Regressed Extras Become Geniuses Chapter 418

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Episode 419

Finally I found the ability I wanted at the point shop.

Transcendent will.

It was a trait that increased the sanity maintenance time of the runaway by five times.

If you gain this trait, your sanity retention time will increase from 10 to 50 seconds.

“… … The price doesn’t seem bad either.”

100,000 points.

Since I have collected over 400,000 points, it’s not that burdensome.

The only downside is that you also need to purchase the [Special Magic (S)] trait for maximum efficiency… … .

That means you have to spend at least 250,000 points.

“… … I’m worried.”

Are these two traits really worth giving up SS-rank abilities?

Doing math in my head

We have confirmed the ‘exploitation of coins’, which is the core of these two characteristics.

[Rampage 3 (SS)]

Category: Characteristics

Description: Go wild in extreme situations. You gain great power, but also incur penalties.

►Step 3

When used, you lose composure and all abilities increase by up to 5 times. Also

All recovery abilities are increased by 5x.

Super regenerative ability is always activated.

You lose the ability to control your magical powers. Instead, the effectiveness of strengthening your body using magical power is tripled.

The rate at which abilities increase decreases depending on the level of encroachment of the rampage.

When the rampage ends, you will fall into a state of exhaustion proportional to the level of erosion.

The madness gained by defeating the king of mines

Fire stage 3.

As expected from an SS grade trait, the effect is tremendous.

It’s similar to the protection of the moon that can only be used once a month… … .

In addition, when the effect of [King’s Power (SSS)] is combined, the effect of the super regenerative ability increases tenfold.

It may seem like a scam when you look at it this way, but you can’t get the full effect.

This is because, as a human, I need to go ‘partially wild’ to maintain my sanity when going wild.

[Partial Rampage (A)][Proficiency Level: 1 (43%)]

Category: Characteristics

Description: Controls the amount of magical energy consumed to maintain sanity.

►Runaway control

Controls magic to cause parts of the body to go berserk.

The effect of rampage is reduced depending on the proportion of the body that is not consumed.

As you can see, when using [Partial Rampage], the effect of Rampage decreases in proportion to the magic consumption.

Since the skill level is still low, you can see that you will not even get half the effect of the rampage.

Roughly double all abilities… … .

Looking at it this way, you may think it is a pity, but in fact, this figure of 2x is incredibly high.

You have been a great help to me so far

This is because the effect is about 3 times better when compared to the previous trait, [Fighting Spirit].

Of course, there are downsides to this.

The extremely short duration, the instability that comes with losing your sense of reason, and the exhaustion that occurs when the rampage ends…

There are so many when listed like this.

“But the high point is still high.”

As you continue to train, you will be able to maintain your composure during a rampage for longer periods of time.

Someday, there will come a day when I can maintain it for 3 or 5 minutes.


Considering that the protection of the moon can only be used once a month, its versatility is unparalleled.

“… … Okay. Let’s do it. It’s an ability I need to acquire someday.”

Now that I have become the King of Mine, I feel that I inevitably need these abilities to train my magic.

Since there is a high probability that you will purchase it later, it would be better to make a decision now.

[I purchased ‘Transcendent Will (S)’.]

[I purchased ‘Special Magic (S)’.]

[You have achieved the achievement ‘First Use of the Underground Dark Shop’.]

[You will receive 5,000 points as a reward.]

“I got a 5,000 point payback.”

Use 250,000 points and get 5,000.

I wonder if you’re just teasing me without even realizing it

Praying is better than nothing.

There is a saying that goes, “Many a little makes a mickle.”

At that moment, I cleared all the windows in front of me and tried to check my newly acquired trait again.

[Special gift for first-time customers at the Underground Dark Shop!]

[‘The Gourmet’s Guide to Vampires, Vol. 1

(E)’ is obtained.]

A bright white light began to appear before my eyes along with the rising message.


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At the same time, an old book was right in front of me.

It fell down with a thud.

“… … What is this?”

I absentmindedly picked up a book that had fallen on the floor.

I was momentarily dazed by the unexpected situation.

[The Gourmet’s Guide to Hop Blood Volume 1


Author: Hyeol-ik

It looked like a book for blood sucking, which is a characteristic of mine.

I was curious about what it was about, so I looked through it, and it said how to drink human blood, and it also described the history and origin of blood sucking by the mind.

“But I don’t drink blood.”

I am human.

It doesn’t even have the ‘blood sucking’ trait like mine.

Above all, I don’t want to live off blood.

Even though I have become the king of mines, I still have human dignity left in me.

“I guess I should give this to you. You seem to have had a hard time lately.”

It’s not a skill book, and I don’t think your abilities will increase by reading it.

The person who needs it. No, it would be right to give it to Mine.

I put the vampire guide in the subspace.

Late at night when the moon rises.

After purchasing the trait, I climbed the mountain near my hideout to test out my newly acquired abilities.

It’s a shame that there isn’t a practice space like at the Magic Academy or the Association Headquarters, but since there’s plenty of space around here, it has the advantage of being able to freely use area-of-effect magic, unlike the training center.

Even since the terrain is mountainous, there are huge rocks galore, so you can test out the power of magic.

By the way, this area is the area of ​​the mine war zone.

Since it is spread out, it is unlikely to be discovered outside during training.


After climbing the mountain, I took a short deep breath and slowly drew up my magic power.

The reason why you use Rampage to increase your magic power is simple.

This is to create an ‘extreme situation’ that is the trigger for the runaway.

—Most mines use their own hearts to use voluntary rampage.

Sin uses methods. I do the same.

I used my magic to slowly squeeze my heart, recalling the advice Haryeong had given me.

At the same time, I felt a strong pain and felt the dark energy hidden deep in my chest reveal itself.

[Your body has been pushed to the limit.]

[[Stage 3 of Rampage’ is activated.]]

[You will be able to use magic temporarily.]

[Activates ‘Partial Rampage’.]

As the rampage was successfully activated, I felt my mind becoming clouded.

My consciousness became clouded and I felt an urge to surrender everything to this overflowing force and instinct.

But I gritted my teeth and endured it.

“… … It’s definitely different.”

Perhaps due to the effect of [Transcendent Will], the sense of stability is on a whole other level than before.

Should I say it makes me feel alive?

The magical energy rising inside my body slowly began to consume me, and I used it to gather it in the palm of my hand.


I slowly implemented the drinking ritual using magic.

Mine is a magical technique that a small number of humans cannot implement.

The Binding of the Runes.

“……It works.”

It is being implemented properly.

It is also possible to have detailed control, as if you were manipulating magic powers.

I immediately spread out my palm and activated the rune binding.

At the same time, a black magic circle appeared on the floor and a black stream of light began to rise from above it.

A stark contrast to the bindings of the original rune.

I felt a sense of wonder at the form it had taken.

The black stream quickly shot towards the rock.

Although it was a binding magic, it caused a huge shock and an explosion due to the powerful force contained in the stem.



It’s as if the power was some kind of attack magic rather than binding magic.

Even if you originally have enormous magical power

Even the food I was eating was somehow tolerable thanks to the effects of the rampage.


In the blink of an eye, the original 10 seconds of reasoning time had passed.

But I still maintain my sanity.

“This is not the time to be amazed.”

Only 50 seconds left. There are still many abilities to be tested.

Instantaneous acceleration, a torrential downpour of horsepower… … .

I slowly drew up my magic energy while recalling the recipe in my head.

“Hello. Did you hear that? The elder is also coming to this succession ceremony.”

At the same time, in the hideout of the Sipmahoe.

Seonhwa appeared in front of Ha-ryeong, who was busy preparing for the succession ceremony, and said.

At those words, Ha-ryeong stopped all actions and turned his gaze to Seon-hwa.

“… … Elder?”

“I’m surprised too. I won’t attend any event except for the invitation.

“You are the one who declared it.”

The elder said.

He was a veteran who had lived for over 150 years, and he was a living history of mine.

He never yielded to the ‘nameless king’ who was called a tyrant, and showed his pride by giving up all the positions he had built up.

And it’s been 20 years since I disappeared from the sight of all mines…

“… … This is going to be a headache.”

At first glance, it seemed like a good thing

It wasn’t a good thing that only Hasin participated.

Because Haryeong still clearly remembered the appearance that Hasin had shown her during the time when she served the King of Prophecy.

Stubbornness and a reluctance to accept change.

Strong loyalty to the first king.

And… … arrogance.

“He will not be attending to celebrate the king’s succession.”

“I think so too.”

Hasin will not recognize the current king

It was clear.

The reason was simple.

This is because the current king, unlike the second king, did not usurp the throne by his own power.

There was even a joke among some minions that he was the ‘weakest king’ because he borrowed strength from humans.

“What do you think we should do?”

At Seonhwa’s question, Ha-ryeong closed his mouth for a moment.

Hasin is the person who laid the foundation for the Mine Society for a long period of 150 years.

Naturally, he is considered a ‘legendary figure’ among the people and is greatly respected.

This means that he is likely to have greater support than the current king, who has many doubts that he might be human.

If he showed himself as someone who did not recognize the king in front of the people, the people would certainly be greatly disturbed.

“It is impossible to refuse to attend. Rather, it may worsen public sentiment.”

“Then? It’s obvious that we’re going to get into trouble, so are we just going to take it like this?”

As of now, there was nothing we could do.

“Perhaps we could discuss qualifications in front of all the minions. We could even request a duel to confirm who is worthy of being king.”

If you do it, it is entirely possible.

And if a showdown between the two were to occur, there’s no telling what the outcome would be.

“… … Using that as an excuse, they killed the king.

“They might try to usurp the throne.”

That was the worst thing that could happen.

Haryeong thought for a moment and then said.

“Where is the king now?”

“He went out to relax for a bit. Did he say he had something to experiment on?”

… … Just now, I felt a faint sense of magic from somewhere.

Was it the king’s magic?

“I will go and tell the king.”

With those words, Haryeong left the hideout.

I walked out.

I climbed the mountain where the king usually trained, overlooking the wide East Sea.

How long had it been since I walked like that? From afar, I saw the figure of King Kim Seon-woo coming down from the mountain.

After finishing training, Dutta came down to the hideout.


Kim Seon-woo was the first to speak to Ha-ryeong after discovering her.

“Oh, I was just about to go see you.”

“… … Are you talking about me?”

“Okay. Take this.”

Kim Seon-woo took a book out of his arms and handed it to Ha-ryeong.

[Gourmet’s Guide to Hop Blood Volume 1]

“……What is this?”

“It’s a gift. Don’t just work, read and rest.”

Haryeong blinked at the unexpected remark. By the way, that book. Where did it just come from?

“Then I’ll go first.”

Kim Seon-woo tapped Ha-ryeong on the shoulder and went down the mountain.

In the sudden situation, Ha-ryeong realized that she had something to say to Kim Seon-woo.

“… … You seem very relaxed.”

Haryeong muttered like that and then turned his head to look at the place where Kim Seonwoo had come down.

That’s because I’ve been feeling a strong magical energy from there since a while ago.

I guess the king is training alone there.

I think it’s related.

Haryeong climbed the mountain again, following the magic he felt. Before he knew it, he had arrived at the destination where he could feel the magic.

And I stared blankly at the scenery that I saw.


The surrounding area was scorched earth.

It was as if he had used one of the king’s abilities, the magical rain…

But it was a little different.

Because all the faint energy felt around there was magic.

Haryeong’s two eyes trembled.

“When did you get this kind of magical control ability?


The extra who returned becomes a genius

Fantasy, games, bing, munchkin,

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