Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 449

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Episode 450


A powerful wave of magical power shook the area surrounding Seolsan Mountain.

The other side of the world was covered in darkness, and something like a huge black silhouette slowly began to appear.

“… … That, that’s the great spirit of Seolsan?”

The townspeople muttered in trembling voices, as if they were crushed by fear.

A giant silhouette flashes red eyes

I also felt a chill run down my spine.

“Everyone, get ready!”

Everyone seemed to come to their senses at my words and raised their magical powers.

At the same time, the guy who had been hiding in the darkness revealed himself.

Long ears and pure white fur reminiscent of a giant rabbit.

It was exactly the same as what I had seen in the virtual world.


Then a huge chunk of ice began to materialize above the guy’s head.

He realized that his nest had been invaded and was trying to kill us.

I immediately drew up a spell using magic to counter it.

[Implements the ‘Spirit Materialization Technique’]


A huge ritual slowly began to take shape on the white snow-covered ground.

However, since the opponent is a great spirit, I also have to implement a large-scale technique to match it, so it is impossible to complete it right away.

“Please hold on for two minutes!”

Everyone nodded at my shout and performed the ritual.

Within a few moments, the spells performed by several people combined into one form, forming a magic circle.


And at the same time.

The huge chunk of ice that the Great Spirit had created began to fall heavily as if it would crush me.

At that moment, a strong light flashed from the magic circle created by the residents, and a huge barrier appeared with me at the center.


The ice chunk hits the barrier and

It shook violently as if an earthquake had occurred.

Soon the ice block split in half and fell limply.

“… … Okay, okay!”

“I blocked it!”

At that time, I was happy that I had blocked one of his attacks.

Over, over, over… … .

Small cracks began to appear in the opaque barrier.

Everyone looked bewildered by the sudden situation and took a step back.

“What is this… … ?”


The barrier was instantly torn apart into pieces. The great barrier that everyone had worked together to create collapsed in an instant.


At the same time, the Great Spirit took a step forward.

The earth shook loudly and the magic hidden in nature shook like waves.

And then the guy’s red eyes flashed again, and the snowstorm that had been falling from the sky began to blow harder than before.


“Ugh… …

I felt like my body was freezing in the sudden strong snowstorm.

In extreme cold, I can’t think of anything

I couldn’t do it and my concentration to execute the ritual was disrupted.

At the same time, the ground beneath our feet began to freeze.

“… … My, my foot!”

“… … Ugh! What kind of magic is this?”

The situation has become urgent.

I felt embarrassed and tried to concentrate on implementing the spirit materialization technique.

At that moment, the Great Spirit’s gaze turned to me. With a strong murderous intent, a huge ice cube began to materialize once again above the guy’s head.

Hey, hey, hey!

It was incomparably larger than the ice chunk I had just seen.

Should I say it’s like looking at a meteorite?


The terrified townspeople used their evaporation magic to thaw their frozen feet.

But nothing changed as the ice was re-formed by the strong blowing snowstorm.

“Hey… …! How much is left?!”

At that time, Jeong Min-ha asked me in a tearful voice.

And at the same time, a huge piece of ice began to slowly fall, covered in pure white cold air.

When I saw it, I realized that this was not the time.

First, you have to regain your focus.

[Activates potential personality ‘Over-immersion’.]


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Soon the voices of fear heard from around them disappeared.

The only thing left in my mind was to complete the ‘Spirit Manifestation Technique’, and I carried it out.

After a while, the extreme cold approached and a chill spread throughout my body.

However, I focused on completing the ritual until the end.

That moment when your whole body starts to freeze.


A strong light emanated from the ‘Spirit Materialization Technique’ implemented throughout the land.

The technique implemented over a period of two minutes was completed.

[Successfully activated ‘Spirit Manifestation Technique’!]

[The spirit of the ‘Great Spirit of the Snowy Mountain’ becomes materialized.]

[You have successfully completed an ancient ritual using your latent personality.]

[The proficiency of ‘Art of Understanding (A)’ increases significantly.]

[The level of ‘Art of Understanding’ increases!]

[It will enable more sophisticated and faster implementation of the technique.]

[You have achieved the ‘Great Spirit Embodiment’ achievement.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]


After realizing that I had successfully implemented the spell, I immediately activated the next ability.

[Use effect ‘Instant Acceleration’ is activated.]

As the acceleration kicked in, everything in front of me started to appear slow.

I quickly rolled my eyes and took in the entire situation in front of me.

Bodies frozen halfway through their bodies. People paralyzed with fear.

A giant chunk of ice that came right up to our noses


And even the appearance of the Great Spirit being bewildered by the materialized flesh.

I spread out my palm.

Within a moment, the blue magical power spread out and slowly took the shape of a magic circle.

Could it be because my understanding of alcohol has risen to S-level?

It felt easier to implement the technique than usual.

I was able to complete the shape of the magic circle at a much faster rate than before, and the size was also made to be incomparably larger than before by my will.

Could be.


And the magic circle soon took the form of an invincible defensive magic, a disc attack.

The moment the ice block was about to touch the magic circle

Slowed time returned to normal and the disc attack was activated.

The huge chunk of ice that filled the sky was soon shot back towards the Great Spirit of the Snowy Mountains.

The Great Spirit desperately tried to block the attack, but as always, it was not easy to counter the disc attack with the wrong timing.

The Great Spirit, not expecting his attack to be returned, was caught in his own attack.


A loud, grotesque scream erupted, and a huge hole opened between the creature’s chest and stomach.

“… … What, what? The attack was reflected?”

“What kind of magic is that?”

Surprised voices were heard from around them.

But I paid no attention and prepared for the next attack.

Because it’s time to take out what you’ve prepared for this moment.

I am in ‘The Legacy of the Formless Spirit’

The fire attribute that had been stored in advance was activated.

At the same time, numerous flame spheres began to materialize around them.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

As the warm magical energy spread through the pure white snowstorm, my frozen body slowly began to melt.

The people around me were the same.

Jeong Min-ha, who had become free in an instant, looked around and shouted loudly.

“Now is the time!”

At that shout, everyone started drinking again.

It was real.

It was a binding spell to prevent the guy from moving.

… … Ugh.

Now is your chance.

I immediately activated my newly acquired trait.

[Activates ‘Protection of Reversal’.]


A mysterious power I had never experienced before spread through my body.

As I opened my palm and drew my magical power again, a mysterious aura of transparent light began to gather into a circular shape.

[Use effect ‘Attribute Inversion’ to activate.]

Attribute inversion.

As much as the guy’s highest attribute resistance

It was a technique that lowered all attribute resistances.

As you might expect, he is an ice-attribute spirit.

Because it possessed extreme ice attribute resistance, it could be said to be the most powerful magic for it.


And as if he sensed the danger of the magic reversal floating on my palm, he quickly created a block of ice and tried to attack me.

at that time.


Numerous magical chains shot out from the ground and began to bind the Great Spirit’s legs.

The guy’s body tilted sharply in the sudden situation.

‘… … Now is the time!’

The moment the guy showed his weakness, I released a magic of reversal on him.


The magic soon reached the guy’s body and began to seep into him.

At the sudden situation, the Great Spirit’s red eyes flashed.

… … Creak, creak?

“Is it okay?”

At that moment, the Great Spirit’s pure white gray fur gradually lost its luster. The creature seemed to sense something was wrong with its body, rolled its eyes, and slowly opened its mouth to scream.

He shouted.

[All attribute resistances will decrease by the amount of the Ancient Spirit’s Ice attribute resistance!]


All of the guy’s attribute resistances have been greatly reduced.

If you use it on a human who doesn’t have high basic attribute resistance, it won’t be very effective, but this guy is a spirit who is extremely biased towards one attribute.

Now the guy was practically naked, his thick armor completely removed.

And now was the chance.

[Use effect ‘Victory Report’ to activate.]

[Use effect ‘Fighting Spirit’ is activated.]

[Usage effect ‘Heart of Nature’ is activated.]

[Activates the usage effect ‘Must Hit’.]


As I activated several effects, I felt a strong magical energy spreading out from within my body.

And then, slowly, a sphere of burning flame began to materialize on my palm.

Ice attribute monsters are basically vulnerable to fire attribute.

In addition, due to the effect of attribute reversal, the resistance to all attributes is reduced by the same amount as the guy’s ice attribute resistance. In other words, the resistance to the fire attribute has been greatly reduced.

That means, with just simple fire magic,

It was said that Rodo could inflict great damage on the guy.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sphere of flame was now bathed in a soft golden light.

The Great Spirit seemed to sense danger and struggled to escape.

But it was not easy to move against the binding magic created by people.

I smiled slightly and opened my palm towards the guy.

I took a short breath and released it towards the guy.


Through the pure white snowstorm, a sphere of red flame pierced the guy’s chest.

This will be a pretty fatal attack for him, as his already low fire attribute resistance has been greatly reduced.


At the same time, a huge wave of magical power swept through the surrounding area.

The guy screamed in agony. For a moment, it felt like victory, but no matter how weak he was, an attack like this wouldn’t be enough to take his life.

We need to accumulate more attacks.

I opened my palms again and drew up my magical power for the final finishing touch.


A magic circle was formed in front of the palm of my hand, and the magic circle was quickly completed due to the effect of the increased understanding of magic.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!

One by one, the magic circles of [Magic Rain] began to materialize in the sky.

I didn’t stop there.

Then, he activated another newly acquired ability, [Characteristic Inversion].

[Use effect ‘Characteristic Reversal’ is activated.]

[The cooldown of the use effect ‘Fighting Spirit’ has been reset.]

[Use effect ‘Fighting Spirit’ is activated.]

This was my best option since I can’t use any other magic while using the Magic Rain.

And at the same time, with the ability value increased by 30%, the power value was also increased by 30%.

I felt an overwhelming magical power bursting out from within my body.


After taking a short deep breath, he activated the magic circle of a torrential downpour of magical power.


A strong light emanated from the magic circles that filled the sky.

And as if a natural disaster had occurred, an endless rain of flames fell upon him.

Strengthened by the fighting spirit and the effects of the understanding of magic techniques that had been developed over time, the torrential rain of magic contained a power incomparable to that of before.

The shower of flames falling so densely burned the body of the great spirit of the snowy mountain.

Kwaaaaang! Kwaaaaang! Kwaaaaang!

The guy howled loudly.

The snow on Seolsan Mountain quickly melted due to the continuous onslaught of flames, and the Great Spirit also burned in a horrific manner that could be called the Great Spirit of the Volcano.

“… … How is this magic.”

I continued to focus on the magic.

As time passed, the rapid regeneration effect of the Heart of Nature could not withstand it and gradually my mana decreased, but it did not end there.

[The persistent effect ‘Magic Reversal’ is activated.]

As the remaining magical power in the body slowly ran out, the magical power reversal effect exploded and it was instantly restored.

Once again, the magical power within his body filled up, and the shower of flames continued.

The guy slowly lost strength and collapsed.

I looked at that guy and was lost in thought.

The protection of reversal.

Thinking about it again, it seems better than most SS grade traits.

Of course, it was extremely effective because the opponent was a spirit.

… … Time passed like that.

The guy suddenly lost his strength and fell to the floor.

At the same time, the floor shook loudly and a message appeared before my eyes.

[The Great Spirit of Seolsan has been subdued.]

[You have achieved the ‘Subjugation of the Great Spirit’ achievement.]

[You will receive 30,000 points as a reward.]

[You have won the fight against the target!]

[Acquire ‘Ruler of the Border (S)’ as an effect of the Victory Report.]

[A major change has been detected in the future.]

[Causality increases by 2.]

A number of messages appeared before my eyes.

At the same time, all remaining magical power in the body was consumed and all magic disappeared.

I looked at the corpse of the Great Spirit of the Snowy Mountain burning hotly with trembling eyes and muttered softly.

“… … I won.”

The flames that burned the Great Spirit’s body gradually died down due to the snowstorm on the mountain.

The guy’s massive body slowly dissipated into a dust of light, and over time, it completely disappeared.

After a while, the snowstorm blowing across Seolsan Mountain stopped.

A faint ray of sunlight slowly appeared between the dark black clouds, as if celebrating a victory, and warmly illuminated the ground.

“Kim Seon-woo.”

As I was looking at the scenery before my eyes, I heard Jeong Min-ha’s voice from behind.

I turned around and met her gaze. Her eyes, looking at me, were filled with suspicion.

I smiled at her and said,

“It’s all over now.”

With this, the entity that had long terrified the residents of the border was annihilated.

It may not be possible to say that complete peace has been restored, but at least the harm done to spirits will be almost completely eliminated.

I activated the outsider’s benefit and looked around.

Now that the situation is over, it’s time to start collecting the rewards of victory.

At that moment, a faint trace of a magic circle came into view on the nearby floor.

“Is that it?”

I walked slowly in the direction of the magic circle.

As I carefully cleared the snow covering the ground, a magic circle buried in the snow revealed itself.

Inside was a simple sealing technique similar to a treasure chest.


I immediately raised my magical power and dismantled the magic circle.

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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