Regressing with the King’s Power Chapter 321

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Episode 321

Rosaria lowered her eyes.

Still, I couldn’t stop goosebumps from appearing on my body.

[What are you afraid of, my child?]

Lilith lifted Rosaria’s chin.

Two pairs of red eyes met.

Lilith’s red eyes were smiling, and Rosaria’s red eyes were shaking violently.

[It seems like she realized what she was trying to say.]

Rosaria nodded with a trembling body.

Although it is a higher-ranking species, Rosaria has been watching Lilith for a longer time than anyone else.

Even when having an affair with Igmun and talking with the princes.

Lilith did not leave Rosaria far away.

Because I am confident.

For her, who has the power of mind control, it’s about understanding the shaken hearts of others.

It’s not that difficult to destroy someone who shows signs of betrayal.

[Tell me. She wonders what the original woman wants.]

Lilith’s red eyes flashed, and Rosaria’s mind went blank.

It was a process of brainwashing, a type of mental control.

[intruder… human… man… What you want… .]


Bloody tears flowed from Rosaria’s eyes.

It was a harsh force for a higher-ranking species to endure.

Nevertheless, Lilith did not stop brainwashing.

[Can you do it?]

[will do… number… there is… .]


Blood flowed from Rosaria’s nose.

Still, the release was not satisfactory.

[Can you risk your life for your wife?]

[Life… I’ll bet… .]

I’m crying.

After Rosaria finished answering, a handful of blood flowed from her mouth.

Sreuk. Sreuk.

Lilith’s tentacle wiped Rosaria’s mouth.

Those eyes were like looking at a very lovely child.

[A lovely child, Rosaria. Don’t disappoint her true wife.]

Rosaria nodded with a pained face.

Only then did a satisfied smile escape Lilith’s lips.



Purple magical power bloomed from Lilith’s body.

The magic power that rose up was absorbed by Rosaria through the tentacles.

Cough. Coo.

A small horn sprouted from Rosaria’s forehead, and ten tentacles grew from her back.

[Now you have finally become a close friend of the main woman. That power will grow stronger and make you the best warrior of the Dream Demon tribe.]

Lilith stroked Rosaria’s cheek as she regained her focus.

This is a child who survived for a long time by his side in the face of a high-ranking nightmare.

And now, with his power, he has become the highest species.

Although he couldn’t defeat that ridiculous guy who couldn’t even use his own strength.

[Humans are nasty creatures.]

Lilith laughed bitterly.

A man chasing Baal.

I already knew quite a bit about him.

He was a human who passed through a gate to another dimension and gained power enough to threaten the Archduke.

Behind the scenes, there is someone who is well aware of the power of the Abyss and is watching over them.

The most important thing is that there is no significant force yet.

[It must be a matter of time.]

The Abyss is a world of survival of the fittest.

Those who are paying attention now will not make a hasty move.

If the man’s current actions were repeated, useful forces would come to his side one by one.

Before that, it was necessary to nip it in the bud.

Wherever that unidentified power originates.

[After all, aren’t you a worthless human being?]

The human being that Lilith understands is weak in emotions and is emotional.


[Borderline of the area. Go to Earth by crossing the gate prepared there. Bring back things from there that could be its weak points. You will be able to cross the gate.]

To an indifferent command.

Rosaria just nodded.


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* * *

Lilith’s response was not limited to Rosaria.

Igmun’s vampire tribe, the dream tribe under his command, and some of the ruling demon tribe were all summoned.

The boundaries of the territory were strengthened to prevent lax intrusions like before.

Either hide or tear it apart with force.

In the end, if he were to set foot in the area, he would not be able to avoid Lilith’s surveillance.

In order to use her power, she also captured monsters in the area and sucked their energy.

That was enough for now.

Igmun was summoned.


Igmun, who had fully recovered from his injuries and had gained more strength than before, bowed his head deeply.

[I will entrust you with escorting the main woman.]

[There will be no mistakes like before.]

[I am satisfied. Come here.]

Lilith’s tentacles wrapped around Igmun’s body.

As always.

The bodies of the two monsters mixed and an intense love affair ensued.

Every time I interacted with her, the Grand Duke, I felt like I was filled with enormous power.


At the end of the affair, she issued a new order.

[Follow Rosaria. He will definitely appear.]

[…] … ?]

Igmun made a questioning face.

[A dreamer can smell the scent of males better than anyone else. More than that.]

Lilith grabbed Igmun by his hair.

[Attack the main woman with all your might.]

Lilith stuck out her tongue and laughed bitterly.

He noticed that Igmun was suffering from the aftereffects of his injury.

Igmun’s body faltered for a moment.

[number of people… I will accept it… .]

In the love affair between the archduke and the highest servant.

The castle was filled with loud moans.

* * *

[I can’t believe I entrusted such a big job to a guy who had just become the highest-ranking species. I don’t know what the queen is thinking.]

Igmun, who was following Rosaria, muttered to himself.

The humans who attacked the castle will approach Rosaria, so follow them?

He is one of the strongest among the top species, and Rosaria accepted the queen’s power and became the top species.

This is a being that single-handedly attacked the castles of two great dukes.

Igmun, who was trampled by him and experienced the downfall of existence, knew best that he could not be his opponent.

At that time, Rosaria arrived at the gate installed at the border of the area.

It was the ‘dimensional gate’ that Lilith and other archdukes had been working on for a long time.

From what I heard, it seemed like I could travel to a dimension other than the Abyss.

The problem is that that gate does not accept more than a higher species.

Rosaria was no exception.

Maybe it was the past.

Now, thanks to the power of the queen, they have become the highest species.

Lilith would not have known that.

Igmun’s mind was filled with questions as he quietly watched Rosaria.

That thought changed only as we got closer to the gate.

Igmun checked for presence.

A place where the top species of other clans, including the Dream Demon tribe, must guard.

This is because the target man was sitting.

[I see a familiar face.]

The man asked with his red eyes shining.

Those eyes were pinpointing the positions of Rosaria and Igmun, who were following them.

[…] … !!]

Before Igmun could decide to act, Rosaria muttered as if she were drunk.

[human… What you want… earth… Weakness… .]

The man watched quietly.

[Is it mental control?]

As soon as the man stood up, tentacles sprouted from Rosaria’s back.

Combining the body of the Demon Sea tribe with the body of the Dream Demon tribe.

As a result, except for the ability to control the mind, it surpassed the humble body of a dream demon.

To the man, it only seemed like it had been modified by someone else’s will.

[That’s perfect.]

That was all.

The man once again unleashed his ferocious power, ignoring Lilith’s arrangements.


Rosaria’s tentacle was bitten into the jaws.


Purple magic bloomed from Rosaria’s enemy eyes and mental control was used.

The man’s body was shocked for a moment, but that was all.


Soon, Rosaria’s red eye was crushed by the man.

Ultra-fast playback was achieved.

The man just trampled Rosaria over and over again.

[What does that look like, a male in heat?]

The queen was mistaken.

Igmun decided thus.

The queen’s maid.

I don’t know anything about Rosaria dying.

It was difficult for Igmun to go back like this without any income.

We couldn’t take out the man, but we needed to get Rosaria out.

Igmun’s new form quickly moved behind the man.

This is the moment when a fingernail stained with blood-red magic is about to sink into the man’s body.

[Did you move later than expected?]

[…] … !!]

It was as if they were waiting for Igmun to come out.

The man said without even looking back.


The man turned and grabbed Igmun’s claws, twisting them.

Just that.


The nail, which could pierce the scales of a dragon elder, was broken in vain.

at that time.


One of Rosaria’s tentacles, which had pulled out due to Igmun’s intrusion, pierced the man’s chest.

A gap appeared.


Igmun shouted and swung his other hand at the man again.


Igmun’s nails sunk into Rosaria’s tentacles.


Blood-red magical power welled up and the ‘absorption’ began.

A huge amount of magic flowed through my fingernails, arms, and into my body.

Igmun’s body trembled from the ridiculous amount of magical power.

Even though I only sucked it in for a moment.

I experienced a pleasure that went beyond having s*x with Lilith.

[Have you tasted enough blood?]

[…] … !!]

When I came to my senses later, the man was smiling.

Only then did Igmun realize that the man had deliberately allowed an opening.

What he said right away was even more shocking.

[Do you plan to become an archduke?]

[…] … !!]

[We need more people like you to fill the vacant positions.]

Igmun instinctively stepped forward.


Dark red magical power bloomed from the man’s body.

The magic power took the form of a chain and held Rosaria’s body.

Purple magical energy scattered from her body.

Due to the influence of Lilith’s brainwashing, she is constantly using mind control.

[You are still weak.]


The dark red maw swallowed the tentacle stuck in the man’s body.

[I ended up making it worse than death out of pity.]

The man clicked his tongue and said.

It didn’t take long for Rosaria, who was bound in chains, to stop resisting, and Igmun could only watch the overwhelming sight.

* * *

[bloke… Kill… .]

Igmun, who was bound in chains, spit out blood and spoke.

Likewise, next to him was Rosaria, looking the same.

[Gate to Earth. You made something very interesting. What do you think happened to the other guys here?]

The man asked, looking around.

[…] … !!]

Only then did Igmun’s red eyes shake as he grasped the situation.

Many of the highest and highest species were present here.

They disappeared without a trace.

It’s because I was eaten by that strange man’s mouth.

[If you want, you can kill me. It’s not that difficult to deal with just you.]

[…] … .]

[But isn’t it a pity?]

[what… Is it a sound… .]

[You monsters think that becoming an archduke is your highest goal.]

[…] Are you telling me to betray the queen?]

[I’m making a suggestion. Lilith was wrong. Stagnant water rots.]

[…] … .]

Igmun was silent.

I didn’t give a definite answer, though.

The man seemed satisfied with that alone.

[I’ll send it to you. Think carefully.]

Sigh. Churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

The chains that were binding Igmun disappeared.

[…] What do you plan to do with Rosaria?]

[This guy’s name was Rosaria.]

The man looked at her for a moment as she was damaged to the point where she couldn’t even display super-fast regeneration.


[Unlike you, I am not ready to become a grand duke. I guess saving her life earlier had a different meaning to Lilith.]

[What if?]

[I should kill him. Anything more to say?]

[Suggestion… I did not accept it.]

With those words, Igmun quickly disappeared.

How much time has passed?

[I found one.]

I heard the man mutter something as if he was satisfied.

There was only Rosaria.

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