anyway, it’s just a show.

Lee Byung-in, who should have been criticized, was sentenced to death, and the management of Dawn Group changed drastically, and now even the name of the group was changed, so the reason for people to hold a rally began to disappear one by one.

as if it had been put together.

Just in time, the mass media continued to report on the dating of top stars, and reported drug charges of famous celebrities, distracting people’s attention.

If it was before the return, the galaxy, which was directly involved in the terror caused by Lee Byung-in, could feel someone’s invisible intervention.

“…If it’s a wedge, there’s one more.”

At the point where this heat quickly cooled, the fairy government announced the recapture of Uijeongbu as if it had been waiting.

The government’s will to recapture Uijeongbu won enthusiastic support from people exposed to the threat of monsters.

Lee Byung-in’s terror became an old story in about two months.

“Captain, there’s something delicious over there too! Let’s go over there!” “Ugh, Eunhyuk Choi again… don’t you know that you have to act politely in a place like this?”

Perhaps because of this, many people from the political and business circles attended the birthday party of Jeong Ha-yang, who was directly incorporated into the Alice Group.

At this time, it might not be good for public opinion if a chaebol family party was reported in the media, but on the contrary, during this period, people in the political and business world needed a place to understand each other’s trends.

There was this reason why Hayang’s birthday party was not canceled and was postponed from Myeongdong Dawn Hotel to YH Hotel.

“No matter how you use it for a child’s birthday party…”

Eunha grumbled as she followed the children as they went to put food on their plates.

Beforehand, close friends gathered at Happiness and held a modest birthday party, but I didn’t like Min Jun-sik’s behavior of using a friend’s birthday for this purpose.

But it was also unavoidable.

Hayang became a direct descendant of Alice Group last year.

In order to show the fact that she became a direct descendant of the Alice Group and that she was treated appropriately, she had to show her face at every opportunity.

Otherwise, you cannot survive in their world.

Their world is no different from the player’s world.

“But Hayang, you look so pretty when you walk. How do you walk?” “I also practiced walking for a while. Like this, straighten your back and walk like this.” “I think my back and lower back hurt.”

The moment you look down on them, they bite you.

Hayang knew that too.

As the main character of a birthday party, she wore a fancy dress that stood out from others and paid close attention to each and every movement to avoid getting caught.

She said she started learning etiquette last year and was teaching Minji and Seona how to walk.

The two people who were uncomfortable with shoes followed her waddling, as if they were not used to the movement.

“I’m glad. You don’t seem to be scared.” “What is it? White?”

“Who else could be besides White?” “It must be comfortable with Minji and Seona. I don’t want to be at a birthday party with people who don’t even know me.”

With a fork in his mouth, Eunhyuk shrugged.

That’s right.

Min Jun-sik was worried about Hayang, who was shy, so he sent an invitation to the children who were close to her.

Nominally the children are her clique.

That was the reason why Minji and Seona did not want to be separated from Hayang’s side even for a moment.

Of course, the two of them weren’t familiar with the etiquette, so there was a big reason why they followed her around in case they made a mistake.

“Anyway, a lot of people came.”

“You talk without the fork in your mouth. It’s not a formal setting, but it’s not something people here frown upon.” “Really? The captain said so, well… Yes, I understand.”

Eunha looked around.

The banquet hall could be divided by a table with a giant birthday cake on it.

One side was a space where children’s favorite refreshments and food were displayed.

Not only the affiliates of Alice Group, but also the children of affiliates of other groups and other businesses were wandering around.

Some of the children in dresses and suits looked familiar with this place, while others looked unfamiliar.

However, they all had one thing in common: they all glanced at White, who was walking around the banquet hall with his friends.

The emotions contained in the gaze toward her were varied. There were gazes of interest, others hostility, approaching gazes, and ignoring gazes.

On the other side, people from the political and business circles entered the banquet hall for her birthday party.

People holding glasses of champagne were asking each other about trends and exchanging information.

They also showed interest in Hayang, who became a direct descendant of the Alice Group, but seemed to prioritize the current situation.

“Are you saying that all the people gathered here are great people?” “So be careful. If someone starts a fight, don’t fight, just bear with it. If you feel like you can’t stand it, tell me.”

“…As expected, the captain. I really like the captain.”

“Why are you doing this cringe?”

Anyway, a lot gathered.

Eun-ha looked at the people gathered at the banquet hall and looked at White receiving a drink from afar.

Currently, the Alice Group was actively developing the potion market and rapidly growing its strength.

The fairy government allowed the Alice Group to monopolize the potion market rather than monopolize it, and players were now mainly using new potions.

It wouldn’t take long for a new potion to replace the existing concept of a potion.

Some have suggested that the Alice Group will occupy a high position in the reorganization of the Dawn Group.

It wouldn’t be strange if the people here gathered to establish a relationship with the Alice Group.

Alice Group’s status soared high, and it was inevitable that interest in Jeong Ha-yang, the third-generation conglomerate of the only Alice Group, would be poured out.

“Ah! There are girls gathered around Hayang?”


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“That’s right. Let’s go soon too.”

Eun-ha was uncomfortable at a party where political and business figures gathered.

If it hadn’t been for Hayang’s birthday party, he would have been able to rest comfortably at home playing with Eunae.

He sighed at the thought of dealing with the children gathered around Hayang, and took Eunhyuk with him.

Huh, true. What are they doing standing still?

Well, there’s nothing they can do about it.

Minji and Seona were folding screens.

While the children gathered around Hayang introduced themselves, they were skillfully leading a conversation on a topic the two did not know.

So the two of them had no choice but to stand there like dumb people who ate honey.

“Today’s outfit is really pretty. Where did you design it? It looks like a butterfly is alive and moving.

Oh, is the introduction late? Sorry. I am Choi Ye-jin of YH Group.”

“…Yeah, hello. I’m… Jeong Ha-yang from the Alice Group.”

As soon as she appeared, the children took a step back.

A girl wearing a hairpin with a light blue flower decoration grabbed Hayang’s hand.

Hayang’s reaction was bewildered as she spoke to her without hesitation, seeing her for the first time.

After hearing that the other person was a direct descendant of YH Group, I was choosing the words in my head so that she would not be offended.

what. Are you a direct descendant of YH Group?

On the other hand, the galaxy that had dug in between the children gathered around the two frowned.

The opponent was a direct descendant of the YH Group, the 6th in the business world, led by the younger sister of Galaxy Group Chairman Yoon-Han Choi.

The YH Group was the group to be reorganized the most after the collapse of the Dawn Group, which had overlapping business divisions.

It was an opponent that even Eunha could not hastily intervene.

It is said that children of most affiliates or businesses can intervene by borrowing the name of their father, but the story is different for direct descendants.

Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any problems.

Choi Ye-jin’s purpose seemed to be to establish friendship with Jeong Ha-yang.

Born into a conglomerate family, she skillfully led the conversation so that other children could not even talk to Hayang.

“Is it okay if I leave it like this?”

“There doesn’t seem to be much of a problem.”

Depending on the situation, he was thinking of taking Hayang out even if he was rude.

Come to think of it, I don’t think it’s necessary.

It was obvious that the children who were born and raised in the political and business world would not take good care of Hayang, who had been a child of a local cafe until last year, but had entered a conglomerate family.

However, this party was hosted by the Alice Group.

Children who knew who the host and host of the party were would not openly ignore her.

Rather, it will be an opportunity for them to make White, who has not yet understood the physiology of chaebol families, on their side.

Well, maybe there are people who don’t.

Eunha watched the children gathered in the corner of the banquet hall.

It was clear that the children who looked at her from time to time were looking at White’s evil amongst themselves.

They, too, seemed to know that they couldn’t criticize her openly here.

So you won’t have to worry too much.

Because she has a good sense of receiving information through mana, she will be able to tell whether the people approaching are good or bad.

Rather, it is Seo Na, not Hayang, who should be worried.

Standing like a folding screen, Seo-na was intimidated to the point of drooping her tail.

Minji-ya was sighing with the expression that she would ignore her, but Seo-na was visibly timid.

The eyes of the children gathered here contained curiosity and contempt for Ain.

It was good that there was no room for criticism in the world of chaebols or the world of players.

However, it was easy for Seo-na to be the target of criticism just because she was a child.

There was also a prejudice that children who considered themselves noble looked down on children who were looked down upon in society.

Hayang seemed to be feeling the eyes of the children, but it seemed that he had no time to comfort Seo-na because Ye-jin and other children were talking to her.

Seo-na, it must have been better not to bring her.

Even Senna wouldn’t have known.

Not knowing the physiology of chaebols, she would be openly ignored by children.

With her head down, her hands that were holding the hem of her dress trembled.

I can’t. I’d love to take you out of there.

It was when Eunha thought so.

“Hey, Eunhyuk Choi, where are you suddenly…. Yeah, you’re so amazing.”

It wasn’t the only person who was watching Serena.

Suddenly, Eunhyuk ran out and grabbed Seona’s hand.

“let’s go.”

“Huh? Huh?”

“Here’s something delicious.”

Eun-ha smiled as she saw Eun-hyuk taking Seo-na out.

Although he was anxious about two people who had no manners leaving the banquet hall, he was not so ignorant that he followed them.

Instead, Eun-ha called Min-ji, who was frantic.

Minji, who found him among the children, grumbled and walked out.

“I wish I could stand.”

“Why, would you like me to take you out with you too?”

Minji sighs with her arms crossed.

Eunha held out her hand with a playful face.

Minji’s face turned red.

“It’s not necessary! If it’s me, who’s going to protect Hayang?”

“I didn’t intend to take you either.”


He must have been holding on quite firmly, but Minji must have had a hard time too.

Eun-ha deliberately played a joke to lighten her mood.

It was then.

“Huh? What is it? Why are they suddenly moving out of the way?”

Min-ji, who turned her head, opened her eyes wide when she saw the children around Hayang opening the road.

Eunha also turned her head.

A tall boy was leading his clique and following the path the children had created.

“…It’s a headache.”

As soon as he saw Eun-ha’s face, he immediately knew who it was.

As a player before returning, there was no way he didn’t know who the boy was.

“Are you Jeong Ha-yang? You said you came in from the street?”

The boy spoke directly, not in a roundabout way.

The children he brought with him laughed. Without covering his mouth with his hand, he even laughed openly.

“How old are you?” “…11 years old.”

Hayang’s face hardened.

She also seemed to know who she was.

“We’re only two years apart. Feel free to call me oppa. Do you know who I am?”

Hayao nodded slowly.

The boy smiled contentedly.


“You look cute. Unlike those kids…”

White’s eyes widened.

Because the boy reached out and grabbed her chin without asking permission.

The children who were watching the scene held their breath.

That playboy bastard is real.

The opponent is Hong Jin-woo, a group that ranks ninth in the financial hierarchy and the successor to the Dangun Group, which dominates the player industry.

He was an idiot who would later be known as a revelry.

As the 3rd president of the Dangun Group, he used his power to cause and dispel all sorts of scandals.

Players they didn’t like were treated so harshly that they couldn’t survive in the industry, and players of the opposite s*x they liked were manipulated on their own.

“Hey, who is that person? Why is everyone doing that without paying attention? Isn’t Hayang supposed to bring him out?” “…I know.”

Eunha also did not have good feelings for Jinwoo Hong.

Even when he founded the gypsophila party, he sabotaged and even tried to rape Lee Yu-jeong.

The guy, whom he had a relationship with from the academy, subdued Lee Yu-jeong with his own power, and committed a crime equivalent to attempted rape by feeding him drugged alcohol.

If only he hadn’t found her delirious then.

Just imagining what had happened made my blood run backwards.

If it had not been for the help of Youngwon Group’s Yoo Do-jun, the creation of the gypsophila party would have been overdone, and he, who had beaten Hong Jin-woo to death, would have been imprisoned with all kinds of sins.

“I didn’t expect to see you in this lifetime… Ha, that bastard. One of his personalities has been the same since he was young.” “Huh? What are you talking about… Hey, what are you doing so frighteningly?”

“Wait there. White will bring you out.”

There were only Choi Ye-jin and Jung Ha-yang who could confidently speak against Hong Jin-woo at that spot.

However, Choi Ye-jin seemed to be curious about how Ha-yang would deal with Hong Jin-woo’s rudeness, and Hayang seemed to be at a loss as to what to do with this situation.

I had no choice but to step out.

“Come over to my house next time. There are so many fun things to do, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

“Bird, I’ll think about it.”

“You’re thinking, you’re sleeping…, if I say yes, just say yes and come over.”

Eun-ha moved between the children and reached out to Hayang.

Hong Jin-woo shook off the hand he was touching and pulled her away.

“Uh, Eunha?”

“What are you doing right now…”

“Are you okay? You look very unwell…”

It was unavoidable to go against Hong Jin-woo’s planting, but it didn’t matter.

Eun-ha checked White’s condition with a worried face.

I planned to get out of this place as naturally as possible by acting out the fact that White’s condition was not good.

“Actually, my body…”

Hayang also grasped the situation.

It was when she was trying to answer what Eunha had said.

“Hey. What are you doing, are you doing this in front of me?”

Hong Jin-woo blocked the way for the two to move forward, revealing an uncomfortable planting.

Huh, true. I wonder if anyone is going crazy.

It was a place that could be avoided moderately.

Hong Jin-wu, who blushed at the thought that he had been ignored, seemed not to let him go.

well, yes let’s try it sometime

I wanted to test the magic I had just acquired.

Revealing his life, he gave strength to his eyes.


He held her hand as if he was nervous.

Eunha replied without looking back.

“are you okay.”

Do you think I’m going to bow down to this guy?

Hong Jin-woo’s children also glared at him.

he couldn’t be scared

I wanted to show you what fear is.

Skill No. 001 Stygian…

It was when he tried to implement magic.

“—Why is that child?”

Walking along the path created by the children as if it were natural.

Seohyun Han criticized with a cold gaze.

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