Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 533

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“What is he saying now?”

And in the third month of travel, the Amazon region of South America.

Now in front of me were four hooded men pointing guns at me.

He keeps yelling at me, but I can’t understand him because it’s not English.

Well, I think I have a rough idea of ​​what the situation is.

“Hey! Money! Money! Okay?”

Then the guy spoke in English and put the gun to my forehead.

I grabbed the bastard’s gun just in time.

The guy was dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events.

He looked at his empty hands with his face.


After that, I created a magic sphere and destroyed the guns of the three robbers watching from behind.


Their eyes widened. They looked at each other and muttered among themselves.


I waved at them.

“Come here. Don’t even think about running away.”

“@#$#$… …

The robbers approached me with their hands clasped together in a somewhat reserved manner.

“Get on your knees.”

The bastards immediately knelt down.

What the heck? It’s Korean, but I understand it right away.

“[email protected]#@#$… …

Then the men put their hands together and began to pray earnestly.

It was like seeing a believer facing the devil.

For a moment, a ridiculous laugh came out.

“It’s refreshing to be treated like a devil.”

It doesn’t matter. Even if the robber goes around talking about me, who would believe him?

I crouched down in front of the kneeling guys and showed them the photo.

“Have you ever seen a similar stone slab around here?”


The guys stared blankly at the photo and then looked at each other’s faces again.

His eyes widened as if he had just remembered something.

Luckily, the robbers seemed to know the location of the ancient stone tablets.

I moved in the direction they guided me, and as I moved, I slowly began to feel a familiar energy.

It was an aura of deep mystery.

“Is this it?”

Did it take 30 minutes like that?

I was able to enter the heart of the Amazon jungle.

There was something like a huge ruins site in front of my eyes, and it had an atmosphere similar to a dungeon or a ‘ruins site’.


I took a short breath and felt the mana emanating from this place.

I felt a deep mana that was incomparable to any other place I had visited so far.

Should I say that I felt like I had returned to Lee Seo-jun’s world?

I felt a sense of wonder and slowly realized it.

Golden mana blooming within.

It was proof that there was enough mana to implement S-rank or higher magic.

“……It’s here.”

A hidden gap in the world.

This is where you can supply the mana needed to implement the dimensional passage spell and enter the place for ‘communication’.

I dissipated my mana and looked up at the giant ancient stone tablet in front of me.

It contained the contents of human will, mind, relationships, and the new destiny that such things create together.

A faint smile formed on my lips.

“A destiny that is created by oneself… … Does that mean that destiny never disappears in the end?”

The fact that I started my journey. The fact that I came here. It was all a fate that I created for myself.

Anything is fine. If you can pioneer it yourself, that’s what it is.

“Shall we start slowly?”

I slowly reached out and pulled out the huge mana contained in the stone slab.


A strong wind blew, and blue energy from the stone slab began to swirl around me.

I used it to slowly transform into a giant magic potion.

It was a type of mana supply spell that absorbed and strengthened the surrounding mana.


That’s when the change began.

The surrounding mana swirls like a whirlwind

Then they started to gather around me.

A level that my past self would never have been able to achieve.

However, it was possible because I had newly opened my eyes to the art of magic through [Deus Ex Machina].


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I was gathering the dense mana scattered throughout the Amazon.

After that, he used that enormous amount of mana to modify the spell.

It was a technique to enter the hidden world.

At the same time, a great darkness fell over me.

Your scenery changed in an instant. In the darkness that had suddenly become quiet. I slowly looked around. Now I was surrounded by numerous spells.

I was standing in the drawn black space.

I knew where this was. The world’s archives.

I felt satisfied that my plan was successful.

Then a voice was heard from somewhere.


I slowly turned my head in the direction where the voice came from.

There stood something mixed with darkness and light, the silhouette of a human being.

I felt momentarily bewildered because I couldn’t feel any energy.

“Who are you?”

[‘Me’? … … Well? What do you call me?

I wonder if it would be better to define it. It’s a question I hear often, but I always worry about it.]

A voice rang in my head.

Pure will. But this time, I couldn’t feel any energy.

The guy was a complete ‘nothing’ being.

“It doesn’t seem like a mystery. Could it be God?”

[God… …? Heh heh. Well, if you borrow the expression of humans, then that could be the case.

[It’s a little different. But to be precise, the universe… or the great manager. Or… … the incarnation of ‘infinite will’. I think that would be a more appropriate expression.]

“Infinite will?”

It was a name I knew through the ritual at the ruins of Death Island.

It was probably the name of a transcendent being who governs all worlds.

It was a long explanation, but to summarize, it was a divine being.

I wasn’t particularly surprised or anything.

As I learned about the existence of ‘God’, I thought that I might meet them someday.

However, I was a little wary because I didn’t know what his intentions were in appearing in front of me.

[You don’t have to be so cautious. I just came here to talk to you. As fellow humans.]

“Similar to you?”

[Don’t you know? The special power that allows you to modify a single dimension at will.]

God seemed lost in thought for a moment, then shook his head.

[Come to think of it, you’re not exactly like us. You gave up on becoming the master of your own dimension.]

I use Deus Ex Machina to completely erase the existence of the laws of the world.

I’m talking about something that was thrown away.

As a result, the world became a perfect world that no transcendent being could modify.

The master of the dimension became human.

[So I had a lot of questions for you. Why did you make that choice? What kind of person are you? And so on.]

I sat quietly listening to God’s words and realized that they were meaningless.

There is no need to respond to difficult words.

There was no.

Because more than anything, I had something to do right now.

I ignored the god and looked around at the magic spread out around me.

As befitting a world archive, many histories were recorded in the form of rituals.

As I picked up a nearby book of spells and read it, the history of the world played out in my head like a video.

“… … Maybe it really is possible.”

[Through the records of the dimension beyond

You don’t plan on connecting the passage by communicating with existence, do you?]

“That’s correct.”

God seemed lost in thought for a moment and then said.

[… … It’s an interesting attempt, but I don’t think you should expect much from it. The amount of information it can convey is limited by the limits of its magical power.]

I know that too.

That transmitting information across dimensions requires an enormous amount of mana.

But I couldn’t give up after coming this far.

I was reading the history of alcohol and reached the end of the history that was being depicted in real time.

At the same time, the history contained in the drink was played out in my head.

A world a year after I left… … .

Friends I miss, including Lee Seo-jun and Choi Seo-yoon, were gathered in one place.

—There is no problem with my supply of mana because there are things left behind by Seonwoo.

—The problem is how to identify the Sunwoo of another dimension.

….it’s close to impossible. There are also big mountains to overcome before that.

The conversation between Lee Seo-jun and Yoon Ha-young was heard in real time.

At their center was a stone containing the ‘Jincheonwoo’s memories’, and it seemed that there was a way to summon me through his memories.

Looks like you were researching.

For a moment, I felt a lump in my throat.

A year had passed since I left, but they were still trying to figure out how to find me.

[Things are going interestingly. But the conveyance of intent is clearly limited. I wonder what will happen? Hehe.]

I frowned and turned my gaze to the guy.

“Hey. You. If you’re not going to help me, shut up.

“Shut up.”

[… … .]

The god closed his mouth and nodded.

Well, it seems like he’s quiet now, so let’s get started.

I put my hand on the magic of history being written in real time.

As I drew up my magical power and put my will into it, a small light began to appear in the spell.


Nothing much has changed.

The information I can convey is a very small amount of will.

Because it was not enough to change the world.

But I believe that if that small wind touches the human will, it can bring about a big change.

In this way, the light of the spell gradually grows bigger.

I activated the ‘special ability’ at the same time as I was storing mana.

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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