Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 520

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I looked at the changing scenery around me.

As time passed, the fog completely cleared, revealing a forest full of trees.

Lee Seo-jun said, looking around.

“Is this the Black Land Forest?”

“I think so.”

The sudden change in scenery makes me feel like the space has changed.

Right then.


A giant demon’s scream was heard along with intense magical power.

Before everyone’s eyes could see a giant black dragon screaming as it fell to the ground.

Next to it, a giant hydra was spraying black blood, and above it, Kim Jin-cheol was seen unfolding a splendid magic circle.

At that moment, everyone’s pupils trembled.

“… … Hey, hey. Your grandfather. No, Chairman. You’ve been fighting those monsters all this time, right?”

Lee Seo-jun answered Shin Young-jun’s question with a hardened face.

“… … Oh, I guess so?”

“This is crazy… …

It’s been over six hours since we got here.

What this meant was that Kim Jin-cheol was fighting the five calamitous demons without resting for even a moment.

I can’t believe we’re the same person

It was a bizarre fighting ability that was not there.

“That’s really amazing… … Even the other three seem to have already been subdued.”

“……I know.”

“I’ll leave the disaster-level tricks to the chairman and start by thinking about how to find Jin Cheon-woo.”

Yoo Ah-ra said in response to Choi Seo-yoon’s words.

“Request for assistance? Isn’t it a little dangerous for us to go alone?”

“We need to send a signal as soon as we find his location. The fog has cleared, so support will arrive soon.”

I said so and looked east

Turned it over.


Then, somewhere in the east, a trembling of magic began to be felt.

And a little later.

A huge pillar of light rose up, illuminating the darkness of the night.

We just stared blankly at the sudden situation.

I could tell instinctively that Jincheonwoo was somewhere there.

And someone is sending us signals.

A dazzling pillar of light rose from the deep darkness.

It was a signal magic to inform the outside of the location.

Jincheonwoo looked at it with a stern face and said.

“… … How did this happen?”

Something incomprehensible happened.

Something was going wrong.

“The fog has disappeared. Why?”

The magical fog that had been slowing down the Association’s approach suddenly dissipated.

Choi Il-Hyeon immediately used signal magic as if he had been waiting for it, and thanks to that, his location was revealed to the outside world.

Jincheonwoo turned his gaze to Choi Ilhyun, who was standing across from him.

He, whose whole body was covered in wounds from a long battle, was leisurely smoking a cigarette and smiling.

“Choi Il-Hyeon. How do you clear the fog?

“Are you lucky?”

“Hey, Cheonwoo. Have you lost your senses? The fog is clearing away.

“It wasn’t me who was lucky.”


Jincheonwoo’s face was filled with doubt.

If not him, who can clear the fog?

Is that so?

To clear the fog, an interpretation technique is needed.


And I have it

Just luck and confidence.

“Think about it carefully. If it weren’t for you, this place wouldn’t be here.

Who can get rid of the dog?

“Will you?”

“… … Could it be Bert?”


Something unbelievable happened.

Bert, whom he thought was loyal, betrayed him.

“What did you do to Bert?”

“I didn’t say much. I just happened to have the chance to hint at the possibility of a certain story.”

Choi Il-hyun blew out smoke from his cigarette and said.


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“I’ve been wondering for a long time. Why on earth did you do something like this, even killing Yoon Kyung, whom you loved so much? How could you kill so many people without feeling any guilt?”

Choi Il-hyun put the cigarette back in his mouth and exhaled the smoke.

“It was only when I learned through my disciple that this world was the third world that I finally understood. What your true purpose was.”

He continued speaking slowly.

“The first people in the world you killed

“You were planning to revive everyone in this world, right? Including Yun-gyeong, whom you killed with your own hands.”

“The reason I didn’t feel guilty about committing such terrible acts while hiding in the world’s loopholes was because I believed that I would be able to bring everyone back to life once I became a god.”

Jincheonwoo did not answer.

I just quietly listened to him.

“If we revive them in a new world where there is no influence of mystery, all the evil they have done will be forgiven.

Because I believed that I could be absolved of my sins.”

There was a long silence for a moment.

The air became heavy and Jincheonwoo let out a small laugh.

“… … As expected, you are the only one who understands me. You are the only friend I acknowledge.”

He continued.

“Yes, you are right. I intend to cover my original world with this world that has regained its freedom through chaos.”

Choi Il-hyun kept his mouth shut. And

Jincheonwoo said.

“For the boundless freedom of humanity, free from any predestined destiny. And for the people I love.”

“You don’t know what destruction lies at the end of a predetermined fate.”

Choi Il-hyun, who had been quietly listening to the story, opened his mouth.

“I understand why you have fanatics. I understand why Jawoon worships you as a god. Your beliefs, your arguments are certainly tempting.”

Choi Il-hyun put the cigarette in his mouth again.

He blew out smoke.

“But what can I do? It looks like that plan failed.”

Choi Il-hyun dropped his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it with his foot.

“You were thinking of sacrificing the people of this world for your world, but our world has no intention of being sacrificed for yours.”

At that moment, a thick magical energy began to emanate from somewhere.

The sound of many footsteps can be heard.

People were approaching behind Choi Il-hyun.

Jincheonwoo muttered as he looked at the man who had revealed himself.

“… … Kim Seon-woo.”

Following this, Lee Seo-jun and his friends appeared.

And then a few more seconds passed and dozens of people appeared.

They were agents of the association who had come looking for Choi Il-Hyeon after seeing the signal magic he had released.

Choi Il-hyun said.

“Jincheonwoo. You’re finished now.”

The magic power of countless people blossomed and the thick darkness that had filled the space disappeared as if chased away.

Choi Il-hyun, Lee Seo-jun, and the association’s agents slowly surrounded Jin Cheon-woo.

“Is this how it ended up like this… …

Jincheonwoo muttered quietly as if sighing.

As if he sensed the disadvantage of the situation, he

There was regret in his eyes and voice.

But he didn’t despair.

Even in this unfavorable situation, the guy was always looking for an opportunity.

I saw it in his eyes. The light of ambition and hope hidden in his eyes.

“Choi Il-hyun. You always surprise me. I never thought you would draw such a big picture.”

Choi Il-hyeon shook his head at Jin Cheon-woo’s words.

“It wasn’t my plan. I needed a lot of help from my disciple at the crucial moment.

“I got it.”

At those words, Jin Cheon-woo’s gaze turned to me. I met his gaze and spoke.

“I told you. I will definitely come to see you before your body recovers.

Jincheonwoo smiled faintly.

“Yes. It really is as you said. It’s an obsession that even makes me feel afraid… … But.”

Jincheonwoo looked around us.

“What can you do to me with just you guys?”


The enormous magical power that poured out from Jincheonwoo’s body began to distort the space around him.

Everyone’s expressions hardened as if they were breathless from the overwhelming magical power.


One of the agents behind him knelt on the floor, his face pale, as if he had been suffocated by the simple breath.

Only then did I realize why he had such a large number

I thought he hadn’t lost his confidence even after seeing me.


Although his body never fully recovered from the curse, he gained greater power by adapting to the mysteries and powers of the minority clan.

Choi Il-hyun broke out in a cold sweat and spoke to me.

“Disciple. Where is your inspiration? What is he doing that I can’t see him?”

“I’m fighting against disastrous demons all by myself right now.”

Kim Jin-cheol, the strongest force in the world, is alone

We’re dealing with demons.

Things would have been much better if he had been there, but thanks to him, I was able to deal with Jin Cheon-woo while conserving my strength as much as possible.

That alone is enough.

“That’s too bad. There’s nothing we can do. We have no choice but to deal with him among ourselves.”

I nodded.

Just because Kim Jin-cheol isn’t there doesn’t mean Jin Cheon-woo can’t be defeated.

We have a chance too.

Of course, since the opponent is the opponent, the means and

I don’t think we should be picky about the method though.

Before the battle, I took out the Holy Grail that I had been saving for this day.

Jincheonwoo’s expression hardened for a moment.

“… …The Golden Grail?”

I smiled.

“I feel like I need to use everything I have to ensure victory.”

“What are you trying to do?”


As magic was poured into the Holy Grail in my hand, an enormous amount of power began to spread out greatly around me.

The effect of using the Holy Grail is to raise the world’s potential and create miracles.

It was a mystery with a similar effect to the power I possess, [Possibility Manipulation].

Of course, since it is a one-time use item, there is a lot more you can do with it.



Suffering from Jincheonwoo’s overwhelming magic power

The faces of the people who had been feeling this way became calm.

The same goes for the colleagues who were suffering next to me.

Because the warm energy emanating from the Holy Grail protected them.

“… … What, what is it? The vitality of the body?”

The agents also seemed to sense this energy and reacted with surprise.

Everyone’s bodies, exhausted from the long battle, were recovering quickly.

On the contrary, Jincheonwoo’s face became darker and darker. The natural magic surrounding him moved unnaturally and his

Because it was suffocating.

At that moment, the natural magical power next to Jincheonwoo gathered and exploded.


Shrapnel from the explosion left a small wound on Jin Cheon-woo’s cheek.

The bastard’s face froze for a moment at the unexpected situation.

And at the same time.

Wood crunch.

The floor the guy was standing on suddenly sank as if it had collapsed.

Jincheonwoo barely managed to keep his balance.

“It’s not just a coincidence.”

His gaze was directed towards the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail was slowly rising into the sky, emitting a beautiful light.

“Through the Holy Grail, the environment… no. the luck was changed.”

“You’re quick-witted. That’s right.”

The Holy Grail is a mystery that manipulates possibilities to create miracles.

Through the Holy Grail, we have increased the guy’s misfortune to the extreme and our luck to the extreme.

As evidence, the one flowing through the center of the bastard

The magic of the kite was working against him, and the natural mana flowing around us was quickly recovering his fatigue.

My mana, which had actually run out, has now been completely restored.

It was a regenerative effect comparable to the heart of Mother Nature.

Of course, it doesn’t end there.

The ‘luck’ manipulated by the Holy Grail will bring us more benefits in the future.

“It’s annoying.”

He looked up at the Holy Grail floating in the sky

And he muttered like that.

Now that the Holy Grail has been activated, there’s nothing he can do about it.

Because it is not an object that can be destroyed by magic power.

Then Lee Seo-jun walked next to me and said.

“How long does that last?”

“Maybe 30 minutes.”

Although it wasn’t noticeable now, parts of the Holy Grail were slowly disappearing.

As it is a disposable artifact, there are limitations.

“30 minutes is enough.”

Yuara said with a smile.

And Choi Seo-yoon and Yoon Ha-young also nodded in agreement with her words.


I felt the infinite mana through the Holy Grail for a moment, then I created a magic sphere.

Golden mana that materializes in an instant.

It felt like it was filled with pure natural mana, and I felt more powerful than usual.

Other agents also felt the mana and each

He implemented his own magic.

Jincheonwoo, whose face darkened, injected mana into his black sky with a stern expression.

And then. Jincheonwoo swung his black sword towards us.


Even though we couldn’t use magic properly due to the extreme environment, a huge amount of sword energy was shot at us.

I quickly release a magic sphere

I blocked his sword.

As their magics collided in the air, a huge explosion occurred.


After that, Choi Il-Hyeon’s attacks continued.

Choi Il-hyun quickly approached Jin Cheon-woo, and the bastard turned his body and tried to counterattack.

That moment.


The floor he was standing on collapsed once again.

Jincheonwoo lost his balance due to the variable that appeared in a short moment. Choi Ilhyun did not miss that gap.

The magic circle spread out on his palm exploded as it reached Jin Cheon-woo’s stomach.



Jincheonwoo’s body was pushed back significantly.

Then a huge blast of flame fell on the creature’s head, causing another explosion.


The huge smoke that occurred like that.

A moment later, a crescent-shaped sword energy shot out quickly from the smoke along with an eerie aura.

The sword cut down the association’s agents in an instant.


After that, Jincheonwoo jumped forward in the smoke and dug into the center.

He spun around quickly and swung his sword in a circular motion, and with each swing of his sword, several agents fell, spewing blood.

At that time, Lee Seo-jun took advantage of Jin Cheon-woo’s opening.

Jincheonwoo, who sensed the threat, quickly turned around and defended himself.


As the White Sky and the Black Sky collided, a huge wave of magical power rang out loudly.

The two swords trembled, and Lee Seo-jun gritted his teeth to avoid being pushed back by the force.

The moment the two of them clashed swords and fought, I released my magic to take advantage of his opening.


But what spreads between the two

My attack was destroyed by the Korean wave.


Lee Seo-jun began to slowly move backwards as if he was being pushed back by force.

This is because Black Heaven has gradually become stronger as it absorbs White Heaven’s magical power.

At that moment, the natural magical energy flow began to move unnaturally once again and began to seep into Baekcheon.

Jincheon Woo’s expression hardened at the sudden increase in Baekcheon’s power.

The amount of magical power that is amplified by nature is greater than the amount of magical power that is absorbed by the Heavens.

It was so big.

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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