Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 439

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Episode 440

Across the cracks in the wall, everyone was looking at me with intense emotions.

I tried to somehow remove the crack by hitting it with my fist and using my magic power, but it was meaningless.

This is because the cracks manipulated by power have such strong power that they cannot be destroyed even by the power of Kruas.

“Kim Seon-woo… … Are you serious?”

“… … Seonwoo. This time too, you’re doing this because you have some corner of trust, right? Huh?”

I closed my mouth for a moment as I listened to Yoon Ha-young’s words while sobbing.

Because it is a corner of faith… … .

I turned around and looked up at the huge black sphere hovering over Croas’s head.

If I have any means left, I have the [Demon Realm Water’s Gahi] that reduces damage taken by 90%.

If this ability is activated, you will probably be able to survive even if you are hit with most magic.

But that sphere is different.

It contained enough magical power to obliterate the entirety of Seoul, so no matter how much damage I reduced, there was no way my body could withstand it.

If I had one more means left… … .

“… … Seonwoo?”

When there was no answer, she called my name again.

I forced a smile at her.


Yoon Ha-young’s eyes widened in confusion.

Soon tears flowed down his cheeks from his reddened eyes.

I didn’t want to give false hope.

I’ve thought about it before, but if I were to disappear, I hope they wouldn’t waste their time looking for me.

“… … Sorry? Seonwoo. What do you mean?”

I didn’t answer.

“please please……

And then a desperate voice

I heard a poem.

When I turned my gaze, Choi Seo-yoon was looking at me with a pale face.

I’ve been with her for a long time, but I’ve never seen her face so filled with despair and fear as it is now.


When I saw her like that, the emotions I had barely been able to hold back began to rise. However, I bit my lips and held them back.

If this is really my last, it’s because I want to leave a good impression on them until the end.

And I wanted to make it clear that I did not regret this choice.

“I am always grateful to you. And… …

I have a lot to say, but I can’t seem to organize it.

There was definitely something I wanted to say to her.

“Please… …Senior… …

“Kim Seon-woo.”

This time, Lee Seo-jun called me. His eyes were filled with sadness.

As time passed and he calmed down a bit, his reactions were calmer compared to other people.

“… … Is this your choice?”

“Oh. I don’t regret it. So, please let the ending end well.”

Lee Seo-jun’s face distorted.

He nodded slowly, as if he had finally accepted the situation amidst a whirlwind of emotions.

I turned back again and looked at Croix.

The black sphere that Croas has implemented

The body was almost finished.

It means that I don’t have much time left.

I finally looked at the faces of the people who were left. Shin Young-jun, Yoo Ah-ra, Ha Ryeong… … .

And the salt-blooded, sword-wielding, and Yu Ah-yeon, who were watching from afar, and the other magicians of the association…

I wanted to say hello, but I don’t have time.

[A lot of people owe you a debt of gratitude.]

[You will receive 10,000 points as a reward.]


A huge sound echoed across the sky as Croix’s magic was completed.

Soon a black sphere began to fall towards the ground.

Looking at it, I thought.

… … In the end, am I going to die as prophesied?

[Achieve the ‘Sacrifice’ achievement.]

[You will receive 10,000 points as a reward.]

“No. No. No… …

The black sphere soon descended to right in front of my nose.

My vision slowly darkened, and an intense magical energy enveloped my body.

Feeling that energy, I slowly closed my eyes.

[A great change in the future has been detected.


[Causality increases by 8.]



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The terrible pain that followed… … My body began to burn as black magic consumed me.

The sensation of the body gradually disappeared, and a voice could be heard faintly from beyond the crack.

“No no……

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

This is enough.

In the end, I ended up choosing death myself… … .

I absolutely do not regret this decision.

Wooooow… … !

And then a message appeared before my eyes.

[The special effect ‘Protection of the Demon World’ is activated.]


I slowly opened my eyes in excruciating pain.

A pure white space where nothing can be seen.

An unfamiliar space, like a mysterious world, came into view.

I tried to move my body in doubt, but I felt no sensation other than physical pain.

[… … Still alive. Really

What a tough life. Chaos.]

A voice came from somewhere. A familiar voice.

It was Croix’s will.

When I raised my head, I saw Kruas, who had been consumed by chaos and turned into a pure white dragon, crouching on the ground.

And the guy’s body was slowly disintegrating into dust.

… … What is it? Am I still alive?

As if answering my will, Croix spoke.

[… … Yes, you are definitely alive. But you are not alive. You are only surviving for a short while under the protection of the Demon World Tree. You will die soon.]

… … So, it seems like he avoided instant death thanks to the protection of the Demon King.


With this condition, I’ll die soon.

So there was no miracle after all? Then suddenly a question occurred to me.

If I were alive, this would be Lee Seung-il, but where the hell is it?

[It’s ’emptiness’.]

Empty space?

[A world of nothingness where nothing exists. A phenomenon that temporarily occurs when a crack swallows up a huge amount of magic power.]

Void. It was a concept I didn’t know. Well, it has no meaning now.

[The last one between the two who are dying

Let’s have a conversation.]

What are you trying to talk about?

[I want to know why you made this choice. Even though the situation forced you to make a sacrifice, weren’t you prepared to die before?]

know how things are working around.

As the guy said, I went into battle with each of the Donggwi Eojinhal.

It was possible to fight while throwing one’s body into a frenzy because of that kind of determination.

If it hadn’t been like that in the first place, the battle itself wouldn’t have been established.

[If we were going to choose death like this, wouldn’t it have been better for both of us to have committed suicide from the beginning?]

I laughed inwardly at those words.

If that were the case, I’d be the only one dying. I can’t stand seeing that happen even if I die.


I heard Croas’s reaction of bewilderment. Soon, the guy started laughing quietly.

[I won’t die alone… … Hehe. This is the evil malice that only humans can have.]

In fact, other than that reason, I also wanted to protect the people around me.

After all, he knew that one day, Kruas would try to take Lee Seo-jun’s life.

Then, as if reading my thoughts, Croix said:

[You may think you are doing the right thing, but you are not.]

At Croas’s sudden words, I

I felt doubtful.

[The human you were trying to protect has the potential to cause great harm to this world in the distant future.]

Suddenly, a question arose.

Why did Croix try to take Lee Seo-jun’s life?

[The reason is simple. He is a human who has already experienced death once.]

I already knew that.

Lee Seo-jun experienced death once at the hands of Jin Cheon-woo.

The reason was to complete Jin Cheon-woo’s ‘immortality’ plan.

[… … The human body that has experienced death becomes the material to become ‘immortal’, and ‘immortality’ becomes the material to become ‘god’ beyond that.]

Materials to become a god… … .

Croix continued.

[‘Immortal’ is different from the ‘Immortal Fate’ that I possess. The ‘Immortal’ that your summoner possesses is the same. ‘Immortal’ possesses absolute power that cannot be broken by any power.]

Croix continued his difficult words.

[True ‘immortality’ is something that cannot be killed even by the ‘chaos’ you possess.]

[What do you think would happen if an immortal being appeared in this world?]

I never thought about it.

After all, Jin Cheon-woo in the original work did not become ‘immortal’.

[Great chaos will arise… … Immortal beings will reign supreme over the world at once… … Apostles and Gods

Nothing, including rain, will be able to stop him… … ]

Then the guy spoke. I don’t know if it was my imagination, but it seemed like he was starting to feel the limits of his life.

[A predetermined fate… … The reason the laws of the world exist is to prevent the birth of the ‘immortal’… … In the end, if fate blocks it, the ‘immortal’ will not be born… … ]

[But… …the law of the world through your existence

The law is collapsing… … If an ‘immortal’ being were to be born in this world right now, it would be irreversible… … .]

The Croix eventually completely turned to dust and disappeared.

The king of the calamity-level demons, born with the destiny of immortality, lost all his powers and was ultimately destroyed.

I stared blankly into the blank white space, lost in thought.

Immortal being.

I think I know why Croix was targeting Lee Seo-jun.

It was to eliminate the seeds of chaos that would arise in the world in advance. And to stop the plan of ‘Jin Cheon-woo’ hidden behind it.

At the same time, I slowly began to get a sense of what Kim Chang-hyun wanted from me.

… … Was that the reason?


My consciousness began to slowly fade.

All the energy is scattered within the body,

I felt like I was floating in the sky.

My eyelids slowly drooped as if I was falling asleep.

As if in a dream, memories flash through my mind.

… … Now I’m going to die.

It wasn’t as scary as before. At some point, I also came to accept this situation.

What happens next? Will my existence as a country disappear?

I am now… … .

In my fading consciousness… … I slowly closed my eyes.

A giant crack appeared in the center of Seoul, and began to twist, bathed in dazzling light.

After a while, a strong magical energy condensed around the crack and rose into the sky.

The light spread out beautifully, as if comforting those left behind.

The crack consumed mana and became ’emptiness’. What this phenomenon meant was that it was impossible for anyone trapped in the crack to return.

“… …Is it over?”

The King of Disaster-level Demons and the Demon King have disappeared.

Two beings that had terrified mankind for a long time had disappeared together.

It was clearly a joyous occasion for humanity, but no one was happy.

The appearance that Kim Seon-woo showed to everyone at the end was clearly for humanity.

Because it was.



Those who were close to Kim Seon-woo were unable to recover from the shock.

Yoon Ha-young sat on the floor and cried endlessly, and Choi Seo-yoon stared blankly at the light in the sky with unfocused eyes.

Yua looked down at the floor with a distorted face.

Lee Seo-jun bit his lips and felt a strong anger he had never felt before.

“… … Kim Seon-woo.”

Kim Seon-woo was destroyed along with the crack.

Everyone here has shouldered everything that should have been theirs.

He still couldn’t believe this situation. How did this happen?

“You really… …

And Ha-ryeong, standing next to him, was also looking up at the light with a sorrowful face.

This situation was embarrassing for him, because the loyalty he had given to the king in the short period of less than half a year was real.

It was a stroke of luck.


At that moment, a woman’s voice was heard from behind Haryeong.

It was Seon Hwa, one of the Demon King and Kim Seon Woo’s close associates.

As Haryeong turned his gaze, she said:

“The power of the king. Did it come to you?”

“… … the power of the king?”

At those words, everyone’s eyes turned to the two.

Haryeong met their gazes and shook his head.

“It was not passed down to me.”

“… … Really? It wasn’t passed down to me either. What happened?”

It was clearly a sad situation for the King, but the current strange phenomenon had to be identified.

The fact that the king’s power was not inherited meant that the king might still be alive.

“… … Then are you perhaps an elder?”

“Probably not. The magic of inheritance

“Because it wasn’t observed.”

Haryeong was puzzled by this strange phenomenon.

The moment the king dies, succession must definitely take place.

The sect was not established


“… … Could it be that the king is still alive?”

“Maybe so.”

And at those words, light returned to Choi Seo-yoon’s eyes, which had been staring at the sky without focus.


Choi Seo-yoon spoke urgently to Lee Seo-jun.

“Just check the compass.”


“The fact that the royal succession has not been continued means that you are still alive. Then, you can find it using a compass.”

Yoon Ha-young, Yoo Ah-ra, and Shin Young-jun’s gaze trembled for a moment.

That wasn’t a wrong statement.

If Kim Seon-woo is alive, it is possible to find him through [Compass of Destiny]


—… …The compass of fate?

—Is this the relic I think it is?

As the story of the compass of fate was told, murmurs could be heard from the surroundings.

Because its effects are already known to the world.

And. Lee Seo-jun turned his gaze to Choi Seo-yoon, Yoon Ha-young, Yoo Ah-ra, and Shin Young-jun and nodded.

After that, they ran somewhere. Their bodies were in bad shape due to the long battle, but they ran while enduring all the pain.

Before they knew it, they had arrived at their destination, the mountain behind the Magic Academy School.

Behind them were Mine and several people from the association.

Lee Seo-jun dug the dirt on the floor without paying attention to them.


The ‘Silver Storage Box’ where the Compass of Destiny is stored.

Lee Seo-jun calmed his pounding heart

He took the box out of the dirt and took a deep breath before slowly opening it.



So the box opened, and the compass of fate hidden inside was revealed.

And the moment I checked the compass.


A short sigh escaped me.

Because every single one of the compasses’ glass windows in the box was cracked.

Everyone present looked at it with a deep sense of unease.

But I didn’t give up hope.

Even if the glass was cracked, there was hope that it might function normally if magical power was injected into it.

Lee Seo-jun quickly grabbed the compass and injected magic power into it. Then, Choi Seo-yoon, who saw it, sat down with her eyes unfocused.


The compass showed no response.

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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