Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 511

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“It will be like that.”

Kim Deok-hyeon continued speaking.

“That’s why I called you today. I was wondering if you might have a solution to this.”

I thought for a moment and then said.

“We have to tackle it head on.”


“Ask other guilds for help. The power of the association alone is not enough to defeat the legions of demons.

“There will be a limit to how much we can block.”

Kim Jin-cheol frowned at the mention of the guild.

This is because most guilds do not have good relations with the association.

“They won’t cooperate.”

As he said, most guilds are unlikely to cooperate with the association.

It’s not just because they’re not on good terms with the association, but because guilds are ultimately driven by money.

Even if a crisis arises among them, they will just watch each other.

If they ever get into a situation where they move, it will be when the worst happens.

“You just have to make them cooperate.”

“You’re trying to get them to cooperate? Oh, no. No way. They’re so selfish.”

Kim Jin-cheol snorted. I looked at him and smiled faintly.

“You can do politics.”


“Every recent demonic attack incident is exaggerated to the fullest extent possible.

“So that the citizens can tremble in fear.”

Kim Jin-cheol narrowed his eyes.

“Do you think you can move them with something like crowd psychology?”

“They are using that fear to brand guilds that don’t help the association as traitors to the world.”

A guild is like a kind of business.

There are customers who use the guild, and they need to create a good image for the customers.

“Are you telling me to ruin the guild’s image and create a situation where they will suffer losses?”

“That’s right. The guild moves according to profit and loss. If the loss is big, they will try to move on their own to improve their image.”

Kim Jin-cheol started laughing out loud.

“That’s so typical of you. I should have noticed when you were terrorizing Seoul while playing the Demon King.”

The expression ‘playing the devil’ made me laugh out loud.

At the time, it was a rather noble plan.

“Well, I will try to attract other forces as much as possible.”

After finishing my conversation with Kim Jin-cheol, I left the chairman’s office with Choi Il-hyeon.

“Why do you seem to be getting more and more evil? Or should I say, more and more vile?”

I shrugged my shoulders at Choi Il-hyun’s joking remark.

“It’s about making the best choice from a limited number of options. You can’t solve everything with fair methods alone.”

“… … Well, that’s not wrong. Evil

“There is no rule that says you have to deal with it only with lines.”

Choi Il-hyun, who had been mumbling like that, spoke again.

“By the way, have you decided what to do with the completed Holy Grail?”

“Yes… … Well. I did think about it. Sure.

“That’s not true, though.”

“How do you plan to write it?”

Choi Il-hyun asked directly.

He seemed very interested because he had seen the completed Holy Grail with his own eyes.

“I’ll tell you about that later.”

“… … Whatever you want, do as you please.”

He had been walking down the top floor hallway in silence when he opened his mouth again.

“What’s next on your schedule?”

“I heard that Lee Seo-jun is coming to the association, so I’m going to grab a bite to eat. It’ll probably take about 20 minutes.”

By the way, Choi Seo-yoon has agreed to be my conversation partner for the remaining time.

“Hmm. Is that so?”

That moment when you pass by the bend in the hallway without thinking.


Choi Seo-yoon popped out as if to surprise us.

I wasn’t particularly surprised because I had been feeling the presence of people before.

At that moment, Seo-yoon Choi noticed Il-hyun Choi standing next to her and showed a bewildered reaction.

“Oh, hello.”

“… … Oh. Okay.”

Choi Il-hyun stared at her for a moment, then glanced at me.

But the look in his eyes towards me is strange.

I should say that I feel an indescribable discomfort.

“… …Why are you looking at me like that?” Choi Il-hyun coughed slightly and then said


“I was going to say this last time too. You, Inma.

“Choose quickly.”


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The week passed quickly.

As I had told him, Kim Jin-cheol started spreading articles about Jin Cheon-woo and Masu here and there.

And as expected, great chaos arose in society.

“Sudden increase in damage from demonic attacks across China… … ”

“Citizens who recall the nightmare of Jincheonwoo in the past… … It’s time for the guild and association to join forces”

“Hansung Group, which has stepped forward without any hesitation, promises full support to the association.”

“The Magic Guild turns a blind eye to the crisis, and citizens’ criticism increases. A boycott even breaks out… … .j

“Golden Lion Guild, image improvement

Cooperation with the Association for the sake of

As a result.

In the face of the fear of a demon invasion, the citizens’ arrows of hatred were directed at the guild, and as a boycott movement arose, the guilds eventually began to cooperate with the association one by one.

Here, the media outlets belonging to Hansung Group played a major role.

“It’s changing rapidly. There are more and more movements to oppose Jincheonwoo.”

Late evening at the office at 8()1.

Han Se-yeon muttered while looking at the news appearing on the hologram screen.

The news was full of announcements of a meeting to respond to the demons.

[The demons from all over the world are gathering in Asia. The Association is paying close attention… …]

“It’s not enough. We need more people’s strength.”

Eventually, the guilds began to cooperate with the association, but it was still not enough.

This is because the number of demons controlled by Jin Cheon-woo is rapidly increasing, just as the number of humans cooperating is increasing.

Han Se-yeon smiled as if to reassure me at my muttering.

“Still, there are more and more people helping out. This is just the beginning.”

“Yes, that’s true.”

But I can’t help but feel worried.

This is because Jincheonwoo’s ability to control demons was growing stronger faster than I expected.

The number of disastrous demons currently controlled by Jincheonwoo has been confirmed to be as high as six.

Considering that one disaster-level demon was equivalent to a large guild, it was a very serious situation.

What worries me the most is that I don’t know what Jincheonwoo is thinking.

“So, how long do we have to wait like this?”

Ellen, who was sitting on the sofa, grumbled.

Then, Ren’s voice was heard.

“I agree. Shouldn’t we also join forces in the association?”

The associations and guilds are at war with their followers’ strongholds and hordes of demons every day.

But 8()1 was not participating. Naturally, it was not because they were intentionally avoiding the battle.

“We have work to do. Wait.”

“So what is that thing you are going to do?”

At that moment, I felt magical power from the bead I was holding in my hand.

[The grudge of the dead]

It was a tracking mystery that had been planted in the mine warlock.

I tightened my grip on the marbles.

Finally, they started moving.

I stood up from my seat.

Everyone looked at me blankly at my sudden actions.

“Now let’s get moving.”

“Huh? Suddenly?”

I nodded and said.

“I found Jawoon.”

The top floor of the Seoul Magic Association.


The door to the president’s office burst open along with the sound of urgent footsteps in the hallway.

“Mr. Chairman! This is an emergency!”

The owner of the voice was Yang Ji-tae, an agent from the information team.

At his shout, Chairman Kim Jin-cheol, who was looking down at the scenery outside the window, slowly turned around.

Unlike his usual playful expression, his face was more serious than ever.

“I already know.”

On the table in front of him was a holographic map.

And there was a small dot shining on the map, as if indicating someone’s location.

This map was a tracking mystery I obtained through my last meeting with Kim Seon-woo.

“It seems like you contacted the Mine Shaman to lift Jincheonwoo’s curse. It really turned out just like he said.”

Everything is going as Kim Seon-woo said.

Jincheonwoo took a risk to lift the curse, and as a result, he contacted the Mine Shaman and exposed his location.

It was a moment when I understood why Jincheonwoo thought he was afraid of him.

“Chairman, we don’t have time for this. We need to dispatch agents immediately to subdue Jin Cheon-woo.”

Instead of answering, Kim Jin-cheol just looked at the map.

The current location of the Mine Shaman is the ‘Black Land’ located in eastern Russia.

Recently, numerous demons have been discovered in this area, and the information team has also mentioned this area as a dangerous area.

Kim Jin-cheol took a short breath and thought.

Jincheonwoo must be somewhere over there right now… … .

If Kim Seon-woo hadn’t planned it out in advance, it would have been impossible to find him so quickly.

He took a short breath and opened his mouth.

“Gather the agents now.”

[You have entered the ‘Black Land’.]

[A mysterious aura surrounds your body.]

[Causality increases by 1.]

I rode the gate with my 8()1 colleagues and arrived at the ‘Black Land’.

As the name ‘Black’ suggests, the entire land was black, and as a result, the trees and grass on the land were all black.

It was shining.

“… … Is Jincheonwoo really hiding here?”

Elin frowned and looked around.

The Black Land is one of the forbidden lands where all kinds of monsters run rampant due to an unknown magical phenomenon that causes hallucinations.

It was natural to feel nervous when entering such an area.

“The Mine Shaman’s movements stopped here, so he must be somewhere nearby.


Of course, it’s possible that it’s a trap set by Jin Cheon-woo who noticed my plan, but his top priority would be to lift the curse of the ancient mine.

There’s a high probability that he knew about my plan and took the risk.

At that, Ellen scratched her head.

“… … More importantly, Mine Shaman. I’m worried for nothing. It seems like you’re suffering because of us.”

That made me laugh.

This is the first time in my life that I’ve seen someone worry about mine.

“Don’t worry. They won’t harm you or anything. It’s not usually that hard to lift a curse that someone else has placed.”

It will probably take at least a month to completely lift the curse.

Now that we’ve located the bastard, all we have to do is kill him before he completely lifts the curse.

Of course, it won’t be easy for Jincheonwoo to do something like that.

While thinking about future plans, the gumiho looked around and said.

“Chaos. I sense an aura similar to the Isle of Death on this land. I have a bad feeling about it.”

Han Ji-won also said, agreeing with those words.

“I went here last year, but it feels different now.”

I nodded.

“It’s probably Jin Cheon-woo’s influence. He must have done something to create his own fortress on this land.”


I can see it in my eyes.

A welcoming magic flowing throughout the forest.

There might be a disastrous demon hiding inside there.


At that moment, a large amount of magical power was felt from somewhere nearby.

When I turned around, dozens of people in association uniforms were approaching me.

There were a few familiar faces, including star magicians known through the news, famous sorcerers, geologists, and mystics.

It was a 70-person expedition dispatched by the Association to investigate this ‘black land’.

“Is that Kim Seon-woo?”

Then an old man standing at the very front of the expedition team spoke to me.

A cold gaze. For a moment, I felt eerie.


He was the highest ranking official of the Wizards’ Association.

As the incident was an incident, a big name in the association showed up in person.

“… … This is my first time greeting you.”

He extended his hand to me.

At the same time, I felt dazed for a moment.

Yeomje is one of the most prominent Mine haters within the Association.

Of course, I thought that the gaze toward me, the king of mines, would not be kind.

“… … Are you not going to accept it?”

At those words, I belatedly received a handshake.

Although it was an old man’s hand, his strong magical power could be felt through his skin.

“Don’t misunderstand. I have no ill feelings toward you anymore. Rather, I am thinking of the past.

“I feel grateful for that. It is true that many people’s lives were saved thanks to you.”

He spoke calmly, but he was secretly embarrassed and did not make eye contact.

“……Ah, yes.”

After that, the emperor released my handshake and spoke to the people behind him.

“We divided into four groups to explore… …

As I was blankly staring at the sight, I heard another voice calling me from behind.


It was Yoon Ha-young.

After that, Choi Seo-yoon, Shin Young-jun, Yoo Ah-ra, and Lily also appeared.

“As expected, you were here first~.”

Even though it was a dangerous area, Yoon Ha-young spoke with the same high-tension tone as usual.

I gave her a small smile, but then I felt something strange.

“But what about Lee Seo-jun?”

All the other kids are there, but Lee Seo-jun is not there.

I felt curious about the unusual situation. Then, Choi Seo-yoon answered on my behalf.

“Senior Seojun is going to block the Ma Soo invasion from Ganghwa Island and will probably come back tomorrow or the day after.”

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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