Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 496

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“I think all we have to do now is prepare the welcoming ceremony for Jawoon… … But the ruins are much larger than I thought, so I’m not sure if it’ll go well.”

Elin muttered as she looked around. I agreed with her words.

The area of ​​the ruins was much larger than I expected.

It is not easy to prepare a trap spell for Jawoon like this.

“I have to prepare well. I also have to prepare to make the Holy Grail.”

I felt the magic of this place.

As this was an important location in the original work, I felt a tremendous amount of mana in it.

I was so addicted to mana that I felt like I could hardly breathe.

Why is Jawoon the place of Jincheonwoo’s resurrection?

I could immediately understand why this place was chosen.

“But there’s a lot of alcohol here too?”

Han Ji-won muttered as he looked around.

As he said, the walls of the altar at the ruins were covered with a huge amount of magic spells.

The content wasn’t much different from what I saw at the entrance.

Talking about dimensions. And summoning methods, etc… … .

An explanation of the laws of the other world

It was connected.

Of course, as it was the last room in the ruins, there was also special information that I had not seen before.

I slowly read the huge spell drawn before my eyes.

‘In each dimension there exists a god called the World.’

‘All worlds are under the transcendent being of infinite will.’

‘Chaos that transcends great dimensions, in the process, comes into contact with the records of the world and realizes the truth of cause and effect.’

‘Truth is a grace and special benefit given by infinite will, and a gift of God.

It has the potential to become a neck.’

There was a short piece of information written down.

It was a bit difficult, but I was able to vaguely understand the meaning through my own reasoning.

To summarize, it is like this.

There is a transcendent God above the world, and those who have surpassed great dimensions like me are given certain ‘benefits’.

And I could see what that ‘benefit’ was.

This is the benefit of outsiders.

“Use it.”

My head is getting complicated.

I was so overwhelmed with information all at once that my mind wasn’t working very well.

Then suddenly, the ritual I had seen earlier came to mind and a small question arose.

The novel ‘Modern Wizard’ is likely to have been used by Jin Cheon-woo as a medium to summon me.

So then who on earth wrote that novel?

Kim Chang-hyun? Jin Cheon-woo?

Hmm. The image doesn’t look very good for what I think they wrote…

Will this mystery be solved if I use [Dimensional Travel]?


I exhaled briefly.

Here, if you have the mana that comes out from the central altar of the ruins, you will be able to obtain the magic power necessary for [Dimensional Travel].

I wanted to solve all my questions right away through dimensional travel, but there was one thing that worried me.

According to Pico, it takes two hours of real time to get the information needed for dimensional travel.

But do you know what will happen in the meantime when you use dimensional travel?

As I was thinking about that, my eyes met with Choi Il-hyun’s.

“How long does it take to make the Holy Grail?”

“It will take quite some time.”

At least 12 hours or more.

Perhaps the moment the Holy Grail is completed is death

It will be after all the events that took place on the island have passed.

However, the reason I wanted to create the Holy Grail was to prevent variables that might arise in the future.

Choi Il-hyun nodded.

“I will set up the trap for Zawoon. You prepare to create the Holy Grail.”

“Can you do it by yourself?”

The technique prepared to destroy Jawoon is a technique of blocking space.

To destroy them by preventing them from activating the mystery of their emergency escape.

was the plan.

“Hong. You still don’t trust me?”

I chuckled at Choi Il-hyun’s words.

Well, it’s one of the top two monsters in the world.

Is this worrying for nothing?

“The problem is that the altar at the ruins is so wide that we don’t know which hole they’ll come through… … But if we try our best, we’ll be able to somehow get through.”

I nodded at his words.

I think it was a good idea to bring Choi Il-hyun here.

Thanks to you, I have one less thing to do.

I felt relieved and slowly implemented the ritual to create the Holy Grail.

About 20 minutes passed like that.


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I completed the basic formula required to create the Holy Grail, and placed the ingredients for the Holy Grail, the Seed of Origin, the Goblet of Life, and the magic powder on top.

“… … These are the ingredients for the Holy Grail. Where on earth did you get these?”

Before I knew it, my colleagues had gathered around me.

Since there was no time to answer, I immediately implemented the drinking method.


Soon, a tremendous light spread across the ritual and began to absorb all the magical power flowing out from within the ruins.

And that magic began to gather in the cup of life.

The sacred energy felt afterwards.

I felt the energy and exclaimed in admiration.

If it has this much power from the start, what will the finished product of the Holy Grail be like?

“If we just leave it alone, the Holy Grail will be completed naturally.”

“… … So this is how it’s made. It’s amazing.”

Elin muttered in a possessed voice.

After that, I activated another spell I had drawn up in advance.

A translucent curtain of magical power was created, enclosing the magic of making the Holy Grail.

At the same time, the mana that was spreading outward from the Holy Grail was blocked.

“Huh? I can’t feel mana all of a sudden?”

Everyone spoke in surprised voices.

I chuckled as if it was nothing.

A curtain of magical power blocking.

It was one of the designer’s visionary techniques learned in the world of boundaries.

It has the disadvantage of being usable only in a small range, but this way, no one will notice that the Holy Grail is being made here.

After that, I stood up from my seat and turned my gaze to Choi Il-Hyeon.

“How long do you think it will take to complete the surgery?”

“It’ll probably take another hour or so. The ruins are bigger than I thought, so this isn’t perfect either.”

Choi Il-Hyeon answered me without stopping the magical power he was using to draw the formula.

One hour.

Jawoon is scheduled to arrive here in about two hours, so it’s a bit tight but still plenty of time.

“Okay, I understand. Then, as I told you before, I have something to prepare separately, so I think I should go.”

Now all that’s left for me to do is activate [Dimensional Travel].

Since he couldn’t explain the power of dimensional travel to everyone, he made an excuse to his companions that he had some additional training to complete before the showdown with Ja-un.

Everyone was curious for a moment, but soon agreed.

“It’ll take about two hours. Don’t worry too much.”

“But you have to do that training now.


“Oh. Definitely.”

Everyone’s mouths fell silent at my serious answer.

The nine-tailed fox opened her mouth as if she vaguely knew what I was going to do.

“If you can gain enlightenment even for a short time, you will gain great strength all at once.”

Elin shook her head as if she had no choice.

“… … Well, then I guess there’s nothing I can do


I looked around at everyone.

Now that we’re all ready, it’s time to start dimensional travel.

But, since I couldn’t know what variables would arise in the current situation with Kim Chang-hyun involved, I couldn’t take the step easily.

“Trust me and go. If that guy named Kim Chang-hyun shows up, I will show off all my power and stop him.”

The gumiho said confidently, placing a hand on her waist.

For the first time, I felt a sense of security and couldn’t help but smile.

“Okay, I’ll be back. See you in two hours.”

“Uh, uh. Leave it to us.”

I slowly raised my magical power and activated a magic circle around me.

The magic circle soon created a black curtain.

The magic of blocking vision.

It was a security spell used to avoid outside attention in the wizard game’s maze.

By the way, I cast this spell to avoid the ‘no disclosure’ that was placed on me.

It is the law.

My surroundings darkened, and I immediately activated my power.

[Consumes 30 causality.]

[Activate the power ‘Dimensional Travel’.]


As I used my power, a tremendous amount of energy spread through my body.

At the same time, the mana inside the body is tremendous.

The road started to slip away.


I gritted my teeth and moved the natural mana flowing within the ruins.

The mana of nature quickly began to fill the mana in my body that was soon emptying.


Then, a wave of mana spreads out.

[All conditions required for ‘Dimensional Travel’ have been met!]


When I came to my senses, the scenery before my eyes had changed.

A black space reminiscent of space.

And the blue light that fills the surrounding area… … .

I wasn’t surprised because I had been to that place through dimensional observation in the past.

[You have entered the ‘World Archive’.]

“Nothing has changed here.”

The scenery of the ‘World Archive’ that I visited again was no different from before.

When I first came here, I knew nothing, but now that I have some knowledge about the other side of the world, the feelings I have now are quite different from then.


I took a short breath and looked around.

I looked at the huge bowl filled with alcohol.

World records.

It is a history that records all time, and everything I have experienced is contained in it.

For your information, it looks like a new spell has been added on top of the old one. This is because the existing future has changed due to my intervention.

I read my slowly written history.

Starting from the second year of the Magic Academy, the subjugation of Kruas and the Great Spirit of the Border


Of course, other people’s times were also recorded, aside from my own history.

It’s a really interesting technique.

It’s amazing that such a vast amount of information can be contained in this level of magic.

I was lost in my memories for a moment while reading the history of the world, and then stopped at the end.

“… … It even says that they arrived at the Island of Death.”

After that, it is unreadable.

It may be because it is the future, not the present.

Next, I looked at the spells that recorded the history of my previous life.

This was no different from what we had seen in the past during ‘Dimensional Observation’.

It contains all the history I have experienced, and I have not been able to read it since Lee Seo-jun’s death.

As I was examining the recipe, a question suddenly occurred to me.

… … What happened to the world after Lee Seo-jun’s death?

*..uh 99


I had many questions, but no proper answers came to mind.

I turned my head and checked the drinking style of the next world.

Here, in the world’s archives, there are three records in total.

What I mean is that there is another hidden world besides the first and second worlds that I have experienced.

In the past, I didn’t know what it was and thought it was just the next world, but now I know the identity of this world.

“… … the first world.”


This history drawn before my eyes was the first world I had never experienced.

I was certain that the secret of Kim Chang-hyun becoming a regressor was hidden in this first world, and that it would have had a huge impact on the worlds created afterward.

I took a short breath and looked at the first world.

Because it was a world I had never experienced before

I shouldn’t have been able to read the text, but for some reason I was able to check fragmentary records now.

“… …Lee Seo-jun’s death.”

Even in the first world, Lee Seo-jun met his death at the hands of Crew As.

What’s unique about this first world is that you can also read the records after Lee Seo-jun’s death.

The war between the resurrected Jin Cheon-woo and the Association.

Jin Cheon-woo, who exerts his influence all over the world… … .

However, even in the first world, there were sections where records were broken.

Winter 2044… … .

From that day on, no records could be read.

It’s 2037 now, so 2044 is 7 years away.

But why did all records stop after 2044?

At that moment, a will came to my mind.

[There are currently a total of ‘three’ observable dimensions.]

[If you touch the spell, you can freely observe the three years of the desired time.


“You can observe for 3 years?”

Since it is a power with a causality of 30, it is definitely different from dimensional observation.

So, if we go back to 2042, we can check until 2044.

I was lost in thought for a moment.

Which time should I choose?

When Lee Seo-jun dies? Or, in 2044, when the first world ends?

The worry didn’t last long.

I thought it would be right to check out how the first time zone ends.

The reason I started dimensional travel was to find out ‘Kim Chang-hyun’s’ purpose.

I got my hands on it right away in 2042.

That moment.


A strong light spread out from the table and everything before my eyes flashed white.

“… … What kind of training is this guy doing?”

After Kim Seon-woo disappeared into the black curtain, saying he would train, an incredible aura of mystery began to spread around him.

Elin felt strong doubts because it was an energy she had never felt before.

“Don’t try to find out. I’ll do it anyway.

“You won’t understand it with your head.”

Elin frowned at the gumiho’s words.

“… … What did you say? I’m smart. And according to the association’s research, assistant magicians are the smartest.”

“I was just telling the truth.”

The gumiho answered like that and then turned her gaze to Choi Il-Hyeon, the masked man drawing a spell on the floor.

He had been silently preparing a trap for Jawoon since a while ago.

“I’ve felt this before, but this man has incredible understanding of magic. He can create such a complicated magic so easily.”

Elin agreed with those words.

Although his true abilities have not yet been shown, his magical knowledge was clearly extraordinary.

“What is it? I have no idea what it is.”

She then turned her gaze to another hidden female member of 8()1.

“… … I think I know who that person is.”

That was when.

“The ritual has been completed.”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Choi Il-hyun’s voice.


He nodded to Han Ji-won’s question.

“It is a technique that causes magical waves to scatter the coordinates required for space travel magic. It was created so that it can be applied to other spaces by utilizing the magical power of the ruins.”

“… … You can use magic waves like this

“It could be.”

Ellen was amazed.

Even for her, who had been in the auxiliary world for a long time, Choi Il-Hyeon’s method was a fresh method.

“So now I just have to guard this place?”


“… … Haa. I don’t know if it’ll work out.”

Elin muttered with concern.

Everyone here has strong power, so even if the opponent is Jawoon,

I was confident that I wouldn’t give up.

But when I heard that Kim Chang-hyun was involved, I couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

Kim Chang-hyun was a mysterious figure whose identity was not even revealed by the association.

“Don’t worry too much. The strategy is perfect.”

As if trying to ease Ellin’s worries, Choi Il-hyun said.

“… … Even if Jincheonwoo is resurrected, that won’t change.”

Then Han Ji-won intervened.

“Uh.], but wouldn’t it be a little difficult if Jin Cheon-woo were to be resurrected? He’s not just anyone, he’s Jin Cheon-woo, who’s known as the world’s worst magician.”

That was when.


Somewhere not far away, an unfamiliar energy began to burst forth.

The deep magical power flowing through the ruins shook greatly, and the ground shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

When the unexpected happened, everyone looked around in surprise.

“… … What, what?! What’s going on?!”


The ceiling of the ruins was collapsing.

A strong gust of wind blew overhead, sucking up debris from the ceiling.

Choi Il-hyun looked up at the night sky where the ceiling had disappeared with trembling eyes.

A huge purple pillar was shooting into the sky.

“……What is that?”

“What is going to happen?”

Tremendous energy.

The force created cracks not only in the ceiling of the ruins, but also in the night sky.

Choi Il-hyun looked at it and muttered in a trembling voice.

“… … Dimensional crack?”


The strong light that had been blocking my vision subsided, and a changed landscape came into view.

People walking on the road under the dazzling sunlight and blue sky… … .

When I raised my head, I saw a phrase written on a billboard in front of a tall building.

“Jin Cheon-woo has disappeared. Where is he and what is he doing?”

After that, Jin Cheon-woo’s face appeared beyond the screen.

His appearance after his resurrection from the dead.

It was a different situation from the original time period that I knew.

[Arrived in 2042.]

The year 2042 is the time after the ending of ‘Modern Wizard’.

However, Jincheonwoo is still alive, and Lee Seojun was killed by Croas and no longer exists in this world.

I started to get confused from the start


The ‘first world’, which was expected to be the world of the original work, was very different from what I expected.

Should I say that it feels like I’m seeing the future of the world before I return?

I could say that nothing had changed except for the absence of ‘Kim Seon-woo’.

“… … This is not the time to be doing this.”

The time given to me is not long.

You never know what might happen on Death Island, so you need to get information quickly and return.

“But how do you get information here?

“That’s what you’re saying?”

At that moment, a message appeared before my eyes.

[You can use space-time jump every 2 hours while dimensional traveling.]

“… …Space-time leap?”

At that moment, a small light appeared in front of the message and permeated my body.

At the same time, the method of ‘space-time leap’ was naturally acquired.

To summarize the abilities, they are as follows:

You can jump to any time you want, from 2042 to 2044.

And, I was able to move to the object I was looking for.

“… … With this, I can get information quickly.”

So who should try to jump first?

First, to confirm if Lee Seo-jun was really dead, he used ‘Time and Space Leap’ on him.

But nothing happened.

It really meant that in this world, Lee Seo-jun did not exist.

I felt bitter for a moment.

Is Lee Seo-jun dead after all…?

“… … Tsk.”

I quickly shook off my thoughts and thought about my next opponent.

The cooldown for space-time jump is 2 hours.

It’s been quite a while, so it should be used with caution.

“I guess that guy is the best.”

I activated my power again.


A bright light flashed and the scenery before my eyes changed in an instant.

The surroundings were pitch dark and I couldn’t see anything, but in front of me I could see the back of a man climbing the stairs.

“… … Kim Chang-hyun.”

The person I found was Kim Chang-hyeon from 2042.

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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