Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 442

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Episode 443

My body, with the mask on, quickly approached the giant spirit’s nose.

The spirit screamed loudly and swung its fist at me, and I activated my ability at the right time.

[Use effect, activates ‘Light Speed’.]


The magic of light enveloped my body and I began to emit a tremendous amount of light.

Speed ​​of light.

It was one of Lee Seo-jun’s vision magic techniques that used light attribute magic to amplify physical abilities.

At the same time, the monster’s movements seemed slow as if he had used [Instant Acceleration], and I activated Lee Seo-jun’s next ability.

[The characteristic ‘Baekcheon Sword Technique’ is activated.]


A light flashed from the sword, and the spirit’s fist aimed at me was cut off.

In a split second, unseen by the eye, the silver sword in my hand cut off the guy’s arm.

[You have successfully used the high-level ability of the acting subject.]

[Your ego is slightly shaken.]

[Adaptive trait, ‘Basic Swordsmanship (E)’

[I get it.]

Ignoring the message that appeared before his eyes, he activated the next ability.

[Use effect ‘Baekcheon Extreme Island’ to activate.]

At the same time, my upper body leaned forward.

The center of the body shifted to the two hands holding the sword, and a strong magical light began to emanate from the sword.

“… … Hmph!”


The afterimage of the swung sword flashed horizontally in a long line.

A huge wave spread out around my body, and blood burst out with a pure white light in the center of the monster’s body, and the spirit’s magical power rose into the sky.

Wow… … .

The spirit slowly disappeared.

Confident of victory, I stood still and looked up at the guy.

[You have achieved the ‘Spirit Slaying’ achievement.]

[You will receive 3,000 points as a reward.]

[You have achieved the ‘Victory with the Sword’ achievement.]

[You will receive 3,000 points as a reward.]

“Wow, wow!”

A surprised voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw a black-haired man

A woman approached me with shining eyes.

“I thought you were a manifestation wizard, but you’re a strong fire wizard? Awesome!”

She spoke again as she looked over my body.

“Do you know me? What is your name?”

I answered that question naturally.

“This is Lee Seo-jun.”

I answered without thinking and then felt something strange.

… … Was my name Lee Seo-jun?

I felt momentarily confused as many questions crossed my mind.

And then suddenly a headache struck.


[The evolved potential personality ends the ‘mask play’.]

[‘Lee Seo-jun’ had a very high level of understanding, so he succeeded in acting perfectly.]

[Lee Seo-jun’s fairy tale rate increases by 8%.]

[As the assimilation rate increases, the target’s ability increases.

can be used effectively, but at the expense of greater risk of losing one’s ego.]


For a moment, I found myself thinking of myself as ‘Lee Seo-jun’ without even realizing it.

So much so that I might not have noticed the change if she hadn’t asked my name.

I think this ability is more dangerous than I thought.

“… … Lee Seo-jun?”

Then the black-haired woman muttered with blank eyes.

“Huh? I know him! Lee Seo-jun!”


At the woman’s unexpected words, I looked back at her.

He was jumping around and his eyes were shining as if he had discovered a celebrity.

“I heard it through rumors when he was alive! He was not only talented, but also incredibly handsome! But… …

The woman stares at me intently, stroking her chin as if observing my face.

“… … Do you think the rumors about him being handsome are a bit exaggerated? Or did he change a bit as he got older?”

“Reverse change?”

I admit that I am somewhat(?) inferior to Lee Seo-jun, but I don’t think the difference is that great.

When I squinted my eyes, she let out an awkward laugh, as if she had made a mistake.

“Oh, no. It’s still warm and nice, but it’s not as heavenly as the rumors say… …

When I didn’t answer, she finally lowered her head.


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“… … I’m sorry. As rumored, you’re really handsome. I often hear that I have bad eyesight. I’m sorry.”

I looked at her like that and sighed deeply.

I don’t know what the situation is, but I think it would be best to first clear up any misunderstandings.

“I’m not Lee Seo-jun.”

“……got upset?”

What are you talking about?

“That’s not true. Lee Seo-jun.”

“Hey~ I’ve seen all the light attribute swordsmanship. Even though I don’t know Lee Seo-jun’s face, I know that he’s a light attribute strengthening type.”

It seems like she completely believed that I was Lee Seo-jun.

It was an unavoidable situation since he had shown a swordsmanship of the light attribute that was not mixed.

In the end, in order to get a clear explanation, I will have to reveal that I am Kim Seon-woo.

But I decided to stop because I felt reluctant to reveal my name to someone I didn’t know.

“Who are you?”

“Ah. I’m Jeong Min-ha.”

She introduced herself confidently.

“Jeong Min-ha?”

It’s my first time hearing that name.

I don’t think he’s the same character as in the original.

I looked at her and used [Character Sense].

Name: Jeong Min-ha

Age: 20

Race: Human Status: Calm Magic Level: A- Interest: 0

Looking at the information, it appears he wasn’t lying.

Age 20… …Looks young, but we are the same age.

By the way, if the magic power level is A-, then you are old

The contrast is quite high.

Because he’s someone who would almost certainly be in the top 10 in the Magic Academy.

Then Jeong Min-ha asked.

“But when did you come to the border? I’m seeing you for the first time.”

“I just got here.”

“Huh? Really?”

He asks with his eyes wide open.

I stared at her like that, nodded, and looked around.

“Okay. There’s a village nearby. Can you give me some directions?”

“Please help me.”

“… … What is this? You said you just came, but the village is

“How did you know that it was there?”

Following her guidance, I walked along the path of the border. The night grew dark and the howling of a monster could be heard from somewhere.

I held Jeong Min-ha’s silver sword tightly in my hand and prepared for any possible monster attacks.

As I was walking down the street feeling so nervous, she said as if she was thinking of me.

“But isn’t Lee Seo-jun 20 years old this year?”

At her unexpected words, I looked at the back of her head.

He quickly turned around, laughed heartily, and poked me in the ribs.

“That’s right! The same age as me! Nice to meet you, my friend!”

After that, she started chatting with me, saying that it had been a long time since she had seen me.

You can get some information from them

, that she had been living in the border world for about three years.

The number of spirit monsters is rapidly increasing, especially in the [Frozen Valley] in the south.

That’s why the magicians of the manifestation world are unable to exert their power.

“I’m glad that a skilled magician from the Reinforcement Division has come. Everyone will really welcome him. He’s a nice guy.”

Before we knew it, we had arrived at the village in the southwest.

Unlike the [City of the Living] located in the north, it was like a small countryside.

It almost reminded me of the goblin village seen from the Tower of the Four Seasons.

“Village chief!”

At that moment, Jeong Min-ha waved his hand at the white-haired old man.

The old man’s gaze turned to us, and I sensed an ominous aura from him. Should I say he smelled like an incredibly strong man?

Although not as much as Kim Jin-cheol, I felt a similar energy.

I felt doubtful and used [Character Insight].

Name: Kim Jeong-hee

Age: 81

Race: Human Status: Calm Magic Level: S+ Interest: 0

Surprisingly, the old man’s magic power level was S+.

There are only a handful of people in the world with an S+ rank.

By the way, Kim Jeong-hee?

… … I’ve heard that name a lot. Where did I hear it?

“It’s late. What were you doing all night to come here now?”

Kim Jeong-hee muttered while looking at me and Jeong Min-ha.

Jeong Min-ha let out an awkward laugh.

“I’m sorry. I was suddenly chased by a spirit… … Ah! This is the new friend who arrived today! His name is Lee Seo-jun!”

“… … Lee Seo-jun?”

Kim Jeong-hee’s eyes briefly filled with doubt. Then she looked at me and said.

“Are you really Lee Seo-jun?”

“No. I—”

Then he cut me off and said,

“… … You. You’re alive.”

Most of the people on the border are dead and have become spirits.

Only a very small number of living beings visit the border, and ‘Kwak’, who created a virtual world based on the past border world,

There is ‘Mujin’. Also, in the original work, Ja-woon visited while still alive to obtain the [Seed of Origin].

But maybe it was because of my mood, but when he said ‘alive’, it sounded like something else.

“… … Living beings?”

And at Kim Jeong-hee’s words, Jeong Min-ha looked at me with surprised eyes.

“You were a living human?!”

“Uh. Maybe.”

Since he was resurrected by the effect of immortality, he must be alive.

At that news, nearby villagers began to gather. There were about 20 people in total.

“Wow. Are you alive? It’s been a while.”

“How did you end up here?”

Kim Jeong-hee stepped forward to face the endless questions.

People looked at him and then stepped back.

“A living being… … I don’t know why I came to the world of the dead, but it’s unfortunate. The circumstances must have gone awry.”

Things are awry?

As I looked at him with questioning eyes, he continued.

“Lee Seo-jun. Is your goal to return to the surface?”

“Yes. Of course, since he is alive… …

“There is a set time when the living can return to the surface from the boundary. It is the day when the red moon rises and the wall of the boundary is torn down.”


The world of the border was also limited in the original work, so this was the first time I learned about it.

I never thought there would be such a setting.

“And the last time the red moon rose was just two days ago.”

“Two days ago?”

… … If it was two days ago, the timing would have been off. I don’t know how long it will be until the next time.

Since it’s come to this, I guess I’ll have to leisurely finish subduing the Great Spirit of Origin.

I felt complicated and asked him again.

“Then do you know when the red moon will rise again?”

Kim Jeong-hee answered my question.

“Two years later.”

For a moment I doubted my ears. Did I hear wrong just now?

… … Three days pass again.

Seoul National Cemetery, South Korea.

Great achievements and sacrifices for the country

Kim Seon-woo’s gravestone was proudly erected in the national cemetery where only those with national merit may be buried.

In front of him was the owner, Lee Seo-jun. Then, Shin Young-jun, Yoon Ha-young, Lee Hyun-joo, Yoo Ah-ra, and Choi Seo-yoon stood with dark faces, and behind them, the big-time magicians, Kim Jin-cheol, Choi Il-hyun, Kim Deok-hyun, and Yoo Yeon-yeon stood with gloomy faces.

[2015. 4. 21. ~ 2034. 1. 28]

[Kim Seon-woo’s Grave]


Yoon Ha-young, who had been looking down at Kim Seon-woo’s tombstone for a while, eventually burst into tears.

Yuara quietly hugged her, biting her lips to hold back her own emotions that were about to explode.

“Seonwoo… … Seonwoo is so pitiful… … Huaaaaang… …

Yoon Ha-young kept shouting out in Yoo Ah-ra’s arms that Kim Sun-woo was pitiful.

At those sad words, Shin Young-jun turned his head with a red face and wiped away tears, and Choi Seo-yoon silently looked down at the tombstone and shed tears.

“What should I do… … Seonwoo… … Seonwoowoo… … Ugh… …

Lee Seo-jun clenched his fists, his gaze fixed on the tombstone, and muttered softly.

“Rest in peace… … I will definitely… … definitely… …

Lee Seo-jun did not continue speaking.

His pledge was kept deep in his heart.

As time passed, the funeral was over and all schedules were concluded.

The reporters who had gathered disappeared and Kim Seon-woo

Friends gathered on a bench in the national cemetery park.

Lee Seo-jun looked around at them and said.

“Everyone worked hard.”

“… … No. You suffered the most.”

Lee Seo-jun smiled bitterly at Yoo Ah-ra’s words.

“What do we do now?”

“Well, now we have to live our lives too. Kim Seon-woo would want that too.”

Lee Seo-jun was lost in thought after hearing Shin Young-jun’s answer.

Kim Seon-woo would want that too… … .

In a way, that was true. He was the guy who always cared about us, even though he pretended not to.

“That’s right.”

“And the association told me to take a week off. I have to take a week off when I have to.”

Everyone except Choi Seo-yoon belongs to the special task force.

I wasn’t too worried because I would continue to meet them in the future, but not Seo-yoon Choi. She would be alone for the time being.

Lee Seo-jun, who was worried for nothing, turned his gaze to Choi Seo-yoon who had empty eyes.

“Seo-yoon. And you?”

Choi Seo-yoon turned her gaze at Lee Seo-jun’s call.

“… … I’m going back to my hometown.”


“I have to prepare for the next school year too… … Don’t worry too much.”

Choi Seo-yoon smiled.

But her sad eyes remained the same, and Lee Seo-jun felt a deep sense of unease when he saw her like that.

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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