Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 467

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As the commotion began to spread here and there, the announcer’s voice was heard again.

[You can enter by completing the portal.]


There were panicked voices here and there. The entrance was blocked in a situation where you had to get in quickly and get the floor you wanted.

As you might expect, this type of test is very beneficial to me.

I started designing the magic circle leisurely. If I put my mind to it, I could enter in one go.

I am confident that I can do it, but I have no intention of doing it.

He glanced around and then turned his gaze towards the ‘black dog’.

As expected from a guild of teenagers, they were releasing their magic circles at a rapid pace.

I leisurely watched them unfold their magic circle.

My goal is to get into the next rank after the guys.


[Entered the tower.]

[You are the owner of the 16th floor.]

[You have achieved the ‘Participated in the Wizard Game’ achievement.]

[You will receive 3,000 points as a reward.]

We arrived inside the tower with a pure white light.

As I looked around, a wide space made of gray stone came into view.

And here and there it’s twisted like a maze

I could see the hallway.

“It’s a virtual world created by humans… … It’s quite something.”

The nine-tailed fox looked around and muttered as if it was amazed.

Ellen looked around with her arms crossed and then spoke to me.

“But why did you choose the 16th floor? You can easily aim for first place even if you go to the bottom or top floor.”

“It’s easier to suppress the black dog this way.”

Hokyeon entered first and chose the 20th floor.

And they are one of the strong candidates for the top spot in this exam.

Since our goal was not to pass but to be number one, we chose a location that was reasonably close enough to keep an eye on them.

“Hmm. You’re so confident.”

I nodded as Ellen muttered.

Then he looked around and discovered a blue jewel embedded in the center of the room.

“This is the symbol of the owner of the 16th floor. You guys should take a good look at it too.”

The jewel had the number 8()1 written on it.

If another team infuses magic into this jewel, the 16th floor will change hands, so it must be guarded well.

Please note that this gem has a fixed location and cannot be moved.

“Then I’ll tell you the strategy simply. It’s not difficult, so listen carefully.”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on me. I met their gazes and spoke.

“Everyone except me starts from the 15th floor and conquers the lower floors one by one.”

“Hmm? What about the 16th floor? Aren’t you going to aim for this from the upper floors?”

“I’ll guard the 16th floor by myself.”

“… … You’re going to protect it by yourself?”

I nodded instead of answering.

Ellen tilted her head as if she didn’t understand, then spoke again.

“Well, even if that’s the case for other teams, what if the black dog on the 20th floor comes down? Even you alone would have a hard time dealing with them.”

As she said, if I were to face them alone,

There will be some pretty tough situations.

There will be at least five people with S rank or higher.

“I have a way.”

About an hour had passed since the test began.

My teammates went down the stairs to conquer the lower floors, and I was left alone on the 16th floor, fighting a fierce battle.

Right now, in front of me, the team from the 17th floor was attacking me.

I implemented binding magic to lightly tie down their movements and took them out one by one by squeezing their airway.

Fortunately, the enemies on the 17th floor weren’t that strong, so I was able to deal with them on my own.

“… … Monster!”

Just like that, a person in front of me turned to dust and disappeared. He died in the virtual world and returned to reality.

As the three disappeared in an instant, the faces of the remaining two turned white.

“… … You can fight like this as an assistant?”

“Hey… … You’re saying it’s a ghost bubble!”

In the face of such a powerful force, they began to quarrel with each other and fight among themselves.

I just looked at them quietly.

Rather than stepping forward, he stood still to create a sense of mystery and intimidation in them.

If everything goes according to plan, there’s no need to fight the 17th floor.

“… … Let’s retreat for now.”

“You want to run away from here?”

“We have to guard even the 17th floor!”

“… … That, that’s right.”

After that, they ran towards the stairs as if they were escaping.

I blankly stared at their disappearing backs and let out a short breath.


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Now that we’ve chased out the guys on the 17th floor, we should finish the work.

“How far did you get… …

I took out a piece of chalk for designing sake from my bosom and looked down at the floor.

As the outsider’s benefit was activated, the form of an unfinished, gigantic magic was revealed.

After that, I squatted down and continued to draw the formula with chalk.

For reference, this technique was a technique of the Great Battle that I learned from Kim Jeong-hee in the world of boundaries.

The name is ‘The Gate of the Border.’

This is the strongest barrier that the legendary assistant wizard Kim Jeong-hee created after 10 years of devising.

The organizer of the Wizard Game, ‘Scales of Balance’.

They, consisting of executives from the three major guilds and various magic groups, were watching the third test, ‘Eat the Tower’, inside a luxurious room.

“I was really curious to see how it would turn out, but it exceeded my expectations.”

Yoo Soo-chul, one of the organizing committee members, looked at the game screen and exclaimed in admiration.

On the screen, a participant in the fire, ‘Ghost’, wearing a pure white hood over his head, implemented several binding spells and defeated the magicians on the 17th floor alone.

The battle was a great inspiration to even the officers of the ‘Scales of Balance’, who were respected by many wizards.

“That’s right. It’s not common to see a wizard using auxiliary magic so aggressively… …

Auxiliary magic is magic that is used only for ‘assistant’ purposes.

Because it requires precise and detailed calculations, it cannot keep up with the activation speed of other types of magic during battle.

But the ghost was different.

The speed was just as fast as the manifestation magic, and the implementation of the spell was also accurate.

In addition, he showed off his delicate skills of attacking and defending simultaneously by using binding magic.

It was evidence that he had considerable understanding of auxiliary magic.

“That’s right. There are less than 20 auxiliary magicians in the entire world with that level of understanding.”

“Aside from comprehension, I have never seen a wizard use auxiliary magic so aggressively. Who could it be?”

There was a brief silence inside when someone asked a question.

“Well, someone with that level of skill would definitely be well-known. He definitely wouldn’t be a rookie.”

“Could it be the eccentric Jeong Yunseul? Of all the assistant magicians I know, she has a relatively aggressive style.”

“… … It’s definitely similar, but oh, easy, the ghost is male. Voice

I know because I heard it.”

Yoo Soo-cheol’s words were immediately met with a rebuttal.

“There is also the possibility of voice modulation.”

“But their physiques are different. There’s a limit to how much magic can hide them.”

“Ah. That’s true. So is it a ghost murder? Or a white prison?”

Since then, the names of countless wizards who have made a name for themselves as assistants have been mentioned, but no proper answer has been found.

No matter how much I compared them, there was no auxiliary magician with a style similar to that of a ghost.


Then the ghost on the screen started drawing a huge spell using chalk.

Even those who reached the top of the magic world were seeing this great magic for the first time.

“What is that drink? Something about it looks unusual.”

“Wait a minute, that drink is… … ?”

Then one person muttered:

At the same time, everyone’s eyes turned to him. She was a woman in her fifties with long, curly black hair.

Her name is ‘Selina’.

Her known nickname was ‘Black Hallucination’ and she was ranked in the top five among active auxiliary magicians.

“Lady Selina, is this a technique you know?”

“… … I know a similar technique.”

Selina said that and thought to herself.

‘But it was a technique that disappeared unfinished. How come…

Some executives were curious about Selina’s words.

He looked at her with eyes full of compassion.

“What kind of drink is it?”

Selina closed her mouth for a moment, then slowly opened it.

“It’s a grand strategy that the strategy designer was researching before he disappeared.”

“… … The drink designer?”

Everyone looked bewildered when an unexpected name popped up.

Drinking designer.

It was the nickname of a legendary wizard who was known as one of the greatest wizards.

He made a huge contribution to the development of the auxiliary system.

He was also an educator who raised excellent assistant magicians such as Jeong Yun-seul.

“… … Are you talking about the magician Kim Jeong-hee who went missing?”

Selina nodded instead of answering.

“… … Now that I think about it, the origin of such an aggressive auxiliary magician was the designer of the spell. His disciple, Jeong Yunseul, was also greatly influenced by him.”

When the unexpected figure was mentioned, everyone looked at the ghost with puzzled faces.

And then the thought occurred to everyone.

I wonder if the ghost’s identity is the missing Kim Jeong-hee.

“Surely not?”

“… … he might be a hidden disciple.”

Then someone scratched his head and said,

“If you’re so curious about the identity of the ghost, why don’t you just dig up information about 8()1 through the Information Guild?”

“That’s impossible.”

I listened to the story with my mouth shut for a moment

Yoo Soo-cheol answered firmly.

“Why? If you investigate any large guild, everything will come out.”

“Behind the 8th, there is Hansungga.”

The 17th floor of a virtual tower where the 3rd round takes place.

The members of Black Dog quickly conquered the 19th floor and 18th floor using their destructive power and reached the 17th floor.

When we got inside, what we saw were three people.

But their appearance was unusual.

Should I say that he looks very mentally exhausted?

“It looks like he was defeated while trying to reach the 16th floor. It looks like he lost two of his colleagues there.”

David nodded at Alain’s words.

He felt that the current situation on the 17th floor could not be explained otherwise.

But thinking about it that way, one question arose. Why didn’t the owner of the 16th floor chase after the 17th floor?

“Park In-hwan.”


At David’s call, Park In-hwan stepped forward.

Afterwards, six thorns of flame filled with powerful magical power appeared above his head.

The three wizards looked terrified at the sight.


With Park In-hwan’s short cry, thorns of flame quickly rushed toward them.

However, they were exhausted from the battle and could not properly defend against the attack. Eventually, their bodies were pierced by the thorns and they turned to dust.

David smiled in satisfaction at the clean victory.

“Good work.”

David walked to the center of the space and injected magic into the jewel.

Soon the light spread widely and the jewel turned purple.

It was evidence that the owner of the 17th floor had changed to ‘Harsh Dog’.

“We’ve now conquered three floors. How many hours are left until the competition ends?”

“4 hours left.”

Alain said, nodding his head.

“We’re exactly halfway there now. We might get pushed back by 801, so let’s just conquer four more floors.”


After that, they went straight to the 16th floor without any rest.

All kinds of boxes installed on the tower by climbing the stairs

We arrived at our destination, the ’16th floor’, avoiding the traffic.

As they passed through the passage and looked inside, a masked figure was standing alone in the middle of a wide space, looking at them.


Park In-hwan muttered blankly. And Alain, standing next to him, became sharp-eyed.

“I wonder who the owner of the 16th floor is… … Was it 801?”

Alain grabbed the spear and walked towards the ghost with angry steps.

A while ago, I got a nosebleed from a ghost

Because he had the humiliation buried deep in his heart.

That moment.

Phage crackle!

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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