Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 464

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He was warning us.

Any entity that threatens us.

What is the identity that makes it so… … .

“… … We have to tell everyone right away.”

However, the other comrades set out for the African desert, a virtual world created by Shin Giru, in search of the fourth diary.

Of course, contact is impossible in the virtual world.

It was an awkward situation that I couldn’t even tell my other colleagues.



Jin charged his magical power into his fist and slammed it against the wall.

In an instant, the wall collapsed and the voices of the agents who had noticed the small commotion could be heard.

-… … What just happened?

But Jin didn’t care.

The sense of defeat at having been attacked by an unknown person, the sadness and anger at having lost a precious comrade.

It was just a complicated mix of emotions that made me feel miserable.

“… … I don’t know who it is, but I will definitely find them and kill them.”

Jin disappeared into the darkness with a murderous voice.


Three weeks passed quickly, and it was the day of the Wizard Games, a small festival that attracted the attention of many wizards.

Lee Seo-jun and his party arrived at ‘Saint Park’, one of the islands in the Mediterranean where this year’s Wizard Games will be held.


The scenery of St. Park, famous as a wizarding tourist destination and a sports mecca, was splendid.

Numerous high-rise luxury hotels

Fields. And numerous stadiums for each sport floating in the sky.

Below, numerous tourists were walking around with smiles on their faces.

“It’s a lot bigger than I thought.”

“I know.”

As I was looking around like that, I heard a voice from somewhere.

—Huh? Isn’t that Lee Seo-jun?

—That seems right. Next to them are the association gods.

—I’m participating this time because of the S-rank evaluation.

I heard they were going to do it, and it really was.

At those words, Shin Young-jun snickered and poked Lee Seo-jun in the ribs.

“Hey, hey. People are talking about you.”

“… … I don’t care.”

“By the way, where should I go? I have to apply for participation first.”

When Yoon Ha-young asked, Lily pointed somewhere with her finger.

“There it is.”

At the same time, everyone’s eyes were on her hand.

Headed towards the end of the rock.

A huge circular building with no end in sight.

This building is well known for its unique form, combining a stadium and a hotel.

And starting from the entrance on the first floor, there was a huge line of people waiting.

Shin Young-jun made a surprised expression as he looked at it.

“Could it be that all of those people are applicants?”

“… … Oh, maybe? The tourist line is at the back.”

Even Lily couldn’t have expected that so many people would flock to her, as she ran her finger along her cheek.

Then a small commotion arose from somewhere.

—Hey. That’s the Fighting King Guild over there!

The eyes of the people waiting in line turned toward someone’s shout.

A symbol of a sword crossing a huge shield.

One of the top 10 guilds, under the top 3 guilds

Six executives of the ‘Two Kings’ guild, known as the ‘Two Kings’, were walking down the street.

—The 10th Guild is also participating. Wow… …Is that woman the Ice Soul Sword Master?

—They said it was mainly for newcomers, but the competition is no joke.

They soon entered another door in the building.

Yoon Ha-young, who was watching the scene, asked.

“But why don’t those people stand in line?

Are you? Aren’t you the same contestant?

“We are applicants, but those people received an official invitation from the organizer.”

Lily shrugged and continued.

“For your information, those who are invited are automatically given a pass to the preliminary exam as well as the third round of the main competition. They also said there were many benefits other than hotel accommodations, but I don’t remember that well.”

The Wizards game involves a simple screening test to test basic skills.

Since Lee Seo-jun and his group were in the position of ‘applicants’, they had to go through all of these processes.

As time passed, the line got shorter and it was Lee Seo-jun and his group’s turn.

I verified my identity with the guide and filled out the application form.

There were many events, individuals and teams. There was a lot to choose from.

Naturally, they chose team play, the highlight of Wizards games.


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“I have confirmed your application.”

The clerk checked the documents and said.

“Team name ‘Rookie 6’. Is that correct?”


I named it without much thought.

Lily and Shin Young-jun suggested several team names, such as ‘Lily Fan Club’ and ‘Lee Seo-jun’s Royal Family’, but since none of them were normal names, they were all rejected and the safe name ‘Rookie 6’ was chosen.

For reference, the meaning literally means 6 rookies.

“Completed. Your team number is 48. Please proceed to the judging waiting room on the right.”

The group received a call from the staff [#48, Lou

I received a card that said [Key 6].

It was a state-of-the-art card that contained a complex formula and allowed access to hotels, shops, etc. in St. Park.

At that moment, I was about to move to the examination waiting room.

Again a small commotion was heard from somewhere.

Lee Seo-jun and his group naturally turned their gaze towards the direction of the noise.

—Hey hey. Those people over there.

—… … 801? What is it? This time, an invitation

I heard that they spread a lot of chapters, but I didn’t know it would go up to 8()1.

Someone wearing a black mask and a white hood was walking down the street.

After that, five other masked figures followed suit.

—Hey. What’s the concept with all the masks on? But the one in the front is a ghost, right?

—Oh, and I think that’s Ren at the very back.

Lee Seo-jun looked at them quietly. He didn’t know why, but his eyes were naturally drawn to them.

It wasn’t just Lee Seo-jun.

His colleagues also felt a strange feeling towards the ‘ghost’ who was at the forefront of 8()1.

Should I say that as I get closer to him, my body becomes more and more energetic?

But the change was so subtle that no one noticed it.

At that moment, as if he noticed their gaze, the ghost turned his head toward Lee Seo-jun and his group.

It was done.

A brief encounter.

Although he couldn’t see through the mask, he could tell that his gaze was directed at him.

Soon the ghost turned its head and disappeared through another door.

“Now that we meet like this, I think I understand why you’re called a ghost. You have this kind of presence even though you’re right in front of my nose.”

Office space at the St. Park Hotel where the Wizard Games are held.

Yoo Su-cheol, the organizing committee member sitting across from me, spoke with a look of wonder in his eyes.

After that, he briefly glanced at his colleagues standing behind me and continued speaking.

“… … and how is 8()1 that short?

I think it’s possible that he’s achieved that much growth in such a short period of time. To be honest, I was a little surprised.”

For reference, his real identity is the Vice Master of the Golden Lion, one of the world’s three greatest magician guilds.

He has a brief interview with those invited to the Wizard Game, introducing the upcoming schedule and the progress of the Wizard Game.

And it seemed like he had sensed our strength at first glance, as if he was the vice-master of one of the three major guilds.

It was an expected situation.

Because I already knew that he had a special quality called [excellent insight].

“Anyway, I sincerely thank you for accepting the invitation. As a rule, we do not separately check the identities of ‘special participants’, but I am very curious about the faces under the masks. If you do not mind… …

“I refuse.”

At my firm words, Yoo Soo-cheol smiled faintly with a look of despair on his face.

“Okay, I appreciate you accepting my invitation.”

At those words, I smiled slightly behind my mask.

Rather, I was the one who felt grateful.

If I had to participate in the wizard game as an ‘applicant’, there would have been many troublesome situations, starting with revealing my identity.

“As I said earlier, those who have been invited by the organizers, the ‘special participants’, will participate in the third round of the main competition. I can’t tell you the details of the matches, but it will be more convenient for you since you will be able to save energy compared to the ‘applicants’.”

Yoo Soo-cheol put six black cards with luxurious gold patterns on the table.

“This is a card that can be used in the Wizards game.”

The number 8()1 was written on the front of the card.

“Black Card. This is proof that you are a special participant. With this card, you can freely use numerous facilities inside the hotel and the stadium, so please use it as much as you want.”

I handed five cards to Elin.

Elin received the card and told her colleagues

Passed them on one by one.

“That’s all for now. It was brief, but it was nice meeting the Ghost of Rumors.”

Yoo Soo-cheol stood up from his seat and naturally extended his hand to me.

But I didn’t hold his hand.

This is because he knew that, like Kim Jin-cheol, he had the ability to ‘scan magic’ to determine the abilities of those he came into contact with.

Instead of shaking hands, I greeted him with a brief nod.

“Then that’s it.”

We just walked out of the room.

A moment later, a hollow laugh could be heard from beyond the door.

The so-called ‘St. Hotel Stadium’ where the Wizard Games take place has a rather complex structure.

It is a structure where stadiums for various sports are attached to one tall building that serves as a pillar.

To put it simply, we walk

If the corridors and hotels are the pillars of a tree, the stadium is like the branches and fruits that are attached to each other.

“Hahahaha. So fluffy!”

As soon as she entered the hotel, the gumiho threw down her mask and jumped onto the bed.

Within seconds, with a “bang!” sound, it transformed into the form of a small fox cub.

Elin, seeing that sight, threw down her mask and said.

“Miss. Hey! Gumiho! Don’t transform into that form because the hair is flying!”

“Do not command me, and do not command me.

“The name is not Gumiho, but Tamamo.”

“I don’t care about your name. Knock knock! Miss. Fur! Stay still. Please!”

“I’m comfortable with this appearance, so you should be the enemy. Aren’t humans creatures of adaptation? Hahaha.”

The fox laughed again and rolled over on the bed. Elin blushed as she watched him.

I chuckled at the sight.

I don’t know when it started, but those two have become quite close.

At that level, it’s almost like fire… no, best friend

Maybe we came this close?

At that moment, the small man standing next to me, Han Ji-won, took off his mask and muttered blankly.

“… … A disastrous demon is my comrade. I still find it hard to believe.”

At those words, I glanced at Seonhwa, who was resting on a chair in the corner.

In fact, there are not only disastrous demons here, but also mines.

Plus, there are minority clans, and a solo warrior wizard, so it’s definitely a unique combination.

“By the way, the hotel is really luxurious.”

Han Ji-won spoke to me as if talking to herself. I nodded.

I’ve been to countless hotels, but this one is definitely in my top three.

It’s a bit disappointing that I was assigned a six-person room instead of a private room, but the hotel is so luxurious that it makes you forget about it.

I took a moment to admire the view of St. Park outside the window, then asked.

“What time is the contestant selection match?”

“Oh, it already started. At 4 o’clock.

yo. this.”

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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