Regressing with the King’s Power Chapter 645

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Part 2 Episode 61

Barbatos’ red eyes were bent.

It’s because I’m happy to see what’s happening far away, bordering the fairy tribe’s barrier.

thud. thud. thud. thud.

A loud noise could be heard through his developed hearing.

It was the sound of Asura hitting the barrier.

The barrier, which had not responded to the demons’ all-out attack earlier, was shaking every time Asura’s attack hit.

[You are definitely not in your right mind, Asura.]

Barbatos laughed at the sight that exceeded expectations.

It’s not that he and the other six ancient great devils couldn’t break the barrier for no reason.

The source of the magical power of bonsai is a divine tree.

Therefore, dealing with the magic power of the barrier is like confronting the magic power of the Elven head-on.

If done incorrectly, it could cause significant damage to one’s existence.

Even if the ancient great demons gathered here are prepared to fall, it is unclear whether they will be able to break through the barrier.

However, Asura, who has unleashed his power with all his might, is constantly hitting the barrier.

‘I think I hit it twenty times.’

The once strong barrier was already shaking.

Asura’s appearance is not normal, but his presence is increasing.

It was proof that the boy’s fighting spirit had not been broken.


It is a power that has the property of gradually becoming stronger as long as the mind is not broken.

Barbatos recalled the war of the past.

Battle of Ten Thousand Demons.

A battle fought by ten thousand demons.

All of them were primordial demons born with different powers and had the qualities to become kings.

As a result of the battle, two demon kings were born.

There were those who rebelled, saying they could not give in, and there were also those who acknowledged their existence and declared that they would bow down to them.

Asura was someone who rebelled.

He mingled with the two demon kings non-stop for 66 days.

Even though my body is weighed down by extreme poison and my mind is crushed by fear.

He showed his fighting spirit and challenged the position of Demon King.

On the 67th day, Asura’s fighting spirit was broken.

The strongest archdemon recognized by the two demon kings.

That was Ashura.

Afterwards, the surviving great devils were called the ancient great devils, and the ruling class of the demon world accepted the power of Beelzebub, now Asura, and became stronger beings.

Extreme poison flows from the sword, spear, and ax wielded with six arms.

There was significant shaking in the barrier.

Barbatos identified another great devil guarding Asura’s side.

Naberius in ‘Curse’.

An ancient archdemon who serves Diablo alongside him.

He was easily fending off the attacks of the fairies flying within the barrier.

The fairies are feeling afraid.


This alone speeds up the transition to the demon world prepared by the remaining ancient great devils.

The situation changed with the presence of Asura.

Everything went according to Barbatos’ plan.

[The vampire’s contractor must reveal himself!!]

Coo. Cooung.

Asura’s sword and ax struck the barrier in succession.

[The contract of the dream demon must reveal itself!!]

Kuung. Cooung.

Spears and shields pierced the barrier in succession.

As Asura’s envious voice echoed through the forest, the fear that had sprouted in the hearts of the fairies grew.

It is visible that the presence of the entire fairy race is rapidly decreasing.

[I never thought the struggle would become this strong. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to break the barrier like this.]

The growth in power is greater than that of Asura in the Battle of Ten Thousand Demons in Barbatos’ memories.

Thirty more times.

If he could carry out that much more attack, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Naberius and himself to move.

‘There’s no way the contractors will come out on their own, so it’s like this…’

While Barbatos was thinking like that and preparing for the next move.

A human appeared from inside the barrier.

The presence value does not feel much different from the Asura I encountered.

‘It’s him!!’

Barbatos was immediately convinced that this was the human Diablo had spoken about.

You must not miss it.

“Nice to meet you, Ashura.”

A human voice could be heard vividly even from afar.

* * *


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Asura’s attack, which was swinging indiscriminately towards the barrier, stopped.

His eyes were fixed on Taehyun, who was less than half his size.

The magical power of purple is revealed without any intention of hiding.

[You are a contract of the dream demon.]

The corners of Asura’s mouth twitched as he saw his prey.


The stronger presence can be felt even inside the barrier.

‘I think it’s much stronger than I remember.’

It is not a speculation that can be accepted with bare hands.



Taehyun rotated the three magic stones and surrounded his body with purple magical energy.

He is prepared to use his power at any time.

[Hoo. Can a dreamer’s contractor use this much power?]

Asura’s eyes twitched as if he was curious.

Succubus Queen Rosaria is said to be the weakest of the Archdukes.

If you face him without the advantage of territory, you are confident that you can easily tear him apart.

How can a contractor like that radiate this level of presence?

[Cluck, click. There was a reason why that guy Barbatos was cautious.]

Asura burst out laughing as if he was happy.

I feel like I’ve been attacked just by looking at them because their laughter is filled with courage.

Taehyun sighed and surrounded his body with colorless magic.

Asura at his peak.

This is because he conserved his strength and confirmed that he was not an opponent.

Asura’s smile became even bigger after seeing the colorless magic.

[human! Did you also make a contract with the Fairy King?!!]

“I have a special constitution.”

[So you must be the vampire’s contractor?]

“No, that’s a different guy. “How long are you going to be acting out in someone else’s front yard?”

[The target of the original demon is the contract between the vampire and the demon. Is the person who dealt with Gorper a vampire?]


[Yes, he did something like that. If you’re this bad, a vampire’s contract wouldn’t be normal either.]

“We’ve never met Gorper before?”

[There’s no need to make lame excuses. He didn’t seem like that kind of guy.]

There’s something wrong with him.

‘Is Gorper dead?’

You can tell just by looking at Asura.

Unlike when Taehyun dealt with Gorfer at this time, he is not an imperfect being.

That guy was hunted.

And that too to someone other than Taehyun and Shinji.

‘I found information I never expected.’

Whether it’s internal strife within the demon race. Whether it’s an attack by another race.

For some reason, I felt like things were going in a good direction for me.

“so. Have you come to avenge Gorper?”



Asura shook his body and burst into laughter again.

It was a flash of light that could not be compared to what it was just a moment ago.

They were shaking so much that the village inside the barrier was shaking.

[Revenge on the Great Devil. I don’t know how long it’s been since I laughed like this since the Battle of Manma.]

“I didn’t mean to make you laugh.”

[I changed my mind, human. I want to make you a contractor for the main demon.]

“Arthur. “It’s too much for you.”

[Don’t worry. You don’t have a choice.]

He said that and started venting his speculations again.

The poison of the demon king Beelzebub.

Purple magical power covers the barrier and sparks fly.

I’m really thinking of giving it a try.

‘Are you not thinking about things like extinction?’

Taehyun glanced at the demon guarding Asura’s side.

Even with Asura in front of him, he has an arrogant look in his eyes and his arms are crossed.

Even though I am conserving my magic power, I can feel the red magic power of Diablo subtly.

I could tell that this guy was an ancient archdemon belonging to the same group as Diamante.

The puzzles in my head are being put together one by one.

Why are the demons preparing to transfer to the Demon World suddenly causing such a ruckus?

“Asura. “You really came to catch us?”

[Cluck, click, click. There is no use running away.]

Asura’s reaction became the answer.

Concentration aimed at only one goal without considering the opinions of those around you.

Such purity for the demon race.

Taehyun realized that he was feeling strangely moved by the great devil in front of him.

‘This feeling I felt towards Igmun. long time no see.’

A sincere child must be treated appropriately.

“This is not a good place to focus on combat.”

[This barrier cannot withstand the battle of the original demon.]

Boom. bang. bang. bang.

The six weapons wielded by Asura cut through the barrier once again.

Taehyun shook his head.

“you idiot. When the barrier is broken, a war between the fairies and demons begins. Can you fight a proper battle? “It will definitely be disturbed.”

[That’s not something a guy hiding like a rat would say.]

“Promise me that no one else will intervene. Then, I will take you directly out of the barrier.”


“It must be difficult, right? “There aren’t many pure people like you among the demon clan.”


Asura’s weapon stuck in the ground.

[Naberius. You go away now.]

[Asura. You are not qualified to give orders. My brother asked me to stick by your side.]

[Barvatos? Maybe because they are weak guys, they have good unity.]

[Be careful what you say. The curse of the original demon can tear you apart.]

[Can you handle the fighting spirit of the original demon?]

The two great demons growled.

The first to give up was Naberius.

[An annoying guy. If it weren’t for Barbatos’ request, I would have ripped off a few of your limbs here.]

[You’re saying things you don’t even mean to say. Now, let it go away.]


Naberius flapped his wings and covered the street.

It wasn’t a complete retreat, but at least it wasn’t in a position where it could intervene in the battle.

[Bonma kept his promise.]

“Ah, yes.”

Taehyun took a step outside the barrier.

This has already been discussed with the elders.

Among the watching fairies, no one shouted or tried to stop them.

[Skill ‘Fairy King’s Protection (SSS)’ is weakened.]

Bonsai’s assimilation weakens just by going outside the barrier.

Naturally, the magical power that could be used was limited.

‘This is enough to maintain the summons.’


[Summoning skill ‘Spirit King Igrit (SSS)’ has been activated.]

[Summoning skill ‘Spirit King Zenki (SSS)’ has been activated.]

[Summoning skill ‘Spirit King Varanos (SSS)’ has been activated.]

With a feeling of helplessness The three spirit kings appeared.


Even before Asura could react.




An attribute that contains the essence of the three spirit kings.

Magical energy containing three magical powers is shot in the form of a bullet.

“This is your first time playing 3-on-1, right?”

Taehyun was shocked to see Asura lose three arms in one attack.

Asura, who had begun to regenerate, rushed forward, and the Spirit King’s magic began to engulf the surroundings once again.

* * *


Barbatos muttered as he watched the battle between Asura and Taehyeon.

Humans of Middle Earth.

It is surprising that a weak species can use the power of the Succubus Queen and the Fairy King, and has made a contract with the Spirit King to fight on equal footing with Asura.

[Is it the Elven power that made the contract with the three Spirit Kings?…]

One thing is certain: if you keep him alive, it will become an obstacle to your future plans.

We need to kill at least one of the vampire’s contractors before they show up.

[Garot. Let’s begin.]

The ancient archdemon was preparing next to him.

Garot from ‘Infiltration’ nodded.

[I will come back.]

Although she is not at the level of a succubus queen, she has the power to delve into the other person’s mind.

If you are in a battle with Asura, you will not be able to defend yourself unless the Succubus Queen comes forward.

[There is no need to listen to Asura’s petty complaints.]

Barbatos twitched the corners of his mouth as he looked at Naberius, who was standing far away.

Garot is not moving at all, perhaps because he succeeded in infiltrating for a moment.

In a little while, Mongma’s contractor will show some signs.

At that time, Asura takes him and continues the demon world transfer.

It will not take long for Harun to fall.

When Barbatos envisions an optimistic future.


[Save me…give me…]

Garot began to tremble.

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