Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 421

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Episode 422

… … How many stairs did I have to climb?

I was able to reach the [Moon Altar] at the end of the stairs.

At the same time, the hidden spells around the altar began to emit light and wrap around my body.

[The ‘Moon Festival’ is a historical space in Mine and only those who are qualified can climb it.

[I climbed to the top.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]

[I received the blessing of the moon.]

[Magic resistance increases by 10%.]

The Altar of the Moon, seen up close, was a stone ruin.

It seems to be poorly managed, with moss growing here and there, and the corners are corroded, giving it a feeling of old age.


It may seem old and useless on the surface, but I could read the complex spells hidden within.

It was a ritual that absorbed the magic of the full moon, created a circuit, and injected natural magic onto the altar.

And I looked at the cup of blood placed on the altar.

A small silver cup with an ornate pattern.

There was clear water inside.

But, you said that this was dew made by the magic of moonlight?

I calmly activated the outsider’s benefit and looked at the glass.

[Goblet of Blood (Holy Relic)]

Classification . Residue

Description: A cup filled with divine power. Legend has it that it contains the blood of a god.

[Long-lasting effect]

►Qualifications and Potential

It draws out the potential hidden in the blood by containing the blood of qualified people.

When a qualified person drinks blood, he or she gains power.

Durability: SSS

It was nothing different from what Seonhwa had explained.

As the description says, it raises the potential contained in my blood and gives me power.

The content was.

Perhaps the ‘qualified ones’ mentioned in the description are referring to the ‘power of the king’.

I reached out to the glass to begin the ceremony.

And he implemented magic power and made a small wound on the tip of his finger.

A red drop of blood formed on his fingertips and soon fell into the dew in the glass.


Red blood dripped into the glass, creating small ripples.

The clear water gradually turned red as it mixed with drops of blood.


At the same time, a mysterious aura began to spread from the glass.

And the mysterious light quickly spread out along with the strong light emanating from the liquid.

-… … The light just now. What was that?

—… … That’s right. It seems a little different from the second generation.

The voices of the minions were faintly heard from beneath the altar.

I wondered if there was a problem, but seeing that Ha-ryeong didn’t react at all, I didn’t think there was a problem.

I lifted my glass and turned around. At the same time, all the mines turned towards me.

He knelt down and bowed his head.

I stared blankly at the sight and then took a sip of my drink.


[I drank the ‘purified blood’.]

[A small change has been detected in the future.]

[Causality increases by 1.]


A mysterious aura began to spread again, centering around the floor I was standing on.

At the same time, an irresistible and intense energy began to envelop my body.

I could feel it, having had countless similar experiences.

I am now moving into a mysterious space.


In an instant, the surroundings changed.

A space filled with pure white light.

Now, I wasn’t flustered because I had experienced this phenomenon countless times.

This was a mysterious place.

“It was clearly said that the mystery directly gave power… …

Now that I think about it, it’s been quite a while since I last met Shinbi.

It just so happened.

There were things I wanted to ask Shinbi.

Right then.

[… … A special guest has come to visit us.]

I heard a voice ringing in my head.


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When I raised my head, a young man with black hair and wearing pure white clothes was standing before my eyes.

I frowned at the guy.

“… … What? A human?”

The guy laughed slightly at my words.

[Huh, huh. Do I look human?]

A voice ringing in my head.

This was clearly a ‘communication of intent’ used by Shinbi.

I felt dumbfounded for a moment.

“What is it…? Is it a mystery?”

[To borrow your human expression, it is like this.]

At his words, I stroked my chin and looked at him as if observing him.

“… … That’s unusual.”

[What’s so special?]

“Most of the mysteries I’ve met so far have had strange appearances.”

Not only that, but his personality is also strange.

He is also very playful like a child.

But, unlike the other mysteries, he seemed to have a sense of dignity.

[… … Hehe. It’s weird. It’s funny.]

Shinbi smiled softly and spoke again.

[This is not our true form… … It is merely a temporary means for communicating with mortals… … .]

I felt a little curious about those words.

“What criteria do you use to determine appearance?”

[Various. It is about revealing one’s true nature to the other.

[Projecting it… or… or borrowing someone else’s appearance… … By the way, I borrowed the appearance of someone who came here.]

If anyone comes here… … .

“… … Could it be the King of Prophecy?”

[I don’t know. But, just as his name suggests, he was someone with the power of prophecy.]

If so, then the king of prophecy is clear.

Because there were only two kings of the mines who drank the cup of blood.

By the way, the King of Prophecy was also very handsome. The second king was also very handsome, just by looking at his appearance.

Well, that’s not important.

[Your expression suddenly looks bad. Is something bad happening?]

“at all.”

Shinbi looked at me blankly and nodded.

“I heard that if you come here, you will be given power.”

[Yes, if a qualified person comes to me, I will grant him power.]

The mysterious man who had been mumbling like that continued to speak.

[But this time, unlike before, it’s fun

I feel like I’m going to sleep.]

I asked at the unexpected mysterious words.

“What’s so surprising?”

[I expected you to come to me to complete the bowl, but it came sooner than I expected.]


I blinked at the strange words.

“A bowl? What do you mean?”

[There is something like that. You don’t have to know it.]


I’ve seen the mysterious behavior of looking at the liver so often that I now think it’s natural.

I let out a short sigh.

Even before that, there was something I wanted to ask Shinbi when I met her again.

“There is one thing I would like to know.”


I told the guy.

“I heard that I have accumulated karma. Do I still have that karma now?”

Lately I’ve become the ‘King of Mine’

has undergone great changes.

And he also had a near-death experience in a battle with the second king.

So the question remained as to whether the karma was completely resolved by this incident or whether it still remained.

And to my question, Shinbi looked at me quietly and opened her mouth.

[Amazing. I didn’t think you knew that much… … 』

The guy’s eyes were slightly larger than before, as if he was really surprised.

I was surprised by the more colorful expressions than I thought.

I felt it.

[As you said, you have accumulated karma. It is karma accumulated from changing countless destinies at will until now… … and.]


[There is still a huge amount of karma left inside you.]

I bit my lip.

There was an expectation that by becoming the King of Mine, all the karma that had built up until then would be resolved.

Still have some left?

[You might have thought that your karma would have disappeared as you gained qualifications… … but that’s not the case. On the contrary, it’s the opposite. You accumulated even more karma because of that incident.]

“Wait a minute. So the karma hasn’t been resolved, but rather, it’s piled up?”

[That’s right… … That’s an incredibly large amount of karma… … Your actions have completely created the legitimacy of the judgment… … .]

Shinbi, who had been muttering to herself like that, narrowed her eyes and smiled.

[This is definitely going to kill me.]

For a moment, I felt eerie.

The prophets I have met so far have said that settling karma will not necessarily take the form of ‘death’.

I have been able to endure until now by relying on those words.

But this guy was convinced that I was going to die.

And if you ask which one is more trustworthy… … it is of course the mystery of the higher power.

I felt devastated but I was so frustrated

It wasn’t the time to be doing that.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and asked another question.

“Then what do you mean by the legitimacy of the judgment you just mentioned?”

[I can not say.]

A firm answer.

I gave up on hearing the answer because I knew that no matter what I did, he wouldn’t open his mouth.

Then suddenly I became curious about something else.

“If. As you say, I will die.

“What will happen to the world then?”

[… … Hmm? You mean your death?]

The mystery looked at me.

Then he tilted his head as if it was a question he had never thought of.

[Hmm. This is something I never thought about before… … The aftermath of a chaotic death… … .]

Shinbi muttered to herself and then said.

[Because of your existence, this world has already been covered in countless chaos. Now, it’s a problem even if you die. It’ll be a problem even if you don’t die… … Looking at it this way, I guess I did commit a mortal sin.]

I’m speechless.

Shinbi, who was looking at me like that, let out a light laugh again.

[I’m looking forward to it. The new future that the death of chaos will bring.]

It seems like my death is just a plaything for him.

“In any case, my death is certain.”

Feeling empty, I asked the guy.

“Is there no way for me to live?”

[No. This is fate.]

Shinbi answered firmly this time too.

At the same time, numerous thoughts crossed my mind.


If I die like the guy said.

My efforts so far.

What has all the effort I’ve put in so far been for?

And as those thoughts continued, a deep sense of sadness burst out from deep within my heart.

Came out.

“……Do not be ridiculous.”

Shinbi looked at me with questioning eyes at my sudden words.

I looked straight into that mystery.

“I won’t die like this.”

[… … ?]

“You said, I am free from my predetermined fate.”

Shinbi did not answer my words.

However, unlike before, he was looking at me with a face that had lost its smile.

It was.

“Then I will decide my own death.”

I have work to do.

The original world. Returning home… … .

I couldn’t just die like this just because it was fate.

And then the mystery opened its mouth at my appearance.

[Correction. As you said, you have the power of freedom to defy any fate.]

[And I said that you will die by fate, but this was my wrong way of saying it. You will die by fate, but you will not die by your fate.]

I frowned at the mysterious sudden change of words.


[You die by someone else’s fate.]

“What do you mean? Someone else’s fate?”

[Because of the future you changed, there is a strong destiny for some being to kill you.

was granted. And the power of that destiny is so strong that no power can surpass it.]

Fate has been bestowed… … .

With those words, I came to understand what Shinbi meant by the ‘justice of judgment’ that she had been talking about earlier.

And then naturally, one being came to mind.

The culprit of my death. That’s it.

“It’s Croix.”

[… … .]

The mystery was not denied.

I let out a hollow laugh at the sight.

Croix is ​​after me… … .

When I thought about it on my own, it was one of the strong candidates for the cause of death.

And as I became more and more aware of the exact cause of my death, the fear that had been building up inside me slowly subsided.

But it wasn’t all that comfortable.

Of all the culprits I could think of, the one I most hoped wasn’t Croix was this.

I asked.

“How much time is left until I die?”

Shinbi slowly opened her mouth.

[Less than a month left.]

The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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